Top 50 Apps Similar to Diet. Losing weight. Health. P

Lose weight without dieting 5.39
Webimatic Apps
Weight loss can be amazing! Eat healthy, feel awesome, achieveyourdream body!
Losing weight 5.0.19
The best app for losing weight! More than 3 million downloads!
Похудение без диеты - СИТ 30 3.1.8
Sukhacheva Ekaterina
Losing weight without a diet! Diary of proper nutrition, sportsandbeauty!
Правильное питание 2.7
Healthy food recipes and diets without fasting
Nutrition Diary: calorie counter and FCP 4.6
Nutrition diary allows you to monitor your diet daily,keepthebalance of nutrition and exercise, and also take intoaccounttheamount of fluid consumed. Depending on the chosen goal(toloseweight, save weight or gain weight) and yourparameters,thebuilt-in calorie calculator will calculate thenutritionalprogramwith the daily caloric intake and the ratio ofFCP(Fats,Carbohydrates, Proteins). The built-in databasecontainsthousandsof ready and semifinished foods(only russian baseisavailable atthe moment), and you can add your own. Functions:-Simplecalendar-based interface makes it easy to browsenutritionhistory.- The nutrition program is calculated usingtheHarris-Benedictformula - one of the most accurate formulasforcalculating caloricand FCP to date. If you think that thepowerprogram is calculatedincorrectly, you can manually adjust it.- Thebuilt-in basecatalog contains more than 10,000 product itemsandsemi-finishedproducts, 2 more catalogs are provided to the userforstoringtheir products. - Adaptive search function in theproductcatalogallows you to enter search words regardless of theirorderand caseof letters. - All application settings and directorydatacan besaved / loaded using Google Drive (authorizationrequiredusing aGoogle account). The function is useful if you wanttoreinstallthe application or install it on another device.-Internetconnection for the operation of the main functionsoftheapplication is not required (only if you want to save thedatatoGoogle Drive). - The gray color theme of the applicationcanbechanged to different color (at the moment there are18alternativecolor themes) - Charts will show how well you followthenutritionprogram and allow tracking the dynamics of weightchangesand bodymeasurements. - The Workout page will help youcountcalories andfcp spent during additional activity or training -Onthe Summarypage, you can see the statistics taking into accountthenutritionprogram, workouts and your diet for the selected day.-The WaterConsumption function calculates the rate ofconsumptionand allowsyou to take into account the water you drinkper day --The Recipesfunction allows to calculate the recipes CFCP,and alsotakes intoaccount water loss or saturation of the dish Werecommendthat youcheck information from the product catalog withinformationfromthe manufacturer on the packaging - the nutritionalvalue oftheproducts may vary from one manufacturer to another andchangeovertime. The calculation of the nutritional programisapproximate, inorder to take into account theindividualcharacteristics of theorganism, consultation of adietitian may berequired.
Perfect Block Puzzle 22.0311.01
Welcome to Perfect Block Puzzle, a simple and highly addictiveblockpuzzle game! Pop blocks by making horizontal or verticallines!Spend hours of fun playing this relaxing fun game! 5,000,000playersare already here! Come and join us! It’s harder than youthink HOWTO PLAY • Drag the given blocks and drop them into thegrid. •Remove the blocks by making full horizontal or verticallines. •Change the direction of blocks by using items! • Clearmultiplelines at a time to get a higher score! PERFECT BLOCKPUZZLE FEATURES• Endless games! • Choose between 2 themes &change any time youwant! • Compete with others through the medalleague and getrewards! • No WiFi needed! Play games anytime,anywhere! • No timelimit! Enjoy at your own pace! • Excitingshooting sounds &visual effects! PRIVACY POLICY• E-MAIL• Come try the perfect block puzzle!
Diet Recipes 2.02
Good Cook
Free diet recipes: diet appetizers, salads, soups, maindishes,healthy desserts
Calorie Counter, Diet Plan 3.0.7
Sukhacheva Ekaterina
The advanced calorie counter - SYPB 30
90 Days Slim Plan 2.4.1
Bogdan Toma
90 Days Slim Plan helps you lose weight without starving yourself.
5 Minute Fat Loss 3.2.1
Fast workouts to tone up, lose weight and burn fat.
Диета "6 Лепестков" 4.324
Данное приложение посвящено одной изсамыхинтересных, эффективных, приятных и главное простыхдиет.Всего за 6 дней диеты Вы можете сбросить до 5-6 кг.Вы найдете незаменимого помощника в лице данного приложения, ведьвнем собрана вся самая необходимая информация по каждому изднейдиеты. Это и описание общих принципов и варианты примерногоменю ирецепты и масса другой полезной информации на каждый день,котораяподобрана строго для того, чтобы Вы могли достичьжелаемыхрезультатов!Также с помощью данного приложения Вы можете вести и учетсвоихуспехов - по мере прохождения диеты информация о Вашихдостиженияхбудет оформляться в наглядные яркие графики и таблицы,на которыхбудет отображаться вся необходимая информация - и это всенагляднои красочно! Уверены, Вы сможете удивить свое окружение,порадоватьсебя и сделать приятно нужным людям)Также в дневнике есть и дневник ваших успехов, где выможетезаписывать самые важные показатели - вес, объемы, информациюоспорте и т.д. По всем этим показателям можно построитьнаглядныеграфики)Появление данного приложения стало результатом успехамножествалюдей, которые достигли поставленных перед собой целей.Причеммножество людей худеют с удовольствием и быстрымэффектом!Лепестковая диета является одной из наиболее действенныхметодикпохудения. Она помогает снизить вес без стресса истрогихограничений рациона. При мягком воздействии на организм,диетапомогает похудеть на вплоть до 900 грамм веса в сутки.Умное чередование продуктов позволяет организму получитьвсенеобходимые вещества в течение 6 дней, быть сытой и неподвергатьорганизм стрессу. При этом помогает похудеть за неделю на3-5 кг.Цель данного приложения - помочь Вам в этом, стать лучше,стройнееи красивее. И конечно поддержать Вас и Ваше хорошеенастроение.Будем рады за положительную обратную связь и помощь вулучшенииданного приложения.Наши преимущества:- Вся информация о диете в одном приложении, справочник под рукойвлюбое время!- Рекомендации, проверенные людьми, которые успешно смоглисброситьвес.- Постоянно пополняемый раздел "Рецепты", адаптированный поддиету"6 лепестков".- Наличие сообщества, которое всегда готово помочь именноВам.- PUSH уведомления. Вы всегда будете первыми, кто узнаетглавныеновости группы поддержки!- Возможность сохранять свои результаты.- Построение графика Ваших успехов!- Наличие калькуляторов веса в приложении.- Бесплатное приложение.- Оперативная поддержка разработчика.This applicationisdedicated to one of the most exciting, effective, enjoyableandmost importantly simple diets.In just 6 days of the diet, you can lose up to 5-6 kg.You will find an indispensable tool in the face of theapplication,because it gathered the most relevant information foreach of thedays of the diet. This description of the generalprinciples andexemplary embodiments of menus and recipes and lotsof other usefulinformation for every day, which is picked upstrongly in orderthat you can achieve the desired results!Also with the help of this application you can keep track ofyourprogress, and - as you progress through the diet informationaboutyour achievements will be made out in bright visual graphsandtables, which will display all the necessary information - andit'sall clear and colorful! Sure, you can surprise yoursurroundings,treat yourself and make nice to the rightpeople)Also in the diary there is a diary of your progress, where youcanrecord the most important indicators - weight, volume,informationabout the sport, etc. For all these indicators, you canbuildvisual graphs)The appearance of the application was the result of the successofmany people who have achieved the goals set before him. And alotof people lose weight with pleasure and rapid effect!Radar diet is one of the most effective weight loss methods.Ithelps to reduce weight without stress and stringentdietrestrictions. In mild effects on the body, the diet helpsloseweight by up to 900 grams of weight per day.Smart alternation of products allows the body to get allthenecessary materials for 6 days, to be well-fed and do notexposethe body to stress. This helps to lose weight in a week by3-5 kg.The purpose of this application - to help you in this, tobecomebetter, slimmer and more beautiful. And of course support youandyour good mood. We are looking forward for a positive feedbackandassistance in improving the application.Our advantages:- All information about diet in one application, handy referenceatany time!- Recommendations, proven people who were able to successfullyloseweight.- Is constantly updated section "Recipes", adapted to the diet"6petals".- The presence of the community, which is always ready tohelpyou.- PUSH notifications. You will always be the first to know themainnews of the support group!- Ability to save your results.- Graphing your success!- Availability calculators weight in the application.- Free application.- Operational support the developer.
Kalorické tabulky 3.8.10
Dine4Fit, a.s.
Kalorické tabulky umožňují každodenníevidencienergetického příjmu a energetického výdeje pomocí záznamuvšechsnědených potravin a provedených fyzických aktivit. Aplikacenabízívýpočet doporučené energetické bilance v kaloriích nebovkilojoulech, pokud chce uživatel zhubnout.Kalorické tabulky využívají uživateli denně aktualizovanoudatabázienergetických hodnot potravin dostupných v ČR a naSlovensku.Snědené potraviny lze ukládat i pomocí skenování čárovéhokódu najejich obalu.Aplikace potřebuje pro svoji činnost připojení k internetu.Uloženádata jsou přístupná i pomocí webové verze nastránká charts allowdailyrecords of energy intake and energy expenditure by recordingallfoods eaten and performed physical activities. Theapplicationoffers calculating the recommended energy balance incalories orkilojoules, if the user wants to lose weight.Calorie table benefit users daily updated database of energyvalues​​of food available in the Czech Republic and the SlovakRepublic.Eaten foods can be saved even by scanning the bar code onthepackage.Application needs for its operation connected to the Internet.Thestored data is accessible through a web
Lose Weight in 30 Days 3.0.130
Lose Weight in 30 Days with fat burning workouts for women at home
🍏 Калькулятор калорий для похудения - Lite 3.4.6
Бесплатный калькулятор калорий Lite для похудения,безрегистрации,без рекламы, со сканером штрихкода (баркода) -считайкалории ихудей! Самый простой и удобный счетчик калорий дляAndroidнарусском языке. (Подходит для больных диабетом 1 и 2 типа.)🍎Безрекламы 🍎 Без регистрации 🍎 Калькулятор воды 🍎Работаетбезинтернета 🍎 Сканер штрих-кода (бар-кода) 🍎 КалькуляторКалорий🍎Дневник питания 🍎 Большая база калорийностипродуктов🍎Калькуляторы BMI и BMR 🍎 Вы можете создавать своирецептыидобавлять их в базу 🍎 График изменения веса 🍎 Выможетедобавлятьсвои продукты 🍎 Учет расхода калорий (упражнениявтренажерном залеи в быту) Пишите в комментариях как можнодополнитьпрограмму либоулучшить её, - и новая версия не заставитсебя ждать.Пишите такжена Если выобнаружили ошибку -сообщитепожалуйста в каком месте и при какихусловиях онапоявляется.(Можно в комментариях, либо в письме)пишитена Ответы на вопросы: 1)вопрос:Какперенестиисторию с бесплатной версии в платную? ответ:Перенестиисторию наданный момент нельзя 2) Если после установкивиджет непоявился вобщем списке, перенесите приложение вовнутреннюю памятьустройстваандроид, через управление приложениями.Бесплатныйсчетчик калорийдля Android позволит Вам получить полнуюинформациюо калорийностипопулярных продуктов питания для того,чтобы Вы моглиследить засвоей фигурой. С помощью бесплатногокалькулятора калорийдляAndroid вы можете бесплатно и безрегистрации составитьменюопределенной калорийности или посчитатьэнергетическуюценностьсвоего завтрака, обеда и ужина. Калькуляторпредставляетсобойгигантскую базу продуктов питания с калорийностью.На основевашегоиндекса массы тела счетчик калорий рассчитывает вашлимиткалорий вдень.
Fitness For Women 1.13
Veev Apps
Workout program and set of exercises to tone your body
Du Diet protein diet 1.8.1
Logomotiv LLC
Dukan diet organizer: stages, measure of weight,recipes,instructions and notes
Счетчик калорий диета 10Levels
We are losing weight using pp recipes and individual weightlossplans
Healthy Recipes 6.48
DIL Studio
We offer to you a lot of free healthy recipes: healthychicken,healthy meat recipes, baking healthy recipes, diet saladrecipes,snacks healthy recipes, low-fat casserole recipes, low carbdishrecipes, low carb pizza, diet dinner and other healthy recipes.Therecipe app works offline. In this app you could enjoy: •Allhealthy recipes with photo and simple detailed instructions •Allfree easy recipes are divided into the categories •Simplesearching in the app by the name or by the ingredients • Youcanchoose the recipes you liked and keep them in your favorites.Youcan save cooked recipes • You can use a shopping list. Just addthedesired product directly from the recipe to the shopping list •Youcan share your own delicious recipes and you can leavefeedbackabout other recipes • There is a table of caloricity •Recipe appworks offline and your favorite recipes will always bewith you,even when you have no Internet connection! We offer toyou: •Delicious recipes for healthy eating: easy recipes of usefulmaindishes, baking recipes, homemade recipes of simple salads,souprecipes, roll recipes, dietary sandwiches, vegetarianpilafrecipes, Bacon Cheddar Deviled Eggs, Italian ZucchiniBoats,Cabbage and Ground Beef Skillet, Roasted Green PepperSalad,Grilled Shrimp, Nice Pitcher, Sweet Twice Baked SweetPotatoes,Lemon Garlic Broccoli, Tomato Basil Soup, SkinnySmotheredBurritos, Cheesy Baked Asparagus, Mexican EggplantCasserole,Cauliflower Mashed Taters, Slow Cooker Beef Stew, etc.; •Tastyrecipes of healthy dishes with chicken: chicken chop recipeswithmushrooms, cutlet with breast recipes, easy recipes ofchickenrolls with herbs, chicken with broccoli recipes, homemaderecipesof chicken sausages, chicken breast diet recipes, CrockpotFiestaChicken, Melt in Your Mouth Chicken Breast, Chinese ChickenwithBlack Pepper Sauce, Chicken Bombs, Chicken and Potato, etc.; •Alot of diet baking recipes: tasty recipes of usefulmuffins,cooking recipes of low-calorie cookies, recipes oflightcasseroles, pudding recipes, Spicy Baked Omelet, FlourlessBananaBlender Muffins, Bremug Cake, Easy Cauliflower Pizza,BakedCabbage, Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies, etc.; • Tastyrecipes ofsalads with vegetables and meat; • Garlic ParmesanShrimp; •Southern Style Cabbage Soup; • Loaded Cauliflower; •DiabeticShrimp Scampi • Homemade Pasta Sauce • Avocado, Bacon andTomatoWrap; • Stuffed Mushrooms; • Low Carb Lemon "Cheesecake"Bars; •Taco Salad; • Dr. Oz's Metabolism-Boosting Drink; •Strawberryhomemade Ice cream; • Amy's Chewy Coconut Bars; •MarinatedCucumbers, Tomatoes & Onions; • Brussel Sprouts withBacon andMushrooms; • Spinach Chips; • Cooking recipes ofvegetarian soups;• Quick recipes of omelets for breakfast; • Easyrecipes oflow-calorie sweet cream; • Other recipes of simple andquickhealthy eating and much more! Cook with pleasure!
Weight Loss -10kg/10 Days HOME 23.10.19
FitFast: Shed Pounds Quickly! Your Ultimate Weight Loss Solution!!
Lose Weight In 30 Days 1.33
Veev Apps
The training program (exercises) and diet to lose weight in 30days.
Meal Planner for Weight Loss 1.2.8
Apps24 s.r.o.
Meal planner for weight loss. Recipes, water tracker &grocerylist included.
Lose Belly Fat 1.7
Veev Apps
Workout and diet plan to lose your belly fat
Rina 90 Day Diet Weight Loss 1.1.11
Weight loss mobile app based on the popular Rina's 90 dayschallengediet.
Diet Plan Weight Loss App 11.16.386
Riafy Technologies
Get healthy recipes to lose weight fast with the diet planweightloss app
Weight Loss Coach: Lose Weight 2.0.70
Lose weight & Look beautiful with a Personal Diet &WeightLoss Coach.
Fitness Women - Workouts For Women at Home 2.5.4
A special combination of calorie-burning exercises and dietplanof30 days are going to help you not only to lose weightbutalsobecome fit and have a beautiful body. A few minutesofdailytraining at home will contribute to weight lossbyabdominalexercises, exercises for the butt and legs, waist,etc.,and thediet plan will provide you with various products forahealthylifestyle. The animated exercises are here to makeyourtrainingsimpler and more entertaining. Start exercise at homeandtheresult will come very very very fast. a3dfdc64da
Weight Tracker aktiWeight 2.8
aktiWir GmbH
Log and improve your body weight. Evaluate the success ofyourweight loss.
Lose Weight In 30 Days 1.26
Hazard Studio
Just 5-10 minutes of workout each day you get a dream body
Lose Weight in 30 Days 1.1.8
Get slim and happy with Lose Weight in 30 Days, a free andeasymobile app
Diet Point · Weight Loss 4.1.8
DietPoint Ltd.
Some willpower + DietPoint = SUCCESS
Calorie Calculator XBodyBuild 4.23.1
Calorie counter for weight loss. Calculation of the daily normofenergy & water
abs workout 2.7.4
abs workout - Best App for Weight Loss!
Diet Recipes 6.119
DIL Studio
We offer to you a lot of tasty diet recipes: low carb chicken,meatand fish, diet soup recipes, low-fat appetizers and lunch,easydiet dessert recipes and much more. In this app you couldenjoy: •All diet recipes with photo and simple detailedinstructions • Allfree diet recipes are divided into categories foreasy use • Simplesearching in the app by the name or by theingredients • You canchoose the recipes you liked and keep them inyour favorites. Youcan save cooked recipes • You can use a shoppinglist. Just add thedesired product directly from the recipe to theshopping list • Youcan share your own delicious recipes and you canleave feedbackabout other recipes • There is a table of caloricity• Recipe appworks offline and your favorite recipes will always bewith you,even when you have no Internet connection! There are a bigquantityof diet low carb appetizers recipes, diet salads, easy lowcarbmeat and fish recipes, tasty diet soup recipes, deliciousdietsnack recipes, homemade low carb pie and cake recipes, dietdessertrecipes, low carb cookie and other diet low carb recipes,etc. Weoffer to you: • Delicious diet appetizer and salad recipes:diet NoCrust Sweet Potato Pie, Cauliflower Egg Salad, DiabeticSpecialSeven Layer Salad, Spinach Salad with Roasted Chicken,Asparagus& Tomato Salad, Seven Layer Salad, Chicken AvocadoSalad LowCarb, Gluten Free diet Greek Salad, Hot Smoked SalmonSalad,Mediterranean Quinoa Salad, Courgette and Carrot Salad,ChickenCaesar Salad, Southwest Chicken Salad, Zucchini Pan Cakes,Low CarbBuffalo Cauliflower Bites, diet Baked Zucchini, Perfect forLowCarb Salad Chicken, Layer Pizza Dip, Cauliflower Patties,PizzaChicken Low Carb, Shepherd's Pie (Low Carb), Low Carb DeepDishPizza, Baked Parmesan Tomatoes, Easy Crockpot Chicken Fajitas,etc.• Tasty recipes of diet main dishes: diet recipe of SpicySausageStuffed Monterey Mushrooms, Chicken Cacciatore, low carbUnstuffedCabbage Rolls, Spinach and Mushroom Smothered Chicken,Primal TwiceBaked Cauliflower, diet recipe of Sauteed Zucchini,CaliforniaChicken Casserole, Cabbage, Bacon and Peppers, LasagnaStyleSpaghetti Squash, Skillet-braised Brussell Sprouts with Bacon&Onions, diet recipe of Roasted Spaghetti Squash with BaconandParmesan, Cheesy Bacon Wrapped Chicken Tenders, ZucchiniBoats,Broccoli-Cauliflower Toss, diet recipe of Fried CabbagewithSausage, Cabbage and Ground Beef Skillet, Low Carb MexiBakedChicken, Hasselback Chicken, Roasted Garlic Mushrooms, CabbageRollSkillet, low carb recipe of Chicken and Broccoli CheesyCasserole,Ginger Me up Chicken, Brussel Sprouts with Bacon andMushrooms,Best Beef and Broccoli, etc. •Diet recipes of soups forhealthydays: low carb recipe of Carrot and Corriander Soup, dietrecipe ofCreamy Sweet Potato and Cauliflower Soup, Broccoli &StiltonSoup, Ham and Split Pea Soup, Butternut Squash Soup,Tortilla Soup,diet recipe of Spicy Asparagus Soup, low carb recipeof SpicyPumpkin Soup, Carrot and Ginger Soup, Low Carb BaconCheeseburgerSoup, Low Carb Tomato Soup, Hamburger Soup, OliveGarden Low CarbZuppa Toscana Soup, diet recipe of Egg Drop Soup,Weight WatchersBroccoli Cheese Soup, Low Carb Crock Pot Pizza Soup,Southern StyleCabbage Soup, etc. • Diet cake, pie, dessert recipes:CrèmeCaramel, Brownie Cheesecake, diet recipe of DreamsicleTrifle,Blackberry Cake, Frosted Carrot & Nut Cake Bars,StrawberryCake, Peanut Butter Cookies, Cranberry & WalnutCookies, AlmostZero Carbs, diet recipe of Substitute Cream Cheese,Chewy ChocolateChip Cookies, Fruit Pizza, Diabetic Apple Pie, LowCarb Lemon"Cheesecake" Bars, diet recipe of Banana Pancakes,Low-Cal, Low-FatEasy Chocolate Trifle, Weight Watcher Snickers Pie,diet recipe ofKent's Low Carb Poke Cake, Butterfinger Dessert,Low-Fat OrangeDream Cheesecake, Died and Went to Heaven ChocolateCake, diabeticVersion, etc. Cook with pleasure!
Healthy Diet - Best Diet Plan, Calorie Counter 2.3.6
Healthy Diet app is the simplest and most effective healthyeating& weight loss app The primary goal of this app is eathealthyand get fit. This app focused on health goals like dailycalorieintake goal, diet plan & steps goal. We believe that ifanyonecompleted their goals then he or she can definitely getpositiveresult for fitness. That's why we build this app. Low fatdiet,high calorie or low calorie, low carb or high protein? Thisapphelp you to find a diet suited according to your need. Needafitness tracker(steps and exercise tracker)?. Want to trackstepsand exercise on daily basis. Then HealthyDiet app is made foryou.This App basically contain major features like eat HealthyDiet,Diet plan, food tracker, food diary, calorie tracker &healthyfood recipes, keto diet, step tracker, workout manager andworkouttracker, and lose weight with in a single App. HealthyDietFeatures- ● Food planner & macro tracker ● No Coach Needed●Diet plan & diet tips for your goal - lose weight &eathealthier food ● Calorie counter & food tracker withallnutrients ● Macros calculator - track your daily macros,nutrition& calories ● Meal planner - eat healthy food fromdeliciousrecipes for any plan ● Step and Health tracker - stay ontop ofyour fitness & health ● Browse a large food database ●Createcustom foods and meals ● Get a personalized daily caloriegoalbased on your profile information ● Keep track of your weightandprogress over time ● Review detailed data and create customdailygoals for your nutritional intake of protein, fat, carbs,fiber,sugar, sodium & more ● Easily keep track of your waterintakeCALORIE COUNTER & CALORIE TRACKER:- Calculate you dailycaloriegoal and track daily calorie with this app and feelhealthier.Count or track your daily calorie with respect to yourdaily goal.WEIGHT LOSS WITH BEST DIET PLAN:- Lose weight with yourpersonaldiet plan. Create your diet plan with Healthy Diet app witheasilyand calculate results of diet plan after one week and onemonth.Create diet plan according to your weight lose goals. RECIPES&MEAL PLANNER:- There are millions of Food and recipe availableformeal planner. Healthy Diet app will suggest you low fatrecipe,High protein, low carbs recipe for meal planner with allnutrients.HEALTH TRACKER & FOOD PLANNER:- Step tracker, workouttracker,Calorie counter & food diary features will help youtrack yourdaily nutritional values at a glance. FOOD DIARY, FOODTRACKER& MACRO TRACKER :- It’s very easy with macro tracker -willhelp you achieve the right type of nutrients with themacrocalculator.
Home workouts & Gymnastics 2.8.3
mEL Studio
Effective home workouts plan for full body - exercises withoutanyequipment
Жиросжигатель Opti-fit
Everyone is losing weight with us. Simple and effective.Withouthunger. Without training.
My Diet Coach - Weight Loss
√ Keep your motivation alive withinspiringtips, photos, good points and virtual rewards√ The best weight loss tracker√ Learn how to lose weight fast and naturally and get intofitnessby taking up small healthy lifestyle changes√ Way much more than just a calorie counter and a weightchart*** So, how will My Diet Coach HELP YOU TO LOSE WEIGHT? ***My Diet Coach will help you find your inner motivation, keep youontrack, make healthy lifestyle changes, resist food cravings,avoidexercise laziness and other weight loss difficulties:• Set your goal (We'll help you to achieve it)• Track your progress (New! Visual weight tracker – See yourlostweight "drop off"…).• Get reminders of what's important (Your goal, motivationalphotos,fitness class)• Take up small, healthy lifestyle changes - You'll never forgettodrink water again!• Boost your weight loss motivation with our inspiring tipsandquotes• Be rewarded for your success – Lots of fun and supermotivating(for women!)• It's FREE!MORE DETAILS:In order to lose weight you just have to consume fewer caloriesthanyou burn. Sounds easy, doesn't it? So how comes losing weightdidn’tbecome any easier? Well… While other apps offer just acaloriecounter, My Diet Coach offers a full set of lifestylechanging andmotivation tools:1. Customized reminders – Boost your motivation, improve yourhealthand plan your diet -• Drink water• Always be prepared with healthy snacks• It’s time for your exercise class• And much more…2. Visual weight tracker – Your LOST weight counter - Visuallyseeand track how much you've lost so far!3. Daily challenges program which will help you to:• Improve your fitness and nutrition• Lose body fat and increase calorie burn• Drink more water√ Get “Healthy Lifestyle” points for your achievements√ Steps counter5. Helpful tips and tricks for common weight loss setbacks:• Tips for food cravings• Tips for exercise laziness• Tips for family meals• How to get your motivation back• Much more…6. Get "Healthy lifestyle" points for doing the right thingandimproving nutrition -√ Redeem your points for virtual fashion items to dress youravatar(for women only)7. Lose even more weight with the Pro UPGRADE. By upgradingyou’llget:• Food cravings panic button and tips• Weight, water and measurements charts (syncs withthetracker)• Diet diary which includes meals and exercise journal,calorieburned counter and barcode scanner for foods• Water consumption tracker• BMI calculator√ Get more points and fashion items for your avatar
Plank Workout 30 Days for ABS 1.5f4
everything for people
Plank work out app for women to get flat stomach at home in 30 days
Macro Tracker - Diety 2.9.6
A macro tracker, macro calculator, macro counter and simplemacrostracker app
DuRecipes – recipes Dukan diet 2.3
Logomotiv LLC
Cooking recipes for Dukan diet with photo and description.Attack,Cruise etс.
Lose Weight At Home 2.2
fitness reps inc
"Lose weight at home" - is an application designedspecificallyforyou to train at home, and quickly lose weight.Women's traininghasnever been so easy, just follow the animation onthescreen,performing the commands of the voice assistant, and inaweek yourbody will be noticeably transformed. If the animationdoesnot givea complete picture of the exercise, you can alwayswatchthe videowith the implementation of this exercise.Performingworkouts, youwill definitely bring your body in order.Theapplicationimplements a nutrition plan with which yourworkoutswill beeffective. In addition , there are statistics so youcanmonitoryour progress. The workout in the app is designed for30days,however you can continue to use as much as you need. Tomakeitmore enjoyable to train, there are achievements thatwillmotivateyou. It should be remembered that home fitness has anumberofpositive aspects. The first and most important is a goodwaytokeep yourself in good shape, especially relevant for thosewhofindit difficult to find time for a gym or gym. Exercisesaresimpleand the strength of everyone who has the desire to lookgood.Andmost importantly, it's a great and safe way to burncalories.Manygirls who have successfully lost excess weight, beganto beengagedat home. To do this, it was enough to repeatedlyperformtheir ownsquats, push-UPS, bends, following a certain plan.Most ofthesimple but effective exercises that require nothing but aMat,afree part of the room 2 by 2 meters and diligence. Hometrainingisquite useful and effective. In addition, the applicationallowsyouto save a lot of time on trips to the gym, thushavingtheopportunity to save. Looking for a weight loss app? Wanttoloseweight fast? "Lose weight at home" will help youloseweightquickly. We advise you to try it now, and you willbesatisfiedwith the result.
90-Day Diet & Break 2.7
SMDev Solutions Ltd
Based on the books, written by B. Hrobat and M. Poljansek
Weight Loss Fitness by Verv 2.11
Verv Inc
Get fit at home with personalized fitness workout plan. Slimdown& lose weight!
Lose it in 30 days- workout fo 1.51
everything for people
Fitness Weight Loss WorkOut for women to train your butt,absandlose belly fat
Meal Reminder - Weight Loss 2.3.3
Healthy Reminder
Eat healthy and regularly! Control your nutrition and lose weight.
Plank Workout - 30 Days Challenge. Lose weight! 2.0
Unreal Dev
The plank exercise is an isometric fitness core exercisethatinvolves maintaining a position similar to a push-up forthemaximum possible time. Out fitness app Plank Workout - 30DaysChallenge helps to achieve high result, lose weight and gainasteel abs. Benefits of the Plank The plank strengthens and tonesanarray of muscles found all over your body, includingyourshoulders, arms, lower back and rump, but the primary target istheabs. How to do a perfect Plank The plank is all about posture.Yourweight should be on the balls of your feet and your elbows,withyour hands locked together in front. Keep your back andhipsaligned so you form a straight line from your shoulders toyourankles. Brace your abdominals, and don’t raise or lower thosehips.If even adopting the position for this fitness workoutexerciseproves impossible, start with your knees on the ground.Once youcan hold this bent-knee plank for two minutes, get back onthosetoes. How long should you hold a Plank? Most people don't usethemuscles properly or don't take the right position when they setthegoal of standing for as long as possible. If you can hold theplankfor only one minute, lowering your hips or lifting them toohigh,it is best to reduce the fitness exercise time, but do itright.Time goals for the Plank: * 30 sec – novice * 1 min – average* 1min 30 sec – good * 2 min – very good * 3 min – excellent * 5min –abs workout master * 8 hr 1 min – the official GuinnessWorldRecord for the Plank Complete all 30 days plank workoutchallengesOur fitness app Plank Workout - 30 Days Challenge has 3differentdifficulty levels: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced.Aftercompleting a 30 days challenge for a beginner, you can go tothenext level and begin to conquer a new peak. At an advancedlevel,you can challenge your abs. You can also conduct your ownplankworkout training, choosing the time for yourself. Train andPlankto obey you!
Plank 30 days challenge 3.0.5
mEL Studio
5 minute plank exercise for weight loss: Workout challenge 30dayfor men, women
Lose Belly Fat - Flat Stomach 1.0.05
Get a flat stomach at home - These are the powerful fatburningexercises.
Fitness workouts for women 2.3.7
mEL Studio
Effective home fitness workouts for women for all muscle groupswithinstructor
Aerobics workout at home 2.9.4
mEL Studio
Aerobics exercise and cardio workout at home for endurance andhearthealth