U&G design برنامه ها

Kamus Khasiat Permata 2.2.1n
U&G design
Dictionary gemstone names from A to Z and their properties fromseveral aspects.
Lirik Jkt48 1.7.4n
U&G design
This application contains a collection of lyrics from Jkt48.
Lirik Ebiet G Ade 2.0.2n
U&G design
an application that contains the lyrics of the song along with thesong guitar chords Ebiet G Ade.
Nama Jepang 3.7.2-c8f7
U&G design
the conversion of our name to the Japanese alphabet and how to readJapanese dlm bhs.
KUHPidana 1.7.1n
U&G design
the application of the Criminal Code or the Code of Criminal Law.
Puisi Cinta 2.3.1
U&G design
This application contains hundreds of romantic love poems andpoetry work of the nation.
Lirik Lagu Fatin 1.8.8n
U&G design
is a collection of song lyrics Fatin dedicated to fatinistic.
KUHPerdata 2.0.3n
U&G design
the Civil Code or called with the draft Civil Code.
Batu Bacan 2.2.2
U&G design
Book application that contains information about the gemstone /agate especially Bacan
Cerita Inspirasi 1.9.7n
U&G design
is a clever book application that contains a collection ofinspirational stories.
Buku Serba Serbi Sehat 2.2.1
U&G design
Book Smart application containing articles of health and healthylifestyle.
Kalkulator Cinta 3.6.5-ud
U&G design
is an application to calculate the percentage of matches by name.
Lirik Nike Ardilla 1.7.6n
U&G design
is an application that contains a collection of lyrics along withthe song guitar chords Nike Ardilla
Cerita Motivasi 1.4.1n
U&G design
is a clever book application that contains a collection of thelatest motivational stories.
Manfaat Buah 1.7.8
U&G design
Buah dan sayuran dapat menjamin agar kesehatan Anda tetap optimaldalam jangka panjang. Buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran dapat menjadimakanan yang bermanfaat bagi kita karena buah dan sayuran merupakansumber alami dari vitamin dan mineral yang dibutuhkan untukmenunjang fungsi tubuh yang baik. Kandungan serat yang banyak padabuah dan sayuran juga membantu dan mengoptimalkan fungsipencernaan. Buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran juga merupakan bagianpenting dari diet yang sehat terutama bagi mereka yang inginmenurunkan berat badan. Selebihnya, manfaat buah-buahan dansayur-sayuran yang lain ialah dapat menurunkan risiko kita untukterkena penyakit darah tinggi, kanker, penyakit jantung dan kencingmanis. Buah dan sayuran juga dapat meningkatkan kondisi kesehatankulit. Di aplikasi Buku Pintar ini akan dibahas beberapa manfaatbuah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran bagi kesehatan dan diet sehat.Aplikasi Buku Pintar Manfaat Buah ini bisa di akses secara offline,serta memiliki fitur untuk memperbesar maupun memperkecil tulisanagar lebih mudah di baca. Semoga Buku Pintar Manfaat Buah iniberguna untuk teman-teman yang ingin menjalani gaya hidup sehat.Terima Kasih :)
KUHAP 1.9.8n
U&G design
an application Criminal Code or the Code of Criminal Procedure.
Aesop`s Fables 2.2.1-ud
U&G design
Aesop's fables short stories for kids.
Nama Korea 2.7.2-c8f7
U&G design
we name conversion into writing and read korean hangul Koreanaccent.
Lucky Number 2.8.5c8n
U&G design
Get your Lucky Number! Maybe today is your lucky day!
Kamus Bahasa Mandarin 1.4.7-c8f7
U&G design
Dictionary application that presents standard Chinese words alongwith pronunciation and meaning.
Lirik dan Chord Offline 2.9.7n
U&G design
providing thousands of song lyrics and chord that can be accessedoffline.
Gemstone Pedia 1.1.1n
U&G design
is mean to be a resource to anyone who just interested inGemstones.
Ramalan Cinta 2.2.5-ud
U&G design
Love Prediction: Match Match Based on Birth Date and Name.
KBBI Offline 2.3.5-c8f7
U&G design
Dictionary application containing the raw words Indonesian completeand offline
Buku Pintar Batu Permata 2.2.0n
U&G design
Book Smart made by a precious stone lovers for lovers of preciousstones
Mengenal Batu Permata 2.2.0n
U&G design
Application of lovers rock, the rock lovers and for lovers of rockIndonesia.
Tata Bahasa Inggris 3.7.5-c8f7
U&G design
Application Procedures Book Smart About English The Good And Right.
Ramalan Zodiak 5.0.7-ud
U&G design
Zodiac Divination is a form of lifestyle for the lovers of thezodiac / zodiac.
Buku Cerita Dongeng 4.4.1-ud
U&G design
Book Smart is an application that provides a set of Fairy TalesChildren
Lirik dan Chord Slank 2.0.1n
U&G design
Lyrics and Chord Slank is an application that contains a collectionof lyrics Slank.
Lirik dan Chord Lengkap 3.1.4-c8f7
U&G design
providing thousands of lyrics, chords and tabs songs Indonesia,West, and Indie.
Buku Pintar - Tips Cantik 2.9.8-c8f7
U&G design
Beauty Tips Books is an application that contains the Women BeautyTips.
Buku Pintar - Tips Cantik 2.9.8-c8f7
U&G design
Beauty Tips Books is an application that contains the Women BeautyTips.
Buku Pintar Bertahan Hidup 2.0.5n
U&G design
Applications that contain information about the knowledge andtechniques to survive.
Lirik & Chord Iwan Fals 1.9.7n
U&G design
Applications containing the set of lyrics along with Chord SongsIwan Fals.
Lirik Lagu Koes Plus 2.0.1n
U&G design
an application that contains the lyrics of the song along with theguitar chords songs Koes Plus.
Tata Bahasa Korea 3.2.6-c8f7
U&G design
Applications Korean Grammar is an application to learn Koreangrammar.
Ilmu Pengetahuan Umum 2.8.5n
U&G design
Applications clever book that contains clusters of general science
Guess Gemstone 2.0.0n
U&G design
quiz to figuring out what stone is it, based on image only.
Tata Bahasa Jepang 3.3.2-c8f7
U&G design
Japanese Grammar application is Japanese grammarlearningapplications.