Top 3 Apps Similar to PortosDicty Fra-Slo - FREE

Map of Slovakia 1.24
Creative Star Soft
This application turns your Android deviceintoa GPS navigator with off-line maps.You can search easily locations in Slovakia and you can add themtoyour route.Discover interesting places near you: accommodation,parking,restaurants, bars, clubs, cinemas, theaters, auto services,shops,parks, schools, hospitals, sport areas.It includes detailed maps of the biggest cities inSlovakia:Bratislava, Kosice, Presov, Zilina, Banska Bystrica,Nitra, Trnava,Martin, Trencin, Poprad and others.This application is based on Osmand project under the GNUGPLv3license and uses high quality data from OSM.
Slovenia Trails Hiking&Biking 2.4
Monolit d.o.o.
Slovenia Trails is a new application for Slovenian hiking andbikingtrails. Application was developed in cooperation withcompanyMonolit d.o.o. and association Hiking&biking GIZ. It isa greattool for everyone who like to discover new places andenjoySlovenian beauties. The guide includes over 300 hiking andbikingtrails and data about special destinations for hikers andbikersthat are members of Slovenian Hiking and Biking association.Theguide covers the entire Slovenian territory. Trailsincludedetailed information as trail length, duration, descriptionof thetrail, picture of the trail blaze, elevation data withelevationprofile and interesting locations by the trail. Everytrail ischecked for availability for families and how manypercentage ofthe trail goes through the forest, main roads and sideroads. Somefeatures of the app: - Display of routes on a detailedtopographicmap (Monolit maps, used in different GPS navigationdevices), -enabled search through specialised hikers and bikersfriendlydestinations, - off line maps for easier and friendlier useof theapplication in the nature.
Panorámy Slovenska 1.7
Ing. Michal Štrba
Panorámy Slovenska je aplikácia knekomerčnémuportálu (, ktoréhohlavnýmzámerom je ukázať Vám miesta na Slovensku, ktoré ste možnoeštenikdy nenavštívili. Sprostredkúva Vám tak možnosťvirtuálnejturistiky po našej nádhernej krajine s využitímnajmodernejšíchzobrazovacích technológií.Spoznajte pamiatky, históriu a kultúru Slovenskejrepubliky,prejdite sa nádhernou krajinou a vychutnajte si nevšednéscenérie avýhľady s touto interaktívnou aplikáciou.Aplikácia je určená predovšetkým na spoznávanie regiónu, vktoromsa práve nachádzate, plánovanie výletu vo Vašom okolí anáslednúnávštevu zobrazovaných zaujímavostí. Pomocou vyhľadávaniamôžetevyhľadávať spomedzi takmer 2000 panorám zo všetkých kútovSlovenskaumiestnených na portáli .----------------------------Napísali o nás:"Inšpirujte sa aplikáciou Panorámy Slovenska a naplánujtesinapríklad víkend s rodinou" (, non-commercial portal, whosemainpurpose is to show you the place in Slovakia, which you mightnothave ever visited. It brings you the opportunity of virtualtourismafter our wonderful country using the latest imagingtechnology.Discover the sights, history and culture of the SlovakRepublic,visit the beautiful scenery and enjoy the remarkablescenery andviews with this interactive applications.The application is designed primarily for exploring theregionwhere you are, planning your trip around you and followonscreenvisiting attractions. Using the search you can search amongnearly2,000 panoramas from all over Slovakia located on us:"Inspire application Panoramas Slovakia and plan your weekendwiththe family as" (