Top 17 Apps Similar to TADA-NO-Light!

Vlad Lee
Flashlight without ads
Komachi flashlight / cute app 1.0.6
■The world's cutest flashlight appYour smartphone instantly transforms to a flashlight thatworksbeautifully ♪at your bedside or anywhere in the darkFor you, who likes cute things!With the Free Stamp Box, it will light up with thesuper-popularShiba KomachiOne button. Free app for instant LED flashlight★ The world's cutest and simplest flashlight app!Girls will absolutely want to use this, and for you, who lovecutethingsIt is so soothing just to own such a flashlight app★ The sweet little barking sound is oh so cute!Press the switch and get that little bark!(It will not bark if the smartphone sound is switched off)★ The pose changes each time you light up the flashlight!It's fun to watch Komachi changing poses each time you turn ontheflashlight★ It is simple and easy. ♪ It doesn't have even oneextrafunction!Only one button. Free app for people who are not used tosmartphones★ An app so soothing to just look atEven the app icon is so very cuteShiba Komachi goes with you everywhereThe free Stamp Box has surpassed 1 milliondownloadsworldwideYou can take all the stamps you want for free--the stamps canbeused in LINE, WhatsApp, and other chat apps■Frequently Asked QuestionsQ. Do I have to pay anything for the stickers?A. No, this application is completely free of charge.Q. Do you obtain any personal information from me?A. No, this application does not have any functionality toaccessyour contacts list, or any other type of personalinformation.Q. Do you have any viruses?A. No.We have already tested the application with the latest versionofVirusBuster Mobile for Android (Trend Micro Co., Ltd.) to ensureithas no viruses.Q. Do you use any positioning information (GPS)?A. No, this application does not have any functionality toaccessyour positioning information, or any other type ofpersonalinformation.Q. Can I delete the application when I do not needitanymore?A. It can be deleted straight away from your smartphone’ssettingsscreen.■Download the application now!!To install the application, press the install button on thetopright-hand side of the screen ♪
Flashlight - No advertising! 1.2
It is a flashlight app, simpleoperation.In order to improve the battery lasting, there is no advertising.* Free of charge, there is no annoying ads.* LED of camera, and the screen can be used as a lightsource.* Simply touch the screen, it lights.* The screen light, and can be changed at will the color toshine.(Brightness also can be changed)* In an emergency, it can also be flashing SOS Morse.With this app, work in the dark of a sudden is also safe.[Tested terminal]* docomo ARROWS X F-10D* docomo MEDIAS X N-04E* docomo MEDIAS WP N-06C* docomo Xperia Z1 SO-01F* au Xperia Z1 SOL23[Note]While using this application, automatic sleep isdisabled.Therefore, please exit the application after use.If you force sleep by pressing the sleep button, light will alsobeturned off forcibly.
Flashlight Ojisan 1.6.0
Fuller, Inc.
Second round for Ojisan App!Have you ever thought--I want my smartphone light to stay on for awhile!You want a steady light to show the way duringemergenciesordisasters, power outages, or simply when rummagingforsomethingyou lost. You think so, don't you?Quick change to a steady smartphone light.With one press of a button, Flashlight Ojisan will cometoyouraid.- instead of a candle- when you are unsure of your way at night- for your bedside table as a night-time helper- instead of a flashlight during an emergency- instead of a flashlight during a power outage- to read in the dark- when your flashlight battery is dead- when life has disappointed you and you want a light tobrightenthedarknessFlashlight Ojisan solves it all!Have a look at our entire line of Ojisan Apps.Ojisan - Battery Saver Ojisan
lightくん(懐中電灯) 3.0.0
【SHSHOW(シャープスマートフォン公式アプリ)提供】シンプルなUIのライト(懐中電灯)アプリです。アプリを起動するとライトが点灯。ホームとロック画面のウィジェット貼り付け機能に対応しています。ライトは外側のフラッシュライトと内側の画面が点灯するカラーライトの二通り。フラッシュマークを押せばフラッシュモードに、画面のマークを押せば内側の画面モードに切り替わります。フラッシュモードは画面右下の電球マークでライトのON/OFFができます。自動点滅をONにすれば点滅間隔も設定できる点滅ライトになります。内側の画面モードではカラーバーでカラーを選択することが可能。加速度変化をONにすれば左右に動かすだけで画面のカラーが次々に変化します!カラーライトは長時間露光の写真などを取るときにちょっとしたアイテムとして利用しても◎。他にもチェック!SHSHOWへ無料ライブ壁紙やメール素材などシャープスマートフォン公式アプリ「SHSHOW(エスエイチショウ)」で提供しています。シャープ製以外の端末でもお楽しみいただけます。[SHSHOW (Sharp smartphone official app) provides]Simple UI of light is (flashlight) app.To launch the app and light lights. It corresponds to the homeandlock screen widget Paste function of.Two kinds of color lights that flash lights and the inside ofthescreen of the outside is lit light.In flash mode by pressing the flash mark, it will switch ontheinside of the screen mode by pressing the mark of the screen.Flashmode can ON / OFF of the light bulb in the mark on the bottomrightof the screen.Blinking interval if the automatic flashing ON you willalsoblinking lights that can be set.Possible to select a color in the color bar on the insidescreenmode. The color of the screen by simply moving to the leftandright if the acceleration changes to ON you will change oneafteranother!Color light can be used as small items when you take along-timeexposure photograph of ◎.other to Check also! To SHSHOWSuch as free live wallpaper and mail material I served inSharpsmartphone official app "SHSHOW (es H. Shaw)". Enjoy alsotheterminal other than manufactured by Sharp.
Flash Light
Red Stonz
Flash Light instantly turns your device into a bright torch
Flashlight 2.19
Splend Apps
Easy to use Flashlight app. Brightest as possible!
LEDフラッシュライト 1.1
便利なLEDフラッシュライトアプリです。バッテリー消費も抑えました!操作も驚くほど簡単!タッチで点灯!もう一度タッチで消灯!カメラのフラッシュLEDを懐中電灯として使用できます。※カメラにフラッシュが搭載されていない端末ではご利用できません。It is a convenientLEDflashlight app. I have also reduced battery consumption!Easy as operation also surprised! Lighting in touch! Off intouchagain!I can be used as a flashlight the LED flash of the camera.※ It is not available in the terminal that flash is notinstalledon the camera.
LightWidget 1.1
This app is a simple widget that turnson/offthe flashlight of your terminal.
FlashLight 1.6
Flashlight app for your device! No moreuseugly-looking, tacky lantern app.And forget about the awful icon that you had to hide away.It's now here, 'Flashlight' - the lantern app with simplerdesignand features.It's the only lantern app made in a way that makes sense.
Flash Light 3.3
very convenient and useful nice application
ブルーライト対策プロテクター〜ブルーライト軽減アプリ~ 1.3.0
【!New!】レビューのご意見を元に、電池消費が遅くなるよう改善しました!【お知らせ!!】横画面に対応しました!ON、OFFのボタンを変更しました!(アプリ起動時はブルーライトカットモードになっています。)PCメガネを使わずにブルーライトから目を守る!全ての機能が全て無料!!ブルーライト(ぶるーらいと)を軽減させ、目のストレスの対策に役立つアプリです!明るさを暗く設定できるので充電が超長持ち!節電長持ちバッテリーの機能付き!■「ブルーライトプロテクター」の機能 ・フィルタのON/OFFワンタッチ操作 ・フィルタのレベル調整自由自在! ・端末起動時の自動起動! ・ステータスバーアイコンの表示カスタマイズ!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Qブルーライトとは? パソコンやスマートフォンなど、LEDディスプレイから発せられる青色光のこと。可視光線*1の中で最もエネルギーが高く、網膜にまで到達してしまうことにより、体内時計を狂わせたり、眼に与える影響が懸念されています。(*1 電磁波のうちで、光として人間の眼に見えるもの。)Qブルーライトと睡眠の関係とは? 不眠の原因として、不規則な食事や生活スタイルに加えスマートフォンの長時間使用による眼の疲れ、緊張、精神的疲労が挙げられます。ブルーライトに長時間さらされると、疲労ばかりでなく、体内時計の乱れを引き起こし、睡眠や健康に大きな影響を及ぼすことが考えられます。特に、”寝る前のスマートフォンの使用”はブルーライトによって神経が興奮してしまい不眠の大きな要因になるのです。そんな時は、ブルライトをカットするアイテムを使いましょう!ブルーライトをカットすることで良い睡眠を得られたという実験結果の報告もあります。ブルーライトプロテクターで眼と健康を守り、より充実したスマホライフをお送りください!
シャープ端末向け簡易ライト 1.0
ぴよライト-あなたのスマホが明るい懐中電灯に![無料] 1.1.1
停電の時、大災害の時、暗闇の中で何かを探したい時...でも、うちには懐中電灯がない!そんな時、あなたのスマホが懐中電灯に早変わりピヨ!起動ですぐライトが点灯、わずらわしい操作がいらない懐中電灯ピヨ!しかも、ぴよライトはワンタッチで点灯、消灯を選べる魔法の懐中電灯ピヨ!■こんな方にオススメ・スマホが明るい懐中電灯(ライト)になればいいのに。・家の懐中電灯の電池が切れてて使えない。・カメラのフラッシュ代わりに使いたい。When a power outage,whenthe catastrophe, when you want to look for something in thedark...But, there is no flashlight in the inner! At that time,yoursmartphone is transformed into a flashlight piyo!Start immediately light lights, flashlight piyo thatcumbersomeoperation is not needed!Moreover, Piyo lights lit at the touch of a button, flashlightpiyoof magic to choose Off!■ Recommended for those who likeAnd to smartphone-it is should I become a brightflashlight(write).Battery-house flashlight can not be used have expired.I want to use flash instead of the camera.
みつかるライト~暗闇の落し物がすぐ見つかるQR対応懐中電灯~ 2.1
Blue light - Avoid Eye Strain 4.3
Kazu Pinklady
This application creates the specialfilterwhich reduces the blue light that comes from screen.A blue light is reduced and the burden of eyes is eased.Unlike the sheet physically stuck on the screen, a filter canbedisplayed easily.A color and transparency can be set up freely.Four kinds of filters (amber, an orange, wine, energy saving)havepreset by default.===== Ultralight low load =====There is no display of an advertising column.Network communication does not occur, either.An unnecessary ornament, processing, and acquisition authoritywereeliminated as much as possible, and pursued lowloadthoroughly.The processing which always such as a timer schedule andbackgroundservice continues moving is not used.When displaying the filter, there is no execution load.You can use without not giving a damage to CPU and a battery.Moreover, you can use it without caring about monthlydatatraffic.*When it is the load zero, it is recognized as "appdoesn'texist".The booster function which "raises filter intensity" in ordertoavoid it was recorded.In order to tell "app's existence" to Android, misrecognitionisprevented by applying a little loads purposely.In that case, it stops being "no execution load."===== how to use =====1.Choose a filter.2.Push "Star icon button"3.Completion (filter is set and app is finished).The preview of a filter will be displayed if an eye icon buttonispushed.A filter will be canceled if x icon button is pushed.===== Contents which can be set up =====Amber filter.The blue light is reduced. (Only a few also reducespowerconsumption)Orange filter.The blue light is reduced.Wine filterThe blue light is reduced.Energy-saving filter.Power consumption is reduced.TransparencyIt is the transparency of a filter.Please change according to liking.If transparency becomes low, the blue light reduction effectwillbecome high.ColorWith the combination of 3 colors (red, green, blue), the color ofafilter can be set up freely.Please keep in mind that the blue light reduction effect willbelost if a blue value is raised.AnimationIt is the animation at the time of filter creation.The scales, the rise, the down, the left, the right, the alpha,andthose without anime can be set up.Strengthening of a filterSince a filter may be automatically canceled depending on themodel,it is a function for preventing it.Please put in a check, when a filter is canceledautomaticallyfrequently.Creation of shortcut to a notice barIt is a shortcut to the app create to a notice bar.Start automaticWhere a filter is set, when a smart phone is rebooted, a filterisre-created automatically.Display of a help messageA help message suitable for operation is displayed.===== Permission =====The following authority is required when installing this app.The display of warning(SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW)It is used in order to create a filter on a screen.Thereby, a filter is displayed on a forefront side.===== Cautions =====While displaying the filter, it becomes impossible to installnewapp.Android's safety feature operates and it becomes impossible topush"installation" button.In order to prevent it, when a filter is applied, allinstallationsof a new app are forbidden by android.Due to the above reasons, when you install a new app, please endanapp and cancel a filter.===== Donationware =====This app is donationware.If you were pleased with this app, please give contribution.because it is managing with no advertisement, there are noprofitsby this app.Only your warm heart is a reliance.I believe that the world is full of spirit mutual support.===== The donation method =====Please purchase any one of charged app which I created.Obtained contribution is carefully used as futuredevelopmentcosts.Thank you.::::: Kazu Pinklady :::::
とても明るい!懐中電灯 -ワンタッチフラッシュライト- 1.0.4
Anysense other
女の子が使いたくなる無料のナンバーワンライトアプリが登場♪あなたのお気に入りになること間違いなし☆☆くらーい夜道で足元を照らしたい、子どもが寝てて明かりが付けられないなど…これを使えば重いライトを持ち歩く必要はありません!☆フラッシュライトの超便利な機能☆・アプリ起動すればすぐ点灯♪・シンプルで誰でも使いやすい♪・LEDのフラッシュライトでとても明るい♪・かわいいアイコンでとってもキュート♪・まぶしい懐中電灯★こんな人にオススメ★・暗い帰りの夜道が不安・周りが見えない時に使える懐中電灯が欲しい・無料の懐中電灯アプリを探している・スマフォをライトの代わりに使いたい・懐中電灯を買わなくても済む・手元が暗い時に使える明かりが欲しいフラッシュライトをダウンロードしておけば、懐中電灯代わりに活躍してくれます!LEDの超高光度、バックライトの光で、Androidの画面も明るい!超強力ルーメンFlash Light!沢山のダウンロードをお待ちしています。【打ち間違いキーワード】らいと、ふらっしゅ、かいちゅうでんとう、Lite、アカルイこのアプリの開発者は、安心・安全なアプリの開発者であるとして、アンドロイダーの公認デベロッパーに認証されています。【☆レビュー掲載情報☆】AndRock様にレビュー掲載いただきました!様にレビュー掲載いただきました!様にレビュー掲載いただきました!スマプリ様にレビュー掲載いただきました! of numberonelightapp that girl may wish to use appeared ♪And guaranteed to become your favorite ☆☆I want to illuminate the feet Kura-i street at night, suchisnotattached lights have sleeping child ...You do not need to carry around a heavy light You can use this!☆ of flashlight super useful feature ☆• The application starts I should immediately lit ♪· Simple and easy to use anyone ♪Very bright · LED flashlight ♪· Cute ♪ cute icon-Bright flashlight★ Recommended for People ★Cry return of street at night anxietyWant flashlight that can be used when the around-isnotvisible- I'm looking for a free flashlight appI want to use the Sumafo-instead of light· I need not be to buy a flashlight-Hand is I want lights that can be used when darkThe Once you have downloaded the flash light,Flashlight worked for us instead!LED ultra high intensity, in the light of thebacklight,Androidscreen also bright!Super strong lumens Flash Light!I am looking forward to a lot of downloads.[Typo keyword]Light, flash, underwater tradition, Lite, brightThe developer of this app,As a developer of safe and secure application,It has been authenticated to the certified developersofandroIda.[☆ reviews posted information ☆]Whats review published in AndRock like! review published in iPhoroid like! review published in AndroidView like! review published in Sumapuri like!