Top 3 Apps Similar to クイズで学ぶ看護師のための薬の知識 医薬品の苦手を克服!

Medication Log Wiz 1.0.31
A very simple & easy-to-use app for managing your madications!
Medication Log Wiz 1.0.22
A very simple & easy-to-use appformanaging your madications!Just tapping buttons to save your log! You can also save notes,thetime you take medicines and when you go to hospitals for exams.Ithas an alarm setting too!You can backup, send and retrieve your data via "Gmail" and"GoogleDrive" by using "Export Cloud" function! *Medication Log Wizdoesnot sync with Google Calendar.Medication Log Wiz Howto Guide*Menu button1)"Setting": Set the starting week of the calendar etc…---medicine name:Default is ON here. When you tick thecheckmark,when you change the name of the medicine, the change willnot beeffected the past data. When it is OFF, the change will beeffectedthe past data as well.2)"Backup":---Import SD card: Import data from SD card.---Export SD card: Export data to SD card.---Export Cloud:You can backup data to Google DriveandDropbox.*Please install either software from the market.3)"Password": Set the password.4)"Copy to SD card": Copy the data to internal and externalSDcard.5)"Alarm":Set volume and sound.6)"Recovery": Use this function when you want to retrievetheprevious data. *Please note that the current data will bedeletedwhen you use this function.ーーーー*How to save medications1)The initial screen is the calendar.Save your medications first by tapping the lower area where itsays"Save your medication!".2)Move to Tag screen.Open Medicine Registration screen by tapping the tag withplusbutton.---Medication:Enter the name.---Memo:Save a memo.---Icon:Select one mark of the medicine.---When do you take?:Select the start date and the end date.---Week:Select the week( If you take them on anirregularbase.).---Day Interval:Select the day interval from Everyday, everysecondday and every three days.---Select when you take the medicines(Morning/Noon/Night/Beforebed).---Select when you take them before/between/after the meal. Or,Ifthe medication is a pill-in-the-pocket, select "potion".---Alarm:Set the alarm. Tick the checkmarks otherwise it willnotwork.3)Return to the calendar after you save the medicines. Youcanconfirm the marks on the date.4)Saved data will be appeared in the lower area ofthecalendar.*Tap the lower area of the calendar to save the time you takethemedications.<Medicine Tag>1)Move to Medicine Tag. Tap "All Select" when you want to savethetime at one tap.2)Tick the checkmarks one by one when you wanttosave the time separately.3)When you save the time, Circle marks will be appeared onthescreen. Tap one of them.4)When tapping a circle mark, it chenges to triangle and X mark.Youcan use the triangle the situation like, you took themedication butnot on time for example. You can use them as youlike.5)Edit the time with the button shows the time on it.6)Tap the pencil button! You can save a note for themedication.Return to the list with Save button.Tap List Tag!<List Tag>Move to Medication List screen.1)Press and hold to change the sequence.Tap Hospital tag!<Hospital Tag>1)Medical examination:Tick the checkmark when you go tohospitalthen a hospital mark will be displayed on thecalendar.2)Date of next checkup:Save the next visit. Select the date.3)Appoint:Save the time.4)Memo:Save a memo.*You can confirm the hospital mark on the date.<Calendar>1)Tap the arrow in the middle of the calendar to switch toafull-screen.<Upper-right buttons>1)Help:Move to the description webpage of GalleryApp.2)Market:An Introduction of GalleryApp's other apps.<Bottom's buttons from the left>1)Today:Return to today's date.2)Left/Right :Move the date right and left.3)List:Move to List screen.<List>Buttons1)Middle button:Tap this button to see all the contents atonetap.2)Left arrow:Displays the previous month.3)Right arrow:Displyas the next month
Joseph C. Lehner
A simple medication reminder app.