Top 25 Apps Similar to Pregnancy Miracle

Pregnancy ++ 3.7.3
Pregnant? Get the worldwide No.1 PregnancyApp.Want to see beautiful, interactive images for everyweekofpregnancy? Join more than 10 million users who alreadyusethisPregnancy App to follow their pregnancy week by week.Our Pregnancy++ App can also be personalizedfordads,grandparents and other family members.Everything you need in one Pregnancy App!- DAILY pregnancy info- Color and Scan images- Personal Diary- Pregnancy Weight log- Doc Visits log- Diet, exercise and labor info- Kick Counter- Contraction Timer- Baby Shopping list- 1000s of Baby names- Baby Size Visualizer- Pregnancy week by week info- And much more …Health & Parenting supports you at every stage ofbeingaparent.--------------------------------------------------PrivacyPolicy: App is not intended for medical use, or to replacetheadviceof a trained medical doctor. Health & ParentingLtddisclaims anyliability for the decisions you make based onthisinformation, whichis provided to you on a generalinformationbasis only and not as asubstitute for personalizedmedical advice.If you have any concernsabout your pregnancy,consult with yourdoctor or midwife.The Health & Parenting team wishes you ahealthy,full-termpregnancy and a safe delivery.
Pregnancy Checklists PRO 2.1.5
With this App you get all pregnancyrelatedchecklists in one single App – comprehensive, well arrangedandeasily accessible. Many practical pointers within thechecklistsmake this App a valuable tool in your journey throughpregnancy,supporting you in your decisions.With a weekly overview you have a grip over yourvariousappointments, medical tests and other to-do things, beforeyourbaby comes. Which tests should you book by your ob-gyn? Whencanyou have an amniocentesis done? How late in pregnancy can youstillfly for a holiday and back? You get answers to these and manyotherquestions. In the checklist you can mark things completed asyouproceed. That feels fabulous!The weekly pregnancy overview and the index about thetrimesterscontain links, where you can access the variouschecklists:Nutritional supplements, maternity clothing, baby gear,choosingwhere to give birth, birth plan and hospital bag. Withthese listsyou look well after yourself, take gradual steps toredecorate yourhome to be ready to welcome the baby and you prepareyourself forthe birth. What does your little bundle really need,and what itemsare excessive and unnecessary? What type of birthwill be right foryou? Our App will help you with all this, so thatyou can feelconfident and enjoy your pregnancy and the early dayswith yourprecious newborn baby.As a bonus there is a variety of helpful websites, which youwillfind useful during this special time in your life.Enjoy this App!Kirstin and Roman
Pregnancy Checklists
Your useful assistant for this special time in your life
Pregnancy Food Guide
Congratulations on your pregnancy! With this app we wouldliketogive you a helpful tool, which will make food safetyandgoodnutrition as simple as possible for you for the nextninemonths.What types of fish contain the least amount ofmercury?Which typesof cheese should you first strike off of yourshoppinglist? Andattending your next business lunch; what can youeatwithoutworrying whether you’ll get toxoplasmosis? This appfeaturesatraffic light food labelling system of almost 1000foodstuffs–they are categorized according to the level of danger totheunbornbaby. Due to the background information and advice, youwillfeelmore secure in the complex evaluation of the safetyofunknownfoods. How the app works: At first there is atheoreticpart, whichinforms you in a nutshell about the mostcommonfoodborne diseases(toxoplasmosis, listeriosis, andsalmonella.) Thecore of the appis the food search. Here you caninitially choosebetween analphabetic or a filtered search. At firstglance you canseewhether a foodstuff is classified as green, orangeorred.Green-labelled food means that pregnant women cangenerallyconsumeit safely - even if it is not necessarily healthy.Ofcoursecalories and nutritional value are another matter. Onthesamenote, the permitted foods are always allowed inmoderation.Thisapplies especially to spices, herbs, and nuts. Ifyou have avariedand balanced diet, you don't have to worry anymore.Orangelet'syou know that the safe consumption of the foodstuffdependsonseveral factors (time of pregnancy, personal situation,the artofpreparation, quantity, ...) But do not worry at firstaboutthequantity of the orange entries, but do note the advice.Justclickon the corresponding food label. You should absolutelyavoidallred-labelled foodstuffs. They affect the development ofyourbabyand damage it in the long-term. Using the filteredsearch,however,you can adapt the list of the various risks andfoodcategories toyour individual situation. You can easily browseallaccessiblefoods. Or you can filter through food categories andfindout whichcheese from your favourite camemberts you canreplaceduring thepregnancy. By clicking the star you can finallyadd thedesiredfood to your personal shopping list. By the way, withthehelp ofour hints and advice you will also get guidelinesforspecific foodcategories and several more ideas for everydayuse.That way youcan ensure even greater food safety withoutgettinghysterical. Wewish you a relaxed pregnancy. All the best!Kirstin& Roman
Learn to pregnancy for expectant parents
Pregnancy Test 1.0.4
Drop App
This application for pregnancysymptomswillhelps you learn how to develop your baby duringpregnancy.thestatus of the future pregnant women is also disclosedthat itwillhappen and what you should pay attention. Informationissuedbypregnancy week by week. Support of multiple pregnancycalculatortocalculate the provisional date of delivery and more.Therearebuilt-in calendar of signs of pregnancy to save notes andeventsinthe system of pregnancy calculator.Welcome to Pregnancy week by week apps! Here you willfindeverythingyou want to know about the world of pregnant womenandpregnancytest, including planning or preparing forpregnancysymptoms, easyand comfortable birth, breast feeding, careof thenewborn beby andearly signs of pregnancy, and raising ahealthy,clever and happyovulation.Our intention is to give maximum useful informationandpregnancytips for future and current parents and pregnancy tipsformenalso. Visit Pregnancy symptoms section of the app, ifyouarelooking for any information related to pregnancy calculatoranditsaspects and my pregnancy week by week tips pregnancyexercise,fromfirst signs of pregnancy to how to cope with toxemiaandovulationtest. You may be interested in articles devotedtopregnancycalendar such as choosing suitable maternityclothes,orpreparation for successful and painless birth toyoupregnantwomen.Sometimes things can go wrong, and sometimes a pregnantwomandoesnot know what is going on with her in her tummy and alsosignesofpregnancy. Articles on pregnancy calculator healthaddressthecases of stillbirth, miscarriage, phantompregnancy,infertility.This information will allow you to copewithdifficulties and toprevent them.this application of pregnancy test contains detaileddescriptiononhow to conceive and save you baby and pregnancystages, Symptomsofpregnancy, home checkup, exercise and diet to befollowedduringpregnancy stages and hospital check up. Thisapplicationisdedicated to all the pregnant women and ladies whoneedinformationon signes of pregnancy. Below is details on how tousethispregnancy calendar application9 weeks pregnant and 28 week pregnant of early signs ofpregnancyforfirst time pregnant women.and also pregnancy tips formen whohave apregnant women.Best free pregnancy app. A guide to conception,withpregnancystages,taking care of your baby and being a parent aswell as youcan.Anything you want to know on pregnancy week by weekandparenting forpregnant women. you can find it here PregnancyWeekby week.Also, in this symptoms of pregnancy application:pregnancydiet,pregnancy stages, pregnancy test and anything youneed..Baby growth tracker during pregnancy and ovulation test.Welcome to Pregnancy week by week apps! Here you willfindeverythingyou want to know about the world of pregnantwomen,includingplanning or preparing for ovulation test, easyandcomfortable birth,breast feeding, care of the ovulation,andraising a healthy, cleverand happy child pregnancy week by weekmyearl pregnancysymptoms..
Hirslanden Hello Baby-App 2.8
Hirslanden AG
Die Schwangerschaft ist derBeginneinerwunderbaren Reise. Mit der „Hello Baby“-AppbegleitetHirslandenwerdende Eltern Schritt für Schritt mitInformationenüber dieEntwicklung des ungeborenen Babys undVeränderungen imKörper derMutter. Die App ist kostenlos und einfachzu bedienen undbieteteine Reihe von Funktionen und Tools, mit denenwerdendeEltern aufIhre neue Aufgabe vorbereitete werden.Inhalt der „Hello Baby“-App:✔ Wöchentliche Updates zur Entwicklung des Babys sowiezudenVeränderungen im Körper der werdenden Mutter. InformierenSieauchIhre Freunde und Familie darüber.✔ Der Kalender informiert Sie über anstehende Termine.✔ Die Zusammenstellung von häufig gestellten FragenundAntwortenklärt Mythen auf.✔ Der Gewichtsverfolger hilft, dieGewichtszunahmezuverfolgen.✔ Eine Packliste bereitet Sie auf den grossen Tag vor.✔ Aus einer Reihe von Fotos lässt sich ein Video kreierenundalsErinnerung an den Babybauch festhalten.✔ Der Wehenzähler zeigt Ihnen an, wann es an der Zeit ist,indieKlinik zu gehen.✔ Mit verschiedenen Farbschemen können SiedieApppersonalisieren.✔ Der Impfkalender informiert Sie, wann die nächstewichtigeImpfungfür Ihr Baby ansteht.✔ Erfassen Sie in den ersten zwölf Monaten ganzeinfachdieEntwicklungsschritte Ihres Babys.✔ Informieren Sie sich bereits vor der GeburtüberpostnataleThemen.
Schade GmbH
With luck, you will accompany your baby Frauenarztpraxisbypregnancy.
Pregnancy Food Guide PRO 1.0.8
Congratulations on your pregnancy! Withthisapp we would like to give you a helpful tool, which will makefoodsafety and good nutrition as simple as possible for you forthenext nine months. What types of fish contain the least amountofmercury? Which types of cheese should you first strike off ofyourshopping list? And attending your next business lunch; what canyoueat without worrying whether you’ll get toxoplasmosis? Thisappfeatures a traffic light food labelling system of almost1000foodstuffs – they are categorized according to the level ofdangerto the unborn baby. Due to the background information andadvice,you will feel more secure in the complex evaluation of thesafetyof unknown foods.How the app works:At first there is a theoretic part, which informs you in anutshellabout the most common foodborne diseases(toxoplasmosis,listeriosis, and salmonella.)The core of the app is the food search. Here you caninitiallychoose between an alphabetic or a filtered search. Atfirst glanceyou can see whether a foodstuff is classified as green,orange orred.Green-labelled food means that pregnant women can generallyconsumeit safely - even if it is not necessarily healthy. Ofcoursecalories and nutritional value are another matter. On thesamenote, the permitted foods are always allowed in moderation.Thisapplies especially to spices, herbs, and nuts. If you have avariedand balanced diet, you don't have to worry anymore. Orangelet'syou know that the safe consumption of the foodstuff dependsonseveral factors (time of pregnancy, personal situation, the artofpreparation, quantity, ...) But do not worry at first aboutthequantity of the orange entries, but do note the advice. Justclickon the corresponding food label. You should absolutely avoidallred-labelled foodstuffs. They affect the development of yourbabyand damage it in the long-term.Using the filtered search, however, you can adapt the list ofthevarious risks and food categories to your individual situation.Youcan easily browse all accessible foods. Or you can filterthroughfood categories and find out which cheese from yourfavouritecamemberts you can replace during the pregnancy.By clicking the star you can finally add the desired food toyourpersonal shopping list.By the way, with the help of our hints and advice you will alsogetguidelines for specific food categories and several more ideasforeveryday use. That way you can ensure even greater foodsafetywithout getting hysterical.We wish you a relaxed pregnancy. All the best!Kirstin & Roman
Pregnancy Test Scanner Prank 1.0
"Pregnancy Test Scanner Prank"isveryinteresting app and used for fun and joy. PregnancyTestScannerPrank scans the fingerprint detects your"pregnantstatus".How to Scan ,test and check Blood Pressure:* Click on Start button and select the Gender* Place the Thumb or scan your finger on scanning pad,* After few seconds Pregnancy Test.Features:* pregnancy test* Fingerscan Pregnancy Test* Finger pregnancy test* Thumb Scanner* Pregnancy Test* Finger ScannerNote: This application is prank and just for Fun.
Pregnancy Due Date Calculator 1.1.0
medical program for quick calculation of gestational age and birth
WH: Fit nach Schwangerschaft 1.0.2
Im Laufe einer Schwangerschaftverändertsichder Körper und braucht auch nach der Geburt seineZeit, bisdiePfunde und das Bäuchlein wieder verschwunden sind.Dabei istesganz besonders wichtig, dass Mütter sich nach derGeburtüberhauptetwas Zeit für sich selbst nehmen – und dass siesichnichtüberfordern. Die aufreibende Anfangszeit mit Babyistohnehinvöllig ungeeignet für Entbehrungen oder zusätzlichenStress.UnsereApp ""Fit nach der Schwangerschaft"" bringt Körper&Geist nachder Geburt ohne zusätzlichen Stress wieder in Formundzwar mitgezielten, sanften Übungen.Am besten gleich die App herunterladen und mitvonunsererRedaktion ausgewählten Übungen wieder wohlfühlenimeigenenKörper!Unsere App bietet Ihnen gezielte TrainingsinhalteausdenBereichen:• Aufwärmen• Leichte Fitness(Arme/Schultern/Rücken,Beine,Rumpfstabilisation)• Pilates• Yoga• Übungen mit dem Kinderwagen• Cool Down & StrechingLeider können wir aus technischen Gründen nichtaufKommentareoder Fragen in den App Store-Rezensionen eingehen.WennSie Ideenoder Verbesserungsvorschläge haben, schicken Siediesebitte gernean pregnancythebodychanges and needs even after the birth of his time untilthepoundsand belly are gone. It is especially important thatmothersevertake after birth some time for yourself - and that theydonotoverwhelm. The grueling start time with baby isalreadycompletelyunsuitable for deprivation or extra stress. Ourapp ""Fit AfterPregnancy "" brings body and mind after thebirthwithoutadditional stress back into shape and that withtargeted,gentleexercises.Best download the same app again and feelcomfortablewithselected by our editorial staff exercises in yourown body!Our app offers targeted training content in the areas of:• warming• Easy Fitness (arms / shoulders / back,legs,torsostabilization)• Pilates• Yoga• Exercises with the stroller• Cool Down & strechingWe can not respond to comments or questions in theAppStorereviews for technical reasons. If you have ideasorsuggestions,please send them gladly
Беременность и роды с Momlist 1.2
Things in the hospital with Momlist - pregnancy, childbirth, buymomand baby. Pregnant.
I’m Expecting - Pregnancy Tips 1.0.2
Drop App
Baby section concerns this issueofincreasingchildren. It can help to choose a genuine name forthenewborn, tochoose a stroller, clothes and playthings forchildren.Here youcan find out about development of a new baby,child'shealth,feeding and sleep, childhood diseases, educationmethods,how tosoothe a crying baby, how to care of the young childalsotoexpress want to him or her.Also, in this pregnancy application: pregnancydiet,pregnancystages, pregnancy tips.Baby growth tracker during pregnancy.Best free pregnancy app.There are a great many other areas of parenthoodandthey'rementioned in Family section. A few of these issuesare:usefulliterature for women that are pregnant andparents,fitness,relationships in the grouped family, house animals,childadoption,while others.Desire the email address details are found by you foryouquestionshere!Taking good care during pregnancy is vital for yourhousehold.Tohelp with making sure you as well as your baby willmaintaingreathealthy . so this application provide all tips andcare tricksforpregnant girls as well as baby. This application oftipsinpregnancy is very helpful for many who are planning so youcangetpregnant and also who had already got pregnant.With our app you will become the most "prepared"futuremother,because the application contains a lot ofusefulinformation! Hereyou can certainly find and good informationaboutPre-pregnancyTechniques for a wholesome Baby and her mom,Vintagesymptoms ofbeing pregnant, Diet during Being pregnant,Approachesfor HavingHealthier Newborns like that, Eight great ofbeingpregnantexercise plus more, Tricks for Normal delivery, Stepstoawholesome pregnancy.
Quédate Embarazada 1.0.85
Gea Gades
Stay pregnant is an application designed by fertility specialists.
Pregnancy and Fertility Tips 2.0
note : Please do not use this app as alternative to medicaladvicefrom a doctor - in case of doubts, please consult a doctorThismight be the best informative app if you are finding on How togetPregnant. This application contains detailed description on howtoconceive, Symptoms of pregnancy, home checkup, exercise and diettobe followed during pregnancy and hospital check up.Thisapplication is dedicated to all the person who need informationonincreasing chances of pregnancy. The strategies describeddon’tguarantee a pregnancy any more than do in vitro fertilizationorother forms of assisted reproduction. But it’s virtuallyfree,available to everyone, has no side effects, sets the stage forahealthy pregnancy, and forms the foundation of a healthypregnancystrategy for motherhood and beyond. During pregnancy youcan expecta lot of changes in your body and your life. We help youtonavigate those new feelings and to ensure you don't missanyimportant pregnancy tips along the way from week one todelivery.This apps cover many fertility tips like: -The Basics:Eating toboost ovulation -The Benefits: Increased fertility,reducedinfertility, and weight loss -Dangers and Side-Effects: Notreally,its a healthy diet overall -The 10 Guidelines: Backed byyears ofscientific research studies (plus BMI calculator) -FAQ:FrequentlyAsked Questions -How to Get Started -Foods: Eat TheseFertilityFoods -Foods: Avoid infertility risk -Tips To Staying OnTrack -Fertility diet - Recipe Links - Pregnancy Stages - ThreeStages ofPregnancy (1st, 2nd, and 3rd Trimester) - First Trimester:EarlyChanges in a Woman's Body, etc - There are stunning imagesandpictures of your pregnancy and baby at each pregnancy stage.-Every stage provides information about your body andbaby's,symptoms, thoughts, feeling , weight and tips - Thispregnancystages app for expecting parents also provides a communityofexpecting parents, where you can ask and answer questionsaboutyour baby's and pregnancy development. Please do not use thisappas alternative to medical advice from a doctor - in case ofdoubts,please consult a doctor
Ovulation Calculator Fertility 1.4.2
Ovulation Calculator helps couples conceive up to 3x faster thanthenational average. When you're trying to get pregnant you needtoknow when you're most fertile and when to have sex! OCcalculatesyour two most fertile days each cycle by analyzing youruniquemenstrual cycle, health and lifestyle data. OvulationCalculatoralso provides a huge amount of fertility knowledgethrough oureducation portal. As well as access to anonline-support network ofthousands of other women trying toconceive. The OvulationCalculator app is free to download and use.KEY FEATURES - CycleData Analysis Driven Predictions - OvulationCalculator - OvulationCalendar - Cycle Overview At A Glance -Fertile Window andConception Odds Viewer - Fertility & BBTChart - Cycle Reports -Daily Insights - Fertility Knowledge -Fertility Tips, Alerts &Reminders - Easy Cycle Data Logging -Fast Period Logging Read whatothers are saying about OvulationCalculatorhere: UNIQUE CYCLE - Daily progress log to record your dailysignalssuch as BBT, cervical mucus, cervix position, OPK results,symptoms,mood and more. - Period log to easily add your periodsand flow typein one place. - Fertility charting providing cluesand insights intoyour cycle and fertility. - Calendar view andcycle view of yourphases, fertile window and ovulation. CONNECTWeb:https://www.ovulationcalculator.comFacebook: - Because Accuracy Matters
Беременность 105.0
СОДЕРЖАНИЕВведениеНедели беременности 1-4Недели беременности 5-14Недели беременности 15-27Недели беременности 28-38Недели беременности 39-40После назначенного срока — 41 неделя беременности и далееИзменения, происходящие в организме женщины вовремябеременностиПитание беременныхРежим труда и отдыхаПравила личной гигиены беременнойГимнастика для беременныхОсложнения при беременностиЗаключениеСписок литературыTABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction1-4 weeks of pregnancy5-14 weeks of pregnancy15-27 weeks of pregnancy28-38 weeks of pregnancy39-40 weeks of pregnancyAfter the appointed time - 41 weeks of pregnancy and beyondChanges in a woman's body during pregnancyNutrition for pregnantWork and restPersonal hygiene pregnantGymnastics for pregnant womenPregnancy ComplicationsConclusionReferences
Pregnancy Fitness 1.0
Whether you are a first time mom or afullymulti-tasking mother of several, we wanted to help allmothers-tobe with advice and how to exercise and care forthemselves to makea healthy and easier transition into a wonderfulworld ofparenthood.This app was created to pull information together in one placetomake it easier to find for the pregnant mother. The app providesanexercise routine that can be done while pregnant,discussesnutrition needs for you and your baby, gives you tips forissuesthat can arise during the pregnancy, and provides a link tothepregnancy section of the National Women’s Health andInformationCenter.There are many benefits to exercising and being fitwhilepregnant:*gives you an energy boost*burns fat*faster recovery after birth*eases stress*helps the birthing process*prevents excess weight gain*reduces back pain, swelling, and constipation*improves sleep*improves outlookRealize that you are doing fitness exercises to keep fit, nottopush yourself to a vigorous frenzy. The exercises in thisprogram,as well as any other fitness programs you may want to do,should bereviewed throughly with your doctor prior to starting thePregnancyFitness program! Pregnancy Fitness allows you access tothe Healthand Information Centre provides which link to thepregnancysection.
Hidden Secrets of Infertility 3.0
Wants To Know How To Learn How to Overcome Infertility NaturallyIn7 Days
Queens fertility center 1.0
QUEENS FERTILITY CENTER-INFERTILITYTREATMENT-TIRUNELVELIQueens fertility center -tirunelveli is thefirstcompleteinfertility treatment center at TIRUNELVELIandPALAYAMKOTTAI .Queens fertility center caters to theinfertilitytreatment needsof people in and aroundtirunelveli.Infertilitytreatment isaccessible to patients fromTirunelveli,PALAYAMKOTTAI,THOOTHUKUDIkanyakumari,nagarkoil,viruthunangar,QueensfertilitycenterTIRUNELVELI has many infertility treatmentproceduresforinfertility likeIUI,ICSI,EMBRYOtransfer,artificialinsemination.Our INFERTILITYtreatment center attirunelveli,alsocovers hormonal evaluation,tubalpatencytesting,trans vaginalultrasound,semenanalysis,intrauterineinsemination(IUI),diagnosticandtherapeuticlaparascopy,ICSI,Embryo transfer.Infertilitytreatmentat Queensfertility center-Tirunelveli also coversspecialprocedures likePESA,TESA for special cases of maleinfertility can get total infertility treatmentintirunelveli.
Woman diary, Menstrual cycle 1.0.3
Woman diary, Menstrual cycle, the easiestwaytotrack your menstrual cycle.Woman diary, Menstrual cycle, the easiest way to get the babyboyorgirl.You want to know today is a day of conception or safe daysforsexualintercourse?You really want to be notified the menstrual cycle,safetydays,ovulation, fertilization or days to prepareaction?You want to log to track each sign change in thedate:menstruation,ovulation, fertilization, safe days forsexualintercourse, etc. andyou can note everything happened duringtakesplace during themenstruation, ovulation, and safe day.We bring you "Woman diary, Menstrual cycle" app than youcandothings as: intercourse for conception, safe sex totheeasiest.Woman diary, Menstrual cycle is a nice and easy - to-useapplication helps women (man) keep track offertile,periods,cycle, ovulation, and safe sex. Whether you areconcernedaboutconceiving, birth control, get baby, contraception,regularityofperiod cycles then this app can help you.'Woman diary, Menstrual cycle' app that helps users totrackthecycle, menstruation, ovulation, fertility, on safe sex,date sexofconception , mood, spirit, body weight, height, get baby,etc.Helps you achieve all issues in gender relations.'Woman diary, Menstrual cycle' app will help you controlsuchascycle tracker, woman diary, and menstrual cycle,periodcalendar,ovulation calendar, fertility tracker, periodtracker,mood trackerand can be generalized as "womancalendar".'Woman diary, Menstrual cycle' Feature: * Beautiful Interface Design* Easy to use and multilingual, free use.• Schedule time tracking for girls and young women, even menareageof majority, adults.* Time tracking, scheduling safe relationship, safesexdate,expected date of safe sex.• Schedule ovulation, conception date intercourse,ovulationtohaving a baby.* Displays important information daily diary totrackdetailedmenstrual cycle.* Note logs by date/daily: Allows you to save the informationonadaily blood flow, symptoms, mood,temperature,dailymenstruation.* Adjust marked the first day of the menstrual cycle, the lastdayofthe menstrual cycle, the level of more or less blood.• Schedule showing the first day of the week: MondayorSunday.* Backup and restore the data on your system, delete andresetthesystem.* Set a password for the app if you need privacy.* Estimated date of menstruation when approaching day.* Setting: change the subject, change the cycle length, thelengthofthe menstrual cycle, symptoms and mood* Adjust the predicted period of time in the Settings* Show beautiful graphs.The "Woman diary, Menstrual cycle" application is usefultousers(free), allows users to calculate: fertility,,ovulation,conception sex date, date of the baby, woman diary,cycletracker,menstrual cycle, ovulation calendar.Besides, this app allow you proactively establishcycles,writedaily diary calendar, and proactively configuretheapplication:re-set app, setting password for login, backupandrestore data,setting note, setting date of week, easy toinstallapplicationsand the use of the application.Finally, we summarize the features of the app:fertility,period,ovulation, women check, cycle, pregnancy,pregnant,health.Download app free today! Thanks you for download anduse“Lovecycle & ovulation tracker”.
Fertility Calendar 2.00.03
Amazing and Beautiful ovulation, period and fertility calendarforevery Woman.
Boost Infertility Guide 2.3
" ★★★ Download It For Free ★★★ Are you trying to have a babybutpregnancy just isn't happening? You may wonder if you oryourpartner has a medical problem that you need to check out. Takeafew minutes to learn what infertility means and what can causeit.Then talk to your doctor to find out what your next stepsshouldbe. Doctors call it infertility when you don't get pregnantafter ayear of regular sex without using birth control. If you're awomanover 35, infertility means you don't get pregnant after 6months ofsex. You can often control your fertility health bybeingproactive, whether you want to wait or start a family rightaway.Learn everything there is to know about infertility and how togetpregnant with these application videos. ✰✰✰ Support Us By RatingUs5 ★★★★★ ✰✰✰ ✰✰✰ Please contact us first if you have anyquestion!✰✰✰ "
Мультидок 2.0.0
Multidoc - medical calculators for doctors