Top 44 Apps Similar to Loyalty Card Keychain

inCust universal loyalty card 3.67.1
The universal loyalty card. Authenticate, check balance,findmerchants and more
Gmoggls - Loyalty Card Wallet 3.8.0
Gmoggls - the digital and environmentally friendly wallet foryourloyalty cards
Catima — Loyalty Card Wallet
Sylvia van Os
For your barcodes, memberships, loyalty programs, couponsandtickets.
Gleence 1.7.1
Customizable digital loyalty cards
Card Smash: E-Wallet
Astrum Computing
Store & manage loyalty, rewards, gift, membership cards,andmore in one wallet!
VirtualCards-Loyalty Cards 6.0.48
Virtual Cards SRL
All In One App! Join To Our Environment-Friendly Club and LetOurPlanet Breathe
Yourwallet 1.7.7
Mobile wallet for non-payment loyalty cards,tickets,boardingpassesand coupons.
FidMe Loyalty Cards & Coupons
FidMe gathers all your loyalty cards(barcodeand stampcards), coupons and deals on your phone. No moreplasticcards, paper ads, no more forgotten or lost cards! Let yourwalletbreathe and save money!The leading in store mobile wallet!- Thousands of loyalty programs available,- Barcode, 3D, ID loyalty cards: all of them can be registeredinFidMe!- Scan your loyalty cards to add them in few seconds!- Find the stores around you.- Subscribe to your local shops scards. Scan the FidMe codesinstore to earn stamps and gifts!- Thousands of coupons available in stores and online!- Receive notifications when new offers are available.- Compatible with Apple Passbook, Microsoft Wallet,SamsungWallet.- Check-ins, stamps, sharing on Facebook and Twitter,sponsoring,hundreds of combinations to earn FidMe points!Join the leading mobile loyalty wallet application, free andwithoutads! All features described on, with orwithoutaccount.Thousands of loyalty programs available: Tesco, Nectar, Boots,CostaCoffee, Matalan, Game, Subway, Blockbuster, Superdrug,Ikea,Iceland, Shell, British Airways, Accor, HMV, Air France,Odeon,Sainsbury's, McDonald’s...Any question, any feedback? Contact us on
Magic Stamp 1.15.2
Park Technology
A unique stamp card experience with no QR codes, no IDs and nofaff.
HOBOT 2.814
The Remote Control App of HOBOT automatic window cleaning robots.
Expirations 2.1.1
Sari Abuzahra
Modern life is dominated and regulatedbyhundreds of documents, agreements and time limits. It is hardtokeep track of all their expiry dates - passports, taxreturns,business agreements - and the financial penalties forfailing torenew or cancel them in time can be harsh. Some may evenland you abrief stay in jail...So it's hardly surprising that keeping track of all theseisstressful, time-consuming and risky.But with Expirations you can now relax, safe in the knowledgethatyou will be reminded in good time of any important expiryorrenewal dates.Simply enter your important expiry dates, and Expirations willwarnyou in good time before they pass.Never again experience that heart-stopping moment when yourealizethat your passport has expired just before your dreamvacation.Enjoy that free software and never again risk thecrippling fines -or even the knock on the door - by sending in alate taxreturn.Download Expirations now and let it take away the headacheofmissing an expiry date.With this app you can store your data on cloud or have a backuponyour phone storage.
Cards Developers 1.1
Easily connect with Cards. Build Mini Apps™. Connect NFC&Barcode devices.
Drammer whisky app 3.2.4
manage and share your whisky experiences, search by taste,barcodescanner
Business Cards Wallet 2.9
It is a holder for all your business cards which you willalwayshave with you.
My Membership Card 2.5.2
Keep your membership cards on your smartphone.
PassHolder Wallet & Smartwatch 3.1.1
Passbook wallet for your watch and phone (pkpass and phpass filesonAndroid)
Loyalo Business - loyalty program for business 1.0.13
Loyalo System
Loyalo Business is a loyalty program for your business thatyoucanimplement in a few minutes! Your clients collect pointsforeachvisit or purchase in your shop/restaurant. Aftercollectingacertain number of points, they can exchange them for afreeproductor service. For example, get a complimentary cake orcoffeein, forinstance, a coffee shop. Ditch paper punch cards, gomobile!Firstinstall this app on a Tablet or Android Phone. Then putthedeviceat your front desk or the cashier - in a place witheasyaccess foryour customers. Your clients will be able tocheck-inusing LoyaloCard app, that works as a loyalty card or apunch card.They cancheck-in also by putting their phone number ore-mailaddress.After they did the check in, they will receive pointsfor avisitor depending on their purchase (you choose how yourclientsarerewarded). How it will help you: + Increase the numberandvolumeof purchases made by their clients. + You will receiveagreatmarketing tool. You will be able to run e-mailmarketingcampaignsand send notifications straight to your client’smobilephones. +Get to know your clients better: their preferences,howoften andwhen they shop + Start in just few minutes! Implementourrewardsystem by yourself in just a few minutes. Register inoursystem,put interesting rewards that your clients can get forfree,installour app on your phone or tablet... and that's it!Yourclients canuse the loyalty program immediately.
LoMag Warehouse Management PRO 1.25
This is the full version of “LoMag Inventory ManagementFREE"withoutlimitations on amounts of items and documents,additionallyenablingyou to: - Import data from Excel - Clean alldata - Createbackupcopy - Restore backup copy - the purchase ofthe fullversionautomatically transfers the data from the FREEversion Themostimportant characteristics of the program: - inbuiltbarcodescanneremploying the camera of a mobile device - stocklevel as ata givendate and hour exportable to Excel - warehousedocuments:GoodsReceived Note, Goods Issued Note, Inventory -adding itemstodocuments by scanning codes or browsing the itemlist - historyofwarehouse transfers for a chosen item - browsingthroughwarehousehistory of documents and their content - editingorremoving thelast warehouse document - quick search of items bynamesor codes -editing the item list, ascribing codes with ascanner -adding ownunits of measurement and removing unused units- changingthe dateof the documents (introduction of historicaldata) - exportofdocuments’ content to Excel (including inventory)-expandedinventory-creating options, automatically supportingthefollowingfunctions: + displaying a list of items, which are notintheinventory, with a quick addition option + automaticaddingofoutstanding items to the inventory together withtheircurrentstock levels + automatic adding of items outstandingfromtheinventory with zero stock level + savingincompleteinventorieswith a possibility of finishing them at alater date +theprocedure of approving the inventory with anautomaticcorrectionof stock levels + report on differences beforeand aftertheinventory, with the items with different stock levelsmarkedincolour and a recap of differences and values + the deletionoftheinventory is possible during as well as afterconclusionandapproval of the inventory The support of prices isoptional.Youcan keep only a quantitative register of itemswithoutenteringprices onto the documents. If you work with prices,you canenterdifferent purchase prices for the same item. When anitemwithseveral purchase prices is issued, theprogramautomaticallyaverages the prices, in keeping with the FIFOrule.This means thatthe proposed price upon issue is a weightedaverageof purchaseprices for the items available in stock. There isalsoan option ofchanging the price manually when issuing items,orentering yourown selling price not related to the purchaseprice.Whenconducting an inventory the program also proposesaweightedaverage purchase price, so that the value of the itemwouldnotchange, if the stock did not change. The inventory alsoallowsyouto change the values of the items manually. The inventoryisadocument which defines amounts and values of items anew –sowhenissuing items the program analyses the item history sincethelastinventory. The incorporated barcode reader recognizesthefollowingcode formats: codes on products: EAN-13, EAN-8,ISBN,UPC-A, UPC-Eindustrial codes: Codabar, Code 128, Code 93, Code39,ITF, RSStwo-dimensional codes: QR Code, Data Matrix For thereaderto workcorrectly, the camera should be equipped withautofocus andflashfor illuminating the codes in dark rooms. Withoutthesefunctionsthe recognition of codes may be impossible, or itmayrequireplacing the code at an appropriate distance from thecamera,sothat it captures focus. You can also use an externalreader,e.g.Bluetooth operating as a keyboard entering the codes.Thebarcodemay be any string of signs, not necessarily a concretetypeofcode. The field may also be used for another purpose, e.g.asaunique index, which will facilitate finding the item.Thebarcodesin the database must be unique. The programfeaturesanincorporated user manual and the possibility ofcontactingitscreators. Privacy:
NFC ReTag PRO 2.24.01-PRO
Be smart and use any NFC tag to trigger multiple settingsandfunctions!
OpenProductsFacts Not for food 3.9.0
Open Food Facts
The open product database
heylogin GmbH
1-click login to all websites, on all devices. Swipe to login -nopasswords.
Effortlessly earn rewards at yourfavoritemerchants. No need to get your phone out every time youmake apurchase; just sign up for Thanx, register a credit or debitcard,and earn reward progress automatically whenever you shop.Butthat's not all: get special offers, VIP experiences andbirthdaygifts just for being you! No hoops to jump through. It'slikemagic.Here's how it works:1) Register your credit/debit card(s) to Thanx (as easy assnappinga photo in the app).2) Shop as usual. As new merchants are added you'll beautomaticallyenrolled in their programs.3) We'll buzz your phone when you earn a reward. No need tofishyour phone out, check-in, or scan anything. Just payasusual.4) Redeem rewards in-store for discounts and free stuff.Sometimeswe even deliver cash directly back to your creditcard.Seriously... magic!
Éčka 3.0.2
Michal Krajči
Zaujíma vás čo sa skrýva napríklad za označeniami E123 alebo E100vpotravinách ktoré konzumujete každý deň? Chcete vedieť čijeGuarová guma pridávaná do potravín pre vás nebezpečná? Chcetemaťvždy po ruke zoznam s ktorým si na tieto a podobné otázkybudetevedieť ľahko a rýchlo odpovedať? Ak áno, tak si stačíteraznainštalovať do vášho telefónu túto aplikáciu a hneď viete čoktoréoznačenie znamená a či je daná látka priaznivo pôsobiacaalebonaopak či škodí vášmu zdraviu. Funkcie: - v aplikácii jemožnévyhľadávať podľa kódu ale aj podľa názvu éčka. - škodlivosťuvidíteuž na prvý pohľad podľa ikony v zozname a zafarbenia vdetailekaždého éčka - pri každom éčku je napísané v akýchpotravinách sanachádza a jeho účinky na zdravie človeka. - každééčko máoznačenie, či ide o látku živočíšneho alebo iného pôvodu -kukaždému éčku si môžete uložiť vlastnú poznámku a označenie,ktorési môžete nechať zobraziť v hlavnom zozname - pre rýchlyprehľad simôžete zobraziť zoznam najčastejšie prezeraných éčiekVysvetlenie:V aplikácií sú použité rôzne zdroje o škodlivostijednotlivýchéčok. Preto je možné nájsť éčko ktoré má v popise že jeneškodné,ale je označené ikonou škodlivosti alebo červenou farbou.Vaplikácii boli zámerne ponechané viaceré zdroje pretože sanedájednoznačne určiť ktorý je správny a užívateľ vie že jetokontroverzná látka. Dáta do aplikácie a
TicketCo-Wallet 2.0.0
TicketCo AS
TicketCo Wallet is your event payments made easy solution.
Barcode/NFC/OCR Scanner Keyboard (Legacy Version)
Use this innovative soft-keyboard to scan barcodes, QRcodes,text(OCR) and NFC tags into any app. Invoke theintegratedscannerswith a single tap, the scanned data appearsimmediately inthetarget app like manually typed on the keyboard.Thisworksperfectly with almost any target app, modificationsofexistingapps are not required. TIME SAVING This keyboard isaconvenienttime saver! It reduces typing efforts and avoidstypingerrors.Tedious copy/paste is not required anymore; barcodesand QRcodes,texts and NFC tags are scanned without switchingbetweenapps. Thekeyboard layout resembles the layout of theAndroidstandardkeyboard - you will immediately be familiar withit.VERSATILE ThisScanner Keyboard is very flexible, ready forvolumelicensing,optimized for bulk deployment and can be configuredtomeet almostany requirement. It meets demands ofcommercial,industrial,logistics and supply chain applications.BARCODESCANNING Choosebetween two integrated camera barcodescanners. Thetraditionalbarcode scanner is ideal for older phonemodels, therecentlyintroduced advanced barcode scanner providesselectivebarcodescanning - a very valuable feature if multiplebarcodes arevisiblein the scan view. TEXT RECOGNITION (OCR) Theintegratedtextscanner (OCR), converts camera images to textwithinseconds.Latin-based text in pictures of arbitrary documentsisdetectedautomatically and inserted into the target app. FEATURES◾Keyboardwith modern layout, voice recognition, spellingsuggestionsandmulti-language support ◾ Two camera barcode scannerenginestochoose from ◾ Selective barcode scanning (tap onbarcodeofinterest) ◾ OCR text scanner converts images toLatin-based text◾Integrated NFC tag reader ◾ Quick front/backcamera switchingandflashlight support ◾ Autofocus support ◾ Workswith almostanytarget app ◾ Swipe to change keyboard layout◾Configurableauto-scan (invoke scanner automatically) ◾Configurablescannerkeys ◾ One-by-one / batch mode scanning ◾ Macrosupport /Quicktext◾ Multiple licensing options ◾ Ready for bulkdeployment ◾And muchmore... COMPATIBILITY / LIMITATIONS ScannerKeyboard isavailablefor Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) andhigher. Theadvancedbarcode scanner and the OCR text scanner aresupported fromAndroid5.0 (Lollipop) onward and requires installedGoogle Playservices.Most common input languages and keyboardlayouts aresupported. Thekeyboard layout automatically matches thesystemsettings of yourAndroid device. BULK/ENTERPRISE LICENSING,OEMVERSIONS For userswith volume license requirements, TEC-IToffers abulk-licenseversion of the app (no Google accountrequired).Customized or OEMversions (e.g. with seamless integrationofhardware scanners) areavailable on request. FREE DEMOThe free trial displays a demohint inirregular intervals. Pleaseupgrade (in-app purchase) totheunlimited version to remove thislimitation. SUPPORT In caseofproblems, questions or requestsplease,TECITSupport (Skype) orvisit Terms ofuseandprivacy:
BicikeLJ 1.31.1
JCDecaux SA
BicikeLJ, it’s available 24/7
Discount cards wallet for Gala 2.1
Sunny Bear Studio
Companion app for Samsung smart watches.
DG NFC Automation 7.73
«Time Recording» Automation with NFC Tags
Invaluable 3.0.0
5,000+ auctions in your pocket
GeoQpons Shopping Coupons and Sales 7.0.2
GeoQpons is the only coupons and shopping app whichcombinesin-storeand online coupons, clearance sales, shopping listandloyalty cardsfor shopping at stores like Target, Macy’s, BestBuy,Walmart,Walgreens, Nordstrom, Meijer, CVS, Kohl’s, Bath andBodyworks, Gap,Old Navy, Office Depot, Toys R Us, and Starbucks.Weupdate couponsdaily for retailers such as Aeropostale,Athleta,American Eagle, HotTopic, Banana Republic, Footlocker,HobbyLobby, Macy’s, JCPenny,Express, Hollister, Forever21,Sears,Walmart, Kohl's, Home Depot,Lowes, Michael's, VictoriaSecretUlta, Camping World, Sephora andmany more, DownloadGeoQponscoupons app and join millions of othersatisfied couponsusers.GeoQpons’ Useful Features: Coupons from yourfavoriteretailerssuch as Kohl’s, Best Buy, Ann Taylor, Walmart,Macy’s, OldNavy,Pac Sun, Michaels, Ulta Beauty Weekly ads forWalgreens,CVS,Target, Costco, Best Buy, Kohl’s, Sale items fromKohl’s,Macy’s,Old Navy, JCPenny, Gap, Sears, Athleta, BananaRepublic,Best Buy,Camping World, DKNY, Nordstrom, Meijer,Footlocker, Loft,HotTopic, Home Depot, Justice, Golf, Tillys Createyour shoppinglistTake image and save your personal coupons in theapp Couponsfromlocal restaurants and other businesses Easy accesstofavoritein-store coupons Sale and Clearance items fromretailersCouponfeedback score Easy to use coupon codes New couponsalertsBarcodescanner to find the coupons and lowest online pricesCouponexpirydate integration with calendar Redeem coupons bysimplyshowing thecoupon code or coupon image Filter coupons byselectingcouponscategory Email or SMS coupons to your friendsCouponsavingscalculator to find discounts when using couponsIntegrationofdeals with coupons Printing Coupon supportGeoQponsdeliversthousands of in-store coupons and deals fromretailersandrestaurants. A mobile coupon wallet withwell-organizedcoupons.When shopping for holidays, finding couponsfrom yourfavoritestores is faster and easier that any other couponsapp.MacWorldand iPhonelife described it as the best organizedcouponapp. WithGeoQpons you can get coupons and deals anytimeanywhere.Just savecoupons as Favorite and then you can view couponseven inpoor cellcoverage. GeoQpons delivers more than 100 thousandcouponsfromlocal businesses nationwide. These coupons includeoilchangecoupons, car wash coupons, nail and spa coupons,homeimprovementcoupons and local restaurant coupons. Withinlocalcoupons section,the coupons can be filtered per category. Itis thebest couponsapp with high quality coupons for holidayshopping. Itis also theeasiest to use coupons app among all couponsapps.
PINbonus — Discount cards 6.0.1(798)
Collect your discount cards with PINbonus! Leave your massofcardsat home! All you need to get a discount is to show cardimageinthe app to the cashier. How does it work? You choose a cardfromapredefined list of 100+ brands, Then scan its barcode ortypeacard number, Show the barcode to the cashier oncheckout.WhyPINbonus? It’s free. No locked functions, norin-apppurchases.Convenience: easy access to major and new brandsdiscountcards.Economy: get discounts in shops and save your money!Ease:noregistration needed to start. Confidence: we work hardtoprovideyou with new proven cards. Safety: store your cardsincloud, andhave an access to them using Facebook connect.Workoffline: allfunctionality is available offline, exceptcloudsyncing. If thecashier has troubles with reading barcodefromscreen, just tellhim the card number. Do you want to tell usabouta new discount orloyalty card? Need more information? Give usafeedback:
My Items: Warranty Keeper & Bill Receipt Organizer 2.9.0
Indevelopment Limited
Do you have valuable assets such as a house, cabin or a carandwouldyou like to keep a record of everything about these assetsinanorganized manner? Introducing MyItems, the mostcomprehensivebillorganizer and tracker for scanning, recording andanalysingall ofyour purchases. With our expense tracker, you cannot onlyrecord allimportant purchases and upgrades but can alsostay ontop of yourfinances using our income statement receipt app.Useour app to dothe following: Keep track of your valuable itemsandassets using ourexpense manager Keep all documents in onesystemusing our billorganizer Scan receipts to track maintenanceof yourassets using ourexpense tracker Track all costs associatedwithyour assets using ourreceipt scanner Store all of your data onthecloud with our receiptapp and tracker Keep track ofyourwarranties using our bill trackerTrack your assets: Ourreceiptapp has been specially designed withan easy to use,selfexplanatory interface. You can log all of yourvaluable itemsinthe expense manager system and register everyassociated costinthe receipt tracker. You also get access toupdatedincomestatements for every asset, thus making this anefficientbillorganizer for all your personal belongings. Storealldocuments:You can easily store your receipts, invoices,contracts,deeds,proof of ownership and other legal documents usingourexpensemanager. This receipt tracker allows you to not only keepatrackof the status of every asset of yours, but if you eversellyourasset, all important information about that asset willbereadilyavailable in one place, on this receipt app. A repositoryofallreceipts is also essential for tax purposes and we assureyouthatour expense manager system is exactly the kind of tool youneedforsuch purposes. Record all associated costs: In thisreceiptapp,you can create projects and keep a track of the costofupgrades,the cost and date of maintenance and every other smallorbig spendmade towards particular assets. If you have someincomefrom sayyour rented house or car, you can log that too! Theincomewillallow you to get a better and clearer picture of theactualprofitor loss earned from your belongings over time and younolongerneed to hoard every paper bill since you can scanreceipts.Neverlose your data: With the help of our cloud storage,you willneverlose any of your data with the help of our billorganizer. Youcanalso receive data from other accounts via a simpletransfer andcanshare the data with your spouse, fellow ownersandaccountantsusing our bill organizer. If you sell an asset, youcaneventransfer the data to the new owner with a single click onthiseasyto use expense tracker Be reminded of your warranties: Forallyourpurchases that come with a warranty, simply log thewarrantydateand 10 days before its expiration, we will remind youvia emailandphone notifications so that you do not forget. This ishowitworks: For every purchase, scan receipts or invoice,theamount,purchase date along with all the relevant details andyourwork onthis receipt tracker is done. MyItems will use allthisinformationto generate a cost and income report and every timeyouupdatesomething, the reports will automatically update onourexpensetracker. So, if you want to make your life easier andreduceall ofyour paperwork by a substantial amount using anexpensemanager,download MyItems today. Get complete control ofyourassets, getinstant reports and never worry again!
Мультишеф 5.4
Multichef - recipes for a multicooker
Husqvarna Fleet Services Gatew 3.3.1
Husqvarna Group
Keep track of your equipment's location and upload run-time data
PassWallet - mobile passes 2.01.27
Fobi AI Inc.
Bringing mobile loyalty cards, vouchers, tickets and boardingpassesfor Android
CostPocket - scan receipts and invoices 2.2
Forget collecting paper receipts, making Excel reports andbringingthem to your accountant. Download the app and start sendingall thereceipts digitally! Just make a photo of the receipt, addsomerelevant information with a few clicks and that’s it! You canalsosend invoices (expense documents) from your email, justforwardthem to our system. Each company has their own emailaddress, allinvoices and receipts can be sent there from youremail. CostPocket(a.k.a. Cost Pocket) will digitize all thenecessary informationand your accountant will see it all inaccounting software or withPDF / Excel expense reports. CostPocketenables companies, bothsmall and large, to streamline their expensereporting processesand save up to 70% of time spent on expensereporting! CostPocketis available in five languages: Estonian,English, Finnish, Russianand Latvian. Business owners like: -Clearoverview of employees'expenses and reimbursements -Never lose asingle receipt again -Appwill generate expense reports for you-Your accounting will be upto date. Accountants like: -All receiptsare digitally archived -Noneed to constantly notify clients aboutmissing receipts -Allnecessary data from each document isdigitized: Gross amount, Netamount (without VAT), VAT amount,currency, issue date, suppliername, supplier registry number anddocument number -Each receiptcomes with additional information:submitter name, payment type,reimbursement information -No need tochange accounting entriesbecause of late receipts
Simple Shopping List 2.0.1
A simple shopping list with categories, automatic sorting andbackup
Hass NFC 1.2.4
Gerben Bol
Control Home Assistant via NFC with your phone
Coupon Keeper 1.3.4
Super Kiddo Studio
Coupon Organizer, Scanner and Reminder, it will make couponingmucheasier!
Reward Cards : The Card Wallet 13.30
Reward Stamp App Ltd
Carry all loyalty cards in App
AwardWallet: Track Rewards 4.41.34
AwardWallet LLC
AwardWallet keeps track of frequent flyer miles, hotel andcreditcard points.
River Rewards™ 1.6
Get ready to cast a line and reel in delicious deals.
Moocho: Pay Save Earn Rewards. 4.3.29
Earn rewards, get instant discounts, & enjoy contactlesspaymentwith Moocho!
Scandit Keyboard Wedge 1.6.1
Scandit Inc.
The Scandit Keyboard Wedge is a keyboard for Androidphonesandtablets that has a barcode scanner built in. It gives youthepowerto perform world-class barcode scanning with mobiledevicesanddeliver data to existing Android apps with no needforintegrationor modifications. With the Keyboard Wedge you canscanbarcodesinto any app on your smartphone and automaticallypopulatetextfields in all legacy applications as well as ERP andCRMsystems.You can customize your scanner to only scan specificcodesin yourdashboard at The Scandit BarcodeScannerdecodealgorithms make it possible to read barcodes reliablyinanycondition — blurry, worn, torn, you name it.ItprovidesEnterprise-Grade Barcode Scanning performance of allmajor1D and2D barcodes including UPC, EAN, Code 39, Code 128,MSIPlessey, QRCode, PDF417, AZTEC, and many more. Please notethatusing theScandit Keyboard Wedge requires an activesubscription. Toget atest license key for the Scandit KeyboardWedge, sign