Top 16 Apps Similar to 淘寶紅包大放送

爱淘宝-淘宝网购分享平台 1.0.0
Deal Checker
推荐高性价比优质商品、特惠活动,更有资深黄钻买家、时尚达人、红人模特分享购物体验Recommendcost-effectivehigh-quality merchandise, special events, and moresenior yellowdiamond buyers, fashion, Reds models share theshoppingexperience
露天市集 3.4.4
PChome eBay Co., Ltd.
It is very convenient to contact sellers through diggingtreasuresin the open air and Lulutong, and mobile payment savestime andconvenience! There are more than hundreds of millions ofproductsin the whole station for you to choose! Souks are themobileshopping station of choice!
淘瘋了 - 淘寶優惠大全 1.0.0
Deal Checker
每日更新淘寶最優惠貨品,特定貨品更減價低至一折!仲等?即刻掃貨啦!Best is updateddailyTaobao goods, specific goods more Sale up off! Chung,etc?Instantly scan cargo it!
美团-美好生活小帮手 12.9.430
【特色服务】 1. 吃喝玩乐一应俱全◇在线预订餐厅桌位,省时安心不用等位◇外卖订餐水果宵夜,酒店旅游周边推荐◇同城取送,用美团跑腿,省时又省力!◇美团电商团好货,全国品质好货低价包邮,省心购物◇美团优选购生鲜,新鲜实惠,当日下单,次日自提2. 旅游出行一站搞定◇火车票云抢票神器,自动占座送票上门◇机票低价优质出行,船票门票在线预订◇美团打车优惠不停,快车专车出租车便捷出发◇美团单车电单车免押金骑行,更优惠更便捷◇查公交、查到站,车辆到站提前提醒,一站式安心乘公交3.全国影讯在线选座◇影院会员卡商家券,电影购票享超值更优惠◇热映影片团购订座,大片预告电影抢先看起【产品特点】吃喝玩乐全都有:美食精选、外卖订餐、酒店预订、旅游团购、电商品牌秒杀、机票打折、电影特价、打车出租车等团购实惠根本停不下来!◇情侣约会:吃美食、看电影、住酒店、去旅游;◇懒宅点餐:美食、水果、鲜花、下午茶、超市百货◇朋友轰趴:按摩足疗、KTV、、桌游电玩;◇闺蜜逛街:美容、美发、美甲、瑜伽、舞蹈;◇旅游周边:机票、火车票、景点门票、跟团游;◇打车出行:美团打车,快车、专车、出租车;◇美团单车:美团单车、美团电单车;◇品牌秒杀:产地果蔬、品牌食品、家居百货、一站购齐;【产品简介】美团、美团外卖、美团酒店、猫眼电影,为您提供美食、外卖、电商、酒店、旅游、电影、KTV、机票、火车票、洗车养车、等全面服务。除各种实惠,美团网提供用户消费评价、商家评分、商家信息查询等功能,旨在为用户提供好的服务!【关于美团】美团网(成立于2010年3月4日,汇聚美食、外卖、酒店、旅游、电影等生活服务于一体的综合信息网站。秉承消费者至上的价值观,在业内率先推出“7天内未消费无条件退款”和“美团券过期未消费无条件退款”等消费者保障条款,为消费者放心消费提供权益保障。【用户帮助】感谢您使用美团手机客户端,使用中有任何问题可通过以下方式查询解决:1.客户端查询入口:我的 =>客服中心2.官方网站:
ezbuy - 1-Stop Online Shopping 9.51.0
One-stop Shopping Platform for Groceries and Great Deals withFreeShipping
比價王 8.4
淘搶購頻道-淘寶全場限時瘋搶,半價免單搶不停 1.0.0
Deal Checker
Price香港格價網 5.0.21 Limited
Price is the No.1 price platform in Hong Kong, providingquotationsfor more than 230,000 items of digital products, homeappliances,etc., helping you easily find your favorite products,download thePrice App now to keep abreast of daily flash discounts!
PChome24h購物|你在哪 home就在哪 3.56.0
PChome online Inc.
Where are you, where is the home? Continue to listen to yourvoice,master your life, PChome24h shopping is always with you.
飛比價格 - 購物拍賣比價找便宜必備小幫手 - Feebee v3.12.5_g
Firstweb Limited
"Preferred APP for Online Shopping and Price Comparison" Therearehundreds of millions of price-comparison products; hundredsofshopping and auction websites and selected overseas storesareincluded; The point collection function allows you to solvetasks,get points, and exchange gifts every day. Let you findcheaper andearn more~
China Shopping 1.7.1
China Shopping
Nowadays a great share of goods that we buy–electronics, clothing, home and garden items and many more,areproduced in China. There is a wide range of China shoppingwebsitesthat sell a massive assortment of goods without recurringtomediators, and thus offering lower prices. It is no wondermanycustomers all over the world have already made their choiceandswitched over to online shopping.Chinese stores are extremely popular among online shoppers, whohavecome to a realization that Chinese clothes, shoes, electronicsorgadgets may be of high quality and no worse than Western ones.Evenwell-known international brands and European fashion housesopentheir factories in China, and some Chinese shoppingcompaniescooperate with factories that produce famous brandsproviding bestbargains for their customers.Certainly, even the best Chinese shops have their advantagesandcertain risks. No doubt, free shipping in most of the shops aswellas low prices, discounts and offers topped by an amazingvariety ofall product categories imaginable attract thousands ofcustomersdaily to Chinese shops. However, you should keep in mindthat somee-commerce marketplaces serve as platforms for a multitudeofsellers, and it is essential to check their ratings andusers'feedback before order placement.All in all, Chinese shopping websites may definitely save you alotof money. Fierce competition makes both the top Chineseonlineshops and new emerging stores fight tooth and nail fortheircustomers by means of fresh promotions, coupons, deals andservice.Whether you are planning to update your wardrobe withChineseclothes or buy a latest gadget, Chinese stores will be happytooffer you good value for money.Clothes unquestionably are the bestselling product overtheinternet. When looking for a good value / quality ratio feelfreeto check online clothing stores from China. Most of them offerfreeshipping.People, regardless of their age, social status, place ofresidencebuys online everything. Some of them might need newshirts, otherslook for original jeans or sweaters. Some years agoonline storeshad little trust and clothes were bought rarely, butnow shoppingonline is becoming more and more secure. This resultedto appearmore reliable online stores with decreased price andincreasedquality. Nowadays more and more people afford to purchaseexpensiveand high quality clothes online.As the internet has became an opportunity to buy everything youneedthere is no more need to go to the ordinary local store anymore. Ifyou prefer any particular clothing store or brand, youwill easilyfind your favorite clothes online. Finding yourpreferred brandclothes will be even easier. Just use the rightkeywords or filtersand clothes will be few clicks away. Please becareful to choose theright size as sizes differ from country tocountry. Chinese sizesare way much smaller compared to sizes in USor Europe. Make sure toalways check seller’s descriptions and sizemeasurements thoroughlybefore purchasing online.Top Chinese online shopping,,,,,,,,,,,BuyInCoins,,,,,,,,,,,,
微店 7.4.6
【1分钟开店】1分钟简单操作就能开启属于你的微店。【完全免费】开店完全免费,所有交易不收取任何手续费。【账期极短】微店每天会自动将前一天的货款全部提现到你的银行卡,让你及时回款。【支付快捷】支持微信支付、支付宝、信用卡、储蓄卡等多种支付方式,安全快捷 。【管理方便】随时随地添加商品、查看订单,并可一键分享到微信、微博、QQ空间等多个平台。【微店分销】海量优质底价货源,轻松一件代发。【多重认证】微店认证体系,确保店铺安全可靠,为你的交易保驾护航!【安全保障】微店与中国平安财产保险公司合作,已由中国平安财产保险公司承保超期到账责任。官方网站: www.weidian.com官方微博:@微店官方微信公众号:v_dian微店商学院微信公众号:sellkoudai客服电话:4008-933-557(人工服务时间:周一至周五,早9点到晚7点)企业合作邮箱[1 minute shop]1 minute simple operation will be able to open your own micro-shop.[FREE]Shop completely free, all transactions does not charge anyfees.[Account] very short periodMicro shop every day the day before the payment automaticallyallwithdrawals to your bank card, so you timely payment.Shortcut [pay]Support micro-channel payment, Alipay, credit cards, debit cardsandother payment methods, safe and efficient.[Facilitate management]Add anytime merchandise, view orders, and share a key microletterto multiple platforms, microblogging, QQ space.[Micro] shop DistributorMassive reserve supply of high-quality, easily a generationoffat.[Multiple certification]Micro-shop certification system to ensure safe and reliablestorefor your trading escort!【Insurance】Micro-shop cooperation with China Ping An PropertyInsuranceCompany, by the China Ping An Property InsuranceCompanyunderwriting liability overdue arrival.Official website: www.weidian.comOfficial microblogging: @ Micro-shopNo public official micro letter: v_dianMicro-micro-channel public shop School Number: sellkoudaiCustomer Service Tel: 4008-933-557(Manual service hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 7pm)Enterprise Cooperation mail:
布袋狗代购网 - 淘宝代购 1.4
布袋狗代购是最专业的淘宝代购网站,以最专业的服务和优惠的国际运费为海外华人代购淘宝商品。现在下载 布袋狗App,您就可以买到喜爱的淘宝商品,享受 Budaigou 提供的便捷代购和运送服务!功能简介:1.寻找您喜爱的中国商品,提交代购订单;2.“逛街”让您在 Budaigou 内即可逛遍淘宝等各大购物网站;3.第一时间掌握代购商品/包裹进度,了解物流信息;4.支持复制商品链接进行代购;5.在手机上也能为 Budaigou 充值,安全、快速。Budaigou用户交流wechat:idaigou
Pinkoi: Original design goods 6.13.0
Pinkoi remains committed to doing all the small things right.
返还网(是国内最早最专业的淘宝和商城购物返利网站,通过”导购+返还“的模式为千万用户粉丝在网购中省钱。*800多个合作商家,覆盖范围广*上淘宝京东购物最高可返50%,返还比例高*徐小平投资,CEO做客CCTV,值得信赖返还网,网购省钱助手!【应用特色】1、返还——淘宝天猫京东唯品会等800家知名商城合作,购物返还随时随地,最高返还50%2、值得买——每日推荐热门历史最低价折扣信息,最靠谱最具性价比的网购推荐尽在这里3、发现——玩竞拍,看趣图,扫一扫,购物以外还有很多精彩等你来发现【友情提醒】邀请好友还有奖励等你拿哦~【联系我们】 我们将会不断更新和完善客户端,敬请关注!欢迎提出宝贵意见和建议!如有客户端使用问题,请联系我们:客服QQ:800009200官方网站
易迅网 v2.3.4
易迅网(客户端是一款基于Android平台的网上购物应用软件,涵盖了手机数码、电脑办公、家居家电、汽车用品、百货个护五大类上千个品牌、数万种商品。如同淘宝商城、京东、新蛋、当当、一号店、卓越、库巴等网上商城,易迅网的Android客户端注重特色服务,功能上支持快速搜索、轻松购物;服务上延续了易迅网的仓储物流优势;体验上打造线上更方便快捷的购物方式。在手机上,您也可以享受:1.限时抢购,易迅团购,hold住全场的给力低价!2.时尚新品,小易推荐,让你天天新视觉!3.拇指达人,快速购物,轻松“易”点,“迅”速到家4.实用功能,搜索,查询,浏览,收藏,一切由你作主。5.购物比价,在国美、苏宁等任何数码电器城相中任何商品,只要上易迅网,轻松“易”点,“迅”速到家,让您购物更省钱;温馨提示:认准易迅,不是“易讯”哦!YiXunNetwork ( client is an Android-basedonlineshopping application software, covering mobile digital,computeroffice, home appliances, automotive supplies, fivecategories ofPersonal Care Stores thousands of brands, tens ofthousands ofkinds of commodities. As Taobao Mall, Jingdong, newegg, Dangdang,One shop, excellence, Kuba and other online store,easy fastnetwork Android client focus on special services, supportfastsearch functions, easy shopping; services on the continuationofeasy fast network warehousing and logistics advantages; buildonthe experience of shopping online is more convenient andefficientway.On the phone, you can also enjoy:1 limit buy, easy fast buy, hold live audience to forceprice!(2) new fashion, Xiao Yi recommendation, let you every daynewvision!3 thumbs up to people, quick shopping, easy "easy" point,"fast"quick home4. Practical function, search, query, browse, collections, allatyour disposal.5 shopping comparison, in the United States, Suning ElectricCityany digital phase of any commodity, as long as the networkeasyfast and easy "easy" point, "fast" quick home, make yourshoppingmore money;Tips: Look for easy fast, not "Easy -" Oh!