Top 26 Apps Similar to Saber Vivir Revista

Pierde 5 kilos en 5 días 12.0.0
Hippa Studio
Gracias por las 8,000 descargas denuestraaplicación, es todo un éxito la dieta de la avena, sin dudalamejor forma de perder peso. En tan solo 5 días, pierdes5kilos!No dejes de conocerla, descargala gratis!!!★★★★★ La dieta de la Avena ★★★★★Es una de las dietas más rápidas, con ella puedes perder entre 4 a5kilos en tan solo 5 días.Si tienes apuros en bajar de peso, está dieta es para ti. Solodebesseguirla al pie de la letra.Para la dieta de la avena necesitarás:EspinacasBrócoliCebollasEspárragosLechugaTomatesZanahoriasPuerros (ajos porros)Calabacín (zucchini)Champiñones (hongos, setas)Guisantes verdes (petit pois)Las frutas aceptadas:ManzanaPeraNaranjaFresaFrambuesaPlátano (banano)La dieta es muy sencilla de hacer, sufrirás por 5 días, peroluegode eso, verás un gran cambio en tu peso.*** Recuerda siempre consultar a tu médico antes derealizarcualquier dieta ***Para más información puedes visitar nuestrositiowww.paradietas.comThanks for the8,000downloads of our app is a success the diet of oats, definitelythebest way to lose weight. In just five days, you lose 5kilos!Do not let you know it, download it for free !!!★★★★★ The diet of the Avena ★★★★★It is one of the fastest diets, with it you can lose between4-5kilos in just five days.If you have trouble losing weight, it's diet is for you. Youjusthave to follow it to the letter.For diet of oats'll need:SpinachBroccoliOnionsAsparagusLettuceTomatoesCarrotsLeeks (garlic joints)Courgette (zucchini)Mushrooms (fungi, mushrooms)Green peas (petit pois)Fruits accepted:ApplePearOrangeStrawberryRaspberryPlantain (banana)The diet is very simple to do, suffer for five days, but afterthat,you'll see a big change in your weight.*** Remember to always consult your physician before makinganydietary ***For more information visit our website
cordoba nutrición 1.06.03
No te llenes con pan
Expert in addressing Overweight and Obesity. Coach NLP.
Piernas Glúteos y Abdomen 1.13
Andrea Moná
★★★ Piernas Glúteos y Abdomen ★★★ Todas queremos lucir mashermosas,pero en muchas ocasiones no contamos con informacion decalidad, yla que encontramos nos deja algunas dudas en el aire. Enestaocasion queremos traer un plan completo para lucir un cuerpomaslindo y saludable. Vamos a desmentir varios mitos, nonecesitamosvivir en el gimansio ni aguantar hambre, ya que estoshabitospodrian ser perjudiciales. Encontraremos un excelente plandeentrenamiento y alimentacion. Trabajeremos todo en un excelenteplanpara tener excelentes resultados, pero recuerda que aunquetengas lainformacion la dedicacion es fundamental. Deseas levantarglúteos ?,ó tener el vientre plano ? ó tonificar piernas? , puessi lo deseasdebo decirte que puedes lograrlo. El exito depende deti. Queresultados puedo esperar? El objetivo en concreto dependede lo quetu deseas. Tu decides si tonificar, marcarte y eliminargrasa óaumentar volumen, es decir quieres tonificar y levantar tusglúteosó tener unos gluteos grandes y redondos. Dejame decirtequeindependiente mente de tus objetivos vas a poder lograrlo y esporello que en la seccion de alimentacion encontraras lainformacionindicada para ti. En resumen, si sigues el plan condedicacion vasa tener excelentes resultados Como ya mencionamos,puedes aspirar alos siguientes aspectos ★ Levantar gluteos óadelgazar la pompis ★aumentar gluteos (gluteos grandes) ★ vientreplano ★ tonificarpiernas, ó aumentar piernas en resumen piernasperfectasBienvenidas y bienvenidos.
¿Qué Puedo Comer? 5.4.1
Descárgate de forma gratuita la aplicaciónQuéPuedo Comer y encuentra información alergénica de más de20.000productos de 1900 marcas diferentes en cualquier momento yencualquier lugar. (Atención: La base de datos de estaaplicaciónestá realizada con productos comercializados enEspaña)Qué Puedo Comer te facilita una guía informativa de productos yunescáner de códigos de barras con el que podrás comprobar siunproducto es apto o no según tu perfil en el momento en el queestásrealizando la compra.Podrás encontrar productos sin gluten, sin leche, sin lactosa,sinhuevo, sin soja, sin cacahuete, sin frutos secos, sin pescado,sinmoluscos, sin crustáceos, sin apio, sin sésamo, sin mostaza,sinsulfitos, sin látex, sin fructosa y sin altramuces, además deotrosproductos aptos para vegetarianos y diabéticos. (*)Además, siguiendo las recomendaciones de la OMS de limitarelconsumo de azúcar, grasas saturadas y sal, no sólo parapersonascon colesterol, obesidad, hipertensión, diabetes,…sinoparatodos/as, Qué Puedo Comer ha incorporado a su base dedatosinformación nutricional. Además de poder establecer límitesdeconsumo, la aplicación ordena los productos en un rankingporcategorías, de manera que el usuario pueda conocerotrasalternativas a ese producto más saludables: con menos azúcar,sal ograsas.Encontrar productos en el buscador de alimentos de Qué PuedoComeres muy sencillo:1. Define tu perfil alérgico/intolerante alimentario así cómosideseas limitar azúcar, grasas saturadas y/o sal.2. Una vez creado tu perfil, busca productos a través delasdiferentes modalidades de búsqueda que te ofrece Qué PuedoComer:por marcas, por categorías y textual.3. Escanea el código de barras de los productos y recibeinformaciónalergénica y nutricional de acuerdo a tu perfil y en elmomentoexacto en el que estás realizando la compra.4. Completa nuestro buscador de alimentos mediante la opción“añadirproductos” que encontrarás en el menú principal.5. Valora y comenta los productos que sean de tu interés.6. Obtén información adicional sobre los puntos de ventadóndepodrás encontrar los productos seleccionados.7. Disfruta del contenido informativo y de laspromocionesdisponibles en la web, también en la aplicación:buscador derecetas, cupones descuento, sorteos, información sobrealergias eintolerancias, salud, etc.¿Tienes opiniones y sugerencias?En Qué Puedo Comer queremos mejorar cada día y por eso,cualquiercomentario acerca de nuestra app siempre es tenido encuenta.Trabajamos para lograr tu satisfacción.(*) Por el momento no disponemos de información alergénicasobreHistamina, proteína LTP, frutas y verduras. Esperamos ofrecerestainformación lo antes posible y así ayudar a un mayor númerodepersonas.Download theapplicationfor free and find I can eat Allergen information of over20,000different brands 1900 products anytime and anywhere. (Note:Thedatabase of this application is made with products marketedinSpain)I can eat an informative guide provides you with product andbarcodescanner with which you can check whether a product issuitable ornot according to your profile at the time you aremaking thepurchase.You can find gluten-free products, no milk, no lactose, noeggs,soy, no peanuts, no nuts, no fish, no shellfish, no shellfish,nocelery, no sesame, no mustard, no sulfites, latex, withoutfructosewithout lupins, and other products suitable for vegetariansanddiabetics. (*)In addition, following the WHO recommendations to limitconsumptionof sugar, saturated fat and salt, not only for peoplewith highcholesterol, obesity, hypertension, diabetes, ... but forall / as,I can eat it has added to its database nutritionalinformation. Inaddition to set consumption limits, the applicationsorts theproducts in a ranking by category, so that the user candiscussalternatives to the healthier product: less sugar, saltorfat.Find products in the search of food I can eat is very simple:1. Define your allergic / intolerant food and whether you wanttolimit sugar, saturated fat and / or salt profile.2. Once you create your profile, look for products throughdifferentsearch modes that offers What Can I Eat: by brand, bycategory andtextual.3. Scan the barcode of the products and receive allergenandnutritional information according to your profile and at theexactmoment you're making the purchase.4. Complete our food using the "add products" option you willfindin the main menu.5. Rate and comment on products that are of interest.6. Get additional information about the outlets where you willfindthe selected products.7. Enjoy the informative content and promotions available ontheweb, also in the application: recipe finder, discountcoupons,sweepstakes, information about allergies and intolerances,health,etc.Do you have opinions and suggestions?In I can eat to improve every day and therefore any commentaboutour app is always taken into account. We work to achieveyoursatisfaction.(*) We do not have information about Histamine Allergen,LTPprotein, fruits and vegetables. We hope to provide thisinformationas soon as possible and help more people.
Mi no dieta 5.12.0
Fox in the Net
Application created to help manage your diet points.
Diabetes a la carta 2.1
Diabetes a la carta es una aplicación móvil que te permitegestionarla alimentación cotidiana de manera sencilla, atractivayequilibrada, rompiendo el tópico de que la diabetes impideseguirdisfrutando de la buena cocina y del placer de comer. ElCentro deInvestigación IDIBAPS, y la Fundació Alícia (Alimentaciónyciencia) lideran este proyecto, con la colaboración de ESTEVE.Enla aplicación encontrarás las siguientes herramientas:1.Calculadora de hidratos de carbono: Te permite calcular segúnlasvariables introducidas la cantidad de hidratos decarbonorecomendada según las necesidades de cada persona. 2. Métododelplato: permite crear menús variados y sanos adaptados alasnecesidades de la persona con diabetes y de sus familias deunamanera fácil y sin grandes complicaciones. Con este sistemasepromueve hacer menús equivalentes sin que se altere la cantidaddehidratos de carbono que va a ingerir, obteniendo así unmejorcontrol de su diabetes. También permite poder conocer lacantidadde hidratos que vas a consumir cuando estás en unrestaurante,incorporando los alimentos y cantidades a laaplicación… “La ideaes que en un plato de tamaño normal seconstruya el menú principal,comida o cena, dividiéndolo en cuatropartes. Dos cuartas partespara ensalada o verdura, ya que sucontenido en hidratos de carbonoes muy bajo. Una cuarta parte delplato será para la proteína:carne, pescado o huevos. Y en la otracuarta parte pondremos lasharinas, como arroz, pasta, patata,legumbres. Además se incluiráuna pieza de fruta de tamaño mediano yel pan si fuera necesario”.3. Equivalencias: Los alimentos aparecenexpuestos en la cantidadque aportan 20 gramos de hidratos decarbono (equivalente a 2sobres de azúcar). 4. Recetas: Muysencillas y fáciles de preparar,incluye tanto la adaptación deplatos de la cocina tradicional comoplatos más creativos o de otrasculturas. En todas las recetasaparece la cantidad de hidratos decarbono que contiene el plato,especificado también comoequivalentes de sobres de azúcar.
Dietas para adelgazar rapido
Diets for quick weight loss includes 6 diets to lose weight in afewdays
Salud Responde 5.0.0
Application to access the catalog of available servicesHealthResponds
Step to Health - Beauty, diet 2.2.11
Grupo MContigo
Improve your health, discover the best beauty tips andhealthydiets.
Dieta Mediterránea paso a paso 2.0
Doctor Apps
Today we bring you the true nutritional, rich andhealthyMediterranean diet.
Calorie counter 3.2
Calorie counter - Food calorie calculator, Weight diary,BMIcalculator
Tecnonutri: Encontre sua dieta 4.14.5
More than 50 programs: Low Carb, Intermittent Fasting,Exercises,Weight loss, Detox
Celicidad. Comer sin gluten 7.05.09
Restaurants suitable for coeliacs, with Celicidad is easy toeatgluten free. Diet & Exercise 8.7.7
We are waiting for you to join's healthy world!Makeway for the
10 Food-groups Checker 2.2.46
This is a simple everyday nutrition check, nutrition managementapp!
Dietista Personal 2.11
Calculate your BMI and ideal weight and access a set ofpersonalizeddiets.
Fddb - Calorie Counter & Diet v5.3.3 (Build 1)-gms-release
Calorie Counter & Food Diary. Weight Loss, Diet andNutritionTracker
Alimentación Energética 1.1.13
Montse Bradford
En esta aplicación gratuita, encontrarás las recetas másexitosasrealizadas por Montse Bradford Bort: ACCESO NORMAL: - 50recetasfavoritas de Montse ACCESO USUARIO REGISTRADO GRATUITAMENTE:- 50recetas favoritas de Montse - Más de 300 recetas adicionales -Cadareceta con su efecto energético, y platos complementarios paraunmenú completo - Audio- mensaje de bienvenida de Montse
Calorie Counter by Cronometer 4.7.0
Calorie-counter - Food, drink, weight, fitness & diet tracker-Macro Calculator
IEatWell:Food Diary&Journal He 1.51
🍓No Diet or Count Calories To Lose Weight Just Eat Healthy.HealthyEating Log
bon happétee - Smart Weight Loss App for Foodies 3.2.1
Healthy is boring, let's eat smart. We are a smart nutritiontrackerand meal log & planner app for healthy weight losswithoutdieting. So far 2000+ users have lost an average of 5 kgswith theautomated AI based assistance of our fitness nutritiontracker app.WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF WEIGHT LOSS We takepersonalization to thenext level – by our “teach, not tell”approach powered by machinelearning, patented recommendationengine and worlds best Indian fooddatabase. So, welcome to thefuture of eating right! Whether lookingfor newer and excitingadventures of the palate, or looking for someserious balance inmindful eating without compromising on taste andconvenience, bonhappetee is the destination for a totally redefinedway of thinkingfood and losing weight naturally without dieting.MEALSPERSONALIZED TO YOUR FITNESS GOALS bon happetee, is a smartappthat learns your tastes, metabolism and convenience andpositionsyou to reach your health and weight loss goals – or justhelps youwith mindful eating while opening up newer combinationsand balancemeals via its ultra-customized recommendation engine.EASY TO USEDAILY FOOD JOURNAL It is super convenient – it has smartfeaturesto keep your food journal logging a breeze; it is simple,it givesyou personalized nutritionist approved meal scores on ascale of1-10 for every meal that you log; it gives you real timefixes toimprove your score and balance your meals to meet yourweight losstargets (R.I.P the days of counting calories and carbs,just score>8 and lose weight). MEAL PLANNER Then again it ismuch morethan that – plan your meals in advance using theproprietyrecommendation engine that combines the state of theartnutritional analytics with the wisdom of ourcelebritynutritionists on board. By using food calorie calculator&weight loss journal you will surely be one step ahead ofanyoneelse! Feeling like eating something – just build yourbalanced mealusing our “I feel like eating...” feature. OUR WEIGHTLOSS APP CANADJUST Feeling like you know your body better – goahead, customizeyour meal targets to what you know works. Not quitethere yet, noproblem. Just keep logging and leave it to our smartapp to figureout which of the tweaks are working for you using itsastutealgorithmic integration of your data with magic ofmathematics. Butthat is just the beginning – share your scoresacross your socialnetwork, motivate others, and get motivated. KEYFEATURES: 1.Custom goal setting & nutrition – choose yourweight loss paceand comfort zone (nutrition tracker) 2.Personalized taste - Getpre-planned menus with ingredients andrecipes (meal planner) 3.Easy Log for your meals and activity –smart, simple and fast (meallog, daily diet diary) 4. Challengeyourself – Score eight to loseweight (smart weight loss) 5. Fixmeals in a second (healthy dietmeal finder) 6. Social - Challengeyour friends. See what othersare eating (socialize) 7. Nudge –Reminders and notifications tokeep you on track (stay focused) Aword from our CEO "Thank you foryour interest in our app, it givesme immense satisfaction to sharewith you the essence of my personaljourney of a lifestyle changeand weight loss of losing 20 kgs andrunning a full marathon afterrecovering from a broken back all thiswhile keeping my love offood and doing everything as per myconvenience. Interestingly-doing this was not at all tough - thestruggle however was findingthe right way to do it. Now, I am not anutrition expert or adoctor but I am common man who understandsthis pain from yourpoint of view. Try bon happetee and learn andearn the freedom toeat what you love” Start your journey to leavinga perfect lifewhere you take control of your body weight! Theultimate food andexercise journal, planner, tracker &recommendation app bonhappetee for free! Share your feedback
Tu Embarazo 1.4
Clinical Zuatzu App that lets you know everything you needaboutyour baby
Diet 2.1.17
Do you want to be fit! Lose weight and take the DIET challenge!
Calorie Counter by FatSecret
FatSecret is the most easy to usecaloriecounter and diet tracker for weight loss. FatSecret is100%FREE.Keep track of your food, exercise and weight, with access totheworld's highest quality food and nutrition database andmostsupportive community which will help you lose weight fast.Connectwith a global community of people looking to make a changefor thebetter and start losing weight the healthy way. Achieve yourgoalswith Calorie Counter by FatSecret.FatSecret is fast, simple to use and has all the cool tools tohelpyou succeed with your diet and lose weight:- An intuitive food diary to plan and keep track of whatyou'reeating.- A wonderful community that's ready to support you and turbochargeyour weight loss.- A barcode scanner and auto-complete functions.- Image recognition of foods and meals so you can use the cameraandtake photos to track your nutrition with pictures.- Detailed reporting and goals for all your calories, macrosandnutrients, including by food and meals.- An exercise diary to record all the calories you burn.- A diet calendar to see your calories consumed and burned.- A weight tracker to record your weight loss progress.- A photo album. #Photodiet #Foodsnap #Instacalorie- A journal to record your thoughts and feelings.- Fantastic recipes and meal ideas.- Sharing and interacting with your professional of choice.- Facebook and Google login.- Sync your account online to access your info anywhere,anytime.The app syncs with Google Fit.The app also syncs with FatSecret Professional, the mostconvenientway to share your food, exercise and weight with yourpreferredhealth professional. Your health professional will getfree accessto simple and powerful tools to monitor your performanceandprovide you with feedback, advice and support.We hope you'll love Calorie Counter by FatSecret. We strive tomakethe app the worlds most effective diet and weight loss programtohelp you lose weight, gain weight or just live a healthylifestyle.We are constantly working to improve the app so there'splenty moregoodies to come ;)
YAZIO - Calorie Counter & Nutrition Tracker 8.3.6
With the free Calorie Counter app byYAZIO,you can manage your daily food diary, track your activitiesandlose weight successfully. Counting calories and losing weighthasnever been so easy!More than 3 million people have already achieved their NewYear’sresolutions with YAZIO. Be a part of it.YAZIO is the best diet and weight loss app for Android– Free download and registration– Personal plan to lose weight or build muscles– Calorie table with over 2 million foods– Nutrition tracker and food diary for all meals– Tracks your calories, carbs, proteins and fats– Create meals, add favorites or input new foods– Copy diary entries to other days easily– Built–in barcode scanner for quick searching– Tracks your sports, exercises and activities– Calorie calculator to track your burned calories– Tracks your daily steps walked and be more active– Documents your weight with weight tracker– Assesses your diet and achievementsThe advantages of YAZIO PRO are undeniable– PRO is a useful extension of the free app– With PRO, you will reach your goal twice as fast– Nutritional plans for low carb, high protein, etc.– Over 100 healthy and delicious recipes– Smart and intelligent food rating– More analysis including diet and body statistics– Tracks other nutrients like sugar, fiber and salt– Recognize foods with the most carbs or fat– Shows progress over the previous 2.5 years– Tracks body fat, blood pressure and blood sugar– Measure your breast, waist and hip circumference– Plan your diet and sports for the next days– No more advertisements – who doesn’t love that?– Supports our continuous improvement of YAZIOYou can buy PRO via in–app purchases within the app. YAZIO PROissignificantly cheaper than comparable Calorie Counter apps fordietand weight loss.If you go PRO, the payment will be charged through your GooglePlayaccount during purchase confirmation. The subscription willbeauto–renewed shortly before the subscription periodends,maintaining the same price and subscription type youpreviouslypurchased, unless you unsubscribe no later than 24 hoursbefore thesubscription ends. Subscriptions can be managed throughyour GooglePlay account after purchase. It is not possible torefund asubscription or cancel a subscription during thecurrentperiod.The storage of your data is extremely safeThe YAZIO Calorie Counter is operated by YAZIO, a Germancompany.Since the app has been developed in Germany, it is subjectto thestrict German Data Protection Act. All information receivedor sentthrough the app is encrypted at all times. All data isstoredanonymously on German servers and is not stored bythirdparties.– For further assistance go to– Get to know us better at http://about.yazio.comDo you want to help make the YAZIO Calorie Counter an evenbetternutritional & diet app? We always welcome yoursuggestions andfeedback.
Papillas para bebés 2.5
With this application you will not have to worry about feedingyourbaby