Top 30 Apps Similar to Ricette & Sapori

GialloZafferano Recipes
1300+ cooking recipes and videorecipesbyGialloZafferano, the leading cooking portal in Italy, withmoreadded every day!All the famous dishes of Italian cuisine and much more!Find new ideas for a dinner with your friends, check your fridgeforavailable ingredients and bring the list of missing ones withyou atthe grocery.Tip: if you can read Italian, try switching to the Italiancookbookin the options menu, to see even more recipes (2500+)...
Gustissimo: Ricette di cucina
Naviga tra più di 7000 ricette emoltissimedescrizioni delle materie prime disponibili anche senzaconnessioneInternet per averle sempre con te.Scegli la tua portata preferita dall’antipasto al dolce,imparal’ABC della cucina con le preparazioni base e rendigustosol’aperitivo tra amici con i nostri Drink e Cocktail.Trova la ricetta adatta per ogni occasione usando le trediversetipologie di ricerca che hai a tua disposizione: testuale,ricercaper ingredienti e ricerca avanzata.Organizza le ricette più interessanti nellecartellepersonalizzabili dei preferiti, commentale per darcinuovisuggerimenti e condividile immediatamente con tuoiamici.Inserisci le tue varianti alla ricetta usando leannotazionipersonali per ritrovarle comodamente allaconsultazionesuccessiva.Aiutaci a far crescere la nostra App mandandoci consigliesuggerimenti utilizzando la funzione di feedback che trovinellaschermata principale.Browse over 7,000recipesand descriptions of many raw materials available evenwithout anInternet connection to have them always with you.Choose your preferred flow rate from appetizer to dessert, learntheABC of the kitchen with the basic preparations and makedeliciousaperitif among friends with our Drink and Cocktail.Find the recipe suitable for every occasion using thethreedifferent types of research that you have at your disposal:text,search for ingredients and advanced search.Organizes the most interesting recipes in customizable foldersoffavorites, discuss them to give us new suggestions and sharetheminstantly with your friends.Enter your variations to the recipe using personal records tofindthem easily to the next consultation.Help us to grow our App sending us tips and suggestions usingthefeedback function that you find on the main screen.
Ricette di Cucina 3.0
Innovare è la mia parola d'ordine, quando poi parliamo di cucinaèun obbligo. Almeno così la vedo io; per questo ho pensatodiraccontare i miei esperimenti in cucina in questa semplice appdicucina. Su Giocando in Cucina troverete le mie ricetteoriginaliche preparo ogni giorno, varianti originali, createutilizzandoelementi che sono presenti nelle cucine di tutte noi eche spessosottovalutiamo, preparando sempre le solite cose eterminando conl'essere monotone. Innovazione, dunque, ma ancheoriginalità e,talvolta, un tocco di caraibi, visto che amo spessoraccontare,riproporre e far scoprire ricette dei caraibi, terra chehoimparato ad apprezzare e che mi affascina per la semplicità concuiriesce a trasformare pochi ingredienti in una ricca pietanza.Cosavuoi cucinare oggi? Scaricati questa app e scoprirai checucinarecon ricette originali è alla portata di tutti!
Ricette Italiane della Mamma 4.0.1
Michele Riso
Ricette Italiane della Mamma! Applicazione Android con piùdi300ricette e menu della tradizione italiana. Al quarto postotraleapplicazioni gratuite più popolari della categoria stiledivita!!!:) Tante ricette disponibili: - Ricette primi piattivelocidapreparare - Ricette dolci - Ricette secondi piattivelocidapreparare - Antipasti - Contorni Ricette veloci di facileemediadifficolta’, veloci da preparare, consupportofotografico.Descrizione dettagliata di tutti i passinecessari perlapreparazione. Si ringrazia Elisa Gori per lericette.Nellaschermata principale si ha la possibilita’ discegliere unMenu, oun singolo piatto che puo’ essere un antipasto,un primo,unsecondo o un dessert. Nella barra e’ possibile scegliereunmenucasuale o la ricetta del giorno. In più, cliccandosuRicetteutente, é possibile visualizzare le ricette inviatedagliutenti.Possibilità di condividere il proprio stato suFacebook, perdireagli amici cosa si sta cucinando. Il tasto emailserve perinviarenon solo le ricette utente ma anche commenti esuggerimenti.ALCUNICOMMENTI: ****** Originale! Era propriol'applicazione diricetteche cercavo! Semplice e ricca di idee nuoveed originali.******Ottima applicazione!!! Grazie mille perl'applicazione!Veramenteben fatta, semplice, intuitiva efunzionante offline! Mipiace lapossibilità di inserire le ricettedell'utente! Iniziosubito acucinare! ****** Utilissima Utilissimaapplicazione perconoscerele ricette della tradizione italiana!****** Visualizza ilsitopermaggioriinformazioni
Ricette della Nonna 2.0.6
Tasty recipes, fast, traditional and cheap to a special grandmother
Italian Recipes Easy 1.8
melanie app
The Best Italian Recipe AppsforAndroid!Italian is a lot tastier when you have the rightrecipesandculinary techniques. Here's our list of the bestrecipesforturning your Phone into a pocket chef.Recipe collection features 90+ recipes that will helpyoucreatespeedy, simple and of course delicious meals. All kindofRecipesin one appsearch for healthy recipes I want easy Italian recipesfordinnerfor friends simple recipes food network recipes. Kidscancookrachael ray recipes delicious all recipes for childrenfoodrecipes.special meals free recipes dinner recipes for two asyouwishrecipes by ingredients. low calorie recipes healthgoodrecipes fordinner simple recipes for dinner. enjoy cooking lowfatrecipes forbreakfast recipes is easy recipes for kids in tasteofhome recipes.maid in preparation for easter recipes andcheaprecipes on yummyrecipes a recipe finder in romantic dinnerrecipesprepare easydessert recipes for everyone recipe ideas easydinnerrecipes forfamily. all for one night healthy eating recipesahealthy mealrecipes at cooking recipes & bestrecipesthanksgiving recipesis low carb recipes. cooking is easybaby foodrecipes diabeticrecipes the gourmet recipes for parents.Summerrecipes supperrecipes soon find camping recipes. easy to doeasybreakfast recipescooking channel recipes a appetizersrecipes.Easy, Delicious Italian Recipes for You!Looking for great Italian recipes?Look no further than this App Collection!App Features:- Totally Free- Easy to navigate, simple to use- No wifi is needed! You can check recipes anywhere you want- User Friendly Navigation- Over 90 Italian Recipes- Easy Browsing of RecipesAre you getting bored with the differentindividualItalianrecipes? Now, no worry about it.We brings a great collection of Italian recipeswithdifferentcategories combined into one.You will find the different types of categories have been tried tested and cherished by experts.
Ricette 3.3
Allows quick and easy access to many recipes.
Italian recipes app
Riafy Technologies
Italian food recipes offline app: Cook all recipes pizzas,pastas,risottos.
PetitChef, cooking and recipes
More than 100.000 recipes for free and a daily menu
Video Ricette Dolci 5.3
A taste of italian desserts and more from Italy.
La Prova del Cuoco Magazine 9.0
Audience Media
L'app fornisce tutti i consigli peraveresempre una tavola ricca di prodotti sani, ben preparatiepresentati per una cucina quotidiana e per stupire gli ospitidalpalato fine. Tutto come nella nota trasmissione TV, conlacollaborazione dello staff e degli chef del programma, ma contanticontenuti in più e con il vantaggio di averli sempre,comodamente,a portata di mano.The app provides alltheadvice to always have a table full of healthy, well-preparedandsubmitted for a daily cooking and to amaze guests from finepalate.Everything as in footnote TV broadcast, with the cooperationof thestaff and the chef of the program, but with so many in otherandwith the advantage of having them always, convenient,handy.
APP Dieta Mediterranea "Mdiet" 1.4
N.B. I dati relativi agli alimenti e alle ricetterisiedonosuinostri server, non sono contenuti nell'app. Questo ciconsentedidarvi continui e nuovi aggiornamenti. Allo stessotempo,l’appnecessita della connessione internet per poter usufruirealmegliodei suoi servizi. Inoltre, considerata la natura elaquantità deidati veicolati è importante disporre di unaconnessioneveloce (3g,wifi, 4g). Mdiet è l'Applicativo sempliceerivoluzionario studiatoda esperti che porta nel palmo dellatuamano la visione delleNazioni Unite che guardano allasanaalimentazione come forma dimaggiore tutela della propria saluteericonoscono la DietaMediterranea come PatrimonioImmaterialedell'Umanità (UNESCO2010). Per la realizzazione diMdiet, infatti,sono stati osservatii principi della “GovernanceAlimentareSostenibile” e della “lottaalle Malattie nontrasmissibili”.Inoltre Mdiet incentival’Agricoltura Sostenibile, ilconsumo diCibo Sano e la SicurezzaAlimentare, nella direzionedelleprospettive della FAO. Mdiet siispira alle ricerche di AncelKeysriconosciuto “Padre” della DietaMediterranea che con iltermine"Dieta" ha identificato non unacura dimagrante comeerroneamente siimmagina, bensì uno "stile divita" salutistico.Mdiet è intuitiva efacile da sfogliare, carica400 immaginioriginali che ti guidano ariconoscere oltre 300Alimenti della DietaMediterranea. Per ognisingolo Alimento Mdietti indica valorinutrizionali e proprietàsalutistiche. Ti fornisceinoltre laposizione dell’Alimento sianella “Piramide Alimentare”che nel“Piatto Sano”. Lo schema dellaPiramide ti suggeriscevisivamente gliAlimenti da consumarequotidianamente,settimanalmente o mensilmente.Allo stesso tempovedrai in qualezona del così detto Piatto Sanol’Alimentoselezionato è collocato(es.: Verdura e Ortaggi, Frutta,Cereali,Proteine). Tra i simbolitroverai anche lo “Smile”: indicacon ilVERDE gli Alimenti chepossono consumarsi quotidianamentenellaDieta Mediterranea, con ilGIALLO, gli Alimenti dellaDietaMediterranea, di cui si suggerisceconsumo moderato; con ilROSSO,gli alimenti che fanno parte dellaPiramide alimentare dellaDietaMediterranea di cui si suggerisceconsumo mensile ooccasionale. Trale novità i suggerimenti perCeliachia, Diabete,Ipertiroidismo,Ipertensione, Obesità, ColonIrritabile, Colesterolo,malattieCardiovascolari eCardiocircolatorie e prevenzione Tumori.Inesclusiva MDiet indicail Valore pH degli alimenti perchégraziealla sua scala di valori,è possibile identificarel'effettoacidificante e alcalinizzantedegli Alimenti. Tra lefunzioni vi è"il Mio Diario" che consentedi annotare il percorsoalimentaregiornaliero, settimanale emensile, e di inviarlo, con unsempliceclick tramite e-mail,direttamente dal tuo smatphone adunoSpecialista per eventualiconsigli. Su Mdiet trovi, inoltre,unagrande quantità disuggerimenti della Biologa Nutrizionista elamillenaria Tradizionedella Cucina Mediterranea grazie allesue"Ricette" frutto diattente e scrupolose ricerche che affondanoleradici nella storiadella Convivialità Mediterranea. Traglialimenti funzionalitipicamente utilizzati nella CucinaMediterraneaMdiet ha dedicatoil meritato spazio alle ErbeAromatiche,componente gastronomicache rappresenta uno dei segretidella DietaMediterranea. Mdiet èfrutto della fattiva collaborazionetraEsperti BiologiNutrizionisti, il Master Universitario in“GreenEconomy, DietaMediterranea e Sostenibilità Ambientale”, edespertiin gestionedella conoscenza che hanno reso l’APP faciledasfogliare,intuitiva, bella e unica nel suo genere. Grazie aquestoimportantecontributo di Mdiet comprenderai che laDietaMediterranea esprime,nel complesso, una cultura del ciboattentaalla qualità degliAlimenti e alla loro rintracciabilità,masoprattutto allasemplicità delle preparazioni.
Kitchen Design Ideas 6.1
Repencis Labs
House without any room for the kitchen asaplace to cook and prepare various activities relating to thefoodcertainly does not meet the standard will be very healthy homeandenvironment-friendly, because the kitchen is also animportantfactor in the interior of the house.The growing world of property of minimalist architecture styleandinterior of the house, the better and more modern example isthekitchen, which can now be made easily without depending on theareaof the room the kitchen.One of them by applying a kitchen set, many kitchen size canbecustom set your own even with the size you want, especiallytheprice of a kitchen set is very affordable in all walks of life,sodo not hesitate to make a modern minimalist kitchen andprettycomfortable to seen.So that you can find inspiration in creating a minimalist kitchenorrenovating the existing kitchen in your house to be changed sothatit looks and functions better and more comfortable and clean.Here'sa collection of kitchen design that will leave youinspired.
BurroFuso Ricette Dolci 1.1
La più grande app tutta dedicata ai dolci di sempre.Daitradizionali ai più innovativi, divisi per categorie. Unaraccoltacompleta di ricette provate per voi dalle migliorifoodbloggersempre a portata di mano sui vostri dispositivi mobili.BurroFuso èuna raccolta di ricette dolci alla portata di tutti,invia anche tule tue ricette migliori!
Pasta Recipes Easy 2.2
melanie app
The Best Pasta Recipe Apps for Android!Pastais a lot tastier when you have the right recipes andculinarytechniques. Here's our list of the best recipes for turningyourPhone into a pocket chef.Recipe collection features 90+ recipes that will help youcreatespeedy, simple and of course delicious meals. All kind ofRecipesin one appSearch for healthy recipes I want easy recipes for dinnerforfriends simple recipes food network recipes. Kids can cookrachaelray recipes delicious all recipes for children foodrecipes.Special meals free recipes dinner recipes for two as youwishrecipes by ingredients. Low calorie recipes health good recipesfordinner simple recipes for dinner. Enjoy cooking low fat recipesforbreakfast recipes is easy recipes for kids in taste ofhomerecipes. Maid in preparation for easter recipes and cheaprecipeson yummy recipes a recipe finder in romantic dinner recipesprepareeasy dessert recipes for everyone recipe ideas easy dinnerrecipesfor family. All for one night healthy eating recipes ahealthy mealrecipes at cooking recipes & best recipesthanksgiving recipesis low carb recipes. Cooking is easy baby foodrecipes diabeticrecipes the gourmet recipes for parents. Summerrecipes supperrecipes soon find camping recipes. Easy to do easybreakfastrecipes cooking channel recipes a appetizers recipes.Easy, Delicious Pasta Recipes for You!Looking for great Pasta recipes?Look no further than this App Collection!App Features:- Totally Free- Easy to navigate, simple to use- No wifi is needed! You can check recipes anywhere you want- User Friendly Navigation- Over 90 Pasta Recipes- Easy Browsing of RecipesAre you getting bored with the different individualPastarecipes? Now, no worry about it.We brings a great collection of Pasta recipes withdifferentcategories combined into one.You will find the different types of categories and have been tried tested and cherished by experts.
All Recipes Collection 1.0
Gama Droid
Do you want unique recipe? Yes here isthecomplete set of recipes having many verities. You can find anytypeof recipes over here. Your complete kitchen companion, bestKitcheneasy Recipes, having different unique collection of Recipes,Learndifferent Recipes using our huge collection recipesapplication,one of the best app for the Users. Treat your familyand friend toa meal healthy with this app, you can find Verities ofRecipes.Learn step by step cooking recipes , Best Recipescollection of thebest CHIEF. You can share new recipes with yourfriends usingsocial network, full ingredients ad method availablefor all thecollection with picture.********** RECIPES CATEGORY INCLUDE **********Recipes collection book include all the daily use recipes&special occasions recipes collection as well find the bestrecipes.Recipes collection book include the followingcategories.• Chinese Recipes• Indian Recipes• Italian Recipes• Italian Pizza• Baking & Deserts Recipes• Rice RecipesFind this wonderful collection of the recipes, complete setofcollection, get best idea for cooking in modern way, increasethetaste of the cooking, find it easily just in oneapplication.+++ FEATURES INCLUDE +++Our Collection includes the following features:FULL OF TASTE/STYLISH/YUMMY:Our collection has tasty recipes, our taste collection withgood,looking photos will make your everyday meals a sure batterwithfamily and friends.Recipes of Best Chief:Recipes collection book include all the best collection of thebestchief you can find a complete recipes descriptions.Get Idea:You can get unique ideas for different more recipes,findinspiration for the next meals with your family dinner, youcanshare recipes with friends to get different reviews-it willhelpyou in finding more tasty dinner.Commanding way to search Recipes:It is one of the easy, powerful/easy/commanding/without troublewayto search recipes without internet. It is the offline collectionofrecipes.Verities:It include different verities of the recipes-Chinese Recipes,IndianRecipes, Italian Recipes, Italian Pizza, Baking &DesertRecipes, Rice Recipes, you can find, view the photo of therecipes,ingredients and method-Search the recipes bycategory.Share Socially:This app can keep you prepared in the kitchen so you can spendmoretime with family and friends. You can share the recipes onsocialmedia with the friends.We are keenly working on this app, and we will be addingnewfeatures, more collections and much more. We be pleased aboutyourfeedback.
Le basi della cucina italiana 1.1
Le migliori ricette della nostratradizionegastronomica dedicate a chi non ha mai preso una pentolain mano ea chi, invece, cucina ogni giorno.Tutti i passaggi di esecuzione delle ricette sonoillustratipasso a passo da foto, testo e audio.E in più, un comando vocale che ti permette di passare daunavideata all'altra semplicemente pronunciando le parole‚AVANTI‚INDIETRO. Così puoi tenere il tuo Smartphone sul tavolo dicucina,impastare, tagliare e mescolare‚ senza toccare loschermo.I plus dell'applicazione- 80 RICETTE, complete di ingredienti, tempi diesecuzione,consigli e varianti- 6 CAPITOLI: aperitivi, verdure, pasta & co., pesce, carneedessert- 472 FOTO che illustrano i diversi passaggidellepreparazioni- RICERCA per parola chiave e indicizzazione per tipologiaotempo di esecuzione- COMANDO VOCALE: per procedere nella ricetta pronunciando avocealta le parole avanti‚ indietro.- COMMENTO AUDIO, con una voce narrante che legge perteingredienti e procedimenti.- LE RICETTE DEL CUORE: possibilità di salvare una o piùricettesotto la voce PREFERITE.- NOTE: campo note dove scrivere i tuoi appunti su undeterminatopassaggio del procedimento.- TIMER: una funzione che ti permette di attivare un timerpertenere sotto controllo i tempi di cottura.The best recipes ofourculinary tradition dedicated to those who have never taken a potinhis hand, and from whom, however, the kitchen every day.All steps of execution of the recipes are explained step bystepwith photos, text and audio.Plus, a voice command that allows you to switch from one screentoanother simply by speaking the words, FORWARD, BACK. So youcankeep your Smartphone on the kitchen table, knead, chop andmix,without touching the screen.The advantages of the application- 80 RECIPES, full of ingredients, execution times, tipsandvariations- CHAPTER 6: appetizers, vegetables, pasta & co., Fish,meatand dessert- 472 PHOTOS illustrating the different steps ofthepreparations- SEARCH keywords and indexing by type or time of execution- VOICE COMMAND: to proceed in the recipe by saying aloudthewords forward, backward.- AUDIO COMMENT, with a narrator who reads for youingredientsand processes.- THE RECIPES OF THE HEART: ability to save one or morerecipesunder the heading PREFERRED.- NOTES: Notes field where you write your notes on aparticularstep of the process.- TIMER: a function that allows you to activate a timertocontrol the cooking time.
Kitchen Remodel Designs 5.0
Decades ago, kitchens were designed withmoderntechnology in mind, however modern technology today isverydifferent from the technology which was used years ago.Today'skitchen users have very different needs from the needs ofthose whooriginally designed the kitchens. Therefore kitchenremodeling isbecoming more and more popular. Remodeling is the artofredesigning and renovating a kitchen to make it more suitableforthe needs of the home owner.Today's homeowners are trying to deal with a much larger rangeoftools and gadgets than homeowners used to have. Trying tofindsomewhere to put these things can be difficult if your kitchenisdesigned incorrect, or with a previous era in mind.Kitchenremodeling can help you to make better use of the space thatyouhave available. Although some people are able to have theirkitchenextended, others are forced to work with the limited spacewhich isavailable. A professional remodeler will be able to come upwith anappropriate design. This can include making extra space forthethings you need, by taking out all of the things you don'tneed.For example, when you renew your kitchen, you can choose toinstalla range of all in one gadget, rather than having separatetools.Other ideas may involve innovate fold away solutions.Older kitchen spaces also sometimes fail to take healthandsafety concerns into mind. Kitchen remodeling will allow youtomake great improvements which can help to protect you andyourfamily. This can include childproofing areas which toddlerscouldhurt themselves on or putting in different flooring so thereisless of a slip and trip hazard. If your current floor is a sliportrip hazard, you should take action because accidents inthekitchen can have serious consequences. Another concern isfoodhygiene and storage safety. If your kitchen is notdesignedcorrectly, the oven and the fridge could end up being rightnext toeach other. This can be dangerous, because the food in yourfridgemay warm up as you cook. This can encourage bacterial growthand isa major food poisoning risk. Professional kitchenremodelingexperts will work with your ideas to help to mitigaterisk.Having a kitchen environment that you enjoy can also helptoimprove your health. Research has shown that people are morelikelyto spend time preparing food in a kitchen if the space issuitablefor them, and meets their needs. Spending time preparingfresh foodrather than having takeaways or ready meals is a greatway toimprove your health, because you can take charge of what youareeating. If you intend to cook for yourself and yourfamilyregularly, kitchen remodeling can help you to create thekitchen ofyour dreams, meaning that you will actually enjoyspending timethere.
Ricette con ingredienti 2.5
Fast Cooking è la prima app che ti suggerisce le ricette congliingredienti che hai nella tua dispensa in 3 semplici passi !1-Aprire la schermata Inserisci Ingredienti. 2- Inserire tuttigliingredienti che si posseggono. 3- Scegliere la ricetta chesidesidera la le diverse ricette mostrate. Oltre 30.000 ricetteditutti i tipi, Antipasti, Primi, Secondi, Contorni, Dessert emoltoaltro ancora ! Inoltre troverete anche un database diricettesuddivise per categoria e consultabili offline incontinuoaggiornamento. Siete rimasti affascinati da una ricettapresente inFast Cooking e non volete perderla ? Perfetto bastaaggiungerla aipreferiti con l'apposito tasto e consultarla quandosi vuole senzaricercarla ogni volta tra migliaia di ricette. Nonsono sufficientile ricette presenti in Fast Cooking ? Per i piuesigenti c'èl'apposita sezione "Shop" dove potete acquistarediversi pacchettitramite "In-app Puchase" contententi le piùsvariate categorie diricette: ricette orientali, ricette pervegani, dolci, fast food emolte altre ancora sempre in continuoaggiornamento. ★ ★ ★ Se l'appnon ti piace, o hai qualche problemain merito ad essa non votarecon 1 stella senza scrivere nulla, mapiuttosto esprimi il tuogiudizio nelle recensioni con il problemae/o i miglioramenti dafare all'applicazione, in questo modoaiuterai gli sviluppatori e ifuturi utenti che scaricherannol'applicazione, grazie. ★ ★ ★
+1000 Recipes Cake 1.2
TDev AppPro
Sure You're Gourmet person and Looking forsomegreat tasting Cake Recipes to make them at home?this is a selection of all the best and delicious cakes recipes,desserts recipes, sweets recipes and more.all the best food and sweetmeats which have an amazing tasteisincluded in this cool application.what you need just learn and prepare and cook these amazingcakesand desserts recipes:- Quick and easy recipes cake .- best recipes cake in 2016.- Carrot Cakes- Chocolate Cake- Cheesecake- over 1000 recipes cake- exotic dessert- cake for birthday- cake for big party.- cupcakes and pancakes- vegetable and fruit recipes cake.All recipes are described in two sections: IngredientsandDirections;Easy as that! Cooking doesn’t have to be complicated and we helpyouto prepare some awesome cakes.
Asinochileggeancora 1.4
If you never know what to cook ... try downloading thisapplication!
Funny Kitchen 1.0
Funny kitchen will help you to get someideasthat will provide to you a variety of intelligent solutions tomakethe kitchen tasks with an easy and a very creativeway.Benefit from our tutorials and make your own creations withyourloving and tender touch .Brought to you by Android Galaxy Apps INC ® .
Desserts Recipes(R) - cooking 1.9.5
Namopluca Temolcam
There are dessert recipes for baking, cakes, pastries, drinks, etc.
Grill Recipes 1.8
Recipes Tube app contains Best cookingvideosfor :Appetizers & SnacksBreakfast & BrunchMeat RecipesFish RecipesBeveragesDessertsKids RecipesMeal PlansSoups and StewsVegetarian RecipesReceive best videos. Take your free time for happy cooking.Andyou will receive world top rated recipes videos bypushnotifications Everyday for FREE. Also You can favorite videosandshare with your friend using Facebook, Twitter , Google+ ,andother sharing apps you have on your android device.Best Recipes videos for your android device. Watch BestcookingVideos.App Features.* Daily Push Notification, We will provide best newRecipesvideos daily.* You can favorite the your most like Recipe videos.* Video playlists for each category* Share Recipe videos on Facebook , Twitter , Google+ andothersharing apps you have on your android device.* Optimized for tablets.* Best Videos Digest for YouTube* Most viewed videos on YouTube
Mie Ricette (My Recipes) 1.2.4
Stefano Bianchini
"Mie Ricette" ("My Recipes" initalianlanguage) is an innovative application letting you managingandorganizing your OWN recipes. "My Recipes" let you use the builtincamera to save images of your favorite recepies, it uses acompletetag system to catalog each recepy and finally it introducesaninnovative and programmable courses catalog where you can insertasmany different courses as you like. "My Recipes" let you searchfortitle, category and tag.Currently My Recipe is in beta version, please forgivetheunchatch bugs..
My Recipes 1.1.0
With My Recipes you can finally save on mobile or tablettheserecipes you did once perfect, you wrote down theingredients,steps, etc., on paper and never came back to find! :PBut not onlythat!, you can also invite your friends and family forthem todownload and use the application to share with you thesedeliciousrecipes that you were once cooked and tasted while youenjoyed apleasant evening. The app is designed to provide numerousoptionsthat allow you to manage your own cookbook in an intuitiveandsimple way. Discover them and start saving all the recipes youwant(Spanish cuisine, French, Mexican, Italian dishes,Chinese,Japanese, Indian cuisine, ...) no limits! These are themainfeatures of My Recipes: ● You can save recipes groupedintoappetizers, first courses, second courses, sauces, dessertsanddrinks/cocktails. ● Share recipes with your Google+ contacts. ●Youwill receive a notification when someone sends you a recipe andyouwill have the chance to save it with your other recipes. ● Youcangenerate a PDF with a recipe data to print. ● You can consultatany time your recipes ordering them by type, valuationordifficulty and know what to cook every day. ● You can searchbyname among all your recipes. ● Utility to create andmanageshopping lists, do not forget any ingredients when you go tothesupermarket. ● Utility to create and manage food menus (idealforrestaurants), designs and keeps a complete menu with recipesthathave saved and surprises everyone with a creative lunch oradelicious dinner. ● You can automatically generate a shoppinglistfor any recipe or even a full menu. You no longer have towritedown on paper all the ingredients before you go shopping. Ifyousee any problems or have any suggestions please tell and rate the application so thatwe canimprove based on your feedback. We hope you like the app andbonappetite!
Uova Zucchero e Farina 12.0.0
L'app di Uovazuccheroefarina nascecomecompletamento del blog omonimo facente parte del gruppoGialloZafferano da alcuni anni.La cucina di Uovazuccheroefarina è rivolta soprattutto a chiamadilettarsi ai fornelli scendendo a compromessi con il tempo chenonbasta mai ma senza dimenticare il piacere di dedicarsi di tantointanto ai piatti per le occasioni speciali; è possibileinfattitrovare ricette di tutti i tipi, dai semplici cornetti dipastasfoglia con la Nutella, velocissimi e adatti anche a chi èalleprime armi, a preparazioni più elaborate come il ragùallabolognese oppure la ribollita fiorentina.La cucina italiana tradizionale è il perno sul quale ruotatuttala produzione che esce dalla cucina di Uovazuccheroefarina;moltedelle ricette provengono dai racconti delle nonne in cucina,davecchi ricettari trovati nelle dispense oppure da scambidiconfidenze intorno ai banchi del mercato durante laspesasettimanale. Per una semplice questione logistica la cucinatoscanala fa da padrone; crostini con i fegatini, acquacotta,minestra dipane, ribollita, cantucci di Prato, schiacciatafiorentina, sonosolo alcune delle ricette proposte.Non mancano comunque ricette provenienti dalle altreregionid'Italia al cospetto delle quali la padrona di casa siaccostasempre con doveroso rispetto cercando di rispettarne letradizioni.In un ipotetico viaggio alla ricerca dei sapori dellacucinaitaliana, si parte quindi dagli gnocchi alla bava valdostanie,dopo una breve sosta in Lazio per assaggiare le uovaallaprovatura, arriviamo in Campania dove ci aspettano tantericette abase di paccheri, la pastiera napoletana e le delizieallimone.Una breve sosta e si riparte per la bella Sicilia dovepotremofinalmente assaggiare i famosi spaghetti alla Norma e perfinire unbel vassoio di cannoli siciliani.L'app di Uovazuccheroefarina viene aggiornata costantemente enonsostituisce il blog ma lo completa; mentre nell'app le ricettesonoriportate in maniera schematica, adatte quindi ad unaconsultazioneveloce, nel blog le stesse vengono arricchite daulteriori foto,consigli e commenti.Non mancano poi approfondimenti a tema, raccolte tematicheeperfino pratici ricettari in pdf da scaricare gratuitamente.IMPORTANTE: Per rispettare le regole della protezione dei datileautorità comunicano :Su questo sito si usano identificatori di dispositivoperpersonalizzare i contenuti e gli annunci , al fine difornireannunci multimediali e di analizzare il traffico .Inoltrecondividiamo anche questi identificatori e altreinformazioni suldispositivo con partners di mezzi sociali dipubblicitá e analisiweb. Maggiori dettagli su: born as completion of the self-titled blogispart of the Yellow Group Saffron for some years.The Uovazuccheroefarina kitchen is addressed above all tothosewho love dabbling in the kitchen to compromise with the timethatis never enough but without forgetting the pleasure ofdedicatingtime to time to the dishes for special occasions; Infact, you canfind recipes of all kinds, from simple puff pastrycroissants withNutella, fast and well suited to those who arebeginners, to moreelaborate preparations such as Bolognese sauce orFlorentineribollita.Traditional Italian cuisine is the pivot on which all theproducethat comes out of the kitchen Uovazuccheroefarina; Many oftherecipes come from the stories of grandmothers in the kitchen,fromold cookbooks found in pantries or from exchanges ofconfidencesaround the market stalls during the weekly shopping.For a simplematter logistics Tuscan cuisine is king; crostini withchickenlivers, acquacotta soup of bread, ribollita, cantucci ofPrato,crushed Florentine, they are just some of the recipes.There are still recipes from other regions in the presenceofItaly of which the hostess is always approached with duerespecttrying to respect their traditions. In a hypotheticaljourney insearch of the flavors of Italian cuisine, so we startfrom gnocchito valdostani drool and, after a brief stop in New Yorkto samplethe eggs provatura, we arrive in Campania where we expectmanyrecipes based on paccheri, pastiera Neapolitan andlemondelights.A short break and again for the beautiful Sicily, where wecanfinally taste the famous spaghetti alla Norma and to finish anicetray of cannoli.The Uovazuccheroefarina app is constantly updated and doesnotreplace the blogs, but completes it; app while the recipesareshown schematically, so suitable for quick reference, in thesameblog is enriched with more photos, tips and comments.There are also theme-depth, thematic collections andevenpractical recipe in pdf to download.IMPORTANT: To comply with data protection rules shallnotifyauthorities:On this site they are using device identifiers topersonalizecontent and ads, in order to provide rich media ads andanalyzetraffic. Furthermore we also share these identifiers andotherdevice information with partners of social media advertisingandweb analytics. More detailson:
Recipe, Menu & Cooking Planner
Pepperplate is the only way toseamlesslymanage your recipes, menus and shopping lists on the web,AndroidTablet and Android Phone.- Take your Android Tablet into the kitchen and cook your wholemenuwith multiple cooking timers.- Share your favorite recipes with friends and family viaEmail,Facebook and Twitter.- Create recipes on Android Phones and Tablets- Import recipes on from your favorite sites.- Combine recipes into menus for dinner party or holidaymealplanning.- Organize meals for the week or month by adding menus andrecipesto the schedule.- Add to your shopping list on the website, and itautomaticallysyncs to your Android tablet or phone.- Shopping list is automatically organized to match the orderyoushop in the grocery store.- The COOK NOW feature on Android Tablets allows you to setmultipletimers for all of the recipes in your menu- Create your own unlimited categories to organize yourrecipecollection.- Your collection synchronizes automatically from the website andisbacked up on your device automatically without connecting toacomputer.- Take your entire recipe collection with you to the grocerystoreor while traveling, no Internet connection required.
Sandwich Recipes Easy 1.5
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The Best Sandwich Recipe Apps forAndroid!Sandwich is a lot tastier when you have the right recipesandculinary techniques. Here's our list of the best recipesforturning your Phone into a pocket chef.Recipe collection features 90+ recipes that will help youcreatespeedy, simple and of course delicious meals. All kind ofRecipesin one appSearch for healthy recipes I want easy Sandwich recipesfordinner for friends simple recipes food network recipes. Kidscancook rachael ray recipes delicious all recipes for childrenfoodrecipes. Special meals free recipes dinner recipes for two asyouwish recipes by ingredients. Low calorie recipes healthgoodrecipes for dinner simple recipes for dinner. Enjoy cooking lowfatrecipes for breakfast recipes is easy recipes for kids in tasteofhome recipes. Maid in preparation for easter recipes andcheaprecipes on yummy recipes a recipe finder in romantic dinnerrecipesprepare easy dessert recipes for everyone recipe ideas easydinnerrecipes for family. All for one night healthy eating recipesahealthy meal recipes at cooking recipes & bestrecipesthanksgiving recipes is low carb recipes. Cooking is easybaby foodrecipes diabetic recipes the gourmet recipes for parents.Summerrecipes supper recipes soon find camping recipes. Easy to doeasybreakfast recipes cooking channel recipes a appetizersrecipes.Easy, Delicious Sandwich Recipes for You!Looking for great Sandwich recipes?Look no further than this App Collection!App Features:- Totally Free- Easy to navigate, simple to use- No wifi is needed! You can check recipes anywhere you want- User Friendly Navigation- Over 90 Sandwich Recipes- Easy Browsing of RecipesAre you getting bored with the different individualSandwichrecipes? Now, no worry about it.We brings a great collection of Sandwich recipes withdifferentcategories combined into one.You will find the different types of categories and mostfamousrecipes.Recipes have been tried tested and cherished by experts.