Lexibook® Приложения

Kvíz Dějepis 1.1
Řada aplikací Lexibook® Učím se 12-18 tiumožňuje učit se nebo si všechno důkladně zopakovat.Pomocí této aplikace už historie nebude mít žádná dalšítajemství pro tebe! Od pravěku do současnosti bav se testovánímsvých znalostí pomocí kvízů rozdělených do různých úrovní.1. Vyber si úroveň obtížnosti (úroveň 1 nebo úroveň 2) a svůjoblíbený předmět:- Od pravěku do starověku- Středověk- Od patnáctého do osmnáctého století- Od devatenáctého století až po současnost2. Odpověz na 10 kvízových otázek. Jakmile jsi si vybral jednunebo více odpovědí, klikni na tlačítko „Potvrdit“ pro zobrazenířešení. Tlačítko „Potvrdit“ se pak stává tlačítkem „Další“ propřesun na další kvízovou úroveň.Jste připraven získat maximální skóre 200 bodů?Many applicationsLexibook ® I learn 12-18 allows you to learn or everythingthoroughly again.With this application now history will have no more secrets foryou! From prehistoric times to the present have fun testing theirknowledge through quizzes divided into different levels.First Choose the level of difficulty (level 1 or level 2) andhis favorite subject:- From prehistory to antiquity- The Middle Ages- From the fifteenth to eighteenth century- Since the nineteenth century to the present daySecond Answer the 10 multiple-choice questions. Once you haveselected one or more answers, click on the "Confirm" button to viewsolutions. "Confirm" button then becomes the "Next" button to moveto the next level quiz.Are you ready to get the maximum score of 200 points?
Kvíz Zeměpis 1.1
Řada aplikací Lexibook® Učím se 12-18 tiumožňuje učit se nebo si všechno důkladně zopakovat.Pomocí této aplikace už geografie nebude mít žádná dalšítajemství pro tebe! Otestuj si své znalosti světových map, zemí,hlavních měst prostřednictvím kvízu rozděleného do různýchúrovní.1. Vyber si úroveň obtížnosti (úroveň 1 nebo úroveň 2) a svůjoblíbený předmět:- Obecné aspekty- Kartografie- Voda a reliéfy- Země- Města a hlavní města2. Odpověz na 10 kvízových otázek. Jakmile jsi si vybral jednunebo více odpovědí, klikni na tlačítko „Potvrdit“ pro zobrazenířešení. Tlačítko „Potvrdit“ se pak stává tlačítkem „Další“ propřesun na další kvízovou úroveň.Jste připraven získat maximální skóre 200 bodů?Many applicationsLexibook ® I learn 12-18 allows you to learn or everythingthoroughly again.With this application already geography will have no moresecrets for you! Test your knowledge of world maps, countries,capitals through quiz divided into different levels.First Choose the level of difficulty (level 1 or level 2) andhis favorite subject:- General aspects- Cartography- Water and reliefs- Country- Cities and CapitalsSecond Answer the 10 multiple-choice questions. Once you haveselected one or more answers, click on the "Confirm" button to viewsolutions. "Confirm" button then becomes the "Next" button to moveto the next level quiz.Are you ready to get the maximum score of 200 points?
J'apprends les Chiffres 1.1
Avec la série Lexibook® J'apprends 3-6, votreenfant peut apprendre ou revoir les notions importantes de lamaternelle. Guidé par ses amis les Yayé®, c'est en s'amusant qu'ilva pouvoir tester ses connaissances !De 1 à 10L’enfant doit d’abord sélectionner un chiffre entre 1 et 10.Pour chaque chiffre, il accède à laséquence suivante :– une fiche découverte autour du chiffre (écrit en lettres et enchiffres, associé à un objet),– une série de jeux de découverte,– le tracé du chiffre.Jeux de chiffresL’enfant choisi un mode de jeu parmi les quatre proposés :– Le bon nombre,– Je compte,– Je compare des chiffres,– Vrai ou faux ?BonusLe bonus est une animation pour apprendre à compter jusqu’à10.
Quiz histoire 1.1
La série d'applications Lexibook® J'apprends12-18 te permet d'apprendre ou de réviser en toute sérénité.Avec cette application, l'histoire n'aura plus aucun secret pourtoi ! De la préhistoire à aujourd'hui, amuse-toi à tester tesconnaissances grâce aux quiz classés en différents niveaux.1. Choisis ton niveau de difficulté (Niveau 1 ou Niveau 2), puiston sujet de prédilection :- De la préhistoire à l'Antiquité- Le Moyen Âge- Du XVe au XVIIIe siècle- Du XIXe siècle à nos jours2. Réponds aux 10 questions du quiz. Une fois que tu assélectionné une ou plusieurs réponses, clique sur le bouton «Valider » pour afficher la solution. Le bouton « Valider » setransforme alors en bouton « Suivant » permettant de passer à laquestion suivante.Es-tu prêt à obtenir le score maximum de 200 points ?Lexibook ® series ofapplications I learn 12-18 allows you to learn or reviseconfidence.With this application, the story will have no more secrets foryou! From prehistory to today, have fun testing your knowledge withthe quiz classified into different levels.1. Choose your difficulty level (Level 1 or Level 2), and yourfavorite subject:- From prehistory to antiquity- The Middle Ages- From the fifteenth to the eighteenth century- From the nineteenth century to the present day2. Answer the 10 questions of the quiz. Once you have selectedone or more answers, click on the "Submit" button to display thesolution. The "Submit" button then turns into "Next" button to moveto the next question.Are you ready to get the maximum score of 200 points?
J'apprends l'Anglais 1.1
Avec la série Lexibook® J'apprends 3-6, votreenfant peut apprendre ou revoir les notions importantes de lamaternelle. Guidé par ses amis les Yayé®, c'est en s'amusant qu'ilva pouvoir tester ses connaissances !Cette application permet à l’enfant de découvrir ses premiersmots d’anglais.En cliquant sur un thème, l’enfant accède à la liste des mots enfrançais correspondant. Le mot s’affiche en français et en anglais,ainsi qu’une illustration. En cliquant sur le picto son, il peutécouter le mot dans la langue souhaitée.
My Translator Lexibook® 1.0
Translating has never been easier, thanks toyour Lexibook® interactive translator for Android™.Translate over 10.000 words in 15 languages: English, French,German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Finnish, Norwegian, Danish,Swedish, Polish, Dutch, Chinese (Pinyin), Hungarian andRussian!This app is compatible with all the Lexibook® tablets and theSamsung GALAXY Tab 2 (7 inches screen).
Şekilleri keşfediyorum 1.1
Lexibook®’un Ben öğreniyorum (3-6) serisiçocuklara önemli ana okulu konseptlerini öğrenmelerinde ve gözdengeçirmelerinde yardımcı olur. Yayé®’ler gibi arkadaşça kılavuzlarlaçocuklar bilgilerini test ederken eğlenirler!This application teaches children how to identify and memorizeeach geometric shape in a funny way.Ana sayfadan aşağıdaki başlıklara ulaşılabilir:– Bulunacak Beş Şekil– Şekil OyunlarıBulunacak beş şekilÇocuklardan önce mevcut şekillerden birisini seçmesi istenir (kare,dikdörtgen, daire, üçgen ve eşkenar dörtgen). Her bir şekil içinaşağıdakiler sıra ile gösterilirler:– Şekli gösteren buluş sayfası (adı, sunumu, ilgili obje)– Bir dizi bulma oyunu– Şeklin dış hattıŞekil OyunlarıÇocuklar verilen dört oyun modundan birini seçebilir:– Tüm Şekiller– Mantıklı Diziler– Küçükten Büyüğe– Eksi ParçaLexibook ® 's I'mlearning (3-6) series, children learn important concepts inkindergarten and review helps. YAYE ® 's information as a friendlyguide children to have fun while testing!This application Teaches children how to identify and memorizeeach geometric shape in a funny way.From the home page can be accessed on the headings below:- Ideas to Five-Figure- Shape GamesFive ways to be foundBefore children are asked to select one of the available shapes(square, rectangle, circle, triangle and diamond). For each shapeas they are indicated by the following:- Form of the invention showing page (name, presentation, relatedobjects)- Finding A number game- The outline of the shapeShape GamesChildren can choose one of the four game modes:- All Figures- Logical Series- Smallest to Largest- Minus Track
Mes Loisirs Lexibook® 1.0
Longues soirées d'hiver ou belles journéesensoleillées d'été, vous aurez toujours une activité intéressantesous la main à faire découvrir à vos enfants !Grâce à l'application Mes Loisirs de Lexibook® pour Android™,vous avez accès à 52 activités créatives à réaliser à la maison :jeux d'intérieur et d'extérieur, recettes, expériencesscientifiques et travaux manuels !Cette application est compatible avec toutes les tablettesLexibook® de 7 pouces ainsi que la Samsung GALAXY Tab 2 (écran 7pouces).
Matematické testy 1.1
Řada aplikací Lexibook® Učím se 12-18 tiumožňuje učit se nebo si všechno důkladně zopakovat.Pomocí této aplikace už matematika nebude mít žádná dalšítajemství pro tebe! Otestuj si své znalosti čísel, geometrie asprávy údajů v kvízech s různými úrovněmi.1. Vyber si téma opakování: Čísla úroveň 1 nebo 2, Geometrieúroveň 1 nebo 2, Správa údajů úroveň 1 nebo 2.2. Odpověz na 10 kvízových otázek. Jakmile jsi si vybral jednunebo více odpovědí, klikni na tlačítko „Potvrdit“ pro zobrazenířešení. Tlačítko „Potvrdit“ se pak stává tlačítkem „Další“ propřesun na další kvízovou úroveň.Jste připraven získat maximální skóre 200 bodů?Many applicationsLexibook ® I learn 12-18 allows you to learn or everythingthoroughly again.With this application already Mathematics will have no moresecrets for you! Test your knowledge of numbers, geometry and datamanagement quizzes with different levels.First Choose a theme repeating: Numbers Level 1 or 2, GeometryLevel 1 or 2, data management level 1 or 2Second Answer the 10 multiple-choice questions. Once you haveselected one or more answers, click on the "Confirm" button to viewsolutions. "Confirm" button then becomes the "Next" button to moveto the next level quiz.Are you ready to get the maximum score of 200 points?
Kvíz Umění 1.1
Řada aplikací Lexibook® Učím se 12-18 tiumožňuje učit se nebo si všechno důkladně zopakovat.Pomocí této aplikace už Umění nebude mít žádná další tajemstvípro tebe! Bav se testováním svých znalostí pomocí kvízů rozdělenýchdo různých úrovní.1. Vyber si úroveň obtížnosti (úroveň 1 nebo úroveň 2) a svůjoblíbený předmět:- Architektura a sochařství- Malířství- Hudba- Kinematografie2. Odpověz na 10 kvízových otázek. Jakmile jsi si vybral jednunebo více odpovědí, klikni na tlačítko „Potvrdit“ pro zobrazenířešení. Tlačítko „Potvrdit“ se pak stává tlačítkem „Další“ propřesun na další kvízovou úroveň.Jste připraven získat maximální skóre 200 bodů?Many applicationsLexibook ® I learn 12-18 allows you to learn or everythingthoroughly again.With this application already Arts will have no more secrets foryou! Have fun testing their knowledge through quizzes divided intodifferent levels.First Choose the level of difficulty (level 1 or level 2) andhis favorite subject:- Architecture and Sculpture- Painting- Music- CinematographySecond Answer the 10 multiple-choice questions. Once you haveselected one or more answers, click on the "Confirm" button to viewsolutions. "Confirm" button then becomes the "Next" button to moveto the next level quiz.Are you ready to get the maximum score of 200 points?
Kvíz Literatura 1.1
Řada aplikací Lexibook® Učím se 12-18 tiumožňuje učit se nebo si všechno důkladně zopakovat.Pomocí této aplikace už literatura nebude mít žádná dalšítajemství pro tebe! Otestuj si své znalosti díl a autorů podletestů rozdělených do 2 úrovní.1. Vyber si úroveň obtížnosti a svůj oblíbený předmět:Úroveň 1:- Postavy a příběhy- Divadlo a poezie- SpisovateléÚroveň 2:- Postavy a příběhy- Divadlo a poezie- Spisovatelé- Žánry a literární proudy2. Odpověz na 10 kvízových otázek. Jakmile jsi si vybral jednunebo více odpovědí, klikni na tlačítko „Potvrdit“ pro zobrazenířešení. Tlačítko „Potvrdit“ se pak stává tlačítkem „Další“ propřesun na další kvízovou úroveň.Jste připraven získat maximální skóre 200 bodů?Many applicationsLexibook ® I learn 12-18 allows you to learn or everythingthoroughly again.With this application you will have no literature, no moresecrets for you! Test your knowledge of the part and authors undertest are divided into two levels.First Choose your difficulty level and your favoritesubject:Level 1:- Characters and story-theater and poetry- WritersLevel 2:- Characters and stories- Theatre and Poetry-Writers- Genres and literary currentsSecond Answer the 10 multiple-choice questions. Once you haveselected one or more answers, click on the "Confirm" button to viewsolutions. "Confirm" button then becomes the "Next" button to moveto the next level quiz.Are you ready to get the maximum score of 200 points?
Jeux de logique Expert 1.1
La série d'applications Lexibook® J'apprends12-18 te permet d'apprendre ou de réviser en toute sérénité.Teste ta logique en résolvant les énigmes de l'application "Jeuxde logique Expert" ! Chaque série comporte 4 énigmes qui peuvent terapporter 80 points maximum. Il existe deux niveaux de difficulté.Sauras-tu relever les défis ?Liste des séries disponibles :Observation et logique Niveau 1Observation et logique Niveau 2Jeux de chiffres Niveau 1Jeux de chiffres Niveau 2Lexibook ® series ofapplications I learn 12-18 allows you to learn or reviseconfidence.Test your logic in solving the riddles of the application "LogicGames Expert"! Each set includes 4 puzzles that can bring youmaximum 80 points. There are two levels of difficulty. Will youknow the challenges?List of available series:Observation and logic level 1Observation and logic level 2Number Games Level 1Number Games Level 2
Geschichte 1.1
Die App-Reihe von Lexibook® Ich lerne 12-18ermöglicht dir, ganz entspannt zu lernen und den Stoff zuwiederholen.Mit dieser App ist Geschichte kein Geheimnis mehr für dich! Vonder Urgeschichte bis heute - viel Spaß beim Testen deines Wissensmit den Quiz, die in verschiedene Schwierigkeitsstufen unterteiltsind.1. Wähle deine Schwierigkeitsstufe (Stufe 1 oder Stufe 2), danndein bevorzugtes Thema:- Von der Urgeschichte bis zur Antike- Das Mittelalter- Vom XV. bis zum XVIII. Jahrhundert- Vom XIX. Jahrhundert bis heute2. Beantworte die 10 Quizfragen. Wenn du eine oder mehrereFragen ausgewählt hast, klicke auf die Schaltfläche «Bestätigen»,um die Lösung anzuzeigen. Die Schaltfläche «Bestätigen» verwandeltsich dann in die Schaltfläche «Weiter» und ermöglicht dir, zurnächsten Frage zu gehen.Kannst du die Höchstpunktzahl von 200 Punkten erreichen?The app series Lexibook ®I learn 12-18 enables you completely relaxed to learn and repeatthe fabric.With this app, history is no longer a secret for you! Fromprehistoric times to the present day - a lot of fun testing yourknowledge with the quiz, which are divided into different levels ofdifficulty.1 Choose your difficulty level (level 1 or level 2), then yourfavorite theme:- From prehistory to the antiquity- The Middle Ages- From the XV. to XVIII. Century- From the XIX. Century to the present2 Answer the 10 quiz questions. If you have selected one or morequestions, click on the button "Confirm" to see the solution. The"Confirm" button then turns into the button "Next" and allows youto go to the next question.Can you reach the maximum score of 200 points?
Literatura 1.1
La serie de aplicaciones "Aprendo" deLexibook®dirigida a usuarios de edades comprendidas entre los 12 y18 años tepermite aprender o repasar de manera tranquila ysosegada.¡Gracias a esta aplicación, dominar la Literatura teresultarámucho más fácil! Pon a prueba tus conocimientos sobreobras yescritores a través de juegos de preguntas con 2 nivelesdedificultad.1. Selecciona el nivel de dificultad deseado y, acontinuación,elige el tópico que te interese:Nivel 1:- Personajes y relatos- Teatro y poesía- EscritoresNivel 2:- Personajes y relatos- Teatro y poesía- Escritores- Géneros y corrientes literarias2. Contesta a las 10 preguntas que se formulan en el juegodepreguntas. Una vez que hayas seleccionado una o variasrespuestas,deberás hacer clic en el botón "Validar" para que semuestre larespuesta correcta. Tras esto, el botón "Validar" seconvierte enel botón "Siguiente", el cual te permite pasar a lasiguientepregunta.¿Estás listo para intentar alcanzar la puntuación máxima de200puntos?The series "Ilearn"Lexibook ® aimed at users aged between 12 and 18 allows youtolearn or review of calm and collected manner.Thanks to this application, dominate the literature will bemucheasier! Test your knowledge of works and writers throughquizzeswith 2 difficulty levels.1. Select the desired level of difficulty, and then selectthetopic that interests you:Level 1:- Characters and stories- Theatre and Poetry- WritersLevel 2:- Characters and stories- Theatre and Poetry- Writers- Gender and literary currentsTwo. Answer the 10 questions that are asked in the quiz. Onceyouhave selected one or more answers, you must click the "OK"button todisplay the correct answer. After this, the "OK" buttonbecomes the"Next" button, which allows you to move to the nextquestion.Are you ready to try to achieve the maximum score of200points?
J'apprends les Lettres 1.1
Avec la série Lexibook® J'apprends 3-6,votreenfant peut apprendre ou revoir les notions importantes delamaternelle. Guidé par ses amis les Yayé®, c'est en s'amusantqu'ilva pouvoir tester ses connaissances !De A à Z :L’enfant doit tout d’abord sélectionner une lettre del’alphabetparmi celles proposées.Pour chaque lettre, il accède à la séquence suivante :– une fiche découverte autour de la lettre (lettre écrite enpolicebâton et en police manuscrite, motd’illustration),– une série de jeux de découverte (reconnaître la lettre parmidesintrus, trouver les motscommençant par),– le tracé en minuscules et en majuscules.À l’issue de la séquence, l’enfant revient à la listedeslettres.Jeux de mots :L’enfant choisi un mode de jeu parmi les quatre proposés.Pourchaque mode, il accède à une série de jeux.Bonus :Il s’agit d’une animation autour du thème des lettres.
Giochi di logica 1.1
La serie di applicazioni Lexibook® Imparo12-18ti permette di imparare o ripassare in tutta tranquillità.Metti alla prova la tua capacità logica risolvendo irompicapidell'applicazione "Giochi di logica esperto"! Ogni seriecomprende4 rompicapi con cui potrai ottenere un massimo di 80punti. Sonopresenti due livelli di difficoltà. Sei pronto allasfida?Elenco delle serie disponibili:Osservazione e logica Livello 1Osservazione e logica Livello 2Giochi con i numeri Livello 1Giochi con i numeri Livello 2The number ofapplicationsLexibook ® I learn 12-18 allows you to learn or brushup in peace.Test your logic skills by solving the puzzles of the "LogicGamesexpert"! Each set includes 4 puzzles with which you can getamaximum of 80 points. There are two levels of difficulty. Areyouready for the challenge?List of series available:Observation and logic level 1Observation and logic level 2Play with the numbers Level 1Play with the numbers Level 2
Superquiz (12-18) IT 1.1
La serie di applicazioni Lexibook® Imparo12-18ti permette di imparare o ripassare in tutta tranquillità.Metti alla prova le tue conoscenze con una serie di quiz suarte,letteratura, storia, geografia e scienze!1. Inizia scegliendo il livello di difficoltà (Livello 1 oLivello2), poi l'argomento che preferisci.2. Rispondi alle 10 domande del quiz. Dopo aver selezionato unaopiù risposte, fai clic sul pulsante "Conferma" per visualizzarelasoluzione. Il pulsante "Conferma" si trasformerà nelpulsante"Seguente", che ti permetterà di passare alladomandasuccessiva.Sei pronto a ottenere il punteggio massimo di 200 punti?The number ofapplicationsLexibook ® I learn 12-18 allows you to learn or brushup in peace.Test your knowledge with a quiz series on art, literature,history,geography and science!1. Start by choosing the difficulty level (Level 1 or Level 2),thenthe topic of your choice.2. Answer the 10 questions in the quiz. After you select oneormore answers, click on the "Confirm" button to see thesolution.The "Confirm" button will turn into the button "Next",which willallow you to move to the next question.Are you ready to get the maximum score of 200 points?
Geografia 1.1
La serie di applicazioni Lexibook® Imparo12-18ti permette di imparare o ripassare in tutta tranquillità.Grazie a questa applicazione, la geografia non avrà piùsegreti!Metti alla prova le tue conoscenze sulle mappe del mondo,paesi ecapitali attraverso quiz di diverso livello.1. Scegli il livello di difficoltà (Livello 1 o Livello 2),poil'argomento che preferisci:- Aspetti generali- Cartografia- Idrografia e orografia- Paesi- Città e capitali2. Rispondi alle 10 domande del quiz. Dopo aver selezionato unaopiù risposte, fai clic sul pulsante "Conferma" per visualizzarelasoluzione. Il pulsante "Conferma" si trasformerà nelpulsante"Seguente", che ti permetterà di passare alladomandasuccessiva.Sei pronto a ottenere il punteggio massimo di 200 punti?The number ofapplicationsLexibook ® I learn 12-18 allows you to learn or brushup in peace.Thanks to this application, geography will have no secrets!Testyour knowledge of world maps, countries and capitals quizthroughdifferent levels.1. Choose the difficulty level (Level 1 or Level 2), thenthetopic that you like:- General aspects- Cartography- Hydrography and topography- Countries- Cities and capital2. Answer the 10 questions in the quiz. After you select oneormore answers, click on the "Confirm" button to see thesolution.The "Confirm" button will turn into the button "Next",which willallow you to move to the next question.Are you ready to get the maximum score of 200 points?
Matematica 1.1
La serie di applicazioni Lexibook® Imparo12-18ti permette di imparare o ripassare in tutta tranquillità.Grazie a questa applicazione, la matematica non avrà piùsegreti!Metti alla prova le tue conoscenze su numeri, geometria ogestionedei dati attraverso quiz di diverso livello.1. Scegli l'argomento da ripassare: Numeri Livello 1 o 2,GeometriaLivello 1 o 2, Gestione dei dati Livello 1 o 2.2. Rispondi alle 10 domande del quiz. Dopo aver selezionato unaopiù risposte, fai clic sul pulsante "Conferma" per visualizzarelasoluzione. Il pulsante "Conferma" si trasformerà nelpulsante"Seguente", che ti permetterà di passare alladomandasuccessiva.Sei pronto a ottenere il punteggio massimo di 200 punti?The number ofapplicationsLexibook ® I learn 12-18 allows you to learn or brushup in peace.Thanks to this application, the mathematics will have nosecrets!Test your knowledge of numbers, geometry, or datamanagement throughquizzes of different levels.1. Choose the topic to be reviewed: Numbers Level 1 or 2,GeometryLevel 1 or 2, Data Management Level 1 or 2.2. Answer the 10 questions in the quiz. After you select oneormore answers, click on the "Confirm" button to see thesolution.The "Confirm" button will turn into the button "Next",which willallow you to move to the next question.Are you ready to get the maximum score of 200 points?
Scienze 1.1
La serie di applicazioni Lexibook® Imparo12-18ti permette di imparare o ripassare in tutta tranquillità.Grazie a questa applicazione, la scienza non avrà piùsegreti!Metti alla prova le tue conoscenze di scienziato in erbaattraversouna serie di quiz suddivisi in 2 livelli.1. Inizia scegliendo il livello di difficoltà (Livello 1oLivello 2), poi l'argomento che preferisci: Aspettigenerali,Esseri viventi, Pianeta e piante.2. Rispondi alle 10 domande del quiz. Dopo aver selezionato unaopiù risposte, fai clic sul pulsante "Conferma" per visualizzarelasoluzione. Il pulsante "Conferma" si trasformerà nelpulsante"Seguente", che ti permetterà di passare alladomandasuccessiva.Sei pronto a ottenere il punteggio massimo di 200 punti?The number ofapplicationsLexibook ® I learn 12-18 allows you to learn or brushup in peace.Thanks to this application, the science will have nosecrets!Test your knowledge of budding scientist through a seriesofquizzes divided into 2 levels.1. Start by choosing the difficulty level (Level 1 or Level2),then the topic that you like: general aspects, livingbeings,plants and the planet.2. Answer the 10 questions in the quiz. After you select oneormore answers, click on the "Confirm" button to see thesolution.The "Confirm" button will turn into the button "Next",which willallow you to move to the next question.Are you ready to get the maximum score of 200 points?
Letteratura 1.1
La serie di applicazioni Lexibook® Imparo12-18ti permette di imparare o ripassare in tutta tranquillità.Grazie a questa applicazione, la letteratura non avràpiùsegreti! Metti alla prova le tue conoscenze su opere eletteratiattraverso quiz suddivisi in 2 livelli.1. Scegli il livello di difficoltà, poi l'argomentochepreferisci:Livello 1:- Personaggi e racconti- Teatro e poesia- LetteratiLivello 2:- Personaggi e racconti- Teatro e poesia- Letterati- Generi e correnti letterarie2. Rispondi alle 10 domande del quiz. Dopo aver selezionato unaopiù risposte, fai clic sul pulsante "Conferma" per visualizzarelasoluzione. Il pulsante "Conferma" si trasformerà nelpulsante"Seguente", che ti permetterà di passare alladomandasuccessiva.Sei pronto a ottenere il punteggio massimo di 200 punti?The number ofapplicationsLexibook ® I learn 12-18 allows you to learn or brushup in peace.Thanks to this application, the literature will have nosecrets!Test your knowledge of literary works and through quizzesdividedinto 2 levels.1. Choose the level of difficulty, then the topic thatyoulike:Level 1:- Characters and stories- Theatre and Poetry- WritersLevel 2:- Characters and stories- Theatre and Poetry- Writers- Create and literary currents2. Answer the 10 questions in the quiz. After you select oneormore answers, click on the "Confirm" button to see thesolution.The "Confirm" button will turn into the button "Next",which willallow you to move to the next question.Are you ready to get the maximum score of 200 points?
Storia 1.1
La serie di applicazioni Lexibook® Imparo12-18ti permette di imparare o ripassare in tutta tranquillità.Grazie a questa applicazione, la storia non avrà piùsegreti!Dalla preistoria ai giorni nostri, divertiti a testare letueconoscenze attraverso quiz di diverso livello.1. Scegli il livello di difficoltà (Livello 1 o Livello 2),poil'argomento che preferisci:- Dalla preistoria all'Antichità- Il Medioevo- Dal XV al XVIII secolo- Dal XIX secolo ai giorni nostri2. Rispondi alle 10 domande del quiz. Dopo aver selezionato unaopiù risposte, fai clic sul pulsante "Conferma" per visualizzarelasoluzione. Il pulsante "Conferma" si trasformerà nelpulsante"Seguente", che ti permetterà di passare alladomandasuccessiva.Sei pronto a ottenere il punteggio massimo di 200 punti?The number ofapplicationsLexibook ® I learn 12-18 allows you to learn or brushup in peace.Thanks to this application, the story will have no secrets!Fromprehistory to the present day, fun quiz to test yourknowledgethrough different levels.1. Choose the difficulty level (Level 1 or Level 2), thenthetopic that you like:- From Prehistory to Antiquity- The Middle Ages- From the fifteenth to the eighteenth century- From the nineteenth century to the present day2. Answer the 10 questions in the quiz. After you select oneormore answers, click on the "Confirm" button to see thesolution.The "Confirm" button will turn into the button "Next",which willallow you to move to the next question.Are you ready to get the maximum score of 200 points?
Kvíz Věda 1.1
Řada aplikací Lexibook® Učím se 12-18tiumožňuje učit se nebo si všechno důkladně zopakovat.Pomocí této aplikace už vědy nebudou mít žádná dalšítajemstvípro tebe! Otestuj si své znalosti nadějného vědce skvízovou sériírozdělenou do dvou úrovní.1. Chceš-li začít, vyber si úroveň obtížnosti (úroveň 1neboúroveň 2) a svůj oblíbený předmět: Obecné aspekty, živébytosti,rostliny a planety.2. Odpověz na 10 kvízových otázek. Jakmile jsi si vybraljednunebo více odpovědí, klikni na tlačítko „Potvrdit“ prozobrazenířešení. Tlačítko „Potvrdit“ se pak stává tlačítkem „Další“propřesun na další kvízovou úroveň.Jste připraven získat maximální skóre 200 bodů?Many applicationsLexibook® I learn 12-18 allows you to learn or everythingthoroughly again.With this application now science will have no more secretforyou! Test your knowledge with budding scientist quiz seriesdividedinto two levels.First If you want to get started, choose a level ofdifficulty(level 1 or level 2) and his favorite subject: Generalaspects ofliving beings, plants and the planet.Second Answer the 10 multiple-choice questions. Once youhaveselected one or more answers, click on the "Confirm" button toviewsolutions. "Confirm" button then becomes the "Next" button tomoveto the next level quiz.Are you ready to get the maximum score of 200 points?
Superkvíz CZ 12-18 1.1
Řada aplikací Lexibook® Učím se 12-18tiumožňuje učit se nebo si všechno důkladně zopakovat.Otestuj si své znalosti tím, že odpovíš na řadu kvízů zumění,literatury, historie, zeměpisu a vědy!1. Chceš-li začít, vyber si úroveň obtížnosti (úroveň 1neboúroveň 2) a svůj oblíbený předmět.2. Odpověz na 10 kvízových otázek. Jakmile jsi si vybraljednunebo více odpovědí, klikni na tlačítko „Potvrdit“ prozobrazenířešení. Tlačítko „Potvrdit“ se pak stává tlačítkem „Další“propřesun na další kvízovou úroveň.Jste připraven získat maximální skóre 200 bodů?Many applicationsLexibook® I learn 12-18 allows you to learn or everythingthoroughly again.Test your knowledge by taking quizzes answer to a number ofarts,literature, history, geography and science!First If you want to get started, choose a level ofdifficulty(level 1 or level 2) and his favorite subject.Second Answer the 10 multiple-choice questions. Once youhaveselected one or more answers, click on the "Confirm" button toviewsolutions. "Confirm" button then becomes the "Next" button tomoveto the next level quiz.Are you ready to get the maximum score of 200 points?
Naturwissenschaften 1.1
Die App-Reihe von Lexibook® Ich lerne12-18ermöglicht dir, ganz entspannt zu lernen und den Stoffzuwiederholen.Mit dieser App sind die Naturwissenschaften kein Geheimnismehrfür dich! Teste dein Wissen über Naturwissenschaft anhandeinerQuizserie, die in zwei Schwierigkeitsstufen unterteiltist.1. Um anzufangen, wähle deine Schwierigkeitsstufe (Stufe 1oderStufe 2), dann dein bevorzugtes Thema: allgemeineFakten,Lebewesen, Planeten und Pflanzen.2. Beantworte die 10 Quizfragen. Wenn du eine oder mehrereFragenausgewählt hast, klicke auf die Schaltfläche «Bestätigen»,um dieLösung anzuzeigen. Die Schaltfläche «Bestätigen» verwandeltsichdann in die Schaltfläche «Weiter» und ermöglicht dir, zurnächstenFrage zu gehen.Kannst du die Höchstpunktzahl von 200 Punkten erreichen?The app series Lexibook®I learn 12-18 enables you completely relaxed to learn andrepeatthe fabric.With this app, the natural sciences are no longer a mysteryforyou! Test your knowledge of science based on a quiz series,whichis divided into two levels of difficulty.1 To begin, select your difficulty level (level 1 or level2),then your favorite theme: general facts, creatures, planetsandplants.2 Answer the 10 quiz questions. If you have selected one ormorequestions, click on the button "Confirm" to see the solution.The"Confirm" button then turns into the button "Next" and allowsyouto go to the next question.Can you reach the maximum score of 200 points?
Historia 1.1
La serie de aplicaciones "Aprendo" deLexibook®dirigida a usuarios de edades comprendidas entre los 12 y18 años tepermite aprender o repasar de manera tranquila ysosegada.¡Gracias a esta aplicación, dominar la Historia teresultarámucho más fácil! Desde la prehistoria hasta nuestrosdías,diviértete poniendo a prueba tus conocimientos a través dejuegosde preguntas clasificados por diferentes niveles dedificultad.1. Selecciona el nivel de dificultad deseado (nivel 1 o 2) y,acontinuación, elige el tópico que te interese:- De la Prehistoria a la Antigüedad- Edad Media- Del siglo XV al XVIII- Del siglo XIX a nuestros días2. Contesta a las 10 preguntas que se formulan en el juegodepreguntas. Una vez que hayas seleccionado una o variasrespuestas,deberás hacer clic en el botón "Validar" para que semuestre larespuesta correcta. Tras esto, el botón "Validar" seconvierte enel botón "Siguiente", el cual te permite pasar a lasiguientepregunta.¿Estás listo para intentar alcanzar la puntuación máxima de200puntos?The series "Ilearn"Lexibook ® aimed at users aged between 12 and 18 allows youtolearn or review of calm and collected manner.Thanks to this application, mastering history will bemucheasier! From prehistory to the present day, have fun testingyourknowledge through quizzes classified by different levelsofdifficulty.1. Select the desired level of difficulty (level 1 or 2),andthen select the topic that interests you:- From Prehistory to Antiquity- Age Media- From the fifteenth century to the eighteenth- From the nineteenth century to todayTwo. Answer the 10 questions that are asked in the quiz. Onceyouhave selected one or more answers, you must click the "OK"button todisplay the correct answer. After this, the "OK" buttonbecomes the"Next" button, which allows you to move to the nextquestion.Are you ready to try to achieve the maximum score of200points?
Geografía 1.1
La serie de aplicaciones "Aprendo" deLexibook®dirigida a usuarios de edades comprendidas entre los 12 y18 años tepermite aprender o repasar de manera tranquila ysosegada.¡Gracias a esta aplicación, dominar la Geografía teresultarámucho más fácil! Pon a prueba tus conocimientos sobremapas delmundo, países y capitales a través de juegos depreguntasclasificados por diferentes niveles de dificultad.1. Selecciona el nivel de dificultad deseado (nivel 1 o 2) y,acontinuación, elige el tópico que te interese:- Temática general- Cartografía- Aguas, relieves y accidentes geográficos- Países- Ciudades y capitales2. Contesta a las 10 preguntas que se formulan en el juegodepreguntas. Una vez que hayas seleccionado una o variasrespuestas,deberás hacer clic en el botón "Validar" para que semuestre larespuesta correcta. Tras esto, el botón "Validar" seconvierte enel botón "Siguiente", el cual te permite pasar a lasiguientepregunta.¿Estás listo para intentar alcanzar la puntuación máxima de200puntos?The series "Ilearn"Lexibook ® aimed at users aged between 12 and 18 allows youtolearn or review of calm and collected manner.Thanks to this application, Geography master will be mucheasier!Test your knowledge of world maps, countries and capitalsthroughquizzes classified by different levels of difficulty.1. Select the desired level of difficulty (level 1 or 2),andthen select the topic that interests you:- General Theme- Cartography- Waters, reliefs and landforms- Countries- Cities and CapitalTwo. Answer the 10 questions that are asked in the quiz. Onceyouhave selected one or more answers, you must click the "OK"button todisplay the correct answer. After this, the "OK" buttonbecomes the"Next" button, which allows you to move to the nextquestion.Are you ready to try to achieve the maximum score of200points?
Juego de lógica 1.1
La serie de aplicaciones "Aprendo" deLexibook®dirigida a usuarios de edades comprendidas entre los 12 y18 años tepermite aprender o repasar de manera tranquila ysosegada.¡Pon a prueba tu razonamiento lógico resolviendo losenigmasofrecidos por la aplicación "Juego de lógica, expertos"!Cada serieincluye 4 enigmas a resolver y que pueden proporcionarteun máximode 80 puntos. Hay dos niveles de dificultad. ¿Serás capazdesuperar los retos?Lista de series disponibles:Observación y lógica - Nivel 1Observación y lógica - Nivel 2Juego de los números - Nivel 1Juego de los números - Nivel 2The series "Ilearn"Lexibook ® aimed at users aged between 12 and 18 allows youtolearn or review of calm and collected manner.Test your logical reasoning solving riddles offered bytheapplication "Game logic experts"! Each set includes 4 puzzlestosolve and can provide a maximum of 80 points. There are twolevelsof difficulty. Will you be able to overcome thechallenges?List of series available:Observation and logic - Level 1Observation and logic - Level 2Numbers Game - Level 1Numbers Game - Level 2
Arte 1.1
La serie de aplicaciones "Aprendo" deLexibook®dirigida a usuarios de edades comprendidas entre los 12 y18 años tepermite aprender o repasar de manera tranquila ysosegada.¡Gracias a esta aplicación, dominar el arte te resultarámuchomás fácil! Diviértete poniendo a prueba tus conocimientos atravésde juegos de preguntas clasificados por diferentes nivelesdedificultad.1. Selecciona el nivel de dificultad deseado (nivel 1 o 2) y,acontinuación, elige el tópico que te interese:- Arquitectura y escultura- Pintura- Música- Cine2. Contesta a las 10 preguntas que se formulan en el juegodepreguntas. Una vez que hayas seleccionado una o variasrespuestas,deberás hacer clic en el botón "Validar" para que semuestre larespuesta correcta. Tras esto, el botón "Validar" seconvierte enel botón "Siguiente", el cual te permite pasar a lasiguientepregunta.¿Estás listo para intentar alcanzar la puntuación máxima de200puntos?The series "Ilearn"Lexibook ® aimed at users aged between 12 and 18 allows youtolearn or review of calm and collected manner.Thanks to this application, mastering the art will bemucheasier! Have fun testing your knowledge through quizzesclassifiedby different levels of difficulty.1. Select the desired level of difficulty (level 1 or 2),andthen select the topic that interests you:- Architecture and sculpture- Painting- Music- CinemaTwo. Answer the 10 questions that are asked in the quiz. Onceyouhave selected one or more answers, you must click the "OK"button todisplay the correct answer. After this, the "OK" buttonbecomes the"Next" button, which allows you to move to the nextquestion.Are you ready to try to achieve the maximum score of200points?
Quiz de la vida cotidiana 1.1
La serie de Lexibook® "Estoy aprendiendo"ayudaa los niños a aprender o revisar conceptos importantesaprendidos enel periodo preescolar. Con eficaces guías como la deYayé®, ¡losniños se divierten mientras comprueban susconocimientos!Los niños pueden usar esta aplicación para responder a unaseriede preguntas sobre la vida cotidiana.Los ocho temas de esta sección son: juegos y juguetes,deporte,el cuerpo humano, ropa, colegio, trabajos, fiestas y mediosdetransporte.Una vez que el niño ha seleccionado una o varias respuestas,debepulsar el botón "Validate" (Validar) para ver la solución. Elbotón"Validate" pasa a ser el botón "Next" (Siguiente) paraavanzar alsiguiente nivel de preguntas.Al final de una ronda de juego, se le pide al niño que introduzcasunombre para guardar su nueva puntuación. La puntuaciónquedaregistrada en la lista de "high scores" (puntuación alta) a laquese puede acceder directamente desde la página de inicio delaaplicación.Lexibook ® series"I'mlearning" helps children learn or review important conceptslearnedin the preschool period. With effective guides like Yayé ®,thekids have fun while they check their knowledge!Children can use this application to answer a series ofquestionsabout everyday life.The eight topics in this section are: toys, sports, thehumanbody, clothing, school, work, parties and transportation.Once the child has selected one or more answers, click onthe"Validate" (Confirm) button to see the solution. The"Validate"button becomes the "Next" (Next) button to advance to thenextlevel of questions.At the end of a round of play, the child is asked to enter yournameto save your new score. The score is recorded in the list of"highscores" (high score) that can be accessed directly from thehomepage of the application.
Quiz de la naturaleza 1.1
La serie de Lexibook® "Estoy aprendiendo"ayudaa los niños a aprender o revisar conceptos importantesaprendidos enel periodo preescolar. Con eficaces guías como la deYayé®, ¡losniños se divierten mientras comprueban susconocimientos!Los niños pueden usar esta aplicación para responder a unaseriede preguntas sobre la naturaleza. Los ocho temas de estasecciónson: flores, árboles, frutas, verduras, el tiempometeorológico,los mares y océanos, las montañas y los desiertos,debajo de latierra.Una vez que el niño ha seleccionado una o varias respuestas,debepulsar el botón "Validate" (Validar) para ver la solución. Elbotón"Validate" pasa a ser el botón "Next" (Siguiente) paraavanzar alsiguiente nivel de preguntas.Al final de una ronda de juego, se le pide al niño que introduzcasunombre para guardar su nueva puntuación. La puntuaciónquedaregistrada en la lista de "high scores" (puntuación alta) a laquese puede acceder directamente desde la página de inicio delaaplicación.Lexibook ® series"I'mlearning" helps children learn or review important conceptslearnedin the preschool period. With effective guides like Yayé ®,thekids have fun while they check their knowledge!Children can use this application to answer a series ofquestionsabout nature. The eight topics in this section are:flowers, trees,fruits, vegetables, weather, seas and oceans,mountains and deserts,underground.Once the child has selected one or more answers, click onthe"Validate" (Confirm) button to see the solution. The"Validate"button becomes the "Next" (Next) button to advance to thenextlevel of questions.At the end of a round of play, the child is asked to enter yournameto save your new score. The score is recorded in the list of"highscores" (high score) that can be accessed directly from thehomepage of the application.
Desenez 1.1
Gama Învăț (3-6) a firmei Lexibook®ajutăcopiii să învețe și să examineze conceptele importantedegrădiniță. Cu ghizi prietenoși ca Yayé®, copiii se vor amuzaîntimp ce-și testează cunoștințele!Această aplicație îi învață pe copii să deseneze obiectehaioaseîntr-un mod ușor!Copiii sunt invitați să traseze forma obiectelor haioase cuajutoruldegetului.Un model în filigran va ghida copilul pentruefectuareadesenului. Desenul este terminat când copilul reușește sătrasezetot conturul.Studying range (3-6)ofthe company Lexibook ® helps children learn and reviewimportantconcepts in kindergarten. With friends like YAYE ® guides,kidswill have fun while testing their knowledge!This application teaches children to draw objects in aslightlyfunny!Children are invited to draw funny shape objects withyourfinger.A filigree pattern will guide the child to perform thedrawing.The drawing is done when the child fails to draw allcontours.
Faço puzzles 1.1
A série "Estou a Aprender" da Lexibook®(3-6)ajuda as crianças a aprender ou a rever conceitos importantesdapré-primária. Com guias amigáveis, como o Yayé®’s, ascriançasdivertem-se enquanto testam os seus conhecimentos!As crianças podem usar esta aplicação para arrastar e ligarpeçascom o dedo, para recriar dez imagens.As peças são dispostas do lado esquerdo, com a marca de águaalvodo lado direito. As crianças podem escolher entre três níveisdedificuldade: Fácil (3 peças), normal (6 peças) e difícil (9peças).O modo fácil abre por defeito.O puzzle é completado quando a criança mover com sucessocadapeça para o local correcto.The series "I'mLearning"Lexibook ® (3-6) helps children learn or review importantconceptsin preschool. With friendly guides like yaye ® 's childrenhave funwhile testing your knowledge!Children can use this application to drag and connectingpieceswith your finger to recreate ten images.The pieces are arranged on the left side with watermark targetonthe right. Children can choose from three levels of difficulty:Easy(3 pieces), normal (6 pieces) and hard (9 pieces). The easywayopens by default.The puzzle is completed when the child successfully moveeachpiece to the right place.
Logiksiele 1.1
Die App-Reihe von Lexibook® Ich lerne12-18ermöglicht dir, ganz entspannt zu lernen und den Stoffzuwiederholen.Teste dein logisches Denken, indem du die Rätsel der App„JuniorLogikspiele“ löst! Jede Reihe besteht aus 4 Rätseln, mitdenen dueine Höchstpunktzahl von 80 Punkten erzielen kannst. Esgibt zweiSchwierigkeitsstufen. Wirst du dich derHerausforderungstellen?Liste der verfügbaren Themen:Beobachten und Logik Stufe 1Beobachten und Logik Stufe 2Zahlenspiele Stufe 1Zahlenspiele Stufe 2The app series Lexibook®I learn 12-18 enables you completely relaxed to learn andrepeatthe fabric.Test your logical thinking by solving the riddle of theapp"Junior logic games"! Each row consists of 4 puzzles, withwhichyou can achieve a maximum score of 80 points. There are twolevelsof difficulty. Will you accept the challenge?List of available topics:Observation and logic level 1Observation and logic level 2Number Games Level 1The numbers game level 2
Faccio dei puzzle 1.1
La serie Lexibook® Io imparo (3-6) aiutaibambini a imparare o ripassare importanti concettiinsegnatidurante la scuola materna. Con simpatiche guide come gliYayé®, ibambini imparano divertendosi!I bambini possono usare questa applicazione per trascinareecollegare i pezzi con le dita per ricreare dieci immagini.I pezzi sono disposti sul lato sinistro e l'oggettointrasparenza sul lato destro. I bambini possono scegliere fratrelivelli di difficoltà: facile (3 pezzi), normale (6 pezzi)edifficile (9 pezzi). Il livello predefinito è facile.Il puzzle è completato quando il bambino è riuscito aspostareogni pezzo al posto giusto.The series Lexibook ®Ilearn (3-6) helps children to learn or revise importantconceptstaught in the kindergarten. With friendly guides such asYAYE ®,children learn while having fun!Children can use this application to drag and connect thepieceswith your fingers to create ten images.The pieces are arranged on the left side and the objectintransparency on the right side. Children can choose fromthreelevels of difficulty: easy (3 pieces), normal (6 pieces) andhard(9 pieces). The default level is easy.The puzzle is completed when the child is able to move eachpiecein the right place.
Ich male aus 1.1
Die Serie Ich lerne (3-6) von Lexibook®hilftKindern, zu lernen oder wichtigeVorschul-/Kindergarten-Konzepte zuwiederholen. Mit freundlichenHelfern wie Yayé® haben Kinder beimTesten ihrer Kenntnisse vielSpaß!In dieser App malen Kinder Gegenstände mithilfe ihrer Fingeraus.Hierzu klicken sie auf die Zonen des Gegenstandes.Den Kindern wird eine Farbpalette bereitgestellt. Sieklickeneinfach auf eine Farbe, um sie auszuwählen, und berührendann dieZone, die sie ausmalen möchten. Mit dem Radier-Tool könnensie alleAktionen löschen und wieder vorne beginnen.The series I'mlearning(3-6) by Lexibook ® helps kids to learn, or to repeatimportantVorschul-/Kindergarten-Konzepte. Yours helpers as YAYE ®Childrenin testing their knowledge have fun!In this app children draw objects using their fingers. Forthispurpose, click on the areas of the object.The children are provided a color palette. Simply click onacolor to select it, and then touch the zone that you want topaint.With the eraser tool you can easily remove all actions andstartover again.
Lexibook® Connect' Spy Move 1.0
Discretely explore your environment withthiscar that you remotely control from your smartphone or tablet!Use the Spy Move® application to remotely control theLexibookSpy Move® spy car (MFG230). Cutting edge technology enablesyou tosee and record everything that it films for hours of fun!The ultimate application for secret agent infiltrations:- Live broadcast of the images filmed by the car- Audio and video recording- Controlled via the touchscreen joystick... orgravitysensor!- Night vision- The car can memorise and replicate routesOperates via a Wi-Fi connection.Hours of guaranteed fun once the application is installed!Steer your car from your room to explore the other rooms ofthehouse and delight your friends with top secret videos!