Top 8 Games Similar to Quadrat

Picture Quiz: Denmark 1.4.6
Zen Artist
Picture Quiz Denmark takes you on a nostalgic journeythroughthehistory of Denmark, where you will be led through thecountryfromSkagen to Copenhagen with content from both Jutland,Funen,Zealandand Bornholm. Be challenged on your ready knowledgeabouttopicssuch as Danish cities, celebrities, food, culture,brands,sights,TV series and various quizzes. The questions arecomposedacrossthe country's history and age, to cover as broadandchallenging aspossible. You will be challenged on topics suchascelebrities,history, culture, sports and much more about ourlovelyDenmark.The game covers the following variants: Guess thepicture:Theimages are blurred with pixels. The image can besharpened over3attempts. Pictures with clue: The images in thesecategoriesaredisplayed with a hint or clue. Quiz: The picturesaredisplayedwith a question. Select an amount to bet it, pressrateand selectone of the four answer options. Remember, you canalwaysget helpby tapping the bulb at the top of the game. Here youcanremoveletters, remove answer options and even buy the answer ifyouarecompletely stuck. If you are missing coins, this is alsowhereyoucan get more for free by watching a small video, or youcanalsochoose to buy them for a small amount. So come fresh ifyouarefrom Aalborg, Aarhus, Roskilde, Odense, Skagen orCopenhagen.Youcan now test your knowledge of Denmark within thefollowingtopics:- Celebrities - TV series - Actors - Footballplayers -Athletes -Movie - TV Shows - Musicians - The handballmasters -Politicians -Melody Grand Prix / Eurovision - Brands(brandedgoods) - Culture -Eating habits (Classic Danish dishes,etc.) -Attractions - Cities- Wildlife - Design - Advertising - UptoChristmas / Christmas asa theme Food / food producers -CompaniesAreas (Geographicalareas, own, etc.) - Quizzes in readyknowledge -Vikings TheOccupation - Geography (Guess the city basedon locationon the mapof Denmark) - X Factor: Guess the previouswinners of XFactorDenmark, judges and hostesses. - Matador: Testyour knowledgeofthe residents of Korsbæk with this greatMatadorquiz.-------------- Disclaimer: All assets in this game areeithermadeby Zen Artist or shared for free on websites underthe"CreativeCommons - CC0 (zero)" license, after which they havebeenedited toa new format used in this game. Graphics and soundclipsare usedfreely under the rules of CC 0 - Creative Commons, andareadded tothis application in good faith and with the idea thatthirdpartieshave owned to share these for free under thelicense"CreativeCommons - CC0 (zero)". The developer assumesnoresponsibility forthe authenticity of third party ownership, butincase of any doubtabout the use of the individual image and /orsound clips, thedeveloper will replace this with an equivalentwitha valid licenseas soon as possible. Please note; Thisapplicationhas internalpurchases. Zen Artist recommends securingyour PlayStore accountwith a password to prevent accidentalpurchases. ZenArtist assumesno responsibility for unintentionalpurchases.---------------Copyright - This game is distributed onGoogle Playonly. All otheruse of the game's apk file and / orpromotionalmaterial such asscreenshots or video etc. Uploading tothird partywebsites isprohibited. Downloading this application froma sourceother thanGoogle Play may result in the download of amaliciouslycraftedcode or virus file, and the game code may havebeen alteredinrelation to the version available on Google Play.ZenArtistassumes no responsibility for damages incurred byfilesdownloadedfrom sources other than Google Play.
Four in a row - Online 428.0.0
DonkeyCat GmbH
Multiplayer games with friends. Connecting four in a row online
Enjoy the most powerful INTERNATIONALDRAUGHTSgame (10x10) ever made for mobile phones. Gorgeous graphicsin HighDefinition, tons of features, a fierce opponent, along withanunique and smooth interface.Designed for both Tablets and PhonesKey Features:* 3 Game modes: Fischer Cadence (Blitz games are possible!),Seconds By move and Trainings* 10 Difficulty levels* Opening books from the best Draughts Player: Sijbrands,Georgiev,Schwarzman, Chizhov, ...* Replay features ( Jump to a specific move, watch,rewind,...)* 1 or 2 players mode* Export games in PDN format (Full version includes Import)* Load and save games in your library* Share your games by mail* 2 themes: Wood and Cartoon in 2D or 3D* Optimized for multicore processors* Polished and intuitive interface* Swype Left/Right to Undo/Redo* Breathtaking animations* Preview your game before loading* Big fingers friendly* English and French supported* Instant HelpThe full version of Dr Checkers has in addition:* PDN file IMPORT (Analyse thousand games of professionals)* "Setup position" EditorBecome a fan of Dr Checkers on Facebook: Checkers Page is on Google+, join the community to knowtheincoming features: Dr Checkers on twitter: Dammen Draughts Checkers Dames Damspel DamasDamespielDamspel Dama Checkers Dam 西洋 ドラフツ Warcaby Шашки DámaШашкиShashki
Mastermind - the educational code breaking puzzle 2.0.1
Logicom Apps
Mastermind - the educational code breaking puzzle is basedontheclassic two-player code breaking puzzle board gamepopularizedinthe 70s. It is also known as Master Mind, Bulls andCows,andNumerello. Many variants exist such as Royale, Grand,Word,Mini,Super, Ultimate, Deluxe, Advanced and NumberMastermindwithvarying degree of complexity. This app, with itsflexiblesettings,will let you adapt the difficulty to many ofthesevariants.Features One player mode Two player modesAdjustabledifficultyAdjustable appearance Points and rankingsystemConfigurable codelabels Game statistics Accessibility(TalkBack)for visuallyimpaired Description A code is automaticallygeneratedin oneplayer mode and you have to use a logical approachto breakthecode with the least number of guesses to become theMastermind.Foreach guess you submit a response will tell you howmany colorsareboth correct in color and position, or in color butnotposition.You can adjust the difficulty of the game in Settingsbychangingthe number of rows, columns and colors to find asuitablelevel fornovices and experts alike. You can challenge afriend orfamilymember in one of the Mastermind multiplayer gamemodes byeitherplaying on the same device or Play by mail for remoteplay.You canearn points and gain rank as you progress and win gamesinsingleplayer mode. You can fully customize the colors of allthepegs toassist users suffering from color blindness orsimplybecause youwould like a different look and feel. You canconfigurecode labelsof numbers and letters, shown with the colorsto assistuserssuffering from color blindness and also to teachtheyoungeraudience about numbers and letters while playingthiseducationalpuzzle game. You can choose between light and darkmodeand variouscolor themes to get the look and feel you prefer.Youcan get hintswhen you feel a game is too challenging andstillbreak the codebefore you run out of guesses. You can seestatisticsfor each gameyou finish so you can compete againstyourself, orcompare withfriends, and improve your Mastermind codebreakingskills overtime. A Mastermind game will on average take twoto fiveminutes tocomplete depending of the difficulty setting.
Draughts Pro
The most challenging and beautiful International Draughts Gameevermade.
Checkers Land Online 2020.11.12
Pavel Porvatov
Checkersland Online is a free program for playing more than 30kindsof checkers
Five In a Row - Pro 20220821.1500
Fun Rob Games
Five in a Row is a logic game which is called Gomoku, Tic Tac ToeorXOXOXO