Top 19 Apps Similar to ЭКГ

CardioExpert I 7.8.266
Cardiologist' assistant
ECG Interpretation 1.11
This app briefly elaborate of ECG irregularities with waveformanddescription.
Electrocardiograma ECG Tipos 13.0
Aprende a identificar los diferentes tipos deelectrocardiograma,ideal para estudiantes. Incluyen brevesexplicaciones sobre lasgráficas.
Лечение ОКС 2,1
После запуска приложения проведите по экрануиперейдите на следующую страницу.Отметьте данные пациента: длительность болевого синдрома,наличиеили отсутствие появления ЭКГ признаков элевации ST илиблокадыЛНПГ, время от начала болевого синдрома и времяпредполагаемойдоставки пациента в центр проведения чрезкожныхкоронарныхвмешательств (ЧКВ). После этого появятся диагноз иалгоритм леченияс указанием названий и доз медикаментов всоответствии срекомендациями Европейского и Украинскогообществкардиологов.При изменении данных пациента будет автоматически меняться диагнозитактика лечения.After startingtheapplication swipe and go to the next page. Note patient data: duration of pain, presence or absenceofoccurrence of ECG signs of ST elevation or blockade LNPG, atthebeginning of the pain and the estimated time of delivery ofthepatient at the center of the percutaneous coronaryintervention(PCI). After that there will be a diagnosis andtreatment algorithmwith the names and doses of medicines inaccordance with therecommendations of the European Society ofCardiology andUkrainian. If you change the patient data will automatically changethediagnosis and treatment strategy.
Фельдшер СМП 2.0
EMHelp Group
⚠️ Для работы приложения требуетсяхорошийинтернет!🚑 Шпаргалки скоропомощникам, сертификационные тесты для врачейифельдшеров.📢 Рады представить Вам уникальное приложение, включающее всебятесты, алгоритмы, схемы, таблицы, обучающие видео, инструкцииимногое другое.Аналогов данного приложения нет!Стоимость приложения равна одной жвачки.Мы признаем, что приложение пока не идеальное, работаетсинтернетом...но свою задачу оно выполняет.Книга с тестами в Москве стоит 500 рублей, а приложение - 50.Затотесты и шпаргалки всегда в Вашем кармане.🗂️ Содержание:✔️ Нормы для детей (площадь ожога, промывание желудка, СЛРдетей,параметры ИВЛ у детей и пр.)✔️ Экспресс-ЭКГ (изменения QRS, изменения ST, изменения Типр.)✔️ Инфузия препаратов (Изокет, Допамин и др.)✔️ Реанимация 2015 (современные алгоритмы реанимационныхмероприятийЕСР и НСР)✔️ Школа ЭКГ (видеоуроки по ЭКГ для начинающих)✔️ Оборудование 03 (видеоуроки по интубации, техникеиспользованияаппаратуры СМП)✔️ Инста СМП (фото наших коллег со всего мира на тематикуСМП)✔️ Тесты для фельдшеров✔️ Шпаргалки (веб-версия нашего сайта, содержащая более 4Гбшпаргалок)❗!!! Внимание !!!Некоторые версии ядер телефонов не поддерживают этупрограмму.Если у Вас просто белый экран или пустой экран -попробуйтеповернуть телефон в горизонтальную ориентацию. Если послеэтого непоявятся иконки приложения, то Ваше устройство поканеподдерживается. Проблема известна и ожидает решения.⚠️ Уважаемые коллеги! Приложение создано через конструктор итребуетежемесячной оплаты. Плюс, увеличивая объем шпаргалок,приходитсяплатить за увеличение пропускной способности приложения.У нас нетспонсоров и реклама - попытка заработать длявышеперечисленныхрасходов. Если реклама будет не эффективной,откажемся от неё. Безрекламы очень здорово, но без финансированияне будет поддержки иразвития приложения. Спасибо запонимание.⚠️ applicationrequiresgood internet!🚑 Cribs skoropomoschnikam, certification tests for doctorsandparamedics.📢 glad to present you a unique application that includestests,algorithms, charts, tables, training videos, manualsandmore.The analogues of this application is not!cost of the app is a chewing gum.We acknowledge that the app is not perfect, works with theinternet... but it performs its task.Book with tests in Moscow is 500 rubles, and the application -50.But the tests cribs and always in your pocket.🗂️ Contents:✔️ Rates for children (the burn area, gastric lavage, childrenCPR,mechanical ventilation parameters in children and soforth.)✔️ Express ECG (change QRS, change ST, T changes, etc.)✔️ infusion (Izoket, dopamine and others.)✔️ Resuscitation 2015 (modern algorithms resuscitation EBUandNDS)✔️ School electrocardiogram (ECG video tutorialsforbeginners)✔️ equipment 03 (video tutorial for intubation, the techniqueofusing SMP hardware)✔️ Insta SMP (photos of our colleagues from around the world onthetheme of the SMP)✔️ Tests for paramedics✔️ Cribs (Web version of our website, which contains more than 4GBof cribs)❗ !!! Attention !!!Some versions nuclei phones do not support this program.If you have just a white screen or a blank screen - try to turnthephone into a horizontal orientation. If not then there will beanapplication icon, then your device is not supported. The problemisknown and is awaiting a decision.⚠️ Dear colleagues! The application created by the designerandrequires a monthly payment. Plus, increasing the amount ofcribs,have to pay for the increase in bandwidth applications. We donothave sponsors and advertising - an attempt to maketheabove-mentioned expenses. If advertising is not effective,weabandon it. No advertising is very cool, but without thefundingwill support the development and application. Thank youforunderstanding.
ECG Self-monitoring 1.4.2
“ECG Self-check” software isanapplicationdeveloped for ECG registration and automaticECGinterpretationfrom the convenience of your home. “ECGself-check”softwarebundled with ECG registering unit works as asmartcomputerizedelectrocardiography device.“ECG Self-check” for ECG registeringdeviceKFS-01.001“Cardiometer-MT” from “MICARD-LANA”“ECG Self-check” application for Android registers ECGsandstoresthem in personal user archive on cloud server.Itprovidespreliminary conclusions on heart rhythm and morphologyinthe formof automatic summary reports. The reports getinstantlydisplayedon the screen of Android device as agreen-yellow-redcolor-codedscheme corresponding to norm, deviationfrom norm andpathologywith recommendations for the user. “ECGself-check” alsoprovides awritten syndromal summary report.Application hasremoteconsultation capability and allows users toauthorize accesstotheir ECG archives for registered physicians.For more information about the device andavailableapplications,visit “MICARD-LANA” website atwww.micard.ruKey characteristics:- 24-second ECG registration from 12 standard leads;- electrode contact check;- syndromal summary reports;- automatic summary displayed as norm, deviation fromnormandpathology;- remote consultations capability and user-controlled accesstoECGarchives for authorized physicians and medical centers;- ability to store ECG data in the device memory when thereisnoconnection to internet;- personal user archive cloud server for each registered user.
Мультидок 2.0.0
Multidoc - medical calculators for doctors
ECG Interpretation Basic 1.7
This app contains basics and fewabnormalitiesof electrocardiogram. The description is mainly aimedat providingbasic knowledge regarding the normal ECG and how toidentifyabnormal ECG.This short is mainly features of ECG or EKG tracings. Amethodfor analyzing EKGs is presented too which includes assessmentofrhythm, calculating heart rate, observing P-wave forms,measurementof EKG intervals and segments and the evaluation ofother relevantwaves.Identifying an abnormal ECG is not difficult as many think,butthe reader should shed out the opinion that it issocomplicated.
Electrocardiogram ECG Types 13.0
Learn to identify different types of electrocardiogram,idealforstudents. Include brief explanations of the graphs.
ACLS MegaCodes Review 2015 1.15
ACLS MegaCodes Review reflects the updated 2015AmericanHeartAdvanced Cardiovascular Life Support Guidelines andprovidesacomplete review of advanced cardiovascular lifesupport,includingthe new 2015 ICOR update. ACLS MegaCodes Reviewsimulatorlet youtest your skills in real-life situations. You canpracticemakinglife-or-death decisions and learn acute ACLSinterventions.Choosedefibrillation levels and pharmacologictreatments foreverypossible resuscitation situation. Take actualpractice testsusedfor ACLS certification. ACLS MegaCodes Reviewcoverseverythingfrom airway management and rhythms to electricaltherapy,acutecoronary syndromes, and acute stroke. ACLS MegaCodesReviewhelpsEMTs, nurses, students, and physicians successfullycompletetheAmerican Heart Association Advanced Cardiac LifeSupport(ACLS)course and certification exam. Experienced providerscanchoosemore challenging Place in Correct Order questions.
Cardiograph Heart Rate Monitor 1.6.00
Cardiograph Heart Rate Monitor - is an application thatmeasuresthepulse of your heart, whenever you need !Cardiographscalculates thepulse or heart rate using the built-insmartphonesensors anddevices (camera, LED flashlight, etc.). Youcan saveyour results tocheck history of results ECG Kardiograf andviewgraphs of yourmeasurements Heart Blood Monitor. The clearandintuitive interface,how to use: - lightly put your finger ontherear camera lens and onthe flashlight, - hold yourfingerprintuntil measurement iscomplete, - do not touch too hard -bloodcirculation (pulse) can bechanged and affect the results -using asmartphone or tabletwithout an LED flashlight, makemeasurementsin a well lit area -during the measurement, stay calm,try don'tmove and don't talk,because it may interfere withmeasurementaccuracy. Pulsemeasurement is useful during exercise,when you arestressed or ifyou suffer to heart diseases or it maysatisfy yourcuriosity. Checkhow fast your heart beat and stayhealthy !!!Warning ! This is nota professional medical equipment.Value ofapplication measurementsis estimated, if you have anydoubts, youshould consult with aspecialist doctor or your personalphysician.
Elektrokardiogramm EKG Typen 10.0
Lernen Sie verschiedene Arten von EKG, ideal fürStudentenzuidentifizieren. Fügen Sie kurze Erklärungen zu denGrafiken.
Electrocardiograma 4.0
Aprende fácilmente a interpretar un electrocardiograma.Teexplicamos paso por paso como identificar las diferentespatologíasasí como ejemplos de cada una de ellas. Incluye imágenesy esquemasque te ayudarán a entender la frecuencia, el ritmo y elsignificadode cada onda.
Cardiax Mobile ECG 1.41
Companion application for Cardiax Windows full-scale, 12-ChannelPCECG system.
ECG CALC Lite 1.3.4
IT Health
ECG CALC Lite is an app that helps health professionalsinterpretthe ECG
Tes EKG Analisis 7.2
Blacx Knights
dengan adanya tes ekg analisis inidiharapkanmempermudah pekerjaan dokter , suster , perawat ataupegawaikesehatan lebih mudah untuk melakukan analisis, aplikasi inimampumembantu memberikan panduan baik EKG .dengan Nilai Normal Setiap Usia lengkap dengan hasil BPM,Frontal Lead , QRS Vector , PR interval , QIII , QV6 , RV 1 , SV1, RV6 , SV6 dan dengan nilai rata rata percentile.terdapat pula bantuan Nilai Diagnosis, sebagaireferensi,penginggat dan patokan pemahaman EKGSerta Dilengkapi dengan Analisis Kalkulasi QTC , Kalkulasi QTperdetik / box , R-R perdetik/box. untuk menghasilkan nilai yangvalidsebagai nilai banding dan mempercepat pekerjaan tenagamedis.jika ada kesalahan perhitungan datau penulisan mohonuntukmemberi tahu kami. agar kami bisa perbaiki dan lebih baiklagi.PenegrtianInformasi yang disediakan dalam aplikasi ini hanya untukinformasisecara umum dan tujuan pendidikan saja . Semua informasiyangdipublikasikan di sini telah mengalami pengkajian untukmemastikankeseimbangan yang adil , objektivitas , independensi ,danrelevansi dengan kebutuhan pendidikan . Baik editor , ataupenerbitnya .Perhitungan ini bukanlah sebagai pengganti untuk nasihat medis,diagnosis ataupun perawatan . Pengguna disarankan bahwa ,meskipuninformasi yang dihasilkan ini berasal dari penelitian medis, namunpara peneliti ataupun Pembuat Aplikasi TIDAK mengklaimkeakurataninformasi yang terkandung di sini dengan baik atauakurat. inihanya perkiraan semata dan tidak dapat menggantikanhasil uji labdan tenaga medis.jika hasil menunjukan anda memiliki resiko tinggi disarankanagaranda segera untuk berkonsultasi dengan dokter Anda sendiriatauprofesional kesehatan mengenai kondisi medis untuk mendapatkanhasilyang lebih akurat . Informasi ini tidak dimaksudkanuntukmenggantikan penilaian klinis atau memandu perawatanpasienindividu dengan cara the presence ofthetest ECG analysis is expected to ease the work of doctors,nurses,nurse or health workers more easily to do the analysis,thisapplication can help provide a good guide to the ECG.Rated Normal Any Age complete with BPM results, Frontal Lead,QRSVector, PR interval, QIII, QV6, RV 1, SV 1, RV6, SV6 and theaveragepercentile value.there is also aid diagnosis value, as a reference, andthebenchmark penginggat understanding of the ECGAs well as equipped with QTC Calculation analysis,calculationsper second QT / box, R-R per second / box. to produce avalid valueas the value of the appeal and accelerate the work ofmedicalpersonnel.if there is a calculation error datau writing, please letusknow. so that we can improve and be better.penegrtianThe information provided in this application is only forgeneralinformation and educational purposes only. Allinformationpublished here has undergone assessment to ensure a fairbalance,objectivity, independence, and relevance to the needs ofeducation.Neither the editor, or his publisher.These calculations are not a substitute for medicaladvice,diagnosis or treatment. Users are advised that, althoughtheinformation generated is derived from medical research, buttheresearchers nor App Builder NOT claim accuracy of theinformationcontained herein as well or accurate. These are onlyestimates onlyand can not replace the results of lab tests andmedicalpersonnel.If the results show you have a high risk it is recommendedthatyou immediately consult with your own doctor orhealthcareprofessional about the medical condition to get moreaccurateresults. This information is not intended to replaceclinicaljudgment or guide individual patient care in any way.
Glasgow Coma Scale 3.8
Assessing the level of consciousness on a scale Glasgow coma in3clicks.
ACLS Rhythm Tutor 2.2.0
Learn to interpret ECG rhythms as the waveform sweeps acrossthescreen.
ECG pratico demo 2.85
“ECG pratico” è un applicazione creataperaiutare ad acquisire le nozioni dibasedell'elettrocardiografia;nozioni che tutti gli operatori sanitari dovrebberopossedere,specialmente quelli che operano nelle terapie intensivequali UTIC,Rianimazione, Sale operatorie, ecc.L’elettrocardiografia sicuramente non è una materia “facile”, maconun minimo di impegno si possono acquisire le informazioni dibaseper poter individuare una situazione critica ed allertareilcardiologo o chi di dovere. L’elettrocardiogramma è unesamesemplice, veloce, assolutamente indolore, di bassissimo costo,epuò decisamente salvare la vita di una persona. In Italia ogniannocirca 120.000 persone vengono colpite da infarto miocardico,diqueste, circa 25 mila muoiono prima di arrivare in ospedale.Ladiagnosi di infarto miocardico viene fatta prevalentementeconl’esecuzione dell’ECG.Con "ECG pratico" potete apprendere in maniera semplice iprincipibase dell'elettrocardiografia, potete calcolare lafrequenzacardiaca a partire dai millisecondi o dal numero diquadrati fradue RR, potete vedere diversi esempi di tracciati ecg,calcolarel'intervallo QT corretto, potete calcolare l'asse del QRSconfacilità oppure potete fare la vostra "diagnosi"semplicementerispondendo ad alcune semplici domande.Nota: L'app non elabora le foto scattate con la fotocameraocaricate dalla galleria per non pregiudicare la loroqualità.Caricare immagini di grosse dimensioni (>4 mpx) puòprovocare ilcrash dell'applicazione, specialmente in telefoni conpoca memoria.Quando scattate la foto, scegliete una risoluzioneinferiore a 4mpx, e scattate da una distanza ravvicinata.Versione "Demo"La versione “Demo” ha le stesse funzionalità di quellanormale,l’unico limite è nel numero di aperture (15)dell’applicazionestessa. Non ho voluto mettere il solito limitetemporale (nummassimo di giorni) perché a me stesso è capitato diaver installatoapp da provare per un certo periodo di tempo, ma permotivi dilavoro e impegni famigliari non ho potuto provarlesufficientementeprima della scadenza.Se avete apprezzato l'app, potete acquistare la versionecompleta( il suo ulteriore sviluppo.Il presente software NON DEVE assolutamente essere usato perporreuna qualsiasi diagnosi medica e/oinfermieristica, ma deve essere usato esclusivamente ascopodidattico.Prima di acquistare la versione completa, provate laversione“demo” del prodotto. Se dopo averla provata rimanetesoddisfatti,acquistate la versione completa e sostenete l’ulterioresviluppodell’applicazione.Per segnalazioni di errori, commenti e suggerimentiscrivetemi:kapelis95@gmail.comRecensito da"ECG practical" isanapplication designed to help you acquire the basicsofelectrocardiography;notions that all healthcare professionals should possess,especiallythose who work in intensive care units such as CCU, ICU,operatingrooms, etc..Electrocardiography is definitely not a matter "easy", but withaminimum of effort you can acquire the basic information to beableto detect a critical situation and alert the cardiologist ortheproper authorities. The electrocardiogram is a test simple,fast,painless, very low-cost, and can definitely save the life ofaperson. In Italy every year about 120,000 people are affectedbymyocardial infarction, of these, approximately 25 000 diebeforereaching the hospital. The diagnosis of myocardial infarctionismade mainly with the execution of the ECG.With "ECG practical" you can learn the basics in asimpleelectrocardiography, you can calculate your heart rate fromthemilliseconds or the number of squares between two RR, you canseeseveral examples of ECG tracings, calculate the correctedQTinterval, you can calculate the axis of the QRS with ease, oryoucan make your "diagnosis" simply by answering a fewsimplequestions.Note: The app does not process the photos taken with thecameraor loaded from the gallery not to adversely affect theirquality.Load large images (> 4 mpx) can cause the application tocrash,especially in low-memory phones. When taking a picture,choose alower resolution 4-megapixel, and taken from a closedistance.Version "Demo"The version of "Demo" has the same features as the normal one,theonly limit is the number of openings (15) of the application. Ididnot want to put the usual time limit (num Maximum days) becauseIhappened to have the same app installed to try it for acertainperiod of time, but for reasons of work and familycommitments Icould not try them sufficiently before thedeadline.If you enjoyed the app, you can buy the fullversion( support its further development.This software absolutely MUST NOT be used to bring anymedicaldiagnosis and / ornursing, but must be used for educational purposes only.Before you buy the full version, try the "demo" version oftheproduct. If you remain satisfied after trying it, buy thefullversion and support the further development of theapplication.For bug reports, comments and suggestions pleaseemail:kapelis95@gmail.comReviewed by