Top 2 Apps Similar to Simple LED

Ultimate Blink Led 1.0
With the app Ultimate Blink Led you canfinallybetter manage all notifications (LED,vibration,ringtone)ofdifferent app,as well as to handle the notifications aboutthecharging status of your phone (e.g. if you are charging thebatteryvia USB cable,via the electrical mains or if your battery isfullycharged).For each app supported you can manage the LED color and thepatternin which the same LED switches on and off when you receiveanotification message. In addition you will also be abletocustomize the time of vibration and ringing tone associatedwitheach notification. This app will also install a new layoutfornotifications, so as to make the user experience atrulycomprehensive and engaging experience. From the inside of theappyou can at any time check your current settings by accessingthemenu tab " My settings", as well as to activate/deactivate theappat any time!!For proper operation of this app, you must provide a uniqueapppermission:the access to notifications. It states that as amatterof internal design of Android, every time you restart yourphoneyou will need to provide permission to access thenotifications,butdo not worry if you forget it, you will be given awarning fromthis app every time the phone is turned on.The app currently supported are:Whatsapp, Viber, Facebook, Telegram, Shazam, Outlook, Gmail,SMS,Messenger, Instagram and Slack.As previously mentioned, you can also customize the LED for the3events:-Battery charging via USB cable-Battery charging via the electrical mains-Battery fully chargedIn the lite version the support is obviously reduced and islimitedto the sms and the three events described above , regardingthebattery charge.
Flashlight - LED💡🌃 1.1
A flashlight (more often called atorchoutsideNorth America) is a portable hand-held electriclight.Usually, thesource of the light is a small incandescent lightbulborlight-emitting diode (LED). A typical flashlight consists ofalightbulb mounted in a reflector, a transparent cover(sometimescombinedwith a lens) to protect the light source andreflector, abattery,and a switch. These are supported and protectedby a case.The invention of the dry cell and miniatureincandescentelectriclight bulbs made the first battery-poweredflashlightspossiblearound 1899. Today flashlights use mostlyincandescentlamps orlight-emitting diodes and run on disposableorrechargeablebatteries. Some are powered by the user turningacrank or shakingthe lamp, and some have solar panels to rechargeabattery.In addition to the general-purpose hand-heldflashlight,manyforms have been adapted for special uses. Headorhelmet-mountedflashlights designed for miners and campers leavethehands free.Some flashlights can be used underwater orinflammableatmospheres.LED Flashlight and BatteryOn your phone is easy.A quick and simple interface.Does not share your information with anyone. (Has nolinktoFacebook,twitter and instagram )Real-time 3D phone has a battery indicator.