Top 17 Apps Similar to Elektrik Gerilim Düşümü Hesabı

Elektrik Cep Kitabı 0.1
Electric Pocket Book is for those working in the electricitysector.
ElLi - Pro, Расчет проводки 1.3.34
Elli, help calculate electrical wiring, and otherelectricalcalculations.
CuCalc - расчёт сечения кабеля 2.2.1
The calculation and selection section of the wire or cable
Electrician Calculator Pro 4.0
Electrician Calculator - Easy to use, NEC compatible,electriccalculator!
Помощник электрика 16
С помощью данного приложениявозможнорассчитать:-сопротивление проводника в зависимости от материала,длины,сечения, температуры;-сечение проводника;-потери напряжения для сети 380/220 В при равномернойнагрузкефаз;-заземляющее устройство;-электрическое отопление;-ток плавления проводов;-резистор для светодиода;-шунт для амперметра;-ток, напряжение и общее сопротивление в схемах с последовательнымипараллельным соединением сопротивлений;-параметры однофазного трансформатора малой мощности;-емкость конденсаторов для работы трехфазного асинхронногодвигателяв однофазном режиме;-вес провода, кабеля, определить размеры проводников,определитьпараметры кабельных барабанов;-мощность по импульсам счетчика электрической энергии;-произвести ориентировочный расчет охлаждающеймощностикондиционера;-блок питания с гасящим конденсатором;-количество светильников методом удельной мощности;-расшифровать цветовую маркировку резисторов с3,4,5,6полосами;-расшифровать маркировку SMD резисторов.Раздел справочные данные содержит:-правила по охране труда при эксплуатацииэлектроустановок;-правила технической эксплуатацииэлектроустановокпотребителей;-инструкция по применению и испытанию средств защиты, используемыхвэлектроустановках;-справочник по кабельно-проводниковой продукции;-основные формулы электротехники;-буквенные обозначение элементов электрических схем;-типы систем заземления;-примеры схем включения УЗО.-таблицы ПУЭ 7;-данные по расшифровке марок кабелей и проводов;-расшифровка маркировки пускателей;-расшифровка кодов IP;-диаметр медного провода для плавких вставок;With this applicationmaybe calculated:is the resistance of the conductor according to thematerial,length, cross section, temperature;the cross section of the conductor;-poteri voltage network 380/220 V at uniform phase load;-zazemlyayuschee device;-Electric heating;-current melting wires;-rezistor for LED;-shunt for ammeter;-current voltage and total impedance in circuits with serialandparallel connection of the resistances;Parameters of single-phase transformer low power;-capacity capacitor for three-phase induction motor insingle-phasemode;is the weight of the wire, cable, determine the size oftheconductors, to determine the parameters of cable drums;the cardinality of the momentum of electric energy meter;-proizvesti rough calculation of cooling power conditioner;-b supply quenching capacitor;is the number of luminaires by specific power;-rasshifrovat color coded resistors with 3,4,5,6 lanes;-rasshifrovat marking SMD resistors.Section contains reference data:-rule labor protection for electrical installations;-rule technical operation of electrical installations;-User use and testing of protective equipment used inelectricalinstallations;handbook on the cable and wire products;-Main electrical engineering formula;-bukvennye designation of electrical circuit elements;-types grounding systems;-Examples circuits switching the RCD.-Table PUE 7;-Data decryption brands of cables and wires;-rasshifrovka marking starters;-rasshifrovka IP codes;the diameter of the copper wires for fuse-links;
Счётчик электроэнергии 3.2
Программа для быстрого подсчета суммы оплатызаэлектроэнергию при снятии показаний с электросчетчика.Теперь вам не нужно выходить на лестничную клетку с клочком бумагиикарандашом, чтобы записать данные с счетчика, а потом вычитатьиумножать в столбик. Телефон сделает работу за вас!Подробнее вблогеПрограмма рассчитана в первую очередь на телефоны. Напланшетахрекомендуется использовать портретный режим. Еслипользователей напланшетах будет больше, то доработаю экран вальбомномрежиме.Program toquicklycalculate the amount of payment for electricity by takingthereadings from the meter.Now you do not need to go to the stairwell with a piece of paperanda pencil to record the data from the counter, and then subtractandmultiply in a column. Phone will do the job for you!Moreblog program is designed primarily for phones. On tabletsrecommendedportrait mode. If users will be more on the plates,then finalizethe screen in landscape mode.
Unit Converter 1.33
Top currency and unit converter. 800+ units, offline mode,customconversions
LED Scroller 21.0
Simple Electronic Displays App. Scrolling text is so easy.
UseTool | Converter&Calculator 2.1
UseTool combines universal converter and efficientscientificcalculator in one app and lets you customise theinterface by yourown taste. We tried to pick for you the mostfrequently convertedcategories and values so you don't have toswitch between differentapps to find an appropriate conversion.Features:- integrates converter and scientific calculator in onecohesiveapp- currency converter with currency automatic detectionbylocation- interface customisation (color, font style, background)- saves your calculation history and conversion preferences- over 80 categories and 4000 values for conversion- specifically adopted design for tablets- numeric system support (BIN, HEX, OCT and DEC)- radians and degrees support- calculates trigonometric functions, square root, power,factorial,logarithm and percentSUPPORTED CONVERTERSCOMMON CONVERTERS:- Speed- Pressure- Length- Force- Area- Power- Data- Mass- Volume- Energy- Time- Fuel- AngleELECTRICITY CONVERTERS:- Electric Resistance- Current- Electric Field Strength- Electrostatic Capacitance- Volume Charge Density- Electric Potential- Electric Conductance- Surface Charge Density- Electric Conductivity- Charge- Electric Resistivity- Linear Charge Density- Linear Current Density- Surface Current Density- InductanceMAGNETISM CONVERTERS:- Magnetic Field Strength- Magnetic Flux- Magnetomotive Force- Magnetic Flux DensityHEAT CONVERTERS:- Fuel Efficiency - Volume- Heat Flux Density- Thermal Expansion- Temperature Interval- Thermal Conductivity- Heat Transfer Coefficient- Specific Heat Capacity- Fuel Efficiency - Mass- Heat DensityRADIOLOGY CONVERTERS:- Radiation - Activity- Radiation- Radiation - Exposure- Radiation - Absorbed DoseFLUIDS CONVERTERS:- Flow- Viscosity - Dynamic- Flow - Molar- Concentration - Molar- Surface Tension- Permeability- Flow - Mass- Concentration - Solution- Mass Flux Density- Viscosity - KinematicLIGHT CONVERTERS:- Luminance- Illumination- Digital Image Resolution- Luminous Intensity- Frequency WavelengthENGINEERING CONVERTERS:- Moment of Inertia- Specific Volume- Acceleration- Density- Velocity - Angular- Moment of Force- Acceleration - Angular- Torque- EngineeringOTHER CONVERTERS:- Typography- Volume - Lumber- Data Transfer- PrefixesTry it and give your feedback, we will try our best tosupportyou and to accustom the app for your needs!Like us on Facebook: us on Google+: us on Twitter: more: http://www.usetool-app.comGet in touch:
Electrician Tool 1.6.0
Calculator and Tool for Electricians and electrical engineers
ElectroDroid Pro
ElectroDroid PRO is a simple andpowerfulcollection of electronics tools and references.The PRO version of Electrodroid doesn't have any ads, and ithasmore features than the free version.The app includes:• Resistor color code decoder (3-6 bands, withinverselook-up);• SMD Resistor Code;• Inductor color code decoder;• Ohm’s law calculator;• Reactance/Resonance calculator;• Voltage divider;• Resistors ratio, value/series/parallel;• Capacitor charge calculation;• Operational amplifier;• LED resistor calculator (with customizable database);• Adjustable voltage regulator/LM317 calculator (withcustomizablevalues);• Heat dissipation;• Battery Life calculator;• Inductor design tool;• Voltage Drop calculator;• PCB Trace Width calculator;• Simple Filters calculator;• NE555 calculator;• Power Calculator;• RMS Converter;• Decibel Converter;• Frequency Converter;• Analog-Digital Converter;• Y-Δ Transformation;• Range Converter;• Port pin-out (USB, Serial, Parallel, Ethernet, RJ, SCART,DVI,HDMI, S-Video, VGA, VESA, Display Port, FireWire, Jack,RCA,XLR/DMX, ATX Power, PC Molex, EIDE, SATA, PS/2-AT, MIDI/Gameport,Apple 30-pin, PDMI, OBD-II, 25-pair phone cable color code,ColorCode for Fiber Optic Cables, SD card, Raspberry Pi,LCD,GPIB/IEEE-488; ISO connector for car audio;Arduinopin-outs);• Resources (Resistivity table; Table of standard resistorsandcapacitors; Capacitor marking codes; AWG and SWG Wiresize;Ampacity Table; Symbols and Abbreviations; CircuitSchematicSymbols; SI Units prefixes; Battery info; Boolean logicgate andalgebra Theorems; 7400 info and pinout; ASCII codes,Batterieslist, 78xx IC, ChipDB IC pinouts, Switch Information,DecibelTable, PIC ICSP/AVR ISP, SMD Package Size, Radiofrequencies, PT100Conversion Table, Fuses and Automotive Fusescolor code;Thermocouples color codes);• Full support for EIA resistor series for all calculators;...and more to come!The app has also support for plugins to expand functionality oftheapplication (e.g. PIC and AVR micro-controllersDatabase,simulators, parts search).If you like the program, please rate it.For FAQ and full change-log, visit
ElectriCalc Pro Calculator 10.4.7
The ElectriCalc® Pro for Android from Calculated Industries.
Cable Size Calculator 1.03r
Cable size calculator developed by Power Plus CableCo.L.L.C.,Fujairah, U.A.E., provides a quick and easy way toselectthesuitable sizes of cables required for electriccircuits.Suitablefor electrical engineers, consultants,electricianscableinstallers and designers. The cable sizecalculator also givesthevoltage drop in the circuit. An essentialtool for allElectricalEngineers working in the MEP industry. Withthis tool inhand,cumbersome calculations can be easily done withina veryshortperiod of time thereby engineers will be able to carrytheirworkwherever they go and do it efficiently with just a fewclicks.Thisapplication works offline, and hence can be operatedatsiteswithout need of network coverage. The uniquecablesizingcalculator gives you access to the wide range ofcablesoffered byPower Plus Cable Co. L.L.C., Fujairah, U.A.E.Features:-• Simpleand Easy to use interface • Operates offline •Suitable forcopperas well as Aluminium cables. • Output can beviewed and savedaspdf file • Result can be directly attached toemail for sending•Suitable for mobiles as well as tablets •Consumes very lesssystemresources.
RTE-éCO2mix 07.06.00
éCO2mix: to learn all of the electricity in France and in your area
SCT Electro 1.6
SCT Electro allows you to quantify parameters of power supplysystem(complex power, current, voltage loss, ...), select suitablecablesand circuit breakers. Parameter database (cos, Cf) forcustomers ofdifferent type
Electrical Calculations 2.2.7
A simple and powerful electric calculator for your allelectricalmeasurements.