Top 16 Apps Similar to 112 Where ARE U

FlagMii 3.1.6
Regola Srl
The app that connects you to rescuers: if you need help, helpthemfind you!
112 Acil Yardım Butonu 2.3.2
T. C. The Ministry of Health 112 Emergency Button Application
detail For 911 Operator 2
DevAz App
Hello, And welcome to the first911OperatorGuide for beginners. This guide will guide youthroughthebeginning of what 911 operators is and the basicknowledgethisgame platform.911 operators are vital within our society they instructcallerstouseful resources and instructions, they overcome theprocedureofmanaging police, fire, and ems teams inlife-threateningoremergency situations.As you launch they game you will be prompted toeitherCampaignmode.In the campaign mode, you will play in different citieslikeSanFrancisco or Washington DC, facing growing threats andmoreandmore challenging tasks. Will you manage to operate 20teamsatonce?Some of the planned missions include large sportsevents,protests,international government summit, drug mafiaactivities,terroristattacks, natural disasters like earthquakes,floods, andfires.Each will have corresponding calls and reports,which youwill haveto handle correctly in order to advance tonextlevelIn the free gameplay mode, you will play a variety ofcitiesyouchoose from like New York City, London and a varietyofdifferentcities. in order to have your city listed, it has tohavemore than100 000 a 911 operator, you will be able to recruitadditionalteammembers, buy vehicles and equipment and watch anafteractionreports, where you can find out what happened toyourcallers. Inorder to achieve credits, you will need tocompletespecialassignments and missions within your shift asanoperator.In the game currently there is more than 12 vehiclesavailableforpurchase within the duty management and 140generatedcalloutsoperators can face.this app is just guide for the really game 911 operators .Youmayfind some information useful here. This is a perfectforbeginnerand intermediate player. This app you can feelbestexperience forplaying in game.note Please - This is not a game!!It's guide for911 operatorsAll the game name, images, characters, logo and other detailsarenotcreated by us but by their respective owners
Life360: Live Location Sharing 23.43.0
Comprehensive family safety membership plans for busy, modern life.
118 Call 1.6
118 - ITALIAN HEALTH EMERGENCY - Emergency call with just 1 click!
DRK-App - Rotkreuz-App des DRK 2.7.6
The Red Cross app provides 26,000 times life coaching in avarietyof situations
Twilight 12.3
Urbandroid Team
Are you having trouble falling asleep? Areyourkids hyperactive when playing with the tablet before bedtime?Are you using your smart phone or tablet in the lateevening?Twilight may be a solution for you!Recent research suggests that exposure to blue light beforesleepmay distort your natural (circadian) rhythm and causeinability tofall asleep.The cause is the photoreceptor in your eyes, called Melanopsin.Thisreceptor is sensitive to a narrow band of blue light inthe460-480nm range which may suppress Melatonin production - ahormoneresponsible for your healthy sleep-wake cycles.In experimental scientific studies it has been shown anaverageperson reading on a tablet or smart phone for a couple ofhoursbefore bed time may find their sleep delayed by aboutanhour.The Twilight app makes your device screen adapt to the time oftheday. It filters the flux of blue light emitted by your phoneortablet after sunset and protects your eyes with a soft andpleasantred filter. The filter intensity is smoothly adjusted tothe suncycle based on your local sunset and sunrise times.Get more from Twilight1) Bed reading: Twilight is more pleasant on the eyes fornightreading. Especially as it is able to lower the screenbacklight farbelow the ability of the backligt controls on yourscreen2) AMOLED screens: We have tested Twilight on an AMOLED screenfor2.5 years without any sign of depletion or over-burning.Ifproperly configured Twilight causes less light emission(byenabling dimming) with more equal light distribution (dark areasofthe screen such as the status bar get tinted). This may infactincrease your AMOLED screen life time.Basics on circadian rhythm and the role of melatonin location - to find out your current sunset/surise times- running apps - to stop Twilight in selected apps- write settings - to set back-light- network - access smartlight (Philips HUE) to shield youhouseholdlight from blueAutomation (Tasker or other) scientific researchAmplitude Reduction and Phase Shifts of Melatonin, CortisolandOther Circadian Rhythms after a Gradual Advance of Sleep andLightExposure in Humans Derk-Jan Dijk, & Co 2012Exposure to Room Light before Bedtime Suppresses Melatonin OnsetandShortens Melatonin Duration in Humans Joshua J. Gooley,KyleChamberlain, Kurt A. Smith & Co, 2011Effect of Light on Human Circadian Physiology Jeanne F.Duffy,Charles A. Czeisler 2009Efficacy of a single sequence of intermittent bright lightpulsesfor delaying circadian phase in humans Claude Gronfier,Kenneth P.Wright, & Co 2009Intrinsic period and light intensity determine thephaserelationship between melatonin and sleep in humans KennethP.Wright, Claude Gronfier & Co 2009The Impact of Sleep Timing and Bright Light Exposure onAttentionalImpairment during Night Work Nayantara Santhi, DanielAeschbach& Co 2008Short-Wavelength Light Sensitivity of Circadian, Pupillary,andVisual Awareness in Humans Lacking an Outer Retina Farhan H.Zaidi& Co, 2007High sensitivity of the human circadian melatonin rhythmtoresetting by short wavelength light. Lockley SW, BrainardGC,Czeisler CA. 2003Sensitivity of the human circadian pacemaker to nocturnallight:melatonin phase resetting and suppression Jamie M Zeitzer,Derk-JanDijk & Co 2000For a desktop alternative, try RedShift (Linux) or on Windowstheapp which has no relation to this project whatsoever, whosenamecannot be said aloud or whispered as it is a Trademark, letscallit Lord Voldemort of the blue light flux filtering apps.Guessedit?Let us know in the comments.
iHELP Personal & Family Safety 4.7.3
iHELP creates an emergency care network, connecting people incasesof emergency
Period Tracker, My Calendar 1.713.216.GP
Simple Design Ltd.
The ★highest rated (4.8)★periodcalendar!Top 1 in Health & Fitness Over 43 Countries.Top 5 in Health & Fitness Over 63 Countries.Over 70,000,000 Android Users love Period Calendar.Keep track of your menstrual cycles with Period Calendar. Ittracksyour periods, cycles, ovulation and the chance ofconception.Period tracker helps both women looking toconceive andthose trying to birth control.Period Tracker is useful, whether you have irregularperiodsor regular periods. It can track your chance ofpregnancyevery day. You can also record your cervical mucus,BMI, sexualactivity, weight, temperature, symptoms or moods. Thinkof it asyour personal period diary. It will help you get in shape,loseweight, and stay healthy.PILL REMINDER & PERIOD REMINDER:- Customize the notification text to make it discreet, toavoidnever being embarrassed in public.- Notifications for period, fertility and ovulation tracker- Contraceptive pills reminder (includes pills, ring,patch& injections)PERIOD & FERTILITY TRACKER:- Helps predict menstruation, cycles and ovulation- Ovulation calculator and tracker- Period calculator, fertility calculator and spotonpredictionTRYING TO GET PREGNANT & BIRTH CONTROL APP:- Fertile symptoms tracker, like cervical firmness, cervicalmucus,cervical opening- Check your odds of conceiving each day for betterfamilyplanning- It is the birth control app, spot on tracking the period&fertile daysLOSE WEIGHT, TRACK SYMPTOMS & MOODS:- Intimacy tracker- Body temperature chart helps you determine ovulation date- Predict your ovulation date according to the ovulationtestresultNEVER LOSE DATA:- Utilizes Google account data backup and Restoration- Backup and restore your period data to phone or emailMULTI ACCOUNT & SECURITY:- Multi accounts to track & security protections- View or search all notes through your timelineCOMMUNITY- To communicate and exchange ideas with each other aboutanytopics** Check our community ** is the reliable ovulation app for ovulation and periodtracker,you can check your ovulation calendar, period calendar, itwill bemore accurate for your usage.
SportsCars service app 1.0
Miroslav Grgic
SportsCars service app is a digital service checkbook forPorsche911, 964, 993
EchoSOS 4.4.3
Ubique Health
EchoSOS is a lifesaving app that sends your location tolocalemergency services
Botón de Pánico AsT 1.0
RESUMEN: Botón de Pánico AsT le servirá austedpara ALERTAR a sus contactos, en caso de sufrir algúninconvenientede PELIGRO o de SALUD. Enviando un SMS, un MAIL, yuna publicaciónen FACEBOOK con un mensaje más su ubicacióngeolocalizada en GoogleMaps. Logrando así un ALERTA TEMPRANA parasu círculo de confianza.==================¿QUÉ ES?Botón de Pánico AsT o Botón Antipánico AsT consiste en unaapppara smartphone(Android) que permite el envío de ALERTAS DESALUD yALERTAS DE PELIGRO con la geolocalización de la persona yladirección aproximada a un grupo de personas preestablecido.Estasalertas pueden ser enviadas por SMS(mensajes detextos),publicación en el muro de FACEBOOK o MAIL.Esta información le permitirá a SUS CONTACTOS DE EMERGENCIA,poderacudir en su ayuda, o enviar asistencia directamente a travésdefuerzas del orden o servicios médicos.Es de mucha utilidad para utilizarlo con sus FAMILIARES yAMIGOS,para alertar de las situaciones antes mencionadas yprotegerse consu entorno.FUNCIONES* Envío de SMS de Alerta de Pánico más la geolocalización* Envío de SMS de Alerta de Salud más la geolocalización* Publicación en el muro de FACEBOOK con el tipo de AlertadePeligro o de Salud* Envío de mail con el tipo de Alerta de Peligro o de SaludFUNCIONAMIENTOUna vez instalado y configurado con sus contactos deemergencia,el funcionamiento es tan SENCILLO como el de "tocar" unsimplebotón en su escritorio y la aplicación ACTUARÁ obteniendosuscoordenadas actuales, generando un link a Google Maps consuubicación, obteniendo una dirección aproximada yfinalmenteenviando el alerta a sus contactos a través de losmediosseleccionados."TODO ESTO AL SIMPLE TOQUE DE UN BOTÓN"==================RECOMENDACIONES PARA UN CORRECTO FUNCIONAMIENTO* Se recomienda instalarlo en celulares con versiones deAndroid2.3.3 o superior.* Esta versión NO ES COMPATIBLE CON VERSIONES 4.3.3 de Androidosuperiores, yaque no puede volver a reconfigurarse una vez configurado.* La GEOLOCALIZACIÓN depende de lo siguiente:1ro: Que se encuentre habilitado en el menú del Botón dePánicoAst, en la parte de Localización la opción "UsarRedesInalámbricas"2do: Tener servicio de internet habilitado en tu celular,através de WI-FI o 3G3ero: Tener habilitado la red Wi-Fi, aunque no seencuentreconectado a la misma, ya que para mejorarla ubicación se obtiene información de las redesinalámbricascercanas.* El uso de esta aplicación puede conllevar el consumoadicionalde datos y resultar en facturaciones extra por parte delprestadordel servicio, las cuales deberán ser abonadas por elusuario.* El funcionamiento de esta aplicación está sujeto a lacorrectaconexión a internet, lo cual depende exclusivamente delestado delequipo utilizado por el usuario y de su conexión ainternet através de un plan de datos y/o redes wifi.* La geolocalización depende de factores externos a laaplicacióny puede ser inexacta.(Ver RECOMENDACIONES)* Botón de Pánico AsT RESPETA LA PRIVACIDAD de sus usuarios.Losmensajes de alerta enviados a través de este sistema, sólosetransmiten entre las partes involucradas, sin existirun intermediario más que las compañías telefónicasinvolucradas.*El uso de esta aplicación asume la aceptación de éstostérminosy condiciones. del proyecto* A.I.A. Macedo Maximiliano. ( Twitter: @ydea2 -* A.I.A. Ribas Nicolás. (Twitter: @nicoribas )Asesoramiento Legal* Abog. Temperini Marcelo. (Twitter: @mgitemperini -ÁS INFORMACIÓNSitio: Coordinación del proyecto - AsegurarTe Consultora en Seguridad delaInformaciónSUMMARY: Panic ButtonAsTwill serve you to alert your contacts, if inconvenienced orHEALTHHAZARD. Sending an SMS, EMAIL, FACEBOOK and a publicationwith amessage plus its geographic location in Google Maps. EARLYWARNINGachieving a circle of trust for.==================WHAT IS IT?AsT Panic Button Panic Button or AsT is a smartphoneapp(Android) that allows the sending of ALERT HEALTH HAZARD ALERTandthe geolocation of the person and about a group ofpeoplepredetermined direction. These alerts can be sent via SMS(textmessages), wall post or FACEBOOK MAIL.This information will enable your emergency contacts, to cometotheir aid, or post directly through assistance from lawenforcementor medical services.It is useful to use with family and friends, to warn of theabovesituations and protect their environment.FUNCTIONS* Sending SMS Alert Panic's geolocation* Sending SMS Health Alert's geolocation* Listed on the FACEBOOK wall with the Beep or Health Hazard* Sending mail with the Beep or Health HazardOPERATIONOnce installed and configured with your emergencycontacts,performance is as SIMPLE as the "touch" of a button onyour desktopand application PERFORM getting your currentcoordinates,generating a link to Google Maps with your location,obtaining anaddress approximate and finally sending alert to yourcontactsthrough the selected media."ALL THIS TO SIMPLE TOUCH OF A BUTTON"==================RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PROPER OPERATION* It is recommended to install it on phones with Androidversions2.3.3 or higher.* This version is NOT COMPATIBLE WITH VERSIONS Android 4.3.3orhigher asit can not be reconfigured once again set.* The GEOLOCATION depends on the following:1ST: It is found enabled on the Panic Button menu Ast,PartLocation "Use Wireless Networks"2do: Having internet service enabled on your phone throughWi-Fior 3G3rd: Having enabled Wi-Fi network, but it is not connected toit,as to improvethe location information of nearby wireless networksisobtained.* Using this application may result in additionalconsumptiondata and result in additional billings by the serviceprovider,which shall be paid by the user.* The operation of this application is subject to therightinternet connection, which depends solely on the state oftheequipment used by the user and the internet through a data planand/ or wireless networks.* The geolocation depends on factors external to theapplicationand may be inaccurate. (See Recommendations)* Panic Button AsT respects the privacy of its users.Alertmessages sent via this system, only transmitted between thepartiesinvolved, with noan intermediary rather than the telephone companies involved.* Using this application you agree to these termsandconditions. Coordinator* A.I.A. Maximiliano Macedo. (Twitter: @ ydea2 -* A.I.A. Ribas Nicholas. (Twitter:nicoribas)Legal Advice* Abog. Temperini Marcelo. (Twitter:mgitemperini - INFORMATIONSite: Project - sure Consultant Information Security
ICE - In Case of Emergency 3.1.1
Sylvain Lagache
100% FREE & NO ADS ! Show your ICE information and contactsonyou lock screen !
Temel İlk Yardım 1.1
Temel İlk Yardım uygulaması 4 anabaşlıkdanoluşmaktadır. İlk Yardım, Ek Bilgi, Eğitim Süreci, TestİLK YARDIM Bölümü:● Hasta ve Yaralıya Temel İlk Yardım ve müdahale adımlarıyeralmaktadır.● Temel İlk Yardım başlıkları alfabetik sırayagöredizilmiştir.● Okumak istediğiniz ilk yardım başlığına tıklayarakmüdahaleniniçeriği hakkında bilgi alabilir ve müdahale işleminedair video varise İlk Yardım Video kısmına tıklayarak ilgilivideo'larıizleyebilirisiniz. Video dosyaları uygulamanın içindeyüklügelmektedir, çalışma sırasında internet'i kullanmaz. İlkYardımmüdahalelerinde yer alan '112 Ambulans Hızlı Arama Tuşu' ve'110İtfaiye Hızlı Arama Tuşu' na basarak aramayapabilirsiniz.● Video'lar Türk Kızılayı Youtube kanalından alınmıştır. Bilgi Bölümü:● İlk yardım uygulaması Ek Bilgi kısmında sizintarafınızdanoluşturulacak yeni müdahale adımlarını yazabilir ve ilkyardımuygulamanızı kendinize göre güncelleyebilirsiniz.EĞİTİM SÜRECİ Bölümü:● Temel İlk Yardım eğitimi alacak kişiler için Eğitimsürecini,Sınav adımlarını ve Sertifika sürecini anlatmaktadır.TEST Bölümü:● 8 adet Test uygulamamız bulunmaktadır. Her testuygulamasında40 soru bulunmakta ve İlkyardım uygulamamızda toplam320 sorubulunmaktadır. Test süresi 60 dk.'dır. Test sürenizdolduğundaekrana '60 dk süreniz dolmuştur. Test süreniz bitmiştir.'mesajıçıkacaktır. Test uygulamasında Sonuç yazısınatıklayarakcevaplarınız aşağıda gözükecek ve test sürenizkapatılmışolacaktır. Test bölümünde ayrıca Sorularım yazısınatıklayaraksizin tarafınızdan oluşturulacak yeni sorular yazabilirve ilkyardım uygulamanızı kendinize göre güncelleyebilirsiniz.*** Uygulamada yer alan 4 Tab başlığının daha düzgün gözükmesivekendi yazacağınız Ek Bilgi - Sorularım uygulamasınınçalışabilmesiiçin Android 4 ve üzeri sürümleri kullanmanız tavsiyeedilir.Basic FirstAidapplication consists of 4 main hood. First Aid,AdditionalInformation, Education Process, TestingFIRST AID Section:● Wounded and Sick in basic first aid and intervention stepsareincluded.● Basic First Aid titles are arranged in alphabetical order.● You can watch the videos you want to read about you cangetinformation about the contents of the first aid interventionsbyclicking on the video title and first aid intervention processbyclicking on the video side. Video files come installed intheapplication does not use the Internet during work. Situatedinfirst aid intervention '112 Ambulance Fast Dial Keys "and" 110FireSpeed ​​Dial Key "You can search by pressing.● Video is taken from the Turkish Red Crescent Youtubechannel. Information Section:● first aid intervention in the Additional Informationsectionmay write the new steps to be created by you and updateitaccording to your own first aid.TRAINING PROCESS Department:● Basic First Aid training for people who take thetrainingprocess, examination and certification process describesthesteps.TEST Department:● We have 8 Test. There are 40 questions in eachtestapplications and our applications Aid has a total of 320questions.Test time is 60 min. If you run your test time is '60minutes whilethe screen is full. Do the test period is over. 'message willappear. your answers by clicking on the testapplication and testresults appear while you are writing will becovered below. Myquestions in the test section also click on thearticle you canwrite new questions will be created by you andupdate it accordingto your own first aid.*** In practice, the 4 Tab title appear smoother andadditionalinformation that you write your own - do not use Android4 andlater for my application to work in question isrecommended.
ASA with Emergency Center 4.0.43
My911, Inc.
ASA is a multifunctional platformthatresideson the users smartphone device with connectivity totheuserspersonal and health information stored in a secureHIPAAcompliantcloud environment. The platform offers users a PreandPostEmergency service along with Health and Wellnessmonitoringandcommunication capabilities for individuals of allagesandconditions.ASA comes with complete Emergency Center integration,youwillalways be cared for 7/24.The ASA Health and Wellness Continuum is an agnosticaggregatorofhundreds of Bluetooth, ANT + and Wi-Fi devices thatcaptureandcommunicate vital personal readings. With theASAPHRusers/patients can store this information for theirownpersonalrecord and/or for sharing specific datawithonescaregiver/clinician/insurance carrier/hospital. InadditionASAprovides storage and connectivity to the users PHRswhileservingas a conduit or data highway for that usertonumerousHealth-Clouds, allowing that user the ability to sharethespecificdata between themselves anduserapprovedcaregiver/clinicians/insurance carriers/hospitals.No matter your location you can manage your healthandwellnessinformation is right at your fingertips. Whether it befromyourcell phone or on the internet using your own PersonalHealthRecord(PHR), your health and wellness information isalwaysthere.Supported non-invasive health and wellnessdevices(ContinuaSupported Devices, ANT+, BlueTooth, and Wi-Fi)include:WeighingScale, Pedometer, Pulse Oximeter, BloodPressureMonitor,Thermometer, Cardiovascular, Strength, IndependentLivingActivityHub, Peak Flow Monitor, and Glucose Meter. All ASAHealthusershave Automatic notification and emergency response,generatedwhenusing approved health and wellness devices. Each userhastheoption to customize their own personal andcriticalthresholds,ensuring they are looked after no matterthelocation.Supported Health and Wellness devices.Partial list of supported health devices see own private Online Personal Health Record thatcanseamlesslyintegrate with any of your other online HealthRecordaccounts orHealth Care Network Ecosystem.Allows for all recorded health information to be displayedinPM360and can be shared with that users Care Network.Integrate with multiple Care Network ConnectorsincludingWithings,fitBit, CareNet, BlueButton companies, andmanymore.Caregivers, Physicians, Hospitals, Insurance Companies:* Can get access to all their approved patients data* Can do manual health and wellness data entry for any oralloftheir approved patientsSummary of features:• Multi Health and Wellness device simultaneous monitoring(seelistof some of devices supported Critical Threshold notification (critical tiesyoudirectly inwith emergency response personnel)• Complete Online Personal Health Record (PHR)withCaregivermanagement options• Easy integration with other PHR's like Withings, FitBitandmuchmore• SOS direct to emergency response personnel• Impact detectionforVehicle/Motorcycle/Outdoor/PersonalFalling-Down PLUS OBDDongleinterface (monitoring for airbagdeployment and OBDerrors),supports ELM327 OBD2 Dongle's• Unlimited automated contact notificationwithSOS/Impact/AirbagDeployment/Health• Tracking (single and group, geo-fencing)• Emergency Text-To-Speech (optional)• Traffic Alerts• Weather and other Environmental Alerts
Danish ERG 2.1.5
Danish Emergency Response Guide. (Danish only)