Top 12 Apps Similar to Foof Profiler

Mijn Eetmeter 4.6.1 b148
Do you want to eat healthier or lose weight? Online food diaryMijnEetmeter helps.
Food Diary 0.0.10
Perfect tools
Food diary for weight loss. Food tracker with colors.Weightwatchers tracker.
iEatBetter: Food Diary 8.7.2
My Daily Bits LLC
The easiest way to track your food.
Food Diary See How You Eat App 3.1.1569
Health Revolution Ltd
Easy food diary and food tracker for food journaling andmealtracking
Food Journal
My Daily Bits
ABOUT THE APP:Keeping track of what you eat has been shown to help preventandstop over-eating.This app helps you control your diet and eat healthier, by makingiteasy to track what you eat. The design is optimized to makeentry asquick as possible, with 1 click entry, and recent foodsuggestions.The built in database already has thousands of fooditems and ifyours are not known, adding them is easy.FEATURES:1. A simple and powerful design: The app opens directly on theentryscreen, on the most recent meal, because that is what you'llusemost. The design makes adding entries as simple and intuitiveaspossible.2. One tap entry with personalized suggestions: The most commonfooditems can immediately be selected. Starting on the second day,yourrecent items are suggested because you may eat the samefoodfrequently.3. Logging in is not needed: No personal data or contactinformationis required.4. Thousands of items already in the database: Most food itemshaveaccurate information about common serving sizes,calories,carbohydrates, protein and fat.5. Full off-line support: No need to be connected totheinternet.6. Precise entry is also easy: You can accurately enter thepreciseamount using a slider.7. Daily reports: Using the menu, you can directly open thediary,which shows a summary of your day. Here you can switchbetweencalories, protein and carbohydrates by pressing onlittletriangle.8. Personal reminders help you stay on target: They are aconvenientway to make sure you fill out your diary, after eachmeal, or at theend of the day.It is a good idea to verify the information in the database isthesame as the information on your food packaging; foodnutritionfluctuates with brands and over time.Make sure to discuss your goals with your doctor ornutritionspecialist.Download now because you will love using it.
Receptenapp Slim Koken 4.1.3
The more than 2,000 recipes in this app help you makehealthychoices.
Voedingwaardetabel 1.0.14
************************LET OP: momenteel werkt de in-app aankopen niet!Aan een UPDATE wordt gewerkt en isbinnenkortverkrijgbaar!!!!!************************Wil je weten wat je BMI is? Wil je weten wat erinvoedingsmiddelen zit of wil je gewoon gezond eten? Dan is dezeapphelemaal voor jouw. Of je nu een dieet volgt of niet, dezeAppgeeft je de mogelijkheid om verantwoorde keuzes te maken endebalans te vinden tussen wat je lekker vindt en wat goed voor jeis.De tabel geeft voor een ruim 1000 voedingsmiddelendevoedingswaarde, vitamines en mineralen weer.Zo kun je bv snel:- de voedingswaarde, vitamines en mineralen vanproductenopzoeken;- de gevoelswaarde en de gezondheidswaarde bekijken- producten bekijken per 100g of per portie- zien hoeveel je bij een gekozen product moet bewegen om dezeteverbranden- rangschikken op vetgehalte, zoutgehalte, etc- per productgroep bekijken- je BMI bereken- en meer...** ‘de gevoelswaarde’ en de ‘gezondheidswaarde’ **Daarnaast introduceert de App twee nieuwe begrippen‘degevoelswaarde’ en de ‘gezondheidswaarde’. De rapportcijfershierinopgenomen zijn tot stand gekomen door een uniekkwantitatiefconsumentenonderzoek. Welke stemming roept een productop. Hoepositief of negatief beleven we een product. De‘ultieme’gevoelswaarde van een product gaat meestal samen met hetkoesterenvan een lekkere smaak. Ook zaken als prijs, verpakking enmerkspelen daarbij een rol. Maar ook herinneringen, emotiesenopvattingen over eten bepalen hoe we over een product denken.Bijhet gezondheidsonderzoek hebben we de consument gevraagd hoegezondof ongezond hij een product vindt. welk verband zien we inrelatiemet gezondheid? Het oordeel van de consument wordt daarbijdeelsgebaseerd op de kennis die hij over dat product heeft,Hoeveelzout, kleur-, geur- en smaakstoffen, vezels, vitamines enmineralenbevat het product. Is het een vers product of in hogemateindustrieel bewerkt.** Rekenmodules **De App bevat een aantal rekenmodules. Zo kun je eenvoudig metbehulpvan de Body Mass Index (BMI) laten uitrekenen of je op hetjuistegewicht zit of iets (veel) te zwaar bent.De activiteitstest vertelt hoeveel kcal energie je hebtverbruiktbij een halfuurtje hardlopen, tennissen of fietsen. Delijst bevatruim 70 verschillende activiteiten.De alcoholtest geeft een indicatie van het promillage alcohol(hetbloedalcoholgehalte) in je bloed na een avondje stappen. Ishetbeter om een taxi naar huis te nemen.De BMR test berekend je persoonlijke ruststofwisseling. Dit isdeenergiebehoefte van je lichaam nodig om allenoodzakelijkelichaamsprocessen te kunnen verrichten.** Achtergrondinformatie **In de rubriek “wat is wat” wordt in eenvoudigebewoordingenachtergrondinformatie gegeven over de diversevoedingsstoffen.Tevens wordt er ook uitleg gegegeven bij deverschillenderekenmodules.** LET OP **Deze App is ontwikkeld voor de smartphone en heeft beperkingenopeen tablet (bv sorteer functie zit onder homeknop).************************NOTE: currently the in-app purchases does not work!working on a UPDATE, and is coming soon !!!!!************************Want to know what your BMI? Want to know what's in food orjustwant to eat healthy? Then this app is all for you. Whether youareon a diet or not, this app gives you the ability tomakeresponsible choices and to find a balance between what you likeandwhat is good for you. The table provides for a more than1000foods, the nutritional value, vitamins and minerals again.So you can eg quickly:- Look up the nutritional value, vitamins andmineralproducts;- Watch the emotional value and health value- View products per 100g or per serving- How much you need to move to a selected product to burn it- Sort fat, salt, etc.- View by product- Calculate your BMI- and more...** 'Emotional value' and 'health value' **In addition, the app introduces two new concepts of theemotionalvalue 'and' health value '. The report includes summarythe resultof a unique quantitative consumer research. What moodevokes aproduct. How positively or negatively we experience aproduct. The'ultimate' emotional value of a product is usuallyaccompanied bycherishing a good taste. Issues such games as price,packaging andbrand a role. But also memories, emotions and beliefsabout fooddetermine how we think about a product. When health weaskedconsumers how healthy or unhealthy, he finds a product.whichconnection we see in relation to health? The judgment oftheconsumer is thereby partly based on the knowledge he has abouttheproduct, how much salt, colorings, flavors and fragrances,fibers,vitamins and minerals contained in the product. It is afreshproduct processed or highly industrial.** ** CalculatorsThe App includes a number of calculators. So you can easily usetheBody Mass Index (BMI) let calculate whether you are at therightweight or something (lots) are overweight.The activity test tells how many calories you consume energy inahalf hour running, tennis or cycling. The list includes morethan70 different activities.Alcohol test gives an indication of the alcohol BAC (bloodalcoholcontent) in your blood after a night out. Is it better totake ataxi home.BMR test calculate your personal resting metabolism. This istheenergy your body needs to carry out all the necessarybodyprocesses.** Background information **Under the heading "what's what" is given background informationinsimple terms about the various nutrients. there is alsogegegevenalso explain the different calculation modules.** PAY ATTENTION **This App is designed for the smartphone and has limitations onatablet (eg sorting function is under home button).
mySymptoms Food Diary 5.59
SkyGazer Labs Ltd
IBS Food & Symptom Tracker
Food Diary 1.3
With the food diary you can record your daily food eaten withthecurrent being. So you can watch how your diet affects yourhealth.With a little routine you can improve your quality of lifebyregularly logging meals might. So you can determine, forexample,using the log if you suffering from a food allergy,foodintolerance or eg Heartburn sufferers. functions: - Add foodswithingredients - Select food of the Day - - Select well-being fortheday - Display statistics about the well-being What is thefooddiary? - So you can find out, for example, food allergiesorintolerances. Especially with food allergies, it is not alwayseasyto determine this through testing. - Body weight: Even forlosingweight can be documented with the food diary what they haveeaten.Permanently to view so that your well being will improvewithbetter nutrition. - Heartburn and stomach discomfort: Somefoodsare difficult to digest. Here you can easily hold which foodstheywhat time had indigestion. How does it works: You give yourfood tothe eating, with the contents therein. Every day you canchoosefoods from your grocery list. Three times a day can bespecified,the current being. A statistic shows you graphically whatdays theyhave what time of day felt worse.
WhatsEat 1.1.4
The app that helps prevent allergies and food intolerance phenomena
Food Log 1.11.2
An app to help you keep track of what you eat and drink.
Personal Body Plan
Changing Life
Your Personal Coach in your pocket!