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みずと色遊び2-人気最新お絵描き知育ゲームアプリ 1.0.0
Fun & Cool Ventures Inc.
シリーズ最新作:みずあそび7★おかげさまで大人気!シリーズ累計120万ダウンロード突破!(2018.1)【おすすめ】無料人気ゲームアプリ《みずあそびといろあそび》シリーズの最新作です。お絵描きしながらみず遊びと色遊びができるゲームアプリとして設計しています。シリーズ累計55万ダウンロード突破し、2014年All About の人気おすすめ知育アプリトップ10として選ばれました。 ▪️▫️▪️▫️スマートフォンアプリの特徴▪️▫️▪️▫️子供から大人まで楽しめる。親子でも楽しめるアプリとして設計しています。-対象としたお絵描きといろあそびとみずあそびを合体した知育アプリ -発達に合わせたいろいろな遊び方-色鮮やかと動きが豊かでこどもが喜ぶ -親子で一緒に楽しみながら考えられる ▪️▫️▪️▫️最新作の特徴▪️▫️▪️▫️ 1.線(鉛筆)の太さ選べます 2. 線(鉛筆)の色選べます 3. 消しゴムの大きさ選べます 4. みずの色選べます
Play Water 1.1.7
Fun & Cool Ventures Inc.
◆◇◆ How to Play ◆◇◆ From the tap, which is displayed on the screen,the water comes flowing out to infinity. You draw a line freely,and watch the water flows on the line! Move the faucet around! Inaddition, you can erase the line you wrote. Now, Let's enjoyplaying in the water!! ◆◇◆ Review from Our Users ◆◇◆ 1.Simple Noneed for real water when you have this app! It's like real waterbut much fun since you can draw where you want the water to go!Perfect for people who is tired of challenges and like somethingcalm and cheerful! 2.Awesome I like the water its like when you'rethe god of water 3.Nice water Best little game 4.I love it It'sfun. You can create almost anything. 5.Great Frees your creativity.But if can add more features that would be awesome Note FromDeveloper: We are adding more features! ◆◇◆ Play Water 2 Released!!◆◇◆ We released the Play Water 2!! Let's enjoy playing in the newwater!!
Learn to Write Hiragana - Japanese Language 1.0.10
Fun & Cool Ventures Inc.
#The app is in Japanese, used mainly in Japanese Kindergarten ( Weare opening outside of Japan because of there are many requestsasking for it) This app is used in over 30 kindergartens, nurseriesand private elementary schools in Japan. The app is for WritingJapanese Language Hiragana, and can be used to Exercise andPractise writing Hiragana. Learn How to Write Hiragana. ◆The strokeorder is shown clearly for you to follow. ◆Hide the grid and sampleto increase the difficulty. ◆See and compare your previous 3writing history to watch your improvement #Please note that thesimple interface is in Japanese.(However, non-Japanese speakers andnewbies can also use without any problem since the app is easy tooperate!) ◆ ◇ ◆ Credit ◆ ◇ ◆ BGM: cute musical material - Konito ふぇ - Voice material: Amitamaro's voicematerial workshop -
Play Water 3 - Fun color mix!! 1.0.4
Fun & Cool Ventures Inc.
◆◇◆ Japan's Top Free Educational Game App ◆◇◆ ◆◇◆ Our Play WaterSeries have ranked #1 in Japan's App Store ◆◇◆ ◆◇◆ Our CumulativeDownload have reached more than 500,000 downloads ◆◇◆◆◇◆◆◇◆◆◇◆◆◇◆◆◇◆◆◇◆◆◇◆◆◇◆◆◇◆◆◇◆ ◆◇◆ Latest New Release :◆◇◆◆◇◆◆◇◆◆◇◆◆◇◆◆◇◆◆◇◆◆◇◆◆◇◆◆◇◆ This is the third entry in the PlayWater Series. You can find the other games by us linked at thebottom. Play Water 3 features more fun gimmicks. With this entry,the water is made inside a sealed space. Tilt the device to see howthe water flows with gravity ◆◇◆ Free Educational Apps ◆◇◆ "PlayWater 3", through the movement and flow of colourful water, is anfree educational app to nurture a rich imagination! ◆◇◆ How to play◆◇◆ ▽ Explore the menu button! ▽ Create water at the touch of afingertips! ▽ Change the color of the water! ▽ Adjust the amount ofwater! ▽ Change the flow of the water! ▽ Change the color of theline! ▽ Change the thickness of the line! ▽ Clear the line with aneraser! ▽ Splash around the water! ▽ Stop the flow of the water! ▽Tilt the device! ◆◇◆ Review ◆◇◆ Any opinions and requests, pleasetell us in the review!!
PW5-Fun Free Games & Apps 1.0.0
Fun & Cool Ventures Inc.
Simple and intuitive, you will have lots of fun for hours! Thiseducational game will help you to improve skills in problemsolving, logical and cognitive skills, concentration andmemory.Available for all screen resolutions and devices, includingtablet device as Kindle and Samsung ! ◆◇◆ Japan's Top FreeEducational Game App ◆◇◆ ◆◇◆ Our Play Water Series have ranked #1in Japan's App Store ◆◇◆ ◆◇◆ Our Cumulative Download have reachedmore than 500,000 Downloads ◆◇◆ Let's play this app together! The"Play Water 5" app, sequel to the number 1 educational app inJapan! This is a free educational app to nurture your richimagination! ◆◇◆ How to Play ◆◇◆ ▽ Let's change the flow of water!Draw a black line by sliding a finger by across the screen. Thedrawn lines can change the flow of water! You can try to slow theflow of the water by drawing a slope, or draw a cup and fill it up,the possibilities are endless! ▽ Remove the black line with aneraser! Switch between drawing mode (the pencil button) to erasemode by pressing the eraser button. Open a hole on the drawn cupwith the erase mode. Watch as the water trickle through the newhole (or holes!). ▽ Move the faucet! Press and hold the faucet andyou can move the faucet around! ▽ Add more faucets! Add more faucetby pressing the faucet button! The colour of the water flowing fromthe faucet can be picked by pressing any of the colours buttonbefore pressing the faucet button. Remove any unwanted faucet bydragging the faucet to the dustbin. ▽ Tilt your device! Play Water5 will detect the tilt of your device. Tilt around your device, andsee the water falls in a different direction! ▽ Remove all thedrawn lines! Press the cross button, and see all your drawn linesclear from the screen! (And it is all so pretty!) ◆◇◆ Review ◆◇◆Please leave us a review! We would like to hear from you afterplaying around with Play Water 5! You can also email us atfacvtokyo [at]
Play Water 7 1.3.4
Fun & Cool Ventures Inc.
Latest release of Play Water Series ( Only in Japanese)
Learning Japanese - How to write Hiragana/Katakana 1.0.4
Fun & Cool Ventures Inc.
Japanese Language App for Beginnner Japanese characters Let'slearnJapanese characters, Hiragana and Katakana with this app.Onelanguage, two systems, three characters Japanese languageusesthree characters, Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji. Kanji camefromChina in the 5th to the 6th centuries. Then later HiraganaandKatakana evolved to represent "readings" in Japanese.Kanjirepresent forms of something or situation and each ofthemrepresent meaning. On the other hand, Hiragana and Katakanaarephonetic symbols. They do not represent any meaning. If you areacomplete beginner, Japanese writing may appear just likeChinese.Hiragana and Katagana Both hiragana and katakana have afixednumber of symbols: 46 characters in each, to be precise. Eachofthese corresponds to a combination of the 5 Japanese vowels (a,i,u, e o) and the 9 consonants (k, s, t, n, h, m, y, r, w).Hiraganaare recognizable for their roundish shape and you’ll findthembeing used for three functions in Japanese writing:1.Particles(used to indicate the grammatical function of a word)2.To changethe meaning of verbs, adverbs or adjectives, whichgenerally have aroot written in kanji. 3.Native Japanese words notcovered by theother two scripts. Katakana are recognisable fortheir straightlines and sharp corners.They are mainly used for: 1.Loanwords fromother languages. 2. Transcribing foreign names ◆◇◆How To Use thisApp ◆◇◆ Select the character you want to write -Hiragana -Katakana - Numbers (1 〜 100) - Alphabets (Lowercase andUppercase)Increase the difficulty by erasing the sample ordisabling thegrid. The last 3 attempts of a letter are saved, foryou to compareyour progress ◆◇◆ Credits ◆◇◆ BGM :可愛い音楽素材 - こんとどぅふぇ- Voices:あみたろの声素材工房-
10をつくりなはれ。ー ハマる無料簡単操作難関脳トレパズルゲ 1.0.6
Fun & Cool Ventures Inc.