Top 4 Apps Similar to Hearing Health Magazine

Super Hearing Aid 37.1
Turns your device into a Super hearing aid app
Q+ Hearing Aid 2.0.0
Quadio Devices
Q+ is a hearing app that provides you with an enhancedhearingexperience. Q+ is intuitive, affordable, easily availableandprovides multiple listening settings for differentsoundenvironments (quiet and noisy). With sophisticatedtechnologyinside, Q+ harnesses the processing power of your phone,givingyou: * Inbuilt hearing tests calibrated for precision perANSIstandards * Intelligently-adjusted sound per hearing testresults *High-quality sound enhancement by using the samealgorithms ashearing aids * Wide bandwidth -up to 8000 Hz- forimprovedcomprehension and clarity of sound * Automatic adjustmentofamplification to reduce feedback (whistling sound) *Versatilecontrols for customizing listening experiences *Environmentalnoise reduction Q+ can be used with a phone's headsetfor improvedspeech comprehension and enhanced perception ofenvironmentalsounds. INBUILT HEARING TEST: The starting point forusing Q+ is aninbuilt hearing test that uses a simple progressionof tones playedat varying intensities/pitches to get a map ofhearing ability. Thetest is designed to be simple, yet exact, andis calibrated foraccuracy per ANSI standards for audiometry. Itintelligentlyperforms audiometry and monitors ambient noise tocheck if thelocation is too loud for a test. Users who have accessto theiraudiogram can enter their known hearing thresholds as astartingpoint instead of taking the test. Quadio recommends takingthe testin a quiet environment for accurate results. INTELLIGENTSOUNDENHANCEMENT: Based on the results of the test, Q+ usesproprietaryaudio algorithms to process sounds signals according tohearingrequirements. The algorithms have been developed aftersignificantresearch and provide a clear, comfortable and crisplisteningexperience. CUSTOMIZABLE SETTINGS: Control yourlisteningexperience in different environments. Choose from threebaselinesound quality types (bass/midrange/treble boost), switchnoisereduction on/off, and fine-tune the sound type by controllinghowdifferent types of sounds are treated (soft, loud, speechanddistant sounds). ADAPTIVE FEEDBACK CANCELLATION: Q+performsadaptive feedback cancellation to eliminatewhistling/howlingsounds that emanate because of the highamplification performedinside the app coupled with close proximityof the headset mic tothe speakers. If needed, you can choose to usethe phone micinstead of the one in the headset. COMPATIBILITY:While the Q+ appis available for all smartphones operating onAndroid 5.0 andabove, it is currently calibrated and worksoptimally for LG Nexus5X when using the stock headset. Q+ worksmost effectively with anAndroid operating system with a latency ofless than 50milliseconds (ms). For some phones the delay is muchmore than 50ms, which results in lip-sync issues and a feeling ofslurring ofspeech for the user. Android powers hundreds of modelsof phones,each with its own unique hardware. The Q+ signalprocessingsoftware runs on a phone's hardware and must becalibrated for eachphone with its headset to ensure that the appoutput is optimal.Certified and tested releases will be announcedon our website(, Twitter (@QuadioHearing) andFacebook( web pages. DISCLAIMER: Beforeusing anyhearing correction mechanism, responsible self healthcaremandateshaving your ears/hearing health assessed by a medicalprofessionalto rule out any treatable causes of hearing loss andidentifyrightly the requirement for a hearing correction mechanism.Thoughthe Q+ hearing test is designed to be accurate, results mayvarybased on the depth of insertion of earphones into the earsandambient noise. Test results should not be construed as asubstitutefor an audiological evaluation performed by anaudiologist. Q+limits the sound output levels based on hearing lossbut careshould be taken to ensure that the loudness of the outputiscomfortable.
Free Hearing Measure 2.7.1
4Free Studio
Free Hearing Measure could measure hearingageby phone, without any peripheralWithout any peripherals, 4Free Hearing Measure measureddirectlythrough the mobile phone:★ hearing health,★ hearing ageIt does not require any peripherals, only use a mobile phone.More informationFor more product information and videos, check out:http://www.4freeall.comFacebook:
High Frequency Hearing Test 2.3
This free app will serve youqualitycontentabout-do you have problem about hearing-you can test the primary hearing test before going toseeadoctor-make your ears wellIf you want to solve those problem,you should consider thisappinyour choice.Some contents thatHigh Frequency Hearing Test offers:- What You Need to Know About Online Hearing Tests- How a Hearing Test Is Performed- The Importance of Taking a Hearing Test- Hearing Tests For All Your Hearing Related Problems- What to Expect From a Professional Hearing TestThe best app for all ages and genders! If you desiretoimproveyour hearing by yourself.High Frequency Hearing Test is also now available.Download it now.