Looigi'Soft Приложения

MP3 Organizer & Player 4.0
The app allows you to manage easily andquickly all the MP3s inside the phone. You can rename, move,organize and delete duplicates only by pressing a button.The procedure will be able to:- Organize the folders in mp3. The feature will work in a fullyautomatic way and move the files according to the tag inside themp3. Then you can change the tag and therefore the audio file willmove to the new destination- Choose the mode of organization of files (album / year /author)- Handle tags inside the mp3- Download tags from the web if they were not present within theaudio file- Download covers for albums following the reorganization- Remove duplicate audio files with the ability to performbackup- Search for filtering them by the presence of mp3 tags andname- Delete empty folders from the source path- Listen to mp3- Simplified startup screen- Added player MP3/WMA- Equalizer- Download album covers (PRO version only)- Download song Lyrics (PRO version only)- Ability to hide the player- Buttons on the notification bar (only PRO version)- Search filter- Spectrum analyzer- Management of favorite songs- Management of the lyrics- Pronunciation of the information of the song you listenedto- Management organizer with simultaneous listening of tracks- Management of the tags for mp3 files does not- Fixed layout for small screens- Added repeat functionality- Added ability to access the web for word processing (PROversion)- Added ability to access the web for image management (PROversion)- Added functionality to edit tags directly during playYou can decide to use the same folder, or choose a different oneto do the choices.The PRO version differs from the free (and ad-free) or less fora chance to download the covers and perform searches by text.
Guess the star, the singer 3.1
Guess the singer. Simple game to demonstrateyour skills as a connoisseur in the world of song and Italian andforeign music?. For now in the quiz, there are 11 levels ofincreasing difficulty but the challenge is going to increase.In the new version, later registrants will be able to become partof the overall standings online. Now you can show everyone to be asgood at recognizing the players.You can still continue to play as with the previous version even ifanonymously and without participating in the standings.For any problems please contact me at the email address. Thank youall.
FREE Ram 1.6
Very simple app widget to display using thefree memory available to the phone at all times. The refresh is setto half an hour to be lighter on the operating system. The graphicpart is fully customizable in terms of both colortransparency.
Name-Days Pro 1.8
Name-days Pro: the new app of Looigi'Softthatwill allow you to remind you of anniversaries of yourclosestfriends. Through this application and its related widget, infact,you will not miss not even a saint of the day and every one ofthemyou will discover the life and the most interesting featuresoftheir earthly lives.Aside from the widget, which at a glance will reveal to you,theSaint of the day, the procedure will cycle through the namesinyour address book to find all occurrences of the current dateandpossibly to ship to your best friend a text messageofcongratulations fully automatic ?. You just have to choosethemessage from already-set or write a new one and press theenterkey.The app will also allow the research to find out which dayrefersto the name-day of any name.A simple note: we have noticed that on some phones, startthewidget without first running the app once, could lead toanunexpected procedure?. If, however, you start the procedurebeforeyou install the widget and then there will be no problem.Weapologize for the inconvenience.Please communicate any errors or inaccuracies in the db oftheSaints.
BikersFinder 3.2
Bikers Finder permetterà a tutti gliamantidelle due ruote (e non solo) di rilevare e comunicare con ipropriamici. Tramite la mappa sarà possibile seguire i proprispostamentied essere eventualmente avvertiti se uno degli utentiche abbiamoregistrato, capiterà nelle nostre vicinanze. Ovviamentesaràpossibile disattivare la propria visualizzazione se non sivuolefar sapere dove ci si trova come sarà possibile aggiungereodeliminare utenti o scambiarsi messaggi.L'app si presta a mille soluzioni e solo l'utente sarà liberodiscegliere quale utilizzare: raggiungere un amico visualizzandolointempo reale sulla mappa, rendere l'app un antifurtosatellitarelasciando il telefono attivo nascosto nel veicolo eintercettandoloda un altro apparecchio, scoprire se ci sono utentiamici neidintorni per contattarli, guidare un amico a distanza perfarciraggiungere, utilizzare l'app per capire dove ci si trovaeritrovare la strada di casa, controllare il figlio olamoglie/marito senza farsi notare... Insomma solo la fantasia èillimite per questa applicazione. La versione PRO(prossimamente)oltre a non avere pubblicità darà anche lapossibilità di crearedei gruppi per gestire le amicizie e levisibilità relative alivello di utente. Quindi potremo decidere sel'utente di un gruppoo direttamente tutto il gruppo potrà rilevarcio meno.Attenzione! Ovviamente l'applicazione renderà pubblica lapropriaposizione quindi la installi soltanto chi è disposto a farcapiredove si trova anche se sarà possibile disabilitare ilcontrolloBikers Finder willallowall the lovers of two wheels (and not only) to detectandcommunicate with their friends. Through the map you canfollowtheir movements and possibly be warned if one of the usersthathave registered, happen in our neighborhood. Of course you canturnoff your display if you do not want to let people know whereyouare located as you can add or remove users orexchangingmessages.The app lends itself to a thousand solutions, and only the userisfree to choose which one to use: get a friend in real timeanddisplays it on the map, making the app a satellite alarmleavingthe active phone hidden in the vehicle and interceptinganothertelephone , find out if there are users friends in the areatocontact them, drive a friend at a distance for us to reach, usetheapp to figure out where you are and find your way home, makesurethe child or his / her spouse without being noticed. Well ..onlythe imagination is the limit for this application. The PROversion(coming soon) as well as not having advertising will alsogive youthe ability to create groups to manage friendships andvisibilityrelative to the user level. Then we can decide if theuser directlyto a group or the entire group can rilevarci or less.Attention! Obviously, the application will make publicitsposition then install only those who are willing to make itclearwhere he is even if you can disable the control
Androperation 1.5
Purpose of the game is to solvethemathematical operations expressed in video. The questionmarkcorresponds to the unknown to find and can be a number oramathematical sign. We start from a basic level, but becareful,slowly become more and more complex operations. Do not befooled bythe relative ease of the first few levels, in continuingthe game,in fact, the elements to guess the numbers will increaseas thenumbers taken into account for operations. You will have theaidbut, the latter, will be limited in number and at each levelwillcost more and more points.There are two game modes. The mode 'Relax' allows you toperformcalculations with more calm while the Arcade manages levelswith atime counter and points will be in direct proportion to thenumberof seconds remaining. A Half ends the points that will begiven inthe mode 'Arcade' are very similar to those in themode'Relax'.Scala too general classification and shows everyone to be as goodatsolving the puzzles of mathematical Androperation.
Wallpaper changer 2.3
Have you ever searched on the marketanapplication to change the background at regular intervals ofourbeloved cell phone? All right. Either you are in charge orhavevery limited or, finally, are full of bugs. With this app youcando this with a minimum battery consumption and by setting onlytwoparameters such as time and the display mode.Nothing else. I hope that the simplicity and convenience arethebest weapon for this application.
Guess the soccer player 4.2
Guess the soccer player. Simple gametodemonstrate your skills as a connoisseur of the world offootball.Can you complete all of the quizzes, each containing 15playersfrom different teams and not Italian? For now there are 10levelsof increasing difficulty but the challenge is goingtoincrease.In the new version, later registrants will be able to become partofthe overall standings online. Now you can show everyone to beasgood at recognizing the players.You can still continue to play as with the previous version evenifanonymously and without participating in the standings.For any problems please contact me at the email address. Thankyouall.
Guess the soccer player 1.3
Guess the soccer player. Simple gametodemonstrate your skills as a connoisseur of the world offootball.Can you complete all of the quizzes, each containing 15playersfrom different teams and not Italian? For now there are 12levelsof increasing difficulty but the challenge is goingtoincrease.In the new version, later registrants will be able to become partofthe overall standings online. Now you can show everyone to beasgood at recognizing the players.You can still continue to play as with the previous version evenifanonymously and without participating in the standings.In the new version now the game is divided into levels orclassicmillionaire. Guess the player is proposed on the screen bychoosingfrom a shortlist of four names.For any problems please contact me at the email address.Thankyou all.
Guess the football player OldiesEdition.Simple game to demonstrate your skills as a connoisseur oftheworld of football. Can you complete all of the quizzes,eachcontaining 15 players from different teams and not Italian? Fornowthere are 12 levels of increasing difficulty but the challengeisgoing to increase.In the new version, later registrants will be able to become partofthe overall standings online. Now you can show everyone to beasgood at recognizing the players.You can still continue to play as with the previous version evenifanonymously and without participating in the standings.For any problems please contact me at the email address. Thankyouall.
Spy-ator DONATE 2.3
Spy-ator: The app that will allow you tomakephotos directly from a dedicated widget to be placed on thehomephone. You can, at any time, just by pressing the relevanticon,take a picture and trovarsela directly into the defaultdirectoryis / sdcard / LooigiSoft / Spiator / db without any othereffort.It will not be necessary to open the procedure, frame andpress theshutter button. Everything will be automated andtransparent. Theshutter sound will be masked.The procedure allows the configuration to use the front orbackcamera to the resolution you want to hide the images to thegalleryusing an extension other than that of the known images, setthenumber of consecutive shots, and even use a countdown.In the new version you can also make video, record a userand,through the latter, transferring the images taken on a webspace tore-import them later.For the sake hardware on some phone models the procedure failstorecognize the resolutions and will therefore not be possible totakepictures. However, we are trying to solve the problem.
are you there? 2
The app will allow to detect andcommunicatewith their friends in a fully automatic way . On the mapyou canfollow their movements and possibly be warned if one of theusersthat have registered , happen in our neighborhood . Of courseyoucan turn off your display if you do not want to let peopleknowwhere you are located as you can add or remove users orexchangingmessages.The app lends itself to a thousand solutions, and only the userisfree to choose which one to use : get a friend in real timeanddisplays it on the map, making the app a satellite alarmleavingthe active phone hidden in the vehicle and interceptinganothertelephone , find out if there are users friends in the areatocontact them, drive a friend at a distance for us to reach ,usethe app to figure out where you are and find your way home ,makesure the child or his / her spouse without being noticed . Well..only the imagination is the limit for this application. UsingtheGroups feature , also , we can decide if the user directly toagroup or the whole group we will be able to detect whether ornotand let us see just who we want .Attention ! Obviously, the application will make publicitsposition then install only those who are willing to make itclearwhere he is even if you can disable the control .To make the most of the application , you will need to enableGPSfunctionality or connection to mobile networks to detecttheposition (A-GPS ), otherwise we will stop in the middle oftheAtlantic Ocean and the program will lose sense
LooPlayer 3.1
The app allows you to listen comfortablyandquickly all the music files present in the phone. Theprocedurewill be able to:- Download covers for albums- Listen to mp3- Equalize the sound- Make downloads album art- Make lyrics song downloads- Have the ability to hide the player during the sound- Use the procedure via buttons on the notification bar- Use search filters- Spectrum analyzer display- Manage favorite songs- Pronunciation of the information of the song heard- Repeat functionality
MaChiSei 1.6
Spesso capita che riceviamo telefonatedanumeri non conosciuti o mail da persone che non abbiamomaicontattato e rimaniamo lì a chiederci chi sia che ci hacercato.Questa applicazione scansiona il web alla ricerca di datirelativiall'informazione che cerchiamo. Sarà possibile effettuarericerchenella rubrica interna del cellulare, nel web (come numero)e sugoogle oppure immettere un nome o un nick e la proceduraeffettueràuna ricerca di esso nei principali social network comeFacebook,G+, Twitter e Linkedin.Come ultima possibilità si potranno aggiungere i proprinumericonosciuti per renderli disponibili alla ricerca degli altriutentie così condividere le proprie esperienze positive o negativecon unparticolare telefono.Often we receivephonecalls from unknown numbers or emails from people who havenevercontacted and remain there to ask who it is that we tried.Thisapplication scans the web looking for information relatingtoinformation we seek. It will be possible to search in thephone'sinternal phone, the web (such as number) and on google, orenter aname or a nickname, and the procedure will search for it inthemajor social networks like Facebook, G+, TwitterandLinkedin.As a last resort you can add your own numbers known to makethemavailable to the research of others, and so share theirpositive ornegative experiences with a particular phone.
Aforismi 4.2 - Donate 1.0
Simple viewer in Italian language andcleverphrases or aphorisms that can make you think. The archivecontainsabout 17000 and there is something for all tastes, rangingfromSocrates to Gesualdo Bufalino passing by Woody Allen. Thenewversion also allows copying to the clipboard the aphorismappears.New version:- Added Widgets- Added parameter Widgets- Added sharing aphorism- Added color management widget title
Guess the car model 2.5
Guess the car model. Simple game todemonstrateyour skills as a connoisseur in the world of motors.Recognize aparticular model of Ferrari or Lamborghini. For nowthere are 7levels of increasing difficulty but the challenge isgoing toincrease.
Free RAM - Donate 1.2
Free RAM: Very simple app widget todisplayusing the free memory available to the phone at all times.Therefresh is set to half an hour to avoid encumbering theoperatingsystem but it is possible to refresh at all times. Thegraphic partis fully customizable in terms of both colortransparency.
Password 1.0
With this application you will be abletoconveniently manage all data related to your personalpasswords.The same will be encrypted and stored in a specialdatabase formaximum security.
Wallpaper Changer DONATE 1.5
Wallpaper Changer DONATE
Aphorisms 2.0
Simple viewer and clever phrases oraphorismsthat can make you think. The archive contains about 17000and thereis something for all tastes, ranging from Socrates toGesualdoBufalino passing by Woody Allen. The new version alsoallowscopying to the clipboard the aphorism appears.
Name Days 2.2
Name-days: the new app of Looigi'Soft thatwillallow you to remind you of anniversaries of your closestfriends.Through this application and its related widget, in fact,you willnot miss not even a saint of the day and every one of themyou willdiscover the life and the most interesting features oftheir earthlylives.Aside from the widget, which at a glance will reveal to you,theSaint of the day, the procedure will cycle through the namesinyour address book to find all occurrences of the current dateandpossibly to ship to your best friend a text messageofcongratulations fully automatic ?. You just have to choosethemessage from already-set or write a new one and press theenterkey.The app will also allow the research to find out which dayrefersto the name-day of any name.A simple note: we have noticed that on some phones, startthewidget without first running the app once, could lead toanunexpected procedure?. If, however, you start the procedurebeforeyou install the widget and then there will be no problem.Weapologize for the inconvenience.Please communicate any errors or inaccuracies in the db oftheSaints.This trial version has all the features of the paidversionexcept the sending of text messages. To get the full versionlookfor the app Onomastici Pro, also of Looigi Soft.
Same files cleaner 1.1
The application allows you to find anddeletedouble files present inside the phone. And 'possible todetectimages, audio and video files and workbooks can bespecified.
lottoDroid 1.2
LottoDroid. La più completa applicazione perilgioco del Lotto. Tramite questa procedura sarà possibile gestireevisualizzare, senza fronzoli inutili, statistiche di ognitiporelative alle estrazioni del gioco del Lotto. Un elencodellefunzionalità disponibili:- possibilità di visualizzare le estrazioni dal 1939 finoadoggi- ritardi- frequenze- serie- massimi- ricerche di ogni tipo su tutte le ruote- ricorrenze- smorfia napoletana- interpretazione dei sogni- applicazione completamente gratuita- molto altre statistiche e previsioni da implementarenelleversioni successiveMa soprattutto le previsioni del lottologo Canrad....Ricordatevi della LooigiSoft e di Canrad nel momentodellavincita e che non bisogna eccedere nel gioco...LottoDroid. Themostcomplete application for Lottery games. This procedure will beableto manage and display, without unnecessary frills, statisticsofany kind relating to the extraction of the Lotto game. A listofthe features available:- Ability to view extracts from 1939 until today- Delays- Frequencies- Series- Maximum- Searches of each type on all wheels- Anniversaries- Neapolitan grimace- Interpretation of Dreams- Totally free application- A lot of other statistics and forecasts to be implemented inlaterversionsBut above all the forecasts of the lottologo Canrad.Remember the ... LooigiSoft and Canrad in the moment ofwinningand that we must not exceed in the game ...
Same files cleaner 1.4
The application allows you to find anddeletedouble files present inside the phone. And 'possible todetectimages, audio and video files and workbooks can bespecified.