1.12 / December 8, 2016
(4.5/5) (11)


Write Text About Photos Placethosesnapshot-like little faces in the photos.
Photo Editor for you to make beautiful montages withframes,collages in several ways to frame the photo, Mirror EffecttypeGemini.
Function to save the image or share it in a social applicationlikeWhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram.
Add text to photos, emoticons, snap faces in your photos and savetomemory card.
Put Text and image editing similar to Snapchat effects!
Use the faces and the most beautiful social network emojis rightnowin your photo.
Function typing text on the photo gives to write in the photo,blurthe background of the photo with blur
Effects of the Snap to be able to write text in the photo,makeblurring in the background and edges of the photos, blureffects onthe sides of the photo, publish without cuts of yourphoto, blureffects on the sides of your photo Square Emoji Picwithout cuts topublish on Instagram ,

Effects such as the Snap, post messages and faces in thephoto,write phrases in the photo,
App to write sentences in photos, app to write text in photos,appto put message in photos. To put pictures in the pictures, toputcool pictures in the photos, to put cool emojis in thephotos
You can add text with Snap Emoji in the photo.
Sides, mosaic effect, blur the edges of photos and publish orsaveto SD card.
A successful photo editor application to edit your photosstraightfrom your camera or gallery.
You can make images with a shadow type bar with emoticons onthephoto, photo place a black strip type that status bar.
This is a photo editor that you can write in the photo to keeptheblack belt,
Camera that has effect of a banner in the photo that is to writeandby little faces in the photos
Application to write on a black strip in photos, write inphotoswith legal lyrics
This application makes Snap effects write text in photos equaltothe snap.
Several filters that will make your photos look more beautifulandmore incredible.
Effects to blur the background of photos, blur uncut photoborders,and publish direct to Face.
Function filters and colors put those Emoji faces of all kindsandyou express with your phrases and texts about the photo.Effectsasstatus bar on the photo and blur-like blur at the edges. Writetextin photos with effects and put face in photo and collage andsavein photo gallery.

App Information Photo Editor Mirror Effects❤

  • App Name
    Photo Editor Mirror Effects❤
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    December 8, 2016
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.3 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    Tambores Urbanos
  • Installs
    500 - 1,000
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
    Email tamboresurbanos@gmail.com Privacy Policy
    Batuque no cais 126 Bairro Jambo Vitória da Conquista Bahia Brasil Cep 45065-060
  • Google Play Link

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Selfie Snap Pic Editor de Foto 1.22 APK
Adicione texto nas suas fotos, Fácilcomoaçucar, use vários emoticons, carinhas do snap em suas fotosesalve no seu cartão de memória.Coloque Texto com edição de imagem e use nas suas fotosaquelesefeitos como no Snapchat!Coloque as carinhas e emojis muito usados em redes sociais agoradapra colocar também direto na sua foto.Pode digitar texto sobre a foto e para escrever nas fotoscombarrinha preta como no snap, desfocar o fundo das foto comborrãoigual Insta Square.Escreva Texto Sobre Fotos Colocar aquelas carinhas tipo carinhasdosnap nas fotos.Editor de Fotos para você fazer lindas montagens commolduras,colagens de diversas maneiras moldurar a foto, Efeitoespelho tipoGêmeos.Função de salvar a imagem ou compartilhá-la em um aplicativosocialcomo WhatsApp, Facebook e Instagram.Efeitos do Snap para poder escrever texto na foto, fazerdesfoquesno fundo e nas bordas das fotos, efeitos desfoques doslados dafoto, publicar sem cortes da sua foto, efeitos de borrãonaslaterais suas foto Square Emoji Pic sem cortes para publicarnoInstagram,Efeitos carinhas como no Snap, colocar mensagens e as carinhasnafoto, escrever frases na foto,App para escrever frases nas fotos, app para escrever textonasfotos, app para colocar mensagem nas fotos. colocar carinhasnasfotos, botar carinhas legais nas fotos, colocar emojis legaisnasfotosVocê poderá adicionar texto com Emojis de Snap na foto.dos lados, efeito mosaico, desfocar as bordas das fotos epublicarou salvar no cartão SD.este aplicativo é um editor de fotos de sucesso para editarsuasfotos direto da sua câmera ou da galeria.Você pode fazer imagens com uma barrinha tipo sombra comemoticonssobre a foto, foto coloque uma faixa preta tipo aquelabarra destatus.Editor de fotos que dá pra escrever na foto pra ficar com afaixapreta,câmera fotos que tem efeito de uma faixa na foto que da praescrevere por carinhas nas fotosAplicativo para escrever numa faixa preta nas fotos, escreveremfotos com letras legaisEste aplicativo faz efeitos de Snap escrever texto em fotos igualaosnap.Diversos filtros que vão deixar as suas fotos mais lindas emaisincríveis.Efeitos para desfocar o fundo das fotos, desfocar bordas defotossem cortes e publicar direto no Face.Função de filtros e cores colocar aquelas carinhas Emoji de todosostipos e você expressar com as suas frases e textos sobreafoto.efeitos como barrinha de status sobre a foto e comdesfoquetipo borrão nas bordas.Add text to yourphotos,Easy as sugar, use various emoticons, snap the faces in yourphotosand save it to your memory card.Put text with image editing and use in your photos as thoseeffectsin Snapchat!Place the faces and emoji widely used in the social networksnowalso to put right into your photo.You can type text on the photo and write on photos with black rodasthe snap, blur the background of the photo with blur equalUrgesSquare.Type text About Photos Put those guys kind faces snapthepictures.Photo Editor for you to make beautiful assemblies withframes,collages in various ways the picture molding, mirror twinstypeeffect.Function to save the image or share it on a social applikeWhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram.Snap the effects to be able to write text on the photo, to blurthebackground and the edges of the photos, blur effects of thesidesof the photo, published uncut your photo, blur effects in sideyourphoto Square Emoji Pic uncut to publish on Instagram ,smilies effects as in Snap, post and smiley faces in thepicture,write sentences in the photo,App to write sentences in the photos app for writing text inphotosapp to put message in the pictures. put smiley faces in thephotos,put legal faces in the photos, put legal emoji inphotosYou can add text with Snap Emojis in the photo.side, mosaic effect, blur the edges of photos and publish or savetoSD card.This application is a successful photo editor to edit yourphotosright from your camera or gallery.You can make pictures with a small bar type shade with emoticonsonthe photo, put a black band type that status bar.photo editor that gives to write the picture to get theblackbelt,camera pictures that has the effect of a band in the photo towriteand faces in photosApplication to write a black belt in the pictures, write onphotoswith legal lettersThis application makes Snap effects write text on photos likethesnap.Several filters that will make your most beautiful and mostamazingphotos.Effects blur the background of the photos, blur uncut photoedgesand publish straight to the face.Function filters and colors put those Emoji faces of all typesandyou express in your sentences and texts on foto.efeitos asbarrinhastatus on the photo and blur type blur the edges.
Photo Editor Mirror Effects❤ 1.12 APK
Write Text About Photos Placethosesnapshot-like little faces in the photos.Photo Editor for you to make beautiful montages withframes,collages in several ways to frame the photo, Mirror EffecttypeGemini.Function to save the image or share it in a social applicationlikeWhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram.Add text to photos, emoticons, snap faces in your photos and savetomemory card.Put Text and image editing similar to Snapchat effects!Use the faces and the most beautiful social network emojis rightnowin your photo.Function typing text on the photo gives to write in the photo,blurthe background of the photo with blurEffects of the Snap to be able to write text in the photo,makeblurring in the background and edges of the photos, blureffects onthe sides of the photo, publish without cuts of yourphoto, blureffects on the sides of your photo Square Emoji Picwithout cuts topublish on Instagram ,Effects such as the Snap, post messages and faces in thephoto,write phrases in the photo,App to write sentences in photos, app to write text in photos,appto put message in photos. To put pictures in the pictures, toputcool pictures in the photos, to put cool emojis in thephotosYou can add text with Snap Emoji in the photo.Sides, mosaic effect, blur the edges of photos and publish orsaveto SD card.A successful photo editor application to edit your photosstraightfrom your camera or gallery.You can make images with a shadow type bar with emoticons onthephoto, photo place a black strip type that status bar.This is a photo editor that you can write in the photo to keeptheblack belt,Camera that has effect of a banner in the photo that is to writeandby little faces in the photosApplication to write on a black strip in photos, write inphotoswith legal lyricsThis application makes Snap effects write text in photos equaltothe snap.Several filters that will make your photos look more beautifulandmore incredible.Effects to blur the background of photos, blur uncut photoborders,and publish direct to Face.Function filters and colors put those Emoji faces of all kindsandyou express with your phrases and texts about the photo.Effectsasstatus bar on the photo and blur-like blur at the edges. Writetextin photos with effects and put face in photo and collage andsavein photo gallery.
Editor de Fotos SelfieSnap Pic 2.2.1 APK
Editor e Foto SnapSelfie Efeitos deSnapescrever texto na foto, desfocar o fundo e bordas da suafotos,efeitos para desfocar fundo da foto, aplicativo defoto.Desfocar bordas da foto, Filtros, Adesivos carinhas,colocarcarinhas nas fotos, colocar frases na foto, aplicativo defotoshoppara mudar o corpo, colocar carinha de cachorro na foto,aplicativode fotos para escrever na foto e colocar umafigura,escrever uma frase na foto, escrever texto na foto, colocarmensagemna foto.Texto Sobre Fotos Colocar carinhas e Emoji emcima da foto.Este é um Aplicativo que escreve numa faixa preta na foto.Deixe suas fotos maravilhosas com diversos filtros e efeitosdetonalidades e cores.Efeitos para desfocar fundo das fotos, desfocar bordas das fotossemcortes e publicar direto em Instagram. aplicativo de fotoparaborrar a imagem no fundo da foto. Como colocar aquelascarinhasEmoji, frases e textos sobre a foto. efeitos com umabarrinha destatus na foto e com desfoque tipo borrão nasbordas.Adicionar Texto a Foto App,Você pode salvar a imagem ou compartilhá-la em um aplicativosocialcomo WhatsApp, Facebook e Instagram.Adicionar textos nas fotos, emoticons, carinhas igual aos efeitosdoSnapchat!Moldura de Foto fácil e divertida: escolha a partir de umavariedadede bordas e molduras de imagens! Edite de maneira simplesa suaimagem: Use o ajuste de intensidade de borrão nas bordas edesfoquedo fundo da foto.Fácil para trocar cor de borda, planos de fundo, molduras eestampase muito mais!Texto Sobre Fotos Colocar aqueles Emoji em fotos.escrever texto em fotos com efeitos e botar carinha na fotoecolagem e salvar na galeria de fotos.Este é um editor de fotos que dá pra escrever na foto pra ficarcoma faixa preta,Fácil pra escrever e por carinhas nas fotosEfeitos tipo do snap para você colocar aqueles Efeitos doSnapdigitar texto e colocar carinhas igual Snap como escrever textonafoto,fazer desfoque no fundo e nas bordas da foto efeitos desfocaroslados da foto, efeitos borrão nas laterais de sua foto efeitosdeSquare.Escreva Texto Sobre Foto app para botar carinhas tipo do snapnasfotos.Use emojis mais queridos nas redes sociais.Efeitos como digitar texto sobre a foto App para escrever textonafoto, desfocar o fundo das foto desfocar as bordas das fotosepublicar ou salvar no cartão de memória.Prático e fácil de editar suas fotos direto da câmera oudagaleria.Editor andPhotoSnapSelfie Snap Effects write text in the photo, blurthebackground and borders of your photos, effects to blurphotobackground, photo application.Blur photo borders, filters, Adhesives faces, put smiley facesinthe photos, put phrases in the picture, fotoshop applicationtochange the body, put dog face in the photo, photo applicationtowrite the picture and put a figure,write a sentence in the picture, write text in the picture,putmessage in the picture.Text About Photos Put faces and Emoji Photo emcima.This is an application that writes a black belt inthepicture.Let your wonderful photos with various filters and effects tonesandcolors.Effects to blur the background of the photos, blur the edgesuncutphotos and publish directly on Instagram. photo application toblurthe image in the photo background. How to put those Emojifaces,phrases and text on the photo. effects with a small barstatus inthe picture and type blur blur the edges.Add Text to Picture App,You can save the image or share it on a social app likeWhatsApp,Facebook and Instagram.Add texts on photos, emoticons, faces equal to the effectsofSnapchat!Frame Photo fun and easy: choose from a variety of edges andpictureframes! Edit simply your image: Use the blur intensityadjustment atthe edges and blur the photo's background.Easy to change border color, backgrounds, frames and printsandmore!Text About Photos Put those Emoji in photos.write text on photos with effects and put face in the photoandcollage and save the photo gallery.This is a photo editor that gives to write the picture to gettheblack belt,Easy to write and faces in photossnap-type effects you put those Snap Effects enter text andputlittle guys like Snap writing text in the picture,to blur the background and the edges of photo effects blur thesidesof the photo, blur effects on the sides of your photoeffectsSquare.Write Text On Photo app to put snap type faces in the photos.Use dearest emoji on social networks.Effects entering text on photo app for writing text on photo,blurthe background of the photo to blur the edges of photos andpublishor save to memory card.Convenient and easy to edit your photos right from the cameraorgallery.