Top 23 Games Similar to 노가다 RPG PLUS [쯔꾸르]

마도표류기PLUS[쯔꾸르] 9.3(PLUS)
RPG to adventure islands full of monsters. It consists ofvariouscontents such as main contents, adventure village, mahigarden,
노가다 RPG : 한.계.돌.파 2.1
노가다알피지! 노가다게임의 신기원 쯔꾸르! 세계의 평화를 위해. 각지에서 6명의 용사가 그 여정을 시작한다. 이세상의가장 가치있는 업적을 이루기위해 그들은 상상 이상의 엄청난 노가다를 시작하게 된다. 얼음을 캐고, 나무를벌목하고,허브를 채집하고, 몬스터를 상대로 역경을 이겨내며, 세상 여기저기에 있는 수 많은 퀘스트들을 해쳐 나간다. 지금당신은바로 그 주인공이 되어.. 일생 일대의 노가다를 경험해 보라! ★ 본 게임을 하면서 팁을 얻고싶다면공식카페에방문해주세요! [ ] [[스토리]] 평범한전사, 또는평범한 마법사였던 주인공은. 고향마을에서 세상을 향한 모험을 시작한다. 세상은 여러가지 위기에 처해있다. 그런위기를극복하기위해 주인공은 본격적으로 자신을 키우기위한 노가다 수행에 들어간다. 주인공은 거지같은 삶에서 신의 권능까지얻을수 있다. 이 게임에서 진정한 스토리는 바로 당신이 만들어 가게 될 것이다. [[인디사이드 출시 1개월만에수만건다운로드를 기록한 작품!!]] [[싱글 온라인 게임형의 재미있는 구성]] 많은 사람들이 온라인게임을 하면피로감을느낀다. 다른사람들과 함께 해야하는 점은 때로는 너무 많은 책임을 떠 안게된다. 하지만 이 게임 노가다 RPG는혼자즐기는 온라인풍 게임! 더이상 다른사람과 마찰도 간섭도 없이 자유롭게 언제 어디서든 즐길 수 있다! [[다양한게임시스템]] 각종 노가다를 통해 주인공은 점차 성장한다! 채집, 수집, 몬스터사냥, 조합, 퀘스트 등등재미요소가가득하다! 가축을 잡아 키우거나, 농장을 가꿉니다! 또한 낚시까지!! [[누구나 쉽게 즐길 수 있다]] 남녀노소누구나쉽게 즐길 수 있는 게임이다! [[재미있는 고전 레트로풍 그래픽!]] 차가운 3D그래픽 게임보다는 정감가는고전적인레트로풍 그래픽 게임! [[육성형 RPG의 신기원!]] 여러분의 캐릭터를 육성하여 신이 되어보세요!! * 일부휴대폰기기에서는 비정상적인 작동을 할 수 있습니다. ★ 본 게임을 하면서 팁을 얻고싶다면 공식카페에 방문해주세요![ ] ---- 개발자 연락처 : 010-2440-9369
Treisia Story PLUS 1.0
[Characteristics of Game]◆ Fall into faint nostalgia through the retro styletodgraphic!Nostalgia of 2D RPG Game which drew much attention inthatperiod….Tried finding such games but there was no such raregame.ButTreisia Story has come looking you.◆ Exciting action RPG full of liveliness ! Action RPGactionwhereyou can defeat the enemy and increase level bysimpleoperation.◆ His shoutings aiming towards the world and sad Aria!StorywithBeautiful BGM. Story of the saviour of the world anddestroyerofthe world. Can a really good world of his dream come.Youwillforget to speak if you see the ending through strongscenariowithgreat flow.◆ It contains some 30 types of beautiful illustration!Beautifulillustration has been included which enhances the flowofthe game;and affection and flow with the charactergetsdoubled!◆ Collect various crystal and herbsthroughvariouscollection/association/strengthening systemcollectsvariouscrystal and herbs ; and make weapons and armour.◆ Discover hidden factors ! It is intersting todiscovermanyhidden factors in the game.◆ More enquiry about the game can be made at followingcafé◆ Treisia Story paid version (versionwithoutadvertisement) Version, if you wish to enjoy the gamedelightlywithoutadvertisement ~!*It may work abormally in few handphone device.
네리아전기 PLUS [쯔꾸르] 1.0
The resurrection of fun teonje classic RPG! Begin the adventure!
네리아전기 [쯔꾸르] 1.0
The resurrection of fun teonje classic RPG! Begin the adventure!
Tresia Story 1.0
[Characteristics of Game]◆ Fall into faint nostalgia through the retro styletodgraphic!Nostalgia of 2D RPG Game which drew much attention inthatperiod….Tried finding such games but there was no such raregame.ButTreisia Story has come looking you.◆ Exciting action RPG full of liveliness ! Action RPGactionwhereyou can defeat the enemy and increase level bysimpleoperation.◆ His shoutings aiming towards the world and sad Aria!StorywithBeautiful BGM. Story of the saviour of the world anddestroyerofthe world. Can a really good world of his dream come.Youwillforget to speak if you see the ending through strongscenariowithgreat flow.◆ It contains some 30 types of beautiful illustration!Beautifulillustration has been included which enhances the flowofthe game;and affection and flow with the charactergetsdoubled!◆ Collect various crystal and herbsthroughvariouscollection/association/strengthening systemcollectsvariouscrystal and herbs ; and make weapons and armour.◆ Discover hidden factors ! It is intersting todiscovermanyhidden factors in the game.◆ More enquiry about the game can be made at followingcafé◆ Treisia Story paid version (versionwithoutadvertisement) Version, if you wish to enjoy the gamedelightlywithoutadvertisement ~!*It may work abormally in few handphone device.
Shovel Commandos 3.1
What is life! Shoveling to death! Noneedrifles! Shoveling all the way!Your life here will be like a hell! Welcome to the hellshovelingunit.Mission impossible! Start an impossible mission with ashovel!The best real blind-end labor clicker game “Just do it! Thebestshoveling unit”!You can experience the essence of never-ending shovelinggame!■ Game features ■▶ All coins and items start with shoveling and endwithshoveling.▶ Special skills not needed, all you need is shoveling to playthegame▶ The more you shovel the more soldiers and equipment you get▶ More than ten various soldiers and equipment▶ More than thirty unique quests▶ Real shoveling action soldiers▶ Twenty different trainings such as CRBN training andwintertraining▶ Various items such as ramen noodles, Mat-da-si, and MREs▶ Sleeping is waste of time! Power trip items▶ Different events such as Injuries or AWOL if you abusethem>?▶ No matter raining or snowing! Shoveling all the way!
엠페러 게이트 1.1.0
엠페러 게이트 Test ver. 0.93장르 : RPG플레이 타임 : 4~6시간완성도 : 90%============ 스텝롤 ============제작(시나리오, CG, 배경, 도트, 스크립트)★루리코 ( (성우)★냐링 ( : 뮌하우젠★랑제 ( : 랑제, 쿠소게몬★아롱 ( : 리코, 쿠소게몬★히라( : 키리스★오도령 ( : 쿠소게몬====================================본격 패러디 RPG취미로 게임을 제작하고 있는 동고 고등학교의 제1 게임 제작부 '엠페러 게이트'엠페러 게이트의 부장이자 매드 프로듀서인 '뮌하우젠'은 멤버(부원)들과 이른바 갓게임을 제작하기 위해바라는것을들어준다는 엠페러(성배)를 알현하기 위한 의식을 시작한다.알 수 없는 지진과 함께 이공간에 들어온 엠페러 게이트 멤버(부원)들.이공간에서는 정체 불명의 쿠소게몬들이 그들을 공격하는데...======================================엠페러 게이트는 테스트 버전으로 버그나 밸런스 부분이 아직 완벽하지 않습니다.따라서, 플레이 하시고 발견되는 버그들이나 밸런스 문제들에 대해서 글을 남겨주시면 정말 감사하겠습니다.(__엠페러 게이트는 테스트 버전에서 지속적으로 업데이트를 해서 완결낼 생각입니다.======================================패러디 항목======================================Ib마녀의 집아오오니매드파더앨리스 인 더 다크니스빨간망토 다크사이드이니그마판다 반복되는 남자투명인간Leave무서운걔임야한게임우산형 저택탈출금색과 비취LOL (리그 오브 레전드)칸코레코노스바슈퍼마리오스트리트 파이터KOF세븐나이츠옥도사변동쪽의 꼬마신령----개발자 연락처 :+821055773798azusa85@naver.comEmperor Gate Testver.0.93Genre: RPGPlay time: 4-6 hoursMaturity: 90%Roll ============ ============ stepProduction (scenario, CG, background, dots, script)   ★ ruriko ( (voice)   ★ nyaring(   ★ rangje (,Mon-kusoge   ★ ahrong ( Rico,monkusoge   ★ Hiratsuka ( keyless   ★ five doryeong( parody RPGThe bundle of high school in one game and making games asahobbyjejakbu 'Emperor Gate'Director and producer Mad 'mwin Oberhausen "TheEmperor'sGatewill begin the ceremony for the Emperor to the throne(HolyGrail)Giving an example, hoping to produce a so-called gameandfreshlymembers (Fuyuan).The Emperor unknown coming into this space with thegatememberearthquake (Fuyuan).Ku soge driven to an unknown attacked them in this space ...======================================Emperor Gate is a bug or not yet fully part of thebalancewiththe test version.Therefore, leave a post about the bug or balance problemsplayandwe'll find prices very much. (_ _Emperor gate is thought to be completed by theconstantlyupdatedtest version.======================================Parody items======================================IbWitch's houseAo OniMad FatherAlice In The DarknessRed Riding Hood Dark SideYinigeumaMale pandas are repeatedThe Invisible ManLeaveScary gyaeimErotic GamesUmbrella mansion escapeGold and jadeLOL (League of Legends)Kahn CollectionKonoseu BarSuper MarioStreet FighterKOFseven nightsOkdo AffairsKid spirit of the East
소드오브드래곤 S.O.D -Free- [쯔꾸르] 1.0
French suddenly encountered destiny ... They fought againsttheirfate in the face! Authentic story-type action RPG!
[몬스터 육성 쯔꾸르]아폴루몬 5.5
아폴루온 시리즈, 그 첫번째 게임: 아폴루몬!강★려크한 몬스터를 육성하고 키우고 잡아 최강의 팀을 만들어주세요!개성넘치는 몬스터를 모으시다 보면 어느새 스토리도 함께 클리어되 있는 게임!한번 다운받아주세요!공식카페: here.- series,thefirst game: ahpol rumon!★ ryeokeu foster a river monster and make me the strongestteamhold live!Gathering a distinctive look suddenly the monster stories arealsogames with clear!Please take one down!Official Cafe:
Rogue Saga 1.3.8
Traditional Rogue-like RPG. No Advertise! No In-App Purchase!
웨폰마스터 - 강화게임 2.3
단순한 강화게임이 아니다. 칼 강화하기와 클리커, RPG가 접목된웨폰마스터!▶ 탄탄한 스토리와 함께하는 강화 RPG: 육성을 통해 더욱더 강해지는 캐릭터를 키워보세요!▶ 귀찮은 노가다는 이제 그만! 본격 방치형 강화 게임!: 보기만해도 게임 머니를 벌 수 있는 신개념 광산을 느껴보세요!▶ 강화를 도와줄 다양한 콘텐츠- 시련의 탑: 난이도 별로 구성된 탑을 공략해 다양한 아이템 및 장비와 보상을 받을 수 있어요!- 훈련소: 무기 강화와 자료와 골드 수집, 시간단축 등을 더 쉽게 도와줄 수 있어요!- 무료충전소: 시간에 따라 더 많은 보상이 가득 (룬, 골드, 워프강화, 신의축복)- 상점: 장비 및 강화에 필요한 각종 물품을 살 수 있어요!▶ 게임 속에 숨겨져 있는 웃음코드: 하다 보면 개발자의 센스 느낄 수 있는 멘트를 찾아보세요!감사합니다.----개발자 연락처 :BAOK충청남도 공주시 신관동공주대학교 산학연구관 507호Not merely enhancethegame. Carl Cleveland to strengthen and grow, an RPG thatcombinesWeapon Master!▶ strengthened together with strong RPG Story: Discover grow more and more stronger through thecharacterdevelopment!▶ annoying nogada now stop! Real left-type enhanced game!: Bogiman even feel the new concept mines can earn gamemoney!▶ a variety of content to help reinforce- Top of the ordeal: to attack the towers, organized by difficultyIcan get a variety of items and equipment and compensation!- camp: Can you make it easier to help strengthen weaponsandmaterials and collect gold, shorter hours, and more!- free stations: full more rewards over time (Runes, Gold,Antwerpstrengthen blessing of God)- Shop: You can buy a variety of equipment and materialsnecessaryto strengthen!▶ laugh codes hidden in the game: Find the cement is looking to feel a sense of developers!Thank you.
뒤뜰의 지하던전 [방치형 노가다] 1.0.3
돌아온 백수의 뒤뜰 지하던전 정복! [키우기/클리커/노가다/방치] 장르 뒤뜰 던전을 발견한 백수! 지구도 뚫을마음가짐으로던전으로 들어가게 되는데... 놀라운 능력의 드랍템! 10분마다 열리는 광산! 장신구의 놀라운 능력! 그리고강력하고다양한 무기로 지하를 정복! 그 외에 다양한 것을 지금 만나보세요! [키우기/클리커/노가다/방치] 장르 더많은게임/앱들은 페이스북 페이지에서 확인하세요. 오류 신고 BGM제공 : Sage YNK Games
닌자 일루전 : 무료 노가다 클리커 게임 7.7
Nuclear nogada raising game! Ninja Growing! Let's throw a wreath!
드래곤헌터키우기:용때려잡기 1.1
LMSY version
Dungeon Hero 1.04
Hello. we are ORIZUN.This time, created a game called "Dungeon Hero".* No inapp.* You can see the full story.One day the hero wakes up in a strange place.This is an RPG game to find his identity and to fightagainsthisfate.Please enjoy together becoming a hero.*The hero gets stronger as he fights against the enemies*You can beat the enemies easily as you enchantabilitiesin‘Level upgrade’*You can enjoy the game in combination of variableabilities.*game is also automatically attack and auser'soperationattack.Even better ability to fight various enemies and tostrengthenthejump, and you'll also be solved using the samebricks.Also it had a direct voice recordings. The story isfunnylikethat game. ^^Try it. It's gonna stimulate your old emotions.* When you delete a game , the data will be deleted .Pleasebecareful.
사냥꾼키우기:무한사냥 1.1
Raising foster enhanced stand-type RPG Endless [nogada Note] inmyCarrick stronger! One jump over the scale of the development!
Field Wizard : Fantasy Clicker 2.3
Real Fantasy Clicker! Wizard is now available labor. Click Useaspell consumes mana whenever you. Just a simple clickdazzlingmagic that is poured! ★Story One day, wizard and knightwill leavethe adventure field. Being confronted with the red dragonwasduring the adventure, the knight will die in the breath of theRedDragon. The wizard will swear revenge and leave a farawayjourneyto find the Red Dragon. ★Features - Very simple graphics!You canenjoy casually. But too much simplicity. - Fire, water,wind,lightning colorful magical effects! But it is too flashymonsterpitiful show. - If you have a somewhat level up, get toupgradeyour monster in the shop EXP more and more! - Too sick totouchyour hand to buy a squire. However, direct use magic showwhile itlooks shabby squires. - Every 5 minutes motley dragonappeared togive a lot of experience points and rewards. But alittle difficultto catch. - Each time you reach a certain level,you can use avariety of spell books. However, should a touch crazy.- Tochallenge the ending. knight can sleep comfortably ... ★Notes-When you delete the game, data disappears together. - Once outofthe game at Boss time, the Boss timer is reset. - Squirealwayshelp in level up. - To guess his age is 256 years old. -Dragonwill appear every 5 minutes. - Pressing the wizard detailsappear.- Totem89's other works, 'Pour Beer' this game is cool. -When youlevel up it is even stronger squires. - Do not blindlyupgrade amonster. Higher level monsters than my level does not gointodamage. Fascinated by the colorful magic effects seem tobesuitable for killing time. Ugly Monsters, Cleanse your eyesbyhandsome magical! Click mercilessly to avenge the dead knightandharness should spread the magical at the same time pouredreleasestress!
액괴의 모험 1.0.0
액괴의 모험 : 고전의 향수를 느낄 수 있는 병맛 게임스토리우리와는 또 다른 세계 마왕이 깨어났다.액체괴물이 되어 마왕을 물리쳐라----개발자 연락처 :070-7847-9377 문의 연락처경기도 성남시 분당구 황새울로360번길 21, 10층 RA 1053호 (서현동,신영팰리스타워)13591Aekgoeofadventure:byeongmat game you can feel the classic perfumestoryWe and another world devil is waking up.This liquid is a physical freak Beat the Devil
팩킹 하지 않은 RPG MV 게임을 안드로이드에서 실행하도록 도와주는프로그램입니다.* 사용법1. 게임내에 있는 www 폴더를 핸드폰 내부에 복사합니다.(www 폴더의 명칭을 바꾸시는걸 추천드립니다...)2. DLDB PLAYER를 실행후 해당 폴더른 선택후 /RUN INDEX를 선택하시면 됩니다.* 주의사항1. 갤럭시 노트2에서 작동 여부를 확인하였는데 다른 기종에서는 테스트를 해보지 못했습니다.2. 특정 게임들은 PLUGIN 충돌로 제대로 작동하지 않을수 있습니다.* 업데이트 예정 사항1. 기본적인 인터페이스 부분 완전 개편...2. 간단한 실행방법 도입3. 설정 도입..문의 사항은 혹은 에 해주시기 바랍니다.The game is notpackedRPGMV help that program to run on Android.* How to use1. Copy the folder within the www games onmobilephonesinside.    (Bakkusi Hou will recommend the nameofthefolder www ...)2. Run the DLDB PLAYER, please select the appropriate folderandthenselect a different / RUN INDEX.* Precautions1. determine whether the Galaxy Note 2, were working in didnottrythe other models tested.2. There are certain games may not work properlywithPLUGINconflict.* Update your plans1. Basic interface part completely reorganized ...2. How to run a simple introduction3. The introduction sets.For inquiries, please or the
Hero Knight - Action RPG
PowerSlash Studios
The Hero Knight is one of the best RPGActiongames runner with 2D pixel graphics (classic retro style).Kill the monsters on your way with your sword and spells!Level up with your character as you gain experience, Collectgoldand gems, increase your attributes and abilities, buy thebestequipment for your Knight, all monsters and bosses have achance toknock down epic equipment to become the most powerfulknight ,Monsters can also knock keys to open treasure chests withlegendaryitems.Each time you kill a boss, the knight gains a new magic abilityandbecomes even more powerful.In this epic action RPG, the knight will face the mostpowerfulmonsters designed in 8- and 16-bit pixels, snakes, bats,ghosts,skulls, wizards, ice monsters, orcs and many others, yourmissionis to defeat them!Legendary Transformation: If you find the secret boss inyouradventure, you will face a powerful Fire Dragon, If you canwin,you can become the Legend of Fire! Hero Knight is a fun game for all fans of Action RPGgamesmade in 2D pixel, If you enjoyed the classic 2D Action RPGgames,you will love this![Resources]* EPIC and INCREDIBLE RPG action runner with 2D pixelgraphics(classic retro style).* INCREASE your attributes and abilities!* More than 100 equipment: swords, armor, helmets,bracelets,amulets and rings.* 3 Leaderboard scoring system, best score, best combo andbesttime!* Over 40 different monsters designed in 2D pixel.* All monsters and bosses have a chance to knock downequipment,HP and MP potions, keys and gems.[Game Tips!]* HP and MP potions restore 50%, so always use when lessthan50%.* Increase your attributes with the gold collected alongtheway:HP: Boosts your character's life,MP: increases the energy of the character's magical abilitiesAttack: Increases character attackMagick Atk: Increases attack of character's magical abilitiesDef: Increases character defenseCrit.Rate: Increases the chance of critical damage,Cr.damage:Increases critical damageHP regen: increases life regeneration per secondMP regen: Increases energy regeneration of magical abilitiespersecond.* Hold the attack button for about 2 seconds to use themagicPower Charge ability!* Place your finger on the device to see the status oftheitem!* This game requires the permissions below to save data anddisplayads for rewards videos ..• GET_ACCOUNTS• READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE• WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGEWe do not use any of your personal data.
WAW2 : 위아더월드2 1.0.3
대망의 위아더월드1 횡스크롤 게임에서 후속작 MMORPG Full3D버전으로출시!!2015년 크리스마스 기념 오픈장대한 스케일과 단순 오토게임에서 즐길수 없는 MMORPG!이제까지 노가다게임과 단순반복 오토게임에 질린 유저들이여!! MMORPG 시대가 왔다!!☆Grand Open 기념 혜택☆에피소드1: 인류의 탄생! 외딴섬에피소드2: 인류의 번영! 대륙섬 영지 천신대륙 처음으로 대륙 등장에피소드3: 어둠의 세력등장! 천신성 최초의 성 등장과 공성전 시스템 도입 (2016년 예정)-> 베르스 암흑제국이 어둠의 세력과 오크군단과 함께 천신성 공격!!12월 24일까지 추첨통해서 선물을 지급합니다.■ 어플소개 ■1.스테이지별 다양한 몬스터 등장!!2.스킬창과 아이템 창 구현 완료!!3.상점 구현으로 아이템 구매와 물약구매4.영웅 캐릭터 강화로 이제 지겨운 사냥은 가라 쉽게 강화 인첸트 도입!!5.펫 구현 렙1,5,10렙 펫 구매로 같이 사냥 하는 즐거움이 2배^^6.스킬구현으로 레벨이 오를수록 다양한 스킬로 몬스터 처치할때 쾌감증가▣ 유니티5 엔진을 이용한 최고의 그래픽최신의 유니티5 엔진을 사용한 고퀄리티 Full 3D 액션 RPG▣ 탄탄한 스토리와 장대한 스케일로 지금까지 겪어보지 못한 공성전과 치열한 사냥터가 펼쳐진다감사합니다. 항상 가정의 은총과 행복이 함께하시길 바랍니다~■■고객센터 안내 ■■대표카페★어플다운 리뷰에 별5개 남겨 주신 분들은 이성 친구가 생깁니다^^■단체톡방 - 아이디어 및 의견 제보 받습니다운영자 카톡 xfindcokr 친구 추가 또는 카스채널 소식받기시 이벤트 소식등을들을수있습니다^^감사합니다.■■■ 메타테그 ■■■waw2,위아더월드2----개발자 연락처 :thest1@nate.comThe long-awaitedsequeltothe above Arthur World 1 side-scrolling MMORPGFull3Dreleasedversion of the game!Christmas Memorial Open 2015In the grand scale and simplicity do not enjoyautomaticgameMMORPG!SIRS users ever tired of the game and repetitive nogadaAutogame!MMORPG era has come! ☆ ☆ Grand Open Memorial BenefitEpisode 1: Birth of Humanity! Oettanseom Episode 2: human prosperity! Manor thousand islandcontinenttocontinent first appeared in the New WorldEpisode 3: The emergence of the dark forces! The firstcastlesiegesacred cloth appearance and introduction of thesystem(expected in2016)-> Vere's dark empire a thousand sacred oak attackwithforcesand legions of darkness!Through the lottery until December 24 to pay a gift.■ ■ About App1. The variety of monsters emerge by stages!2. Items pane seukilchang and implement complete!3. Implementation and purchase items in the storetobuypotions4. tedious hunt is now enhanced with the hero character andgoeasyintroduction of enhanced Enchant!5. Pet pleasure of hunting implements like to purchase petreprep1,5,10 twice ^^6. The pleasure increases when killing monsters in avarietyofskills to rise to the skill level implementation▣ best graphics using the Unity engine 5High Quality Full 3D action RPG with the latest Unity engine5 ▣ not unfold the siege and fierce hunting ground not experiencedasagrandiose scale and strong story so farThank you. Please always be with grace and happiness ofthehome~■■ ■■ Customer CentreRepresentative Cafe★ leave 5 stars in App Download Credits reviews is achievedbytheopposite sex friends ^^ ■ organization tokbang - Receive ideas and opinions tip to friends or operator katok xfindcokr you can hear when eventssuchasreceiving the news channel news Cass ^^Thank you.■■■ ■■■ meta tagwaw2, above Arthur World 2
Hamnasya - Askaryl's Grimoire 1.2
War is imminent. A legendary magic bookhasbeenstolen that will tip the balance of power in the directionofwhoeverwields it. Only you can recover this manuscript ofdarkmagic andsave the world of Hamnasya from its forthcomingdarknessanddestruction. Become the hero of an epic interactivefantasynovel andchoose the fate of an entire world.ASKARYL’S GRIMOIREThe first part of an elaborate fantasy gamebooktrilogy,Askaryl’sGrimoire tells the story of a young barbariannamed Edhan.Taskedwith recovering an ancient book of dark magic,Edhan mustjourneyacross this perilous, sprawling world in an effortto locatethethieves of the grimoire and uncover a conspiracy thatcouldtearHamnasya apart.FANTASY GAMEBOOKFollowing in the footsteps of theclassicchoose-your-own-adventuregamebooks, Hamnasya – Askaryl’sGrimoiredelivers an expansiveworld of epic mythology to explore,that isteeming with vibrantcharacters, terrifying monsters. Fansofchoose-your-own-adventurestories and the dark fantasy genrecanfinally take part in theheroic quests they have always dreamedofon the move, in Askaryl’sGrimoire.AN INTERACTIVE EPICCombining the concepts of gamebook, RPG and trading cardgameplayonhand-held devices, Hamnasya is fully illustratedandincludesmini-games, a full soundtrack, combat mechanics withdiceandsocial networking capabilities.READ A STORY. PLAY A GAME. BECOME A HERO.FEATURES:★ RPG interface with character creation and level-up system.★ Combat system utilizing weapons, magic spells andartifacts.★ Full orchestral soundtrack with over five different tracks.★ Fully illustrated, with depictions of Hamnasyaanditsinhabitants.★ Tweet your victories directly from the app.★ Mini-games.★ Badges earned when certain tasks are accomplished.★ English and French language support.