Heaven&Peace Приложения

KJV Audio Bible 71
King James Version Audio Bible, KJV Bible, KJV Audio Bible, KJV,English Bible
한글 성경, 오디오 성경, 성경듣기 (구 성경과 찬송) 68
Audio Bible (old Bible and hymns) is an application that makes itvery convenient to view the Old and New Testaments as an audioBible.
SIM Reader 11
SIM Reader, SIM Info, Device Info, SIM Check, USIM, SIM IMSI, IMEI,USIM Info
Canada Jobs 8
This application can help you to find out the jobs in Canada.Thefirst tap has the list of job search websites. The second taphas asample of Resume and the last tap has the sample of coverletter.Don't forget to download PDF files by pressing the floatingbutton.I hope you enjoy the app!
Fling Me 2.0
I saw the tutorial about Tinder Clone on Youtube so I made theappbased on the tutorial.
B T S HD Wallpaper and Videos 4
This is a very good app to download wallpapers.
Toilet Timer(Checking your sitting time) 3.0
Why Sitting On The Toilet Too Long Is Worse Than You ThinkThebathroom is a private space used for many activities likebubblebaths, shaving, makeup application, and of course, pooping.Itwasn't too long ago that you would often find magazine racksinsidethese private sanctuaries across America, and that reallyshouldn'tcome as a shocker as bathroom reading material has alwaysbeen athing — and really still is. How often do you findyourselfbringing your smartphone into the bathroom with you whenit's timeto do your business? We do admit that being uninterruptedwhilesitting in silence and peace can be a nice reprieve during theday.However, you may want to consider changing your position afterafew minutes, as sitting on the toilet bowl for too long cancausean uncomfortable and sometimes painful condition. TheClevelandClinic reports that your actual pooping time should lastno longerthan five minutes, and with minimal straining (i.e.pushing). Keepyour toilet time minimal According to The Healthy,sitting on thetoilet bowl for too long can cause hemorrhoids toappear, and ifyou have never had one, you might be thinking, whatin the world isa hemorrhoid? Also called "piles," hemorrhoids areveins that swellin the lowest part of the rectum. The Mayo Clinicreports thatthese veins are similar to varicose veins, and they canswellinside the anus and cause a bit of bleeding. On the outside,theycan cause a small bulge in the anal area. Symptoms of internalandexternal hemorrhoids can be a bit scary, as you canexperiencebleeding, pain, itching, and swelling. Causes ofhemorrhoidsinclude sitting too long on the toilet, pushing orstraining duringa bowel movement, pregnancy, and being overweight.To avoidhemorrhoid flares, experts at Harvard Medical Schoolsuggestgetting more fiber in your diet, exercising, getting morefluidsin, and waiting to use the bathroom until you are ready.TheHealthy reports that typically, these symptoms resolve in aboutaweek, but if they don't, be sure to contact your doctor.Otherwise,hemorrhoids can truly become a real pain inthe-you-know-what. WhyYou Should Never Look At Your Phone WhenYou're On The Toilet Takeyour phone to the bathroom? You're notalone. While reading in thebathroom has always been a favoritepastime, a survey conducted byBankMyCell revealed that three out offour Americans bring theirphone with them to the bathroom. Ifeveryone does it, it can't beall bad, right? Wrong. Turns out,there are some pretty compellingreasons not to bring your phoneinto the bathroom with you. Thefirst one is — you guessed it —germs. Cell phones are extremelyhigh-touch objects, yet they don'tget sanitized nearly as often astoilet seats. In fact, according toPCMag, only one in sevenAmericans clean their phones often. So whenyou bring your phoneinto the bathroom, you expose it to the samegerms as your toilet(including E. coli, staph and strep) but onlysanitize it afraction of the time. Those same devices often end upin ourkitchens, pressed against our faces, or even in our mouths(viaTechRepublic).
World Flags Quiz 2.0
Can you name the flags of the world? Test your knowledge onthisgeography quiz and compare your score to others.
B T S HD Wallpaper and Videos 4
This is a very good app to download wallpapers.
Classic Music Quiz 2.0
This app is a simple music quiz app where a user is gettingthescore after finding the artist. The quiz are all 11classicalmusics and the user can hear the music first and thenclick thebutton to get the correct answer. Hope you enjoy the appand leaveyour comments or try more apps.
CCM, 찬양, 복음 성가, 가스펠 21
It is an application that sees, listens to and stores CCM praise.
KJV Audio Bible 27
This is KJV Audio Bible where you can listen Bible with audio.
넌센스 성경퀴즈 7.0
This application is an application that makes the charactersandterms appearing in the Bible into a fun quiz.
Pray for Me 10.0
This app is a tool to share your worries.