Top 35 Apps Similar to TestelDroid

Sniffer Wicap Pro 2.8.3
Mobile sniffer for WiFi, LTE networks (packet capture).
Packet Capture 1.7.2
Grey Shirts
Capture packets without root. Decrypts SSL usingman-in-the-middletechnique.
tPacketCapture Pro 2.0.1
tPacketCapture Pro does packet capturing without using anyrootpermissions.
tPacketCapture 2.0.1
tPacketCapture does packet capturing without using anyrootpermissions.
Network Utilities 8.1.8
First Row
Network tools, those must have every system administrator
Network Log 2.25.1
Requires rooted devices. ATTENTION: Some versionsofAndroid,especially on Samsung stock ROMs, may haverestrictiveSELinuxpolicies that may prevent this app from working.We areworkinghard to resolve or provide workarounds for this. Inthemeantime,if you find this app is not working due topermissiondenied errorswhen you in fact do have root, it is likelydue to aprohibitiveSELinux policy being enforced. You can disableSELinuxenforcing byexecuting 'setenforce 0' in a root shell. Pleasedo notleave a badrating/review due to the decision of some deviceROMs toenforcerestrictive SELinux policies. As mentioned, we areworkinghard toresolve/workaround these issues. Feel free to usethein-app'Report Bug/Feedback' option to provide useful informationtohelpus out. Please do not use the reviews to request featuresorreportissues. If you have a request for LanguageTranslations,featuresor want to report a bug, use the in-app ReportBug/Feedbackoptionor send e-mail to Wonderingwhen and towhereyour Android apps are connecting across theInternet? Looknofurther! Network Log is for you! NetworkLogmonitorsiptables-logging to display a real-time list of whichappsaremaking network connections, and provides statistics aboutthoseappconnections. ★ Real-time log display The log tab showsthenetworkpackets being transmitted and their details such as:*source anddestination addresses/ports * network protocolandinterface *bytes transmitted * timestamp ★ Real-time networkusagestatisticsThe Apps tab lists installed applications alongwithnetwork usagestatistics such as: * total packets and bytes sent*active networkthroughput speed in Bps/Kbps/Mbps * timestamp oflastconnection *list of all the unique connections made by each app*sortable andfilterable packets/bytes counters ★Real-timeconnectionnotifications The statusbar icon's up/downarrows willhighlightwhen upload/download traffic occurs, and thenotificationdrop-downshade displays the connection throughput speedin Kbps.You canalso configure toast pop-up notifications on aper-app basisthatwill pop-up a temporary notification containingconnectiondetailsno matter which app you are in. ★ Graphs Click anapp ineither tabto see time-lines of its connections. Select the'AppsTimeline'menu item to see an over-all time-line of allapps.Adjustableinterval from 1 ms to 48 hours for summing data: *to seeeachpacket, set to 1 ms * for Kbps, set to 1 second *forKb-per-hour,set to 1 hour; etc Adjustable pinch-zoomableandscrollable graphs.Note: While the app itself is designed touseminimal CPU/battery,you can further reduce the CPU/battery usebyexiting the app afterstarting the logging service. Full sourcecodeavailable at Requiresrooteddevices.
Sniffer Wicap Demo 2.8.2
Mobile sniffer for WiFi, LTE networks (packet capture).
WiFi Insight Wi-Fi Analyzer 1.0.2
Quickly monitor, analyze, optimize and troubleshoot Wi-Fi networks
Net Scan
Nick Circelli
Network scanning and discovery app with port scanner. Scansforvulnerabilities!
Network Scanner 2.6.8
First Row
Find all devices in local and external networks
[root] Pry-Fi 1.20
Proof-of-Concept MAC address randomizer
Packet Sniffer 1.0
A first of it's kindPacket Sniffer App for android.It allows to capture and display Wifi and Bluetooth packetsandsave them for future analysis.great tool for network engineers and developers.FOR ROOT USERS ONLY.IN ORDER TO ACTIVATE THE APP AFTER INSTALL FOLLOWTHEINSTRUCTIONS ON DEVELOPERS SITE.
Sensors Multitool 1.4.0
The ultimate tool for the sensors of your smartphone.
WiGLE WiFi Wardriving
Network stumbling and database access for Android
RRCpacketSniffer 2.0
RRCpacketSniffer is an androidapplicationwhich can be used for capturing tcp udp and icmp datapackets andresulting RRC state transitions, simultaneously.The application is working implementation of the tooldiscussedin this research paper "Android phone based appraisal ofappbehavior on cell networks" ( an application’s signaling efficiencyrequiresinformation about:The data packets that were exchanged.Corresponding RRC state transitions.Unlike the existing applications and tools, this applicationneitherrequires any special hardware, nor retrieves RRC state inan offlinemanner using a simulator. The functionality of the tool issplitinto two parts, the Packet Sniffer and the RRC StateLogger.Packet SnifferThe packet sniffer uses C_packetCapture a binary executableoflibpcap, built using libpcap source code and Android NDK.Theexecutable is launched in a shell with superuser privileges.Thepacket sniffer enables us to capture all uplink and downlinkpacketsassociated with a network interface, and stores thepackettimestamp and header information corresponding to IP, UDP,TCP, andICMP protocols, in a log.text file.RRC State LoggerFor Retrieving RRC States, we adopt a novel approach to findandrecord the actual RRC state of the device at any giveninstant.Android Secret codes are required to switch to RRC servicemode.The resulting RRC state transitions with timestamp are storedin adump.txt file on sdcard.Currently we have secret codes forlimitedsamsung devices, though a wide variety of secret codesareavailable for different manufacturers.The detailed description of calculating anapplication'ssignalling efficiency from the data collected usingour app(RRCpacketSniffer) has been described in this paper "Androidphonebased appraisal of app behavior on cell networks".Devices SupportedCurrently the application supports all Samsung devicesrangingfrom Galaxy S to Galaxy S5. We are working on gettingsupport forother brand devices as well. All devices would requirerootpermission.LicenseCopyright (c), Indraprastha Institute of InformationTechnologyDelhiPermission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute thissoftwarefor any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted,providedthat the above copyright notice is mentioned and researchpaper iscited.THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMSALLWARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALLIMPLIEDWARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALLTHEAUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT,ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROMLOSSOF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OFCONTRACT,NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF ORINCONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE.
Rooted SSH/SFTP Daemon 12.0
An SSH/SFTP Server for Android!Great News! In Release 10.0 we removed all ads in this App!** YES!!! This App is now totally A D F R E E ! ! ! *** * Note * * Users who cannot connect or areimmediatelydisconnected maybe using an outdated/incompatible orcorrupt subinary. Please ensure you have a functional super userapp with thefunctional su binary installed on the device before yourun thisapp for the first time.. If the Super User app is NOTgranting rootaccess this app will not work correctly.. Also,Posting one starwithout any feedback does not help us improve ourapps (because wecan't know what the problem is), does not helpother users (becausethey get no feedback from you), does not helpyou (because you willnever get app improvements if we don't knowwhat the issuesare)* * Device MUST be rooted AND have BOTH the SuperUser ANDBusyBoxapps installed.. If you don't know what these are - this appis NOTfor you!!!* * This app is a SSH terminal server AND an SFTP file server.Ifyou are unsure what these are then maybe this app is notforyou.A good discussion on how to rate any app: reviews are always welcome!* * Current supported Languages in our free version (thisversion)is English ONLY!Recommended PC Terminal Clients to use with this app:- Putty terminal for Windows - cygwin terminal for Windows - Poderosa for Windows - Most Linux terminal programsRecommended SFTP clients to use with this app:- FileZilla client - (the bestFTPclient around!)- WinsSCP client - http://winscp.netKey Features- WiFi "Terminal" or "adb shell Like".- Rescan Media option on service exit/end.- Home screen widget to start and stop the server.- Run on any port (including ports < 1024) and/or any userID- preset terminal prompts.- root access to your device in a terminal and SFTP client!- Status notifications on current server status- Based on the DropBear SSH Server.* * * Posting one star without any feedback does not help usimproveour apps (because we can't know what the problem is), doesnot helpother users (because they get no feedback from you), doesnot helpyou (because you will never get app improvements if wedon't knowwhat the issues are)
DNS Diag 1.1.6
Utility to query DNS servers.
p2pCamViewer V8.17.09.27
Yibo Chen
This plug-and-play for the network camera Android client
Guard My Web Adblock VPN 1.5.8
Guard My Web is a unique no root ad blocker that removesadsingames, apps and browsers, protects your privacy. As always-ROOTnot required! Features:- - Blocks all adverts -Increasedtheanonymity in the Internet by hiding the real IP andpossibilitytochoose from which country the new IP is from(currentlyavailable:Germany, France) - Allows faster downloads andsavesmoney bycompressing traffic, ad blocking, rapid domainresolutionand othertechnologies - Encrypts data for protection whenworkingin opennetworks (restaurants, conferences, etc.) - Blockssitesthat havedistributed malicious content, viruses (downloadingappsfromunknown sources) and fraudulent websites - Keeps yourdatasafe(from banners, social networks, etc.) and hidesinformationaboutthe user 7 days full working free trial for usersto test ourapp.Extra features: - NO root permissions required! -Theapplicationsupports more than 500 web browsers - TheapplicationmonitorsInternet traffic through specially craftedlocalVPN-channelservice. The data is analyzed without the useofthird-partyVPN-server, app contains a built-in local VPN-server.
SMS Sniffer Lite (SMS Search) 1.1
Pronab Kahali
Search SMS from your phone or SIM in secondsbySMS Sniffer Lite.How many times you try to find a sms from your SMS inbox or SIMandgot tired by searching for it due to huge number of SMS storedinyour phone. Here is the solution "SMS Sniffer Lite", now youcansearch SMS from your Inbox/Sent/Draft or SIM card in seconds.Youcan search by any keyword,contact name or number. Delete SMS asperyour convenience (single or multiple SMS). Also you can sharetheSMS message with others. Even you can call the sender rightfromthis app.Many times you found your SMS inbox icon or notificationareashows 1 unread SMS, but when you search for it, you never finditas it is some data issue happened to many of us. Now, you cansolvethat scenario too with this app.Features:1. Simple UI and very lightweight app.1. Search SMS category wise (Inbox/Sent/All).2. Search SMS stored in SIM card.3. Search SMS by keyword, contact name or number.4. Delete single SMS from search result.5. Delete all messages under one search criteria.6. Call the SMS sender directly from the app.7. Copy message text or number.8. Share SMS with others.9. In-App help and issue submission.Customer satisfaction is important to us. If you haveanydifficulties with the app, please contact us at
HCI Debugger 1.84
Functionalities : _ decode snoop & HCI packet format intoareadable JSON format _ filter HCI packets _ start/stopBluetoothscan _ activate/deactivate Bluetooth _ reset snoop logfile (forAndroid 4.4 & 5.X only) On Android K and L, you don'tneed tohave developer options activated to use this application OnAndroidM, to activate and/or reset snoop log file, you have totoggleBluetooth HCI snoop log in developer options Github: This applicationisreleased under GPLv3 license
Wifi Analyzer- Home & Office Wifi Security 15.3
Wifi Analyzer- Home & Office Wifi Security has been calledoneof the most impressive router network utilities on the GooglePlayStore. This FREE app is a must-have for users of all skilllevels,from beginners to IT specialists and skillednetworkadministrators. With Wifi Analyzer, you can check signalinfo,block unwanted connections, diagnose your wireless speedandstrength, as well as map your network on a professionalgraphicdisplay that is easy to understand! Key Functions: •NetworkDiscovery - Displays public IP addresses, MAC addresses,VendorNames, Wireless Access Points (WAP, AP) and more. • WifiStrength -Displays Wifi signal strength and Wifi speed, testsinternetconnections, provides encryption, frequency, MAC address,DHCP, andDHCP lease. • Access Point Scan - Displays all routerAccess Pointsin range, including MAC addresses, channels, and dBmsignalstrength. • Access Point Graphs - Displays the currentchannel yourrouter is operating on and how many neighbors share thesamechannel. • Connections - Displays ALL current connectionsroutedthrough your device, including established foreignconnections,listening IP interfaces, and closed connections. EachestablishedIP is checked against 35 blacklist databases todetermine if theIPs are trusted or known threats! • Device Blockingon Network -Block will bring you to your devices web interface soyou can login and blacklist unwanted MAC address to the router'sMAC addressfilter list to block devices from using the network. •IP ToolsOptions 1) DNS lookup 2) Whois data 3) Ping 4) Port scan5)Blacklist IP checker 6) Traceroute 7) MAC address lookup 8)Wifipasswords
Sift - SSL Security & Firewall 0.9
Protect yourself from poorly coded apps leaking your personal data
Network Signal Info Pro 5.72.08
An easy to use Wifi (WLAN) and Mobile network information app.
Packet Data 1.3
Packet Data is an application to keep trackofany packet data or internet that are purchased from thetelephonecompanies, either by amount of data and / or amount oftime.The application allows you to choose to not turn off ormobiledata and / or to send a notification when or ends or reachesacertain percentage packet data or internet have configured. Italsohas a widget so you can track the package that you set fromyourhome screen.To use the application you only need to configure thedatapackage you bought your phone company, the rest is done bytheapplication.Suggestions to keep improving the application is received.
Sniffer Proxymon [ROOT] 1.8.0
Proxy sniffer with SSL/TLS.
CIA Internet Security Firewall 2.66
CIA Internet Security Firewall is afirewallfor all android devices without the need of rooting yourphone. Itprotects your personal information from being sent totheInternet.CIA Internet Security Firewall - CIA Firewall help you tocontrolthe internet access when an apps is trying to connect totheinternet without your permission.FEATURES:• SUPPORT NO ROOT ANDROID DEVICES TO USE THE INTERNETDATAFIREWALL.• Simple to use• A lot of themes and colors• Easy to control the access permission for each app toaccessinternet with mobile network and WIFI network.• Tethering supported• Support to only blocking background data and let foregrounddatago.• Firewall for android 4.0 and later supported• Show the history data by hour, day or month in bar chart.• Notify when one app has new internet connection.• Multiple device users supported• Analyze the accessed websites for each app.• Domain filter.• Domain resolution.• IP filter• Record, analyze and sort the data usage for each app.• Capture data packets, which means you can sniffer theinternetdata on your device with no-root needed.• CIA Internet Security Firewall give you the network securityassecurity apps firewall free internet security no root firewall,thebest internet protection for your mobile phone.And much more...CIA Firewall gives you a complete protection for your Androidphone.This is the perfect solution if you want a firewall forandroidwithout root.CIA Internet Security Firewall working as internet securitysoftwareand checkpoint firewall with the VPN firewall service willprovideyou the best internet security solutions for yourphone.Prevent the virus antivirus 360 security anti virussecurityantivirus android virus removal for android free antivirussecurityapps firewall free internet security no root firewallantivirus formobile windows firewall network securityWhen install and use this application, you are agreed with ourEndUser Agreement which listed here:
DEMPro - Data Entry Mobile Pro 2.01
Version 2.0: You can automatically savethecoordinates and the date of each data set.The App DEM (Data Entry Mobile) was created to collect datawithan Android phone or tablet. The app is helpful for:* students, who have to collect data for their Bachelor orMasterthesis,* foresters, farmers, and biologists, who have to collect datainfield* soziologists and pollster, who have to do questioning,* and all people who have to read off meters for heating,gas,water, etc.For all cases the app DEM will convert your mobile phoneortablet into a custom made data entry device. All informationwillbe stored in a SQLite database. The app is working offline.Ofcourse you can send the database to your desktop (Windows orLinux)by email, Dropbox (cloud) or data cable where you can analyzeit.The SQLite database file can be managed for example by thefreeSQLite- Manager, which is an add-on for the Firefox browser.Thereis also the possibility to transport the data via a HTML filetoother applications.There are two Version of the App DEM and DEMPro. The simpleDEMversion is free but limited to 4 forms with 20 data sets each.Thisversion is mainly provided to give you an opportunity to checkifthe app serves your needs. The DEMPro version is unlimited andwillcost you a small fee. Both version will create a directory\ftoolson your sdcard and copy the SQLite database filedataentry.db intothis folder. This app does not read your addressbook or checksyour activities. The app works without internet orphoneconnection, except if you want to transfer the database toyourdesk top via email or cloud.Note: You should to read the instructions (press the helpbuttonon the main screen) carefully to understand how you can buildyourown data entry form. The design and the size of your formshouldfit to your Android phone or tablet. It is also possible tocreateforms directly on the PC by adding the form definition tableandthe data table to the database file dataentry.db and copyingthatfile to the directory \ftools on the sdcard.Keywords: data entry, data collection, input form, MDE,databaseSQLite
Metal Detector App 1.2
Apps Family
Metal Detector AKA Body Scanner orMetalSniffer is a smart application to detect Electromagnetic field/fields. It is a must use app if you have a smart phone. You canusethis app to detect metals up to 30 cm away from your smartphone.Make your phone a metal detecting machine. It also serves thejobof a body scanner. Metal detectors today have a verysignificancein our daily lives. Its one of the best metal detectorapp you willfind.Salient Features:• This app gives output in both analog and digital form.• Detects metal at a range of upto 30 cm.• Analog meter.• Digital reading in micro Tesla (uT).• Easy to use.• Can also be used as a body scanner (Just forplayfulpurposes).• Live graph plotting.• Tells you, if your smart phone does not possess themagneticsensor (magnetometer).• Beep on detection of the Metal.• As ghosts exist in the form of electromagnetic energy, So thisappcan also help you in ghost detection. So it is also a ghosthuntertool… (Just for the believers in Ghosts existence).Working:This app uses the function of the magnetometer inside yoursmartphone. As soon as the device comes in contact with a magneticfieldaround you, it gives a beep sound. So metal is detected. Thebeepsound will only be produced once the strength of the magneticfieldcrosses the threshold value of 70 uT.Limitations:• This app uses the magnet sensor of your smart phone , Soonlyferromagnetic materials can be detected with this app.• Metals like Gold and Aluminum are non-ferromagnetic so canbedetected with this app.• It has a definite range for the sensing, metals beyond thisrangecan not be detected .• If the app doesn’t work properly. Try to restart it.• Its not an aluminum or Gold detector
SignalCheck Lite 4.63L
SignalCheck allows users to check thetruesignal strength of their connections. Unlike the standardAndroidsignal bars, which only display the 1xRTT (voice andlow-speeddata) signal strength, SignalCheck shows you detailedsignalinformation about all of your device's connections,including1xRTT, GSM, EV-DO or eHRPD (3G), LTE (4G), andWi-Fi.Special thanks to S4GRU for their tremendous support ofSignalCheckfrom the beginning! Visit forup-to-the-minuteinformation and discussions about Sprint's NetworkVision strategy,as well as talk about devices and other cellularnetworks. There isa SignalCheck discussion thread too.. check itout.SignalCheck will display LTE Cell ID information on mostdevicesrunning Android 4.2 or higher, and some HTC devices onearlierAndroid versions. SignalCheck was one of the first (if notTHEfirst) Android apps to provide this information to users. LTEbandinformation is available for some providers, and frequenciesaredisplayed on some HTC devices.SignalCheck also displays the current connection type along withthecarrier name for each connection, even while roaming. Sprintusersare instantly able to see if they are on the new 800 or 2500MHz(Spark) networks, part of Network Vision!SignalCheck is a great complement to the Sensorly app, allowingyouto check your signal strengths and map them out so other userscansee the data as well.Users can upgrade to SignalCheck Pro (availablehere)for less than what a cup of coffee costs these days. ThePro versionincludes lifetime upgrades, and the followingenhancements:* Pro: Faster access to program updates. Lite users will receiveallappropriate updates, but the Pro version is always releasedfirst,typically about a week in advance.* Pro: A configurable widget can be placed on any homescreen,showing current connection type and realtime signalstrengths. Eachfield is color-coded so signal information can bechecked with aquick glance.* Pro: The ability to notify the user with an audio and/orvibratingalert when a 4G LTE or Sprint 1X 800MHz SMR signal isdiscovered.This is handy for users traveling in new cities, or ifyourcarrier's network is being upgraded -- know immediately whenyouhave a high-speed connection! Alerts are customizable, and canbedisabled by the user if desired. These features are very usefulforSprint users during their nationwide Network Visionrollout.* Pro: A user-customizable icon shows your data connectionstrengthin the notification area at the top of the screen, and moredetailscan be seen in the pulldown menu. Your signal strength isalways atthe top of the screen along with your other icons.. noneed to openthe app to check your connections. An additional iconcan beenabled to always show 1X CDMA signal for comparison, if theuserchooses to do so. These notifications can be configuredtoautomatically run your device boots if you choose to do so.* Pro: The ability to automatically keep the screen onwhileSignalCheck is in the foreground.* Pro: An option to quickly reset your data connections fromwithinthe app.* Pro: The ability to display your base station location (1Xtoweror sector location) street address, and instantly show it inyourfavorite mapping app by tapping on it.* Pro: Easy access to advanced Android screens such as BatteryInfo,Field Trial, Mobile Networks, and Wi-Fi info. These screensarealready available on most Android devices, but are onlyaccessibleby special dialer codes.We are always looking for feedback, including suggestions andbugreports.. compliments are always welcome too.This app has also been referred to as Signal Check, SignalCheckLTE, LTE Signal Check, LTE Checker, among other things.. it'sjustSignalCheck folks.cellular, mobile, antenna, tower, site, Sprint, Verizon,AT&T,T-Mobile, HTC, Samsung, LG, Motorola
X-VPN - Free VPN Proxy 31.0
Enjoy X-VPN with the most reliable servicetoaccess, encrypt and secure.-Totally free forever without credit card, registrationandLog.-Just 1s to connect.-Keep you stay connected for all day.-One tap to use and different servers to choose.Different countries, one X-VPN.∞Enjoy digital freedomOne tap to connect the world contents online.Free yourself toenjoyinternet without barrier and limitation.∞Anonymous surfingSurf the web anonymously with no concern about being tracked byyourISP or anybody else as your IP will be changed.∞100% Zero LogsWe protect your privacy by professional technology and alsowerespect your personal information with all of our hearts.Wepromisethat we never record any logs or any personal data of ourusers.Youare totally safe with X-VPN.∞Guard your devicesX-VPN will protect your personal data from hackers anddatasniffers, such as passwords, account information, emails,andpersonal information. Enjoy public network safely.∞Super fast VPNFast enough to watch 4k video smoothly with unlimited bandwidthandno throttling.∞Optimal connectionX-VPN detects your location and connects you to the fastestserverautomatically.When to use X-VPNWhen you connect to a public wifi hotspot,When you play games,When you do shopping online with your credit card or PayPal,When you focus on the business things,You could use this real free VPN anytime anywhere to enjoy thebestVPN proxy service.About usX-VPN is a service provided by TBU CO.,LIMITED. Our team focusesonVPN fields and aims to provide the best professional VPNproxyservice for people around the world. We believe thattechnologymakes life better and loyal users make technologyperfect. We gofor doing something funny and worthy and this makesX-VPN.In App Purchase:We provide two kinds premium service.You can be a premium user through auto-renewing subscription:Premium Infinite:$5.99 monthlyWhat can Infinite users enjoy?1)Removing ads;2)Access VIP Locations;3)Stable and Faster Connection;4)High Quality Support.Premium classic:$0.99 monthlyWhat can classic users enjoy?1)Removing ads.- Payment will be charged to Google Account at confirmationofpurchase- Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turnedoffat least 24-hours before the end of the current period- Account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior totheend of the current period, and identify the cost oftherenewalSubscriptions may be managed by the user and auto-renewal maybeturned off by going to the user's Account Settingsafterpurchase.No cancellation of the current subscription is allowed duringactivesubscription period.Legal:Please see X-VPN "Terms of Services" and "Privacy Policy":Terms ofServices: usIf you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to feedbackinapp. or visit our website formoreinformation.We'd love to hear from you :)
Intent Intercept 2.2.5
FOR DEVELOPERS.This app attempts to intercept as many Intents as possibleinorder to examine their contents.This helps when trying to develop an app that reacts toaparticular intent.PLEASE NOTE: The app can only intercept intents that aresentsystem-wide - usually those where Android will offer you achoiceof which app to open an Intent with. It can not intercept anythatare sent to a specific app.Some details of the intent can be edited before resendingit.Please help by adding translationsat app is open sourceat interceptions can be enabled and disabled from theIntentIntercept icon in the launcher.