Top 23 Apps Similar to Al-Taqreeb

Kitab Taqrib Lengkap 2.1
Kajian Fiqih kitab Al-Ghayah wa al-TaqribMatanAbi Syujaâ karya Syihabuddin Abu Syujaâ Ahmad bin al-HusainbinAhmad al-Ashfihani, juga dikenal dengan al-Qadli Abu Syujaâ (w593H) bersama al-Ustadz Dr. K.H. Mohamad Najib Amin.Study of the bookofAl-Fiqh wa al-Taqrib ghayah Matan Abi Syujaâ works SyihabuddinAbuSyujaâ Ahmad ibn al-Husayn ibn Ahmad al-Ashfihani, also knownasal-Qadli Abu Syujaâ (w 593 H) along Al-Ustadz Dr K.H. MohamadNajibAmin.
Kitab Taqrib Terjemah 1.0
Matrama Group
Aplikasi Kitab Taqrib Terjemahberisiberbagaikumpulan informasi mengenai Kitab Matan Al-GhayahwatTaqrib yangmerupakan kitab fiqh paling populer dikalanganpesantren salaf.Kitab ini dipelajari hampir di seluruhpesantrensalaf diIndondsia.Semoga dengan Aplikasi ini kita dapatlebihmemperdalampengetahuan kita agar ibadah kita semakin kuat.Kamiakan terusmenambah informasi mengenai aplikasi ini. Jaditerusinstallaplikasinya yah. Terima kasihDISCLAIMER :Content like Articles, Pictures and Video in thisapplicationwerecollected from all over the web, so if I haveviolatedyourcopyright, please let me know and it will be removed assoonaspossible.All copyrights and trademarks are owned bytheirrespectiveowners. This app is not endorsed by or affiliatedwithNetworkStudios or any other affiliated entities.ApplicationsTaqribTerjemah Book collection contains variousinformation aboutthebook Matan Al-ghayah wat Taqrib fiqh which ismost popularamongthe salaf pesantren. The book is studied in almostall schoolsinIndondsia salaf.Hopefully, with this application we can furtherdeepenourknowledge so that our worship is getting stronger. Wewillcontinueto add information about this application. So continuetoinstallthe application well. Thank youDISCLAIMER:Content like Articles, Pictures and Video in thisapplicationwerecollected from all over the web, so if I haveviolatedyourcopyright, please let me know and it will be removed assoonaspossible.All copyrights and trademarks are owned byReviewstheirrespective owners. This app is not endorsed by oraffiliatedwithNetwork Studios or any other affiliated entities.
Terjemah Fathul Qorib Lengkap 10.0
Complete translation Qorib Fath, summary Complete Shafi'ifiqhschools
Islamic Library by MQI 1.0
Islamic Library by MQI give you thebestcollection of ebooks in Arabic, English and Urdu. Thisapplicationis must have for each muslim, to get the obligedlearning and toolsto lead an immaculate islamic life.
Tafseer-ul-Baizawi 1.0
Tafseer-ul-Baizawi is Dars e Nizamicoursebook.Please write your comments/reviews/feedback and share all ofourapps to help others.Keep remember me in your prayers, If you need any Islamic bookorCourse as a mobile app, kindly email me "".Other apps are listed on this link:
Sahi Al Bukhari 1.0
Sahi Al Bukhari is an Islamic book and ispartof Dars e Nizami course.Please write your comments/reviews/feedback and share all ofourapps to help others.Keep remember me in your prayers, If you need any Islamic bookorCourse as a mobile app, kindly email me "".Other apps are listed on this link:
Fathul Qarib (Arabic) 2.1
Kitab ini adalah kitab Fikih yangsangatmasyhur, terutama di kalangan pesantren dalam versi BahasaArab(Arabic) Cocok untuk dipelajari, karena kitab ini menjadisalahsatu referensi pembelajaran di pesantren-pesantren. Kitabyangringkas namun padat ini adalah karya Syaikh al-Imamal-Alimal-Allamah Syamsuddin Abu Abdillah Muhammad bin QasimAsy-Syafi’i.untuk lebih lanjutnya silahkan download dan baca kitabini.This book is a veryfamousbook of Fiqh, especially among boarding schools in theArabicversion (Arabic) Suitable for study, because the book becameone ofthe references of learning in Islamic schools. Book acompact butsolid this is the work of Shaykh al-Imam al-Alimal-Allama Shams AbuAbd Allah Muhammad bin Qasim Ash-Shafi'i. to beadded, pleasedownload and read this book.
Noor ul Ezah 1.1
Noor ul Ezah is an Islamic book and is partofDars e Nizami course.Please write your comments/reviews/feedback and share all ofourapps to help others.Keep remember me in your prayers, If you need any Islamic bookorCourse as a mobile app, kindly email me "".Other apps are listed on this link:
Darsi Tafseer Para Amm 1.0
Darsi Tafseer Para Amm is an Islamic HolybookTafseer of Para 30.Please write your comments/reviews/feedback and share all ofourapps to help others.Keep remember me in your prayers, If you need any Islamic bookorCourse as a mobile app, kindly email me "".Other apps are listed on this link:
Terjemahan Kitab Fathul Qorib 1.0
Matrama Group
Aplikasi Terjemahan Kitab Fathul Qoribberisiberbagai kumpulan informasi mengenai arti dari Kitab FathulQorib(Matan Al-Ghayah wat Taqrib’ Abu Syuja’) yang merupakan kitabFiqihMadzhab Syafi'i karangan Syihabuddin Abu Syujak Al-Ashfahani.Semoga dengan Aplikasi ini kita dapat lebih mempelajaridanmengamalkan semua ibadah kita kepada Allah Swt. Kami akanterusmenambah informasi mengenai aplikasi ini. Jadi terusinstallaplikasinya yah. Terima kasihDISCLAIMER :Content like Articles, Pictures and Video in this applicationwerecollected from all over the web, so if I have violatedyourcopyright, please let me know and it will be removed as soonaspossible.All copyrights and trademarks are owned by theirrespectiveowners. This app is not endorsed by or affiliated withNetworkStudios or any other affiliated entities.Fath Qorib translationofthe application contains a collection of information on thevariousmeanings of the Book of Fath Qorib (Matan Al-ghayah watTaqrib 'AbuSyuja') which is a book of essays Shafi'i school ofjurisprudenceSyujak Syihabuddin Abu Al-Ashfahani.Hopefully, with this application we can better learn andpracticeall our worship to Allah. We will continue to addinformation aboutthis application. So continue to install theapplication well. ThankyouDISCLAIMER:Content like Articles, Pictures and Video in this applicationwerecollected from all over the web, so if I have violatedyourcopyright, please let me know and it will be removed as soonaspossible.All copyrights and trademarks are owned by Reviewstheirrespective owners. This app is not endorsed by or affiliatedwithNetwork Studios or any other affiliated entities.
Thulis Media
Kitab karangan Syekh Nawawi ini terkenaldiseluruh dunia.Banyak menjadi rujukan bagi kalanganakademisi,santri dan guru dalam memberikan nasehat-nsehat agamakepadaumat.Banyak memuat tentang pokok-pokok agama,tauhid,fiqih dsbBiografi Imam NawawiBeliau adalah Yahya bin Syaraf bin Hasan bin Husein binJam’ahAl-Haazi Muhyiddin Abu Zakariya An.-Nawawi Asy Syafi’iAl-’Allamah,Syaikhul Madzhab dan termasuk fuqaha’ senior.Beliau lahir di Nawa, sebuah desa di selatan Damaskus padatahun631 H. Beliau tumbuh dan melihat lailatul qadar tatkalaberumurtujuh tahun dan tanda-tanda kebagusannya telah nampak padadinbeliau semenjak kecil.Syaikh Yaasin bin Yusuf Al-Marakisyi berkata: “Aku melihatSyaikhtatkala beliau berumur 10 tahun di Nawa. Anak-anak yang lainmemaksabeliau untuk diajak bermain, namun beliau lan dan merekasembarimenangis karena dipaksa bermain-main bersama mereka.Beliaumenghafal Al-Qur’an pada umur tersebut dan jadilah Al-Qur’anitusesuatu yang dicintai hatinya. Ayah beliau menyuruhnyamenunggutoko, akan tetapi jual beli tidak menyibukkan beliau untukmembacaAl-Qur’an.Kitab ini telah banyak dicetak dan disebar luaskan diseluruhduniaKARYA-KARYA BELIAUBeliau memiliki karya yang berjumlah banyak, bermanfaat besardanberfaedah agung. Di antara bab-babnya ada yang telahbeliausempurnakan ada pula yang belum disempurnakan. Di antarakaryabeliau adalah:1. Al-Arba’in2. Riyadhu Ash-Shalihin3. Al-Minhaaj lisyarhi Shahih Muslim bin Hajjaj4. Syarh Al-Jami’ Ash-Shahih Iil Bukhari5. Syarah Sunan Abi Daud20. At-Tahqiiq21. At-Tarkhish fii Al-Ikram bit Qiyaami ii Dzawil Fadhl walMaziyahmin Alili Al-Islam22. At-Taqrib wa At-Taisir li Ma’rifah SunanAl-BasyirAnNadziir23. Taqriib Al-Irs yad ila Ilmi Al-Isnaad24. Tahdzib Al-Asma’ wa Al-Lughat25. Ruuh Al-Masa’il fii Al-Furuu’26. Al-Isyaaraat ila Bayaani Al-Asmaa’ Al-Mubhimaat fii MutuuniAlAsaanid27. Uyuunu Al-Masa’il Al-Muliimmah28. Ghi its An-Naf’i fii Al-Qiraa’at As-Sab’i29. Al-Mublijm ‘Ala Huruufi Al-Mu’jam30. Mir’atu Az-Zamaan fii Taarikh Al-A’yaan31. Al-Mantsuuraat wa Uyuun Al-Masa’il Al-Muhimmat32. Al-Fatawa33. Thobaqaatul Fuqahaa’34. Tashnif Fil Istiqsa’ Wa Fi Istihbabil Qiyaam Li Ahlil FadhlAdapun kitab yang tidak sempat beliau tulis sampaiselesaiadalah:1. Syarh Al-Muhadzdzab. Ketika tengah menyusun kitab ini-lahbeliauwafat. Kitab ini, baru sampai pada pembahasan Riba;2. At-Tahqiiq. Kitab ini baru sampai pada pembahasanShalatMusafir;3. Syarh Muthawwal ’Alat Tanbih. Disebut juga denganTuhfatutThalibin Nabiih, baru sampai pada pembahasan Shalat;4. Syarh Al-Wasith, disebut juga dengan At-Tanqih, baru sampaipadapembahasan Syarat Shalat; dan5. Al-Isyarat Ila MaWaqa’a Fir Raudhah Minal Asma’ Wal Ma’aniWalLughat. Kitab ini baru sampai pada pemba-hasan Shalat.***Desain Sampul : Dony C Dermawan ( Lulusan Unmuh Jember)Layout : Mohammed ( Lulusan UIN Malang)113 hlm,20 cm , Copyright © ThulisMediaPenerbit ThulisMediaGading Pesantren MalangEmail : Dilarang memproduksi/memperbanyak ebook ini dalam bentukapapuntanpa izin tertulis penerbit. Ebook ini bisa dibagikangratiskepada umat yang membutuhkan dengan mencantumkan namapenerbitThulisMedia.Book essay NawawiSheikhis famous throughout dunia.Banyak be a reference foracademics,students and teachers in instructing nsehat religion tothepeople.Many load on the main points of religion, monotheism,jurisprudence,etc.Biography Imam NawawiHe was Yahya bin Neural bin Hasan bin Hussein bin Jama'aAl-HaaziAn. Muhyiddin Abu Zakariya al-Nawawi Allama Ash Shafi'i,andincludes jurists school of Shaykh 'senior.He was born in Nawa, a village south of Damascus in 631 H. Hewasraised and see Tatyana Qadr when seven years old and the signshaveappeared in the din kebagusannya him since earlychildhood.Yaasin bin Sheikh Yusuf Al-Marakisyi said: "I saw the Sheikhwhenhe was 10 years old in Nawa. Children others forced him toplaywith, but he lan and while crying because they were forced toplaywith them. He memorized the Qur'an at that age and becomeQur'an wassomething that loved her. His father told him to waitfor the store,but the purchase did not concern him to read theQur'an.This book has been widely published anddisseminatedworldwidePapers heHe has a large number of works, large and worthwhilegrandhelpful. Among the chapters anyone has he perfected some arenotyet perfected. Among his works are:1. Al-Arba'in2. Riyadhu Ash-Shalihin3. Al-Minhaaj lisyarhi Saheeh Muslim bin Hajjaj4. Syarh Al-Jami 'al-Sahih Bukhari Iil5. Sharh Sunan Abi Daud20. At-Tahqiiq21. At-Tarkhish FII Al-Ikram bit Qiyaami ii Dzawil Maziyah minwalFadl Al-Islam Alili22. At-At-Taisir Taqrib wa li Ma'rifah SunanAl-BashirAnNadziir23. Taqriib Irs yad ila Al-Ilmi Al-isnaad24. Tahdheeb Al-Asma 'wa Al-Lughat25. Al-Masa'il Ruuh FII Al-Furuu '26. Al-Isyaaraat Bayaani ila Al-Asmaa 'Al-Mubhimaat FII MutuuniAlAsaanid27. Uyuunu Al-Masa'il Al-Muliimmah28. An Ghi-Naf'i its FII Al-Qiraa'at As-Sab'i29. Al-Mublijm 'Ala Al-Mu'jam Huruufi30. Mir'atu Az-Zamaan Taarikh FII Al-A'yaan31. Al-Mantsuuraat Uyuun wa Al-Masa'il Al-Muhimmat32. Al-Fatawa33. Thobaqaatul Fuqahaa '34. Tashnif Fil Istiqsa 'Wa Fi Istihbabil Qiyaam Li Ahlil FadlAs for the book that he wrote not have time tocompleteare:1. Syarh Al-Muhadzdzab. When compiling this book was the onehedied. This book, new to discussion Riba;2. At-Tahqiiq. This book is new to discussion Salah Musafir;3. Syarh Muthawwal 'Tools Tanbih. Also called TuhfatutThalibinNabiih, new to discussion Salah;4. Syarh Al-Wasit, also known as At-Tanqih, new to discussionTermsSalah; and5. Al-Gesture Ila MaWaqa'a Fir Raudhah Minal Asma 'Wal WalMa'aniLughat. This book was at the Pemba-hasan Salah.***Cover Design: Dony C Benefactor (Graduates Unmuh Jember)Layout: Mohammed (Graduates UIN Malang)113 pp, 20 cm, Copyright © ThulisMediaPublisher ThulisMediaIvory Pesantren MalangEmail: Non-produce / reproduce this ebook in any form without thewrittenpermission of the publisher. This Ebook can be distributedfor freeto the people who need to include the name of thepublisherThulisMedia.
Terjemah Fathul Qorib (Taqrib) 1.0
Translation of the Book of Fiqh - Fath Qorib - WorkSyujakSyihabuddin Abu Al-Ashfahani
Terjemah Fathul Qorib 1.0
Aplikasi ini berisikan terjemahankitabfathulqorib- lengkap dengan teks latin (arab) dan terjemahan Indonesia- offline / tidak memerlukan akses internet- ukuran file dibawah 2mbSemoga bermanfaatTerimakasihThisapplicationcontainstranslations fathul book Qorib- Complete with latin text (Arabic) andtheIndonesiantranslation- Offline / do not need internet access- The size of the file under 2mbMay be usefulThank you
Irshad us Sarf 1.0
Irshad us Sarf is Dars e Nizamicoursebook.Please write your comments/reviews/feedback and share all ofourapps to help others.Keep remember me in your prayers, If you need any Islamic bookorCourse as a mobile app, kindly email me "".Other apps are listed on this link:
Hidaya Tun Nahw 1.0
Hidaya Tun Nahw is an Islamic book and ispartof Dars e Nizami course.Please write your comments/reviews/feedback and share all ofourapps to help others.Keep remember me in your prayers, If you need any Islamic bookorCourse as a mobile app, kindly email me "".Other apps are listed on this link:
Safwa tul Musadir 1.0
Safwa tul Musadir is an Islamic book andispart of Dars e Nizami course.Please write your comments/reviews/feedback and share all ofourapps to help others.Keep remember me in your prayers, If you need any Islamic bookorCourse as a mobile app, kindly email me "".Other apps are listed on this link:
Riaz-us-Swalikheen 1.0
Riaz-us-Swalikheen is Dars e Nizamicoursebook.Please write your comments/reviews/feedback and share all ofourapps to help others.Keep remember me in your prayers, If you need any Islamic bookorCourse as a mobile app, kindly email me "".Other apps are listed on this link:
Tareqah Jadedah 1.1
Tareqah Jadedah is an Islamic book and ispartof Dars e Nizami course.Please write your comments/reviews/feedback and share all ofourapps to help others.Keep remember me in your prayers, If you need any Islamic bookorCourse as a mobile app, kindly email me "".Other apps are listed on this link:
Rad ul Mukhtar Vol: 1-2 2.1
Radd al-Muhtar ala ad-Dur al-Mukhtar(Arabic:رد المحتار على الدر المختار‎) is a book on Islamicjurisprudence(fiqah) by Islamic scholar, Allamah Sayyid MuhammadAmin ibn Abidinash-Shami. It means "The Answer to the Baffled" over"The ExquisitePearl".Radd al-Muhtar is a "HASHIAH" on Imam `Ala' al-Din al-Haskafi'sworkof Islamic jurisprudence, Durr al-Muhtar fi Sharh Tanweeral-Absaar.It is widely considered as the central reference forfatwa in theHanafi madhhab.It is divided into 13 Volumes, This appcontainsVolume 1 & 2, you can find remaining volumes of thisbook inbelow links:-Volume 3,4,5,6: 7,8,9,10: 11,12,13: share this app, rate our app and provide feedback..
Talkhes-ul-Miftah 1.1
Talkhes-ul-Miftah is Dars e Nizamicoursebook.Please write your comments/reviews/feedback and share all ofourapps to help others.Keep remember me in your prayers, If you need any Islamic bookorCourse as a mobile app, kindly email me "".Other apps are listed on this link:
Mishkat Shareef 1.0
Mishkat Shareef is an Islamic book and ispartof Dars e Nizami course.Please write your comments/reviews/feedback and share all ofourapps to help others.Keep remember me in your prayers, If you need any Islamic bookorCourse as a mobile app, kindly email me "".Other apps are listed on this link:
Gulishtan 1.0
Gulistan is Tasawuf book, writtenbySheikhSaddi Rehmat ullah Alaih.Please write your comments/reviews/feedback and share all ofourappsto help others.Keep remember me in your prayers, If you need any IslamicbookorCourse as a mobile app, kindly email me "".Other apps are listed on thislink:
Misbah Ul Awamil 1.1
Misbah Ul Awamil is an Islamic book and ispartof Dars e Nizami course.Please write your comments/reviews/feedback and share all ofourapps to help others.Keep remember me in your prayers, If you need any Islamic bookorCourse as a mobile app, kindly email me "".Other apps are listed on this link: