Top 9 Apps Similar to ほぐし家

開運ストレッチ~肩こりや腰痛などカラダの悩み解消~ 1.4.0
Plusr Inc.
腰痛や頭痛、肩こり、便秘やむくみ…カラダには色々な悩みがありますよね。開運ストレッチは、短時間でできる簡単なストレッチやほぐし動作を集めました。アナタのカラダの悩みに合わせて、様々なカテゴリから「本日のメニュー」を設定することができます。【使い方は簡単】・お悩みに合わせて、効果別、身体の部位別のカテゴリから「本日のメニュー」を設定することができます。・アラーム機能で忘れず毎日続けられ、習慣にすることができます。・その日実行したメニューが一覧で確認できます。・気に入ったものは、お気に入り機能でブックマークできます。自分に合った使い方を探してみてくださいね!I think youhavetroublevariety of low back pain and headache, stiff neck, the...bodyswelling and constipation.Good luck stretch has some gesture I ease and simple stretchyoucando in a short period of time.It allows you to match the trouble of your body, and sets"menuofthe day" from various categories.[Easy to use]• You can be tailored to your worries, and sets "menu oftheday"from the category of site-specific effect by, thebody.• The continued every day Do not forget the alarm function,youcanbe a habit.· You can see a list of the menu you have run that day.• The thing you like, you can bookmark favorite feature.Please, try to find how to use that suits you!
ツボ辞典~ちょい押しで悩み知らずのハッピーなカラダに!~ 1.1.0
Plusr Inc.
刺激することでカラダの不調を治したり、美容に効いたりとさまざまな効果がある「ツボ」東洋医学でその数は体中に360以上もあると言われています。ツボ辞典は仕事や家事の合間にできるちょい押しで、改善効果があるツボを多数収録しています!日頃感じている肩こりや胃腸の悩み、お肌のしわやたるみなど・・・色々なカラダの悩みに合わせて、カテゴリから「本日のメニュー」を設定することができます。毎日続けることによって、悩みも解消し「カラダノートポイント」が溜まります!溜めたポイントで流行の健康・美容グッズに応募することができるので要CHECK!【使い方は簡単】・お悩みに合わせて、効果別、身体の部位別のカテゴリから「本日のメニュー」を設定できます・アラーム機能で忘れず毎日続けられ、習慣にすることができます。・カレンダーからその日実行したメニューが一覧で確認できます・気に入ったものは、お気に入り機能でブックマークできます日頃の疲れや頭痛、肩こり、腰痛、冷え症や便秘の改善、生理痛の悩み、巡りや代謝のUP!マッサージよりも簡単なので、空き時間にむくみや顔のたるみやしわの解消、さらには美肌や目力アップまで!自分に合った使い方を探してみてくださいね!ガイドの三毛猫「つぼにゃん」が毎日頑張るアナタを応援してくれます。It is said thattherearealso more than 360 throughout the body is the number thereareavariety of effects or cure the disorder of the bodybystimulating,and or worked in beauty in the "pot" OrientalMedicine.In the little that can be pressed in between workandhousework,pot Dictionary has many recorded pot thereisimprovement!Trouble gastrointestinal stiff shoulder and you'refeelingeveryday,such as wrinkles and sagging of the skin ...It allows you to match the trouble of the body variety,andsets"menu of the day" from the category.By continuing every day, "notes the body points"canaccumulateand eliminate worries!CHECK needed it is possible to apply for health and beautygoodsofthe epidemic at the point where you have accumulated![Easy to use]- To suit your trouble, you can set the "menu of the day"fromthecategory of site-specific effect by, the body• The continued every day Do not forget the alarm function,youcanbe a habit.· You can see a list of the menu you have run that dayfromthecalendar• The thing you like, you can bookmark favorite featureImprovement of fatigue and constipation headache, stiffneck,lowback pain, and poor circulation daily, trouble ofmenstrualpain, UPand metabolic Tour of!Because it is easier than a massage, the elimination ofwrinklesandsagging facial swelling and in the free time, and evento theeyesand fair skin force up!Please, try to find how to use that suits you!For us rooting for you who tortoiseshell cat of theguide"potNyan" is work hard every day.
おやすみ前ヨガ(1週間プログラム)<無料> 0.20150403
体にたまった疲れを癒し、すっきり快眠できるようにする一週間ヨガプログラムです。このヨガを体験することにより、ストレッチ効果、心の安定効果、ストレス解消、質の高い睡眠が期待できます。内容【月曜日】呼吸を整え、心と身体のバランスを整えます。呼吸を通して自分の体と内面に意識を持っていき、自分を見つめ直します。今日一日の自分の頑張りをほめてあげましょう。・チャンドラベーダナ(月の呼吸)・マールジャーラアサナ(猫のポーズ)・バラアサナ(子供のポーズ)・シャヴァアサナ(屍のポーズ)【火曜日】骨盤調整で歪みの改善を目指します。体の歪みをとり、負担の少ない身体をつくります。呼吸を通して、ポジティブな気持ちを身体の中へたくさん取り入れましょう。・ダンダアサナ(枝のポーズ)・アバーナアサナ(ガス抜きのポーズ)・シャヴァアサナ(屍のポーズ)【水曜日】ストレスを身体の外へはき出します。知らず知らず体の中にため込んでいるストレスを体の外へはきだしていきます。深い呼吸とポジティブなイメージを大切に行っていきましょう。・マツヤアサナ(魚のポーズ)・ジャタラパリバルタナアサナ(ツイストのポーズ)・ジャーヌシールシャアサナ(頭を膝に付けるポーズ)・パスチモッターナアサナ(前屈のポーズ)・シャヴァアサナ(屍のポーズ)【木曜日】肩こりの改善を目指します。デスクワークや日頃の姿勢のせいで肩こりになってしまう方は多いです。凝り固まった肩をスッキリとさせ、身体の負担を少なくします。・肩こりに効果的なポーズ・シャヴァアサナ(屍のポーズ)【金曜日】デトックス効果で体の中からすっきり。身体にたまった疲れや老廃物を体の外へとはきだし、ダイエット効果が期待できます。呼吸とポーズを意識し行うことで、身体の内からスッキリします。・アパーナアサナ(ガス抜きのポーズ)・ジャタラパリバルタナアサナ(ツイストのポーズ)・ナヴァアサナ(船のポーズ)・セーツバンダアサナ(橋のポーズ)・シャヴァアサナ(屍のポーズ)【土曜日】疲労回復で元気な身体を取り戻します。疲労回復に良いとされるポーズをゆっくりと行います。身体の表面の疲れと内面の疲れを取り除きましょう。・バラアサナ(子供のポーズ)・ササンガアサナ(うさぎのポーズ)・サーランバサルヴァーンガアサナ(肩立ちのポーズ)・ハラアサナ(すきのポーズ)・シャヴァアサナ(屍のポーズ)【日曜日】瞑想を通して自分自身と向き合います。自分自身の体と心に目を向け、耳を傾け、向き合っていきます。深い呼吸を意識し、瞑想を行うことで自分自身の弱さや強さを感じることができます。ミュージック(音楽)に心を向けて、体験ください。・瞑想※おやすみ前ヨガ(1週間プログラム)は無料アプリです。※アプリの権限は「インターネット接続」のみです。出演ヨガインストラクター:佐藤おりえこのアプリについてもっと詳しく知りたい方は↓こちらこちらのアプリに収録されている映像は、HomeFintnes24でも視聴できます。HomeFitness24は、太極拳以外に、エアロ、ヨガ、ヒップホップダンス、シニアエクササイズなど30ジャンル以上の映像を取り揃えている日本最大級のフィットネスサイトです。ぜひ、アクセスください!! →  http://home-fitness24.jpHealing thefatigueaccumulated in the body, it is one week yoga program to beable toclear sleep.By experience this yoga, stretch effect, the heart ofthestabilizing effect, stress, we can expect high-quality sleep.Content[Monday]And it established a breath, and prepares the balance of mindandbody.To bring awareness to your body and the inner surfacethroughbreathing, and re staring at myself.Let's give praise their hard work of the day today.Chandra based Dana (breathing of the month)Mar jar La asana (cat pose)· Baraasana (children of pause)· Shavu~aasana (corpse pose)[Tuesday]We will aim to improve the distortion in thepelvisadjustment.Takes a distortion of the body, you can make a littlebodyburden.Through breathing, let's incorporate a lot of positive feelingsintothe body.· Dandaasana (branch of pause)· Abanaasana (degassing of pause)· Shavu~aasana (corpse pose)[Wednesday]It will source stress out of the body.We will sweep the stress that hoarding in the body unwittinglytothe outside of the body.Let's go to cherish deep breathing and positive image.· Matsuyaasana (fish pose)Jia cod Paris Val Tana asana (twisted pose)- Janu seal Char Sana (pause to put the head on the knee)Path Chi Mocking Turner asana (pose of forward bending)· Shavu~aasana (corpse pose)[Thursday]We aim the improvement of shoulder stiffness.If you become stiff because of desk work and daily attitudeisoften.It was a refreshing entrenched shoulder, you can reduce theburdenof the body.And effective and pose stiff neck· Shavu~aasana (corpse pose)[Friday]Clean from inside the body in the detox effect.The sweep tired and waste that has accumulated in the body andtothe outside of the body, you can expect diet effect.By making conscious breathing and poses, and then clean out ofthebody.· Apanaasana (degassing of pause)Jia cod Paris Val Tana asana (twisted pose)· Navu~aasana (boat pose)Se Tsu Banda asana (bridge pose)· Shavu~aasana (corpse pose)On saturdayIt regained a healthy body in the fatigue recovery.It does slowly pose that is good for fatigue recovery.Let's remove the fatigue of tired and the inner surface ofthesurface of the body.· Baraasana (children of pause)· Sasangaasana (rabbit pose)Sir lumber monkey Vernon Nga Asana (shoulder Standing pose)· Haraasana (plow pose)· Shavu~aasana (corpse pose)[Sunday]We are confronted with yourself through meditation.The attention to your own body and mind, to listen, wewillface.And conscious of the deep breathing, you can feel the weaknessandstrength of their own by performing meditation.Towards the heart to music (music), please experience.- Meditation※ night before yoga (one week program) is a free app.※ authority of app is only the "Internet connection".AppearanceYoga instructor: Orie SatoFor those who want to know more about this app here ↓ video that is included in this app, you can watchanyHomeFintnes24.HomeFitness24, in addition to Tai Chi, is Japan's largestfitnesssite that stocks Aero, yoga, hip-hop dance, the more of thevideosenior exercise such as 30 genres.By all means, access please !! →
Stretching Flexibility Stretch 1.2
Fitness Apps
Top 10 Stretching and Flexibility Exercisesforthe BodyMany people do not realize the value of stretching to thebodyand the entire health condition in general. Some individualshavethe wrong notion that stretching does not improve muscles butarejust preparatory activities prior to performing rigid strengthandphysical exercises. This is not the case. Several studieshaveshown that stretching can improve athletic activities,improveflexibility and range of movements to body joints, increasebloodflow to the muscle, relieves stress and pressure from thebody, andminimize the risk of injuries. All it takes to gain thesebenefitsis to have a regular stretching and flexibilityexercisesprogramWhat is it All About?A stretching and flexibility exercises application providesthemost convenient way to perform different stretchingexerciseswithout going to the gym or buying expensive stretchingequipmentsand machines. This kind of app has exercises which weredesigned byprofessionals and is based on simplified various Yogastances sothat it can be performed by everyone regardless if theyareexperienced with Yoga or not or whether they need it forrelaxationor as part of their daily routine to stay physicallyactive everyday. The app involves different parts of the body suchas thefollowing:Neck and Waist – to relieve body pressure, stiff neck, andbodyjoints pain. The exercises include neck massage, half-moonposeroutine, body twist pose, and triangle pose.Shoulder and Back – to relieve back ache and pain, alleviatebodyjoint movement, and prevent arching of the back. Exampleofstretching exercise in this aspect is hand pullingbendsideways.Body and Limbs – to burn extra fat, add energy to themuscles,and boost immunity.Features That Provide ResultsA good stretching and flexibility exercises application embedsaprofessional yoga teacher tool to help correct poses and offeradetailed instruction on how to perform stretching properly.Thestretching exercises should only need a simple support systemsuchas a chair so that it is easier for the individual to performthestretching activities and achieve better results. The programisnot rigid as one can choose which among the yoga stances canformpart of your daily routine. The application should have aslideshowpresentation and an instruction window to make it moreconvenientfor the individual to study and imitate themovements.Install a stretching and flexibility exercises applicationforfree now and make stretching a daily habit. Rememberthatstretching offers head to toe benefits and even intrinsic oneslikerelaxation and a stable mind. Why enroll in a Yoga class whenyoucan have simplified Yoga lessons for free through thisstretchingapplication for mobile devices? Join the multitudes ofpeople nowwho discovered this amazing mobile application and how itmadewonders to their life from top to bottom.So why go for more difficult stances when you can havemodifiedYoga stances in this stretching and flexibilityexercisesapplication? Since it is compatible with all Androidoperateddevices, you can have these at your fingertips rightaway.
Headache Note-be healthier- 1.1.2
Plusr Inc.
【You can control painful headache!】You can record your headache (frequency, the level andtakingmedicine)."Headache Note" can share your record with the doctor.Please record your headache, and use it for usual life anddetectdisease early.■ Main function of Headache Note ■・Recording function of level of headache・Recording function of impetus of headache・Recording function in effect of medicine at headache・Send to your PC by CSV data・Knowledge sharing and information exchange of headaches【You can check the tendency of your headache.】Headache Record can be easily recorded with the calendar.This app can record the date when headache occurred and painfulofheadache by three stages according to the influence level todailylife.The situation, the cause and sign when headache occurred canberecorded on "Memo".【You can register your medicine.】It becomes easy to input the headache record when medicineistaken by registering the medicine that you take inMedicineList.When "Headache record" is input, the response to drugs canberecorded by three stages, it is useful to see the example ofsomemedicine's working for some headache, and to know the type ofyourheadache.【You can share your headache record with your doctor.】This app can send to your PC by CSV data.So you can show it to your doctor when you go to the hospital.【You can acquire and share the knowledge of healthcare.】It includes knowledge of headache and the action methodofheadache etc.There is variously action method by the type of headache andthecause.※This application is Not medical practice. Please consultyourprimary care doctor about actual symptoms.
腕体操アプリ 1.2
Kenta Saito
スマートフォンと一緒に腕体操をしよう!腕体操をすることで手に入る「えさ」をキャラに与えることでキャラもレベルアップするかも!?このアプリでサポートしている腕体操は3種類。(1) 腕振り体操 腕振り体操は、前と後ろ交互に大きく腕を降る体操です。 この体操を行うことで、肩の内側の筋肉と背中の筋肉を十分に伸ばすことが出来ます。 また、肋骨を開き、背筋を伸ばしてくれるため、肩こりに効果的な運動となります。(2) 肩捻り体操 肩捻り体操は、両腕を真横に肩の高さに上げて、右手を内側に左手を外側に回して肩を捻る運動です。 そして、一度捻ったら次は逆に右手を外側に左手を内側に回して肩を捻ります。 この体操を行うことで、肩関節周囲の筋肉を伸び縮みさせ、かつ肩甲骨の可動域を広げることで肩こりの改善につながります。(3) 腕広げ体操 腕広げ体操は、「前にならえ」の姿勢から、そのまま手を外側に広げていく体操です。 この体操は、肩甲骨を意識して動かす動きであるため、肩こりに効果があると言われています。これら3つの体操を行うことで「えさ」を得ることが出来ます。この「えさ」を与えることで、キャラのレベルやステータスが上昇します。キャラのレベルを上げることで、キャラに何か変化が起こるかもしれません…。腕体操とはその名の通り腕を用いた体操で、肩こりを始めとしたの予防改善に効果があると言われています。肩こりに悩んでいる時揉めばいい、湿布を貼ればいいとお思いかもしれませんがそれでは根本的な治療にはなりません。根本的に肩こりを改善することで効果的なものが「腕体操」になります。腕体操を行うことで、腕や肩に適量の筋肉をつけることが出来、肩甲骨を正しく動かすことができるようになります。これらができるようになることで、肩こりや五十肩を改善することができるようになります。--------------------------------------------本アプリは卒業研究用の実験アプリです。また、アプリの性質上、タブレット向けには作られておりません。御両ください。ぜひ、本アプリを利用していただいた方にはアンケートへのご回答をおねがいします。アンケートページには、本アプリのタイトル画面よりリンクで飛ぶことが出来ます。体操の認識部分などまだまだ改良の余地があり、今後アップデートを行っていく予定です。また、不具合やバグ等見つけて頂きました場合には、までご連絡頂ますよう、お願い致します。Let the armgymnasticswith smartphone!May also level up character by giving the "bait" to enter thehandto the arm exercise the character! ?Arm gymnastics three types that are supported by this app.(1) arm swinging gymnasticsArm swing gymnastics is the front and back alternately largefallsarm gymnastics.By performing this exercise, you will be able to stretchtheshoulder of the inside of the muscles and the backmusclesenough.Also, open the ribs, to me up straight, it becomeseffectiveexercise to stiff neck.(2) shoulder twist GymnasticsShoulder twist gymnastics, both arms right beside raised toshoulderheight, is a movement that twisting the shoulder byturning the lefthand outside the right hand on the inside.Then, when once twisted next you twist the shoulder by turningtheright to reverse outside the left hand on the inside.By performing this exercise, is allowed to stretch themusclesaround the shoulder joint, and will lead to the improvementofstiff neck by expanding the range of motion of the scapula.(3) arm spread gymnasticsArms spread gymnastics, from the attitude of "Narae before",isgymnastics to go as it is spread hands on the outside.This exercise is, because it is a motion to move to be aware ofthescapula, it is said to be effective in stiff neck.You can obtain a "bait" by performing thesethreegymnastics.By providing this "bait", the level or status of thecharacterincreases.By raising the level of character, might something changes inthecharacter happens ....In gymnastics and arm exercise using the street arm of itsname,it is said to be effective in the prevention of improvementwasincluding stiff neck.And should I dispute when you are suffering from stiff neck,youmight think you are and I should Halle poultice but So it is notafundamental treatment.Effective thing is the "arm gymnastics" in that itfundamentallyimprove the stiff neck.By performing the arm gymnastics, it is possible to puttheappropriate amount of muscle in the arm or shoulder, you willbeable to move the shoulder blades correctly.By so these can be, you will be able to improve the stiff neckandfrozen shoulder.--------------------------------------------This application is an experimental app forgraduationresearch.In addition, the nature of the application, it is not is made isforthe tablet. Please both.By all means, for those who had you use this app will ask foryouranswers to the questionnaire.The questionnaire page, you can fly in the link from thetitlescreen of this application.There is a recognition moiety still room for improvement suchasgymnastics, is scheduled to go perform the update inthefuture.Also, when I was found defects and bugs, etc., Masu contact the top to way, thank you.
効く!つぼforポケットメディカ 1.7
健康新聞 2.1
「こんな行動が寿命を縮める!」「美容やダイエットに効果がある食品は?」といった気になる記事が毎日配信されるので、楽しく健康に関する知識を深めることができます。○○ 主要な機能 ○○人気記事ランキング- たくさん読まれている人気記事を日毎にランキング形式で表示します。新着記事- ネットで話題の新着記事を、最短30分おきにお届けします。殿堂入り- たくさんのPVが集まった大人気の記事を一覧表示します。あとで読む- 気に入った記事はここに保存しておいて、あとから何度でも読むことができます。カテゴリ- 「長寿の秘訣」「断食」「肩こり・ツボ」などカテゴリ別に記事を閲覧することができます。サイト別に読む- サイト別に記事を閲覧することができます。キーワード検索- 気になる単語で記事を検索することができます。○○ ユーティリティ ○○- SNS共有(Twitter、Facebook、LINE)- 記事のURLをメールで送信- クリックボードにコピー- ブラウザで開く- SDカード移動○○ 著作権について ○○このアプリケーションで閲覧できる記事の著作権は配信元の各著作権者に帰属します。Since the article tobeworried about, such as "this behavior is shorten the life!""Foodis effective in beauty and diet?" Is delivered every day, itwillbe able to deepen their knowledge about the fun and health.○○ main function ○○Popular article ranking- It will display in the ranking format daily popular articleshavebeen read a lot.New article- New article topics on the net, it will deliver theshortest30-minute intervals.Hall of Fame- It lists the popular article a lot of PV gathered.I read later- The favorite article is sure that you save here, you can readanynumber of times later.Category- "Longevity secret," "fast" you can browse the articles, such asbycategory "stiff neck fountain".I read on another site- You can browse articles by site.Search by Keyword- You can search for articles with the word anxious.○○ utility ○○- SNS share (Twitter, Facebook, LINE)- Send the URL of the article by e-mail- Copy to Clipboard- Opened in a browser- SD card move○○ for copyright ○○Copyright of the article that can be viewed in this applicationarethe property of their respective copyright holders ofthedistribution source.
健康薬膳ごはん ~薬日本堂監修の薬膳レシピアプリ~ 1.0.1
Media Div. White