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No Hungry Child 2.0
No Hungry Child
Developed "nohungrychild" Appfortheconvenience of Donors. This app has one unique feature whichisthefirst time in India. Watch Live Program in the app. Italsohas"Videos" which can be streamed without buffering. Forthebenefitof people who download, this could probably becomearevolutionaryapp provided it is used effectively. See what itcando.App can be effectively used to resolve some of thesocialissuesprevailing in your location such as :a) Crimeb) Accidentsc) Corruptiond) Garbagee) Traffic violationsf) Child abuseg) Rapeh) Robberyi) Women Harrassmentj) Eve Teasingk) Any other social issuesIf you are witnessing any of the above issues happeningaroundyouand are not aware what you should do, just use thePocketToolsavailable in this App. Take a picture of the same usingtheCamera.You can send this picture through email /whatsappinstantly. Asyou save the picture, you will get to see alltheseicons.Imagine you are in your Two Wheeler or Four Wheeler waitinginthesignal and you are watching a Two wheeler or fourwheelerviolatingthe traffic rules. Take a video or picture alongwithnumber plateand send it to us.For video, you can shoot and you don't have to save itinyourdevice. It will get automatically saved in the cloud andinourwebsite.From our side, on your sending the Photograph or theVideoorboth, we will take the following action :a) The pictures and the Video will be senttoappropriateGovernment Authorities who are responsible toresolvethe issue. Ifthey fail to resolve within the appropriatetimelimits, then thenext escalation point will beb) A telephone call from our side. If they fail toresolvewithinthe appropriate time limits, then the next escalationpointwillbec) To take up the matter with media and finalescalationpointwill bed) Dharna.We believe at some points above, your issue will beresolved.Please spread across this news to all your contacts andaskthemto download the app and make the best use of the same.We have also accepted a Challenge from one Corporate Donor.Ifweensure 1 lac downloads, for every download, No Hungry Childwillbegiven $1 as donation. After every 500 downloads, we canclaimthedonation from the company. Company's name is not revealedhereasthey have advised me to keep it confidential toavoidunwantedenquiries to them. Can you and your friendshelpnohungrychild inmaximum downloads of this App ? .... Just gotoPlay Store, Searchfor "nohungrychild" without giving anyspacebetween words anddownload.After downloading, Open the App, Look for Submit Icon,fillthedetails and submit. That's it. Looking forwardtoyourdownloads.