Top 6 Apps Similar to Pictogram

Pictograms 2.1
Carlos Bustos Tore
Very easy to use application forhelpingchildren with dyspraxia.Allows mute, autistic and other children with speech disordertoexpress what they want.Ideal for use with a tablet 5", 7".Once the children have learned the application you canadd more photos and customize the application by sending me anemailwith photos, so children can recognize their toys,food,family,...TTS required for speak. if your phone/tablet don't haveTTSdownload from android market
PictogramAgenda 3.4
Lorenzo Moreno
Autism. Visual Schedules with your pictures and 15000+ Pictograms.
PetterDay, Pictogram Schedule 0.2.1
PetterDay is designed for people who needhelpwith understanding the structure and activities of dailylife.PetterDay is a diary [agenda]* designed with a simplevisualformat, which aims to facilitate the use of bothparents,professionals and children. PeterDay currently includes theweeklyand the daily format.A diary is a tool that encourages autonomy in peoplewithdifficulties in communication and understanding. It isspeciallydesigned for people with autism, *cognitive difficulties,languagedisorders, developmental disorders, learning disabilitiesand thosewho need a visual aid to improve their daily life.In this first version, PetterDay incorporates a set ofARASAACpictograms, which through a search engine, the mainactivities andactions of everyday life can be found. In furtherversionspictograms and photos could be imported from otherelectronicdevices. Furthermore, it will also be possible tosequence ordivide the activities into smaller tasks and a system ofrewardswill be created in order to reinforce the activitiesplanned.
Piktosaac. Symbols for Autism 1.5
It is a free application to downloaddirectlytoyour Tablet or Smartphone the ARASAAC symbols library.Symbols for Autisms Free (Piktosaac) is not an interactiveApp.Ifyou are not familiar with the world of Autism,CerebralPalsy,Education, Augmentative Communication etc., please donotdownloadthe App.This is a resource for teachers, parents,specialistsandtherapists of people with special educationalneeds.The APP simply downloads more than 10.000 symbols ofArasaacfromour server to your device. To do not depend oninternetconnectionin the future.STEPS:1) Simply select your preferred language and downloadthesymbolslibrary.2) Check in your notifications; download progressbarwillappear.3) A folder "Home / Piktosaac / ... " will be createdinyourTablet.ATTENTION: The process can may take several minutes,thousandsofimages will be downloaded.Be patient :-) please.Pictographic symbols used are apropertyofCATEDU( /) under CreativeCommon’sLicenseand they have been created by Sergio Palao.
PicCom 1.2.3
It is an alternative and augmentative communication systemforchildren.
AraBoard Player Junio
Affective Lab.
AraBoard es un conjunto deherramientasdiseñadas para la comunicación alternativa yaumentativa, cuyafinalidad es facilitar la comunicación funcional,mediante el usode imágenes y pictogramas, a personas que presentanalgún tipo dedificultad en este ámbito. Dada la versatilidad deestasherramientas, AraBoard también puede ser utilizado paracreartableros con rutinas sencillas y tableros para anticiparlarealización de cualquier tarea prevista.AraBoard nos permite crear, editar y usar tableros decomunicaciónpara distintos dispositivos (ordenador, smartphone otablet), asícomo para distintos sistemas operativos. Para suejecución,AraBoard requiere que el player Adobe Air (gratuito) estéinstaladoen el dispositivo. Actualmente, Araboard está disponibleparaWindows y Android, y, en futuro próximo, para MacOs eiOs.AraBoard se compone de dos herramientas complementarias:- Araboard Constructor: esta herramienta se utiliza para lacreacióny edicion de los tableros de comunicación. mediante lacolección depictogramas Arasaac y cualquier otra imagen y audioalmacenados enel dispositivo.- AraBoard Player: esta herramienta se utiliza para ejecutarlostableros de comunicación previamente creados enAraboardConstructor.AraBoard se caracteriza por su sencillez de uso en todoslosaspectos, ya que posee una interfaz gráfica diseñada paraquecualquier persona pueda crear y editar tableros de formaintuitivay en pocos minutos.Con AraBoard podemos crear tableros desde una hasta treinta ydoscasillas, utilizando para ello las distintascombinacioensposibles: 1 fila x 2 columnas, 2 filas x 2 columnas, 3filas x 4columnas, ..., 4 filas x 8 columnas. Esta característicaconviertetambién a la herramienta en una posible alternativa parapersonascon discapacidad motriz y necesidades comunicativasmuybásicas.En esta nueva versión, se han implementado una seriedefuncionalidades que facilitarán todavía más la elaboracióndetableros personalizados. A partir de ahora, tenemos laposibilidadde tomar fotografías instantáneas, utilizando la webcam-en el casode la versión para PC- o la cámara trasera y delantera-en el casodel smartphone o de la tableta Android-. También se haintroducido,para las dos versiones, la opción de grabardirectamente nuestrasvoces o sonidos a través del micrófono del PCo del dispositivoAndroid,Una de las características fundamentales de AraBoard eslacomunicación directa a través de Internet, mediante unaAPIdesarrollada a tal efecto, con el servidor del Portal Aragonésdela Comunicación Aumentativa y Alternativa ARASAAC.Estacomunicación permite la búsqueda de cualquier pictogramacontenidoen la base de datos y su descarga instantánea, junto conlalocución correspondiente. Una vez finalizado nuestro tablero, yanoserá necesaria dicha conexión, puesto que todos losdatos(pictogramas y locuciones) quedan guardados en el ordenador oen eldispositivo.AraBoard is a set oftoolsdesigned for augmentative and alternative communication,which aimsto facilitate functional communication through the useof picturesand pictograms, to persons with any type of difficultyin this area.Given the versatility of these tools, AraBoard canalso be used tocreate simple routines boards and boards anticipateconducting anyscheduled task.AraBoard lets you create, edit and use communication boardsfordifferent devices (computer, smartphone or tablet), and forvariousoperating systems. For its implementation, AraBoard requirestheAdobe Air player (free) installed on your device.Currently,Araboard is available for Windows and Android, and in thenearfuture for MacOS and iOS.AraBoard consists of two complementary tools:- Araboard Builder: This tool is used for creating andeditingcommunication boards. by pictograms ARASAAC collection andanyother image and audio stored on the device.- AraBoard Player: This tool is used to run thepre-builtcommunication boards in Araboard Builder.AraBoard is characterized by its ease of use in all aspects asithas a graphical interface designed for anyone to create andeditboards intuitively and in a few minutes.AraBoard can create panels with from one to thirty-two boxes,usingdifferent combinacioens possible: 1 row x 2 columns, 2 rows x2columns 3 rows x 4 columns, ..., 4 rows x 8 columns. Thisfeaturealso makes the tool a possible alternative for people withmobilitydisabilities and very basic communication needs.In this new version, we have implemented a number of featuresthatfurther facilitate the development of custom boards. From nowon,we are able to take snapshots using the webcam, in the case ofthePC version, or the front and rear camera-in the case ofsmartphoneor Android Tablet. Also introduced to the two versions,the optionto record our voices or sounds directly through themicrophone ofthe PC or Android device,One of the key features of AraBoard is direct communication viatheInternet, using an API developed for this purpose, with theserverAragonese Portal of Augmentative and AlternativeCommunicationARASAAC. This communication allows any glyph searchthe contentdatabase and instant download together with thecorrespondingutterance. Once our board, and that connection is notnecessarybecause all data (pictograms and phrases) are stored inthecomputer or device.