5.0.0 / October 8, 2015
(3.4/5) (42)


**** WARNING *** this is a joke
With ghost detector joke can find out if there is a ghostaround,including radar scans every corner of the area and see ifthere isa ghost.
As this application is really a joke to spend fun times withfriendsand family.
There is not yet sufficiently advanced technology to find outifthere are ghosts with an android device.

App Information Ghost Detector Prank

  • App Name
    Ghost Detector Prank
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    October 8, 2015
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.3.3 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
  • Installs
    5,000 - 10,000
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

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Trucos y Guias GTA V 9.0.0 APK
***Nueva Actualización***-Mejora de Armas-PersonajesTrucos GTA V es una aplicación para android que te ayudará en eljuego. ¡Descarga esta aplicación para conseguir las mejoresventajas en el juego como coches, aviones, motos, dinero y muchasmás cosas!La aplicación incluye trucos para GTA 5 de XBOX 360 y PS3TOTALMENTE EN ESPAÑOL.¡Disfruta de la aplicación y pásalo bien con los trucos en GrandTheft Auto V!IMPORTANTE:Algunos trucos bloquean la posibilidad de conseguir logros ytrofeos.En el truco de apuntar a cámara lenta hay que introducir el trucocuatro veces, a la quinta se desactiva.Descarga ya, es absolutamente gratis y no olvides de compartila contus amigos!!Opinen para que esta aplicación pueda ir mejorando día a día.*** New Update ***-Improved Weapons-CharactersCheats GTA V is an Android application that will help you in thegame. Download this app to get the best advantages in the game ascars, planes, motorbikes, money and much more!The app includes tips for GTA 5 Xbox 360 and PS3 ENTIRELY INSPANISH.Enjoy the app and have a good time with tricks in Grand Theft AutoV!IMPORTANT:Some tricks block the ability to earn achievements andtrophies.In the point-trick in slow motion trick must be entered four times,the fifth is disabled.And download, absolutely free and do not forget compartila withfriends !!THINK for this application to be improving day by day.
Future Crystal Ball joke 7.0.0 APK
*** ATTENTION: This is a joke ***With the crystal ball fun is guaranteed, concetrate think aquestion and answer crystal ball, really? no, no catch and this iswhere the fun, if you click on the left side always come out "if"and if you click on the right side will always come out "no", butthat friends and family do not know, you can create really funnysituations and think that the ball really guess the present, pastand future. If you want to play in random mode lets gua friend orfamily press and increasingly leave a reply.Warning: It is an entertaining app in no way answers aretrue.Download and ball and guess your future.
Ant-Mice prank 4.0.0 APK
*** WARNING *** This is a jokePlease note, this application is a joke and can not beeffective.Repellents ultrasonic devices have been marketed for decades as acontrol for rodent pests like mice. These devices produce soundwaves of high frequency (15 to 19 kHz) or ultrasonic (above 19 kHz)in an effort to repel rodents. Theories about how they work rangingfrom fear, disorientation and physical pain to mimic the warningsigns.Our application issues the suitable ultrasound to mice.With anti mice repellent dale play and you'll never again see anymice around.Our application is recommended for mice but is also effective inrats, flies, mosquitoes and other insects.THXDOWNLOAD NOW, IT'S FREE
Sonidos Crafteo 3.0.0 APK
En esta aplicacion puedes escuchar cualquiersonido que aparece en el juego. Desde El sonido de una cascadahasta el canto de una gallina.Esta aplicacion consta de un video en la pantalla principal,dispone tambien de canciones relajantes del juego y una seccion desonidos aleatorios para que puedas jugar con tus comaper@s aadivinar que sonido es.Muchas gracias por descargar esta aplicacion y no dudes en comentary compartirl@ con tus amigos y amigas.***ATENCION***Todas las imagenes de la aplicacion estan fuera de copyrigth y notienen derechos de autor, estan sacadas de pixabay.com donde todoel mundo puede descargar fotos gratuitamente.Gracias.In this app you can hearany sound on the game. From the sound of a waterfall to the edge ofa hen.This application includes a video on the main screen, also hassoothing songs and play a section of random sounds so you can playwith your comaper @ sa guess that sound is.Thank you very much for downloading this application and feel freeto comment and compartirl @ with friends and girlfriends.***ATTENTION***All images of the application are outside copyrigth and have nocopyright, are drawn from pixabay.com where everyone can downloadphotos for free.Thank you.
Tarot baraja española 4.0.0 APK
Crees en el destino?, ¿Como has llegadoaqui?Si te gustan las cartas, si juegas al mus, chin chon,brisca,entonces conocerás sobradamente la baraja española, pues connuestra aplicación tarot baraja española futuro podrás adivinar tufuturo en tan sólounos segundos.Tarot baraja española futuro te ayudará a saber la respuesta a esaspreguntas que nos hacemos, a esas decisiones que debemos tomar ,con tarot futuro tendrás una lectura para cada tema que tepreocupe, podrás saber como afrontar tu día, con las cartas tendrásuna predicción instantanea, tendrás que saber comointerpretarla.El Tarot baraja española futuro nos ayuda a contemplar y analizarlos problemas que nos rodean, las cartas de la baraja española nostrasmiten , de forma metafórica, el como y el porque de lo queexperimentamos en el día a día.La baraja española es un instrumento adivinatorio, que ha perduradocomo herencia del pasado, y es un testigo mudo de la evolución delos tiempos.Es uno de los oráculos más antiguos de la historia de las ArtesAdivinatorias.Su interpretación es mucho más fácil de lo que puede parecer asimple vista.Sólo es necesario relajarnos con la mente abierta y elespiritu relajado.A través de las cartas no sólo se obtienen mensajes del futuro,sinotambién consejos, profecías, caminos que el consultante deberáseguir o actitudes que deberá cambiar para gobernar mejor suvida.La Baraja española es una forma de energía y vibración, estavibración es capaz de sintonizar en el plano espiritual condistintos aspectos de la persona, de esta forma al concentrarnos yal tocar las cartasl, se producirá una vibración determinada queaportará datos sobre el futuro del consultante en distintas áreasde su vida.Magos, adivinos, brujas, brujos, hechiceros, han utilizado lasrespuestas de la baraja española a lo largo de milenios.Las respuestas de la baraja española tienen el mismo nivel de azarque tu futuro,por lo tanto son totalmente válidas si se cree enellas.¿A que estás esperando? ¡Pruébala, te va a encantar!Aplicación realizada con fines de entretenimiento.Aviso: Aplicación de entretenimiento, en ningún caso los resultadosson ciertos.You believe in destiny ?,How did you get here?If you like cards, if you play mus, chin chon, brisca, then youknow too well the Spanish deck, then our future Spanish tarot deckapplication can guess your future as sólounos seconds.Tarot deck Spanish future will help you know the answer to thesequestions we ask ourselves, those decisions we take, future tarothave a reading for each topic that concerns you, you will know howto face your day with the cards have a prediction Instantly, youhave to know how to interpret it.The Spanish Tarot deck future helps us to contemplate and analyzethe problems that surround us, the letters of the Spanish decktransmit to us, metaphorically, the how and why of what weexperience in everyday life.The Spanish deck is a divination tool that has endured as a legacyof the past and is a silent witness to the changing times.It is one of the most ancient oracles of the history ofdivination.His interpretation is much easier than it might seem at firstvista.Sólo necessary relax with an open mind and relaxedspirit.Through letters not only messages from the future, but also tips,prophecies, roads that the consultant must follow or attitudes thatmust change for the better rule your life are obtained.The Spanish Shuffle is a form of energy and vibration, thisvibration is able to tune into the spiritual plane with differentaspects of the person, thus the focus and touch cartasl, willproduce a certain vibration that provide the data for the futurethe consultant in different areas of your life.Magicians, wizards, witches, warlocks, sorcerers, have used theresponses of the Spanish deck over millennia.The responses of the Spanish cards have the same level of chancethat your future, so are totally valid if one believes inthem.What are you waiting for? Try it, you'll love!Application made for entertainment purposes.Notice: Application of entertainment, in any case the results aretrue.
Bateria movil tablet Broma APK
Divertida aplicación para reirte con tusamigos y carga tu vida de sonrisas.Con Solar Bateria movil Tabletdirá adiós a los cargadores, sólo tiene que orientar su móvil alsol nuestra aplicación hará el resto.En tan sólo unos minutos tendrá su móvil completamentecargado.Con esta nueva tecnología vamos a revolucionar el mercado y lomejor de todo, lo puedes descargar GRATIS.Con Solar Bateria movil Tablet siempre tendrá el móvilcargado.ATENCIÓN:Solar Bateria movil Tablet es un JUEGO PARA bromear con sus amigosy familia, esta aplicación se hace con fines de diversión y deentretenimiento.GRACIAS.Fun app to laugh withfriends and charge your mobile life sonrisas.Con Solar BatteryTablet say goodbye to shippers, simply target your mobileapplication our sun does the rest.In just a few minutes you will have your mobile fullycharged.With this new technology we will revolutionize the market and bestof all, you can download free.With Solar Cell Battery Tablet always have the devicecharged.ATTENTION:Solar Cell Battery Tablet is a game to joke with his friends andfamily, this application is made for purposes of fun andentertainment.THANK YOU.
Complete Guide Clash Royale 3.0.0 APK
Complete Guide clash royale, explainingthefunction of each character, your skills, qualities ...If you're new to the game also there is a section where youhavetips on how to play and how to become the best in battleroyaleclash.You also have a section of videos where you explain how todownloadthe game in Spain right now, plus some very well explainedthe gametips.*** WARNING *** All Screenshots have copiright and does notinfringeany privacy, the only use of this application is to informand helppeople with this game.No olvies to comment and share it with your friends s.Thank you.
Raticide Prank 4.0.0 APK
*** WARNING *** This is a jokePlease note this application is a joke and can not beeffective.Repellents ultrasonic devices have been marketed for decades as acontrol for rodent pests like mice. These devices produce soundwaves of high frequency (15 to 19 kHz) or ultrasonic (above 19 kHz)in an effort to repel rodents. Theories about how they work rangingfrom fear, disorientation and physical pain to mimic the warningsigns.Our application issues the suitable ultrasound to mice.With anti mice repellent free press play and you'll never again seeany mice around.Our application is recommended for mice but is also effective inrats, flies, mosquitoes and other insects.Thanks!DOWNLOAD NOW, IT'S FREE