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Cv.Karunia Web Desain
CV.Karunia Web Desain( Bergerak dalam bidang Jasa danTeknologiberfokus pada layanan JASA PEMBUATAN WEBSITE.Berbagai mancam jenis website dapat kami buat seperti:1. Jasa Pembuatan Website Toko Online2. Jasa Pembuatan Website Company Profile3. Jasa Pembuatan Website MLM4. Jasa Pembuatan Website Properti5. Jasa Pembuatan Website Iklan Baris6. Jasa Pembuatan Website Portal berita7. Jasa Pembuatan Website Dealer Pulsa8. Jasa Pembuatan Website PPC dan PTC9. Jasa Pembuatan Website Reseller10. Jasa Pembuatan Website Affiliasi11. Jasa Pembuatan Website Instansi12. Jasa Pembuatan Website Responsive13. Jasa Pembuatan Aplikasi Android14. Jasa Publikasi Aplikasi Android15. Jasa Pembuatan SMS Gateway Untuk Website16. Installasi SSL Scurity17. Webhosting Service18. Jasa Promosi OnlineTarif jasa kami sangat terjangkau, untuk pembuatan websitemulaiRp.75ribu nett siap online, hal ini untuk membantu para UKMpemulayang ingin mengembangkan usahanya melalui media website.Informasi lengkap bisa kunjungi website kami: http://niadesain.comProfile PerusahaanLegalitas Perusahaan:CV. KARUNIA WEB DESAINSIUP: 503 / 57 / SIUP / BPPTPM / PK / 1 / 2015TDP: 101547000164 - Akta Notaris no. 59Alamat PerusahaanJalan Raya Pangandaran no.136 Kel.Karangmulya RT 02 RW01Kecamatan Padaherang Kab Pangandaran, Jawa Barat 46384Kontak(0265) 656 212Web DesignCV.Karunia(website: Engaged in Services andTechnologyfocuses on service SERVICE WEBSITE.Mancam various types of websites can we make such as:1. Online Store Website Development Services2. Website Development Services Company Profile3. MLM Website Development Services4. Property Website Development Services5. Classified Ads Website Development Services6. Development Services Portal news7. Toll Dealer Website Development Services8. Website Development Services PPC and PTC9. Reseller Website Development Services10. Website Development Services Affiliates11. Website Development Services Agencies12. Responsive Website Development Services13. Android Application Development Services14. Android Application Publication Services15. Development Services SMS Gateway To Website16. Installation SSL Scurity17. Webhosting Service18. Promotion Services OnlineOur services are very affordable rates, for the creationofwebsites ranging Rp.75ribu nett ready online, this is to helptheSMEs beginners who want to develop their business throughthemedium of a website.Detailed information can visit our website: http://niadesain.comCompany profileThe legality of the company:CV. GIFT WEB DESIGNLicense: 503/57 / SIUP / BPPTPM / PK / 1/2015TDP: 101547000164 - Notary Deed no. 59Company's addressHighway Pangandaran Kel.Karangmulya 136 RT 02 RW 01DistrictPadaherang District Pangandaran, West Java 46 384Contact(0265) 656 212