Malinko Health & Care Tech Ltd Приложения

Civica Scheduling (Malinko)
Malinko Health & Care Tech Ltd
The staff mobile app to accompany the main Civica Scheduling cloudbased system.
AlwaysOnTime 4.68
Malinko Health & Care Tech Ltd
The the Always On Time mobile phone app is an add on to theAdvancedAlways On Time Schedule Scheduling System (BusinessManagementSoftware). The Always On Time App is the perfectaccompaniment forany user of the Always On Time cloud basedsystem. Tracking Whetheryou are checking on today’s list of jobsor want more information onspecific jobs by clicking on your nextvisit the Always On Time isfast, simple and reliable to use. Iteven offers you the opportunityto see where your next Job isscheduled for and the distance it isfrom where you are currently.All you need to do is make sure thatyour Location access isactivated and then tap “View on map”. Thistakes you through toyour mapping app and gives you directions.Messaging You can viewand respond to any messages that you receivefrom the Main Web Appinstantly. All message logs and responses arestored in the AlwaysOn Time System so that you can see exactly whena message wasviewed through our main web app. simply tap on theEnvelope to seeyour messages. No lag. No delay. All tabs openwithin seconds ofyou opening them which means no frustration foryou whilst usingit. Your staff can see when the message was sentto. A greatfeature of the Mobile App is the Call Duty Managerbutton. If youclick this it takes you to your phone and you willcall the numberstored in Always On Time as the duty manager phone.This is usefulfor emergencies or out of hours situations. All ofthe numbers ofyour customers that were stored into Always On Timeare linked ontothe phone too so you when you open a job you cancall the numberfor that house. This is very useful in emergencycancellations orrescheduling. And although you will need a 3G orWiFi connection tolog in to the mobile app, you won’t need tomaintain a signal touse the app.