Top 50 Apps Similar to Jiobit Smart Tag

TrustTrack 1.115
TrustTrack is a real time vehicle monitoring andcontrolingplatform.
Trackimo + 1.11.1255
Trackimo Inc
Find a real-time location for people and things that areimportantto you.
Quartix Vehicle Tracking 3.3.0
Quartix real time vehicle tracking, on the move
WanWayTrack 1.11.9
No longer maintained(Track way)
TrueMotion Family Safe Driving
TrueMotion Family is a FREEfamily-orienteddriving app that gives you a complete picture ofyour family'sdriving safety. We’re the only app that tells youwhere your familymembers are and how they got there, with detailson exactly howthey drove including phone use, texting, aggressivedriving,speeding, and more.With TrueMotion Family you can:• See where your teen driver is.• See how they got there.• See if your teen is driving responsibly (and if they’re textingorusing the phone while driving).• Engage your entire family by inviting them to your appFamily.Friends are welcome too!• And, see how your teen ranks compared to the rest ofyourFamily.The app engages the whole family to become safe andresponsibledrivers by tracking behaviors, scoring and ranking eachdriver andsharing the results to the whole family (or other group).Inaddition to showing driving behavior, TrueMotion Family alsosharesfamily members’ locations so you can see where everyone inyourfamily is and how they got there.If you don’t want to share the details of your location withthegroup, you can easily turn off your location details in settingstokeep your location private.Car trips are graded using a simple 100 point scale (where 100isthe best score). Teen drivers and their families can usetheirdriving score to gain insights into responsible driving,identifyrisky behavior, and monitor improvement over time. Otherdrivingbehaviors indicative of risk like Aggressive Driving andHighSpeeds are called out within the app and factored intoyourscore.With a quick glance, you can see where your family is andhowthey’re driving, and how their driving compares to yours. Zoominon individual family members with a tap to see scoring detailsandtheir trip history.TrueMotion Family helps everyone stay on track and makesafedecisions when they’re behind the wheel. We lovesafedrivers!
GPS Tracker Car TK SMS Full 1.15.5
Austral GPS Car Tracker (GSM SMS) helps you to track and setyourGPS Tracker.
AngelSense Guardian 2.5.0
A monitoring app that helps parents protect their specialneedschildren
Senior Safety App 11.18
Easy SOS, health information, geo-fence, falls, inactivity alerts
Safety App for Silent Beacon 10.3.1
Silent Beacon
Alert, track, call and notify loved-ones as well as call 911 inanemergency.
Find My Family - Kids Locator 1.4.21
Find My Family - Your family link to always stay connected
LifeSaver - Distracted Driving 10.5.1
Life Apps LLC
Peace of mind deterring mobile distraction for fleets and families.
WebEye Monitor Mobile
Real time information for transportation fleet management 1.0.5
You must be a TalkingParents.comPremiumSubscriber to use this App.Upgrading to a Premium account includes unlimited access toPDFrecords; a totally ad-free experience across all devices; a10%discount on printed records; access to our new Android andiPhonemobile apps; and access to all archived attachments.TalkingParents keeps a complete record of all communicationsbetweenparents. We maintain the record as an independent thirdparty,making sure parents cannot delete or alter anything theyhave said.Our new Android app offers an enhanced mobile experiencefor PremiumTalking Parents users and includes the followingfeatures:- View your conversations.- View and post messages.- Create a new conversation.- Send PDF copies of your Complete Record.- Receive an instant notification on your Android device whenyouhave a new message to view.- See how many new messages you have to view on the app icon.- Manage your account settings.Please keep in mind though, a Premium account is not necessaryatall to communicate through our service as our mainwebsite,accessed via any internet browser, is designed toautomaticallyresize and rearrange itself to fit the screen on anydevice, be ita smartphone, tablet, or regular computer. You canaccess youraccount anytime for free by opening the internet browseron yourAndroid device and navigating
Ultra GPS Logger 3.195u
Ultra GPS Logger, powerful NMEA/KML/GPX/CSV logger! 1.9.6 is a software
Speedotrack GPS Tracking 40.0.1
Now track your vehicle 24/7 with our GPS Tracking Device and keepitsafe.
Traccar Manager 2.2
Traccar Manager is a mobile applicationtomanage GPS tracking devices. It requires a Traccar serverinstanceto work.By default application is configured to use free demoTraccarservice. To manage devices you need to register useron (Server) is a free open source server that supportsmorethan 100 different protocols and GPS tracking devices. You canusethis application with your own hosted instance of Traccar. Formoreinformation visit
Who's Responding 2.3.0
Who’s Responding:With Who’s Responding your department will know immediately whoisresponding to a call, whether they are going to the hall orthescene and know there ETA at a glance. Eliminate the guessingofwhat personnel will arrive and be in the know. A simple click ofabutton from virtually any phone and the screen at yourdepartmentwill allow others to know you are on your way. This fastand easyinformation by Who’s Responding saves precious timeinresponding.How it works:Once your pager has initiated the call you press the“Who’sResponding” App on your phone. This automatically populatesascreen within your department showing those who get tothedepartment before you immediately who is on their way.Optionallyit can also populate the screen showing your GPScoordinates soyour colleagues know how far out you are. It also hasa featurethat allows a text to be sent and populate the screenwithin thedepartment sending valuable information to those gettingready torespond.In the bottom of the screen you will be able to see who is awaysoyou can be better prepared; helping a department know ahead oftimeif they may be short personnel and a secondary call canbeinitiated earlier.
Linxup 4.3.4
Linxup, LLC
The Linxup app is a companion application to the LinxupGPStrackingsystem. The easy-to-use app lets you locate andmonitoryour fleetvehicles directly from your Android device.Thisapplicationrequires an active Linxup tracking device andaccount.Features: -Instant GPS tracking of any vehicle in yourfleetequipped with aLinxup GPS tracking device. - View abreadcrumblocation history foreach vehicle. Clickable icons providespeed,direction, and stopsinformation. - Map views with both mapandsatellite options. - Viewdetailed reports of yourvehicles'activity. **Activate yourtracking device on the web portalandthen plug it into the vehicle.Ensure that your tracking deviceisreporting location status beforelogging into themobileapplication.
Navirec 5.1.0
GSMvalve mobile app lets you track your fleet on the go.Alsoplayback the last days to see what your fleet has been up toandhowefficiently are they driving.
LocaToWeb - Live GPS tracking 3.8.1
LocaToWeb is the best and most reliableGPStracker for your phone. When a track is running the app sharesyourposition to web in real time. Friends and family can followyoulive on a map at The app gives youduration,distance, speed and altitude as well as your exactposition andtrack lines on a map while tracking.The web site stores your tracks in an archive under youraccountthat enables you to log in and view and edit your tracks.Using theapp you can be as anonymous as you like since you trackunder anAlias, and you can even set the tracks to be private (notvisibleto everyone).The app only track your position when a track has been set upandstarted, and lasts until you stop it. It is frequently usedtotrack motorcycle rides, bicycle rides, road trips, hikingtrips,sports and other outdoor adventures where you want to showyourfriends and family where you are, or to simply track your ridesforyour own pleasure.There is also a safety aspect of using LocaToWeb. If you havethetrack running and something happens, your wife, husband andfriendscan see the exact location of where you are. Maybe you areridingyour bike and falls off hitting your head, or you just wantto besafe when walking home alone at night.Key features:- Share your position to web in real time- Monitor duration, distance, speed and altitude- See your exact position and track line on a map- Capture and upload photos while tracking- Set up race groups that tracks several participants- Timer start with count down- Choose your units system (metric/imperial)- Possible to keep the screen alive while tracking- Resume a track that has been stopped- Choose between bright and dark theme- View and edit your archived tracks anytime on the web site- Just install and track, no registering is requiredAvailable in 8 languages:English, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, RussianandSpanish
Glympse - Share GPS location 3.38.5
Glympse, Inc
Fast & safe way to share your location using GPS trackingwithfriends & family!
Vyncs: Connected Car OBD Link 1.7.8
Vyncs makes owning and driving a carsafer,smarter, and a lot less expensive. It is powered byAgnik’spatented connected car technology that power manysuccessfulconnected car products in the market. Just plug the VyncsLinkcellular wireless device into the OBD-II port of your car,createan account, and you are good to go. Vyncs offers manyservices likeGPS tracking, vehicle maintenance, recallnotification, driverscoring, teen driver coaching, and roadsideassistance. In order touse the Vyncs app you will need a Vyncsaccount with a validservice package. The Vyncs Link device makesuse of a built-in SIMcard to send data to your account over thecellular wirelessnetwork. That means it works without requiring aphone in the carall the time.More Information:Vyncs Home Page: www.vyncs.comFacebook:
Asurion Parents 1.0.54
Understand your child’s digital life Asurion Parents is a100%freeapp that brings parents and children together, bygivingparentsvaluable insight into their child’s digital life.Wemonitorbrowsing, YouTube activity, and app usage to give youabetter viewof your child’s activity online, on all of thechild’sdevices.What are you getting with Asurion Parents? ReceivealertsaboutYouTube videos and browsing - find out more aboutthetroubling andconfusing content your child is exposed to online.Wealert parentsabout topics such as anxiety, violence,maturecontent, eatingdisorders, and more. Find outaboutage-inappropriate apps -receive a notification when yourchildinstalls an app that's notright for their age. Learn aboutyourchild’s interests and hiddenhobbies - Asurion Parents will letyouknow about your child’sfavorite videos, and notifies you aboutthecool and fun topicsthat show up in your child’s browsingandvideos. We also giveparents suggestions for ways toencouragepositive interests. Getactionable insights and expertadvice -Asurion Parents helpsparents start the complicatedconversationsthey need to have withtheir kids. We give parentsrelevant adviceand tips, composed bychild experts. Unlikeconventional parentalcontrol apps, AsurionParents does not block orfilter, and it doesnot expose privateinformation –not even to you,the parent. A newapproach toParental Control The problem withregular parentalcontrols is thatthey don’t work. They annoychildren and frustrateparents. AsurionParents gives parents aglimpse into their child’sdigital life andprovides them with usefulinformation and advicethat empowers thechild and parents to copewith technologytogether. Try the AsurionParents parenting app now.* For ages 13and up only Resources andadvice provided through thisapp are forinformational purposesonly and are not intended fordiagnosis orprofessional help.Consult your health provider ormental healthprovider if you haveany concerns about your child’s oryour ownhealth and well-being.
NextCrew Mobile 4.8.0
NextCrew Corp
Providing staff solutions for the new world
Bark - Parental Controls 5.3.1
Bark detects cyberbullying, sexting, depression, etc. onsocialmedia/text/email
WeParent 2.2.4
WeParent was featured by Parents, Romper, App Advice, NBC, ABC,andForbes. Developed by a team of divorced and single parentswhoseonly mission is to make co-parenting simpler and lessstressful.Manage your custody schedules, organize calendar andlists, shareinformation, and exchange messages – all in one place.Start with aFREE 14-day trial. Then choose an affordable plan thatcovers yourentire family. The first person in the family pays,everybody elsejoins for FREE. Here is how WeParent simplifies yourco-parentingexperience and helps you stay organized: 1. Custodyschedules. UseWeParent to set up your school year, summer, holiday,travel andvacation schedules. Start from our convenient built-intemplates oruse a custom schedule. Then track and manage changes totheparenting calendar, so that there is never any confusionaboutwhere the kids are staying. 2. Family calendar. Add yourkids’school events, after-school activities, doctor appointments,andanything else you need to track. Your spouse or co-parent andanyother family members that you invite will be able to see allofthese events too and pitch in to help when needed. 3. Sharedlists,updated real-time. Use lists to create to-do lists, shoppinglists,chore lists, packing lists, guest lists and more. Then checkanduncheck items as you complete them. Your family will seetheinformation updated in real-time. 4. Real-time messaging.Exchangeprivate messages or group messages with anybody you invitedto yourfamily. Having all of your communication in one searchablearchivemakes it easy to retrieve the information whenever you needto. 5.Important contacts and information. Share your kids’ shoesizes,school report cards, immunization records or photos withyourfamily members quickly, easily and securely. We integrate withyourphone’s camera, photo library and contacts book (withyourpermission, of course), and keep a searchable archive ofeverythingfor easy reference. 6. Record-keeping. Everything sharedonWeParent is permanently archived, and can be retrieved foryourreview or for use in court if needed. 7. WeParent data arestoredsecurely in the cloud and can be accessed from any device.All dataentered into WeParent belongs to you, and you only. Wenever sellor exchange your data. When you sign up, you areautomatically puton a FREE 14-day trial that gives you unlimitedaccess to all thefeatures and functionality. After the trial, youcan choose anaffordable plan that covers your entire family. Thisincludes you,your spouse and/or your co-parent, the kids'grandparents or nanny,and anyone else who needs to be in the loop.Our monthly and annualsubscription plans are a recurringsubscription, which you canmanage directly on Google Play: - Yoursubscription coversunlimited family members. You can add, edit, ordelete familymembers at any time. - Payment will be charged to yourGoogle Playaccount at confirmation of purchase. - Subscriptionwillautomatically renew unless auto-renew is turned off at least24hours before the end of the current subscription period. -Youraccount will be charged for renewal within 24 hours prior totheend of the current subscription period. - You can manageyoursubscription and turn off auto-renewal in Google Play. Ourlifetimefamily subscription is a non-recurring purchase. Paymentwill becharged to your Google Play account at confirmation ofpurchase.Learn more about our Privacy Policy at our Terms of Use at Weare constantly working toimprove our app. If you have anyquestions or suggestions, pleasecontact us at support@weparent.appand we’ll be glad to help!Co-parenting is challenging. Our appmakes parenting simpler bygetting everybody in your family on thesame page. Don’t let anotherday go by without simplifying yourparenting life!
Flote 2.0.108830
Features include: *Ability to upload, share, and monetizeallformsof your content. This includes audio, video, images,andtextposts. *Livestreaming and superchats with nofees!*Monthlysubscriptions to your favorite content creators toaccessto theirexclusive content. *Chat with others in private usingourencryptedmessaging platform. *Shareable block and followlistsallow you tomore easily curate content that you want to see.*Anintegratedwallet is automatically setup with every newaccount.*Tip otherswith your Flote wallet using their username oraddress,orsend/receive tips through chat! Flote is designed toeliminatethemiddleman. All subscriptions and tips are fee free!
Locale X
Judge Robert Restaino jailed 46 people when a mobile phoneranginhis courtroom and no one admitted responsibility. SoweinventedLocale®! Locale's advanced artificialintelligenceautomatessettings automatically. For example: arrive atwork andinstantlyyour ringer silences, your wallpaper snaps to thatscenicCaribbeanphoto, and Wi-Fi switches on. With Locale, neverworryabout yourringer going off accidentally again. Once youexperienceLocale'spower and convenience, you'll never want to bewithout it.Set itand forget it! LOCATION Locale leveragespatentedartificialintelligence geofencing algorithms for instantlocationdetection.Configuring is simple—it just works! To create ageofencelocation,drag and drop the pin on the map, resize theradius usingyourfinger, and Locale does the rest. The best part? Nobatterydrain.Locale's sophisticated sensor fusiontechnologycombinesaccelerometer, cell, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, andothersignals foroptimal accuracy, performance, and battery life.Duringourextensive testing across dozens of popular Androiddevices,wefound Locale's typical battery impact too small toevenmeasure.FEATURES Locale focuses on quality, not quantity.We'veselectedthe best features and make sure they are rock solid.Localehasbuilt-in Conditions for: - Battery - Calendar - Charger-Driving -Face Down - Headphone - Location - Time Localehasbuilt-inSettings for: - Bluetooth - Display Brightness -DisplayRotationLock - Display Sleep - Launch App - Launch Shortcut- SendSMS -Text to Speech - Volume, Ringer - Volume, Media -Wallpaper -Wi-FiRECIPES With so many built-in conditions andsettings, awholevariety of automations are possible. Let Localetake careofrepetitive tasks for you. How about configuring VIPs,likeyourkids, to always ring through? Done. Want to automaticallysendanSMS to your spouse to let them know you arrived atwork?Noproblem. Wish you could connect your headphones and yourmusicappwould start? Yes! What about getting in the carandautomaticallylaunching Google Maps or Waze? Locale can doit!PLUG-INS Localemanages more than your ringer. Along withbuilt-inconditions andbuilt-in settings, Locale expands with anadvancedplug-inarchitecture. Hundreds of plug-ins for Locale areavailableonGoogle Play. SUPPORT Locale is the longest standing apponGooglePlay, continuously maintained since October 2008.WithLocale, youget what you pay for: Locale is fast,accurate,reliable, secure,and battle tested. We stand behind ourapp 100%.Have a question?Just ask! Looking for troubleshootinginformationand tips abouthow to use Locale? Visit Locale istested and fully compatiblewith all ofthe latest Android devicesand versions, includingAndroid 11. BUZZLocale won the grand prizeof Google's AndroidDeveloper Challenge,because it is one of thecoolest apps forAndroid and showcases whatthe Android platformcan really do. Thisis what they are saying:Essential Android top 10 apps that best use location - Wired Magazine Oneofthetop 10 apps for your Droid - PCWorld MagazineSUBSCRIPTIONSAsubscription is required to enable Locale X. Newsubscribersareeligible for a free trial. Further details availablewithintheapp. Without a subscription, you can look around theapp.ButLocale X will not monitor conditions orchangesettingsautomatically. In addition to enabling LocaleX,subscribers getongoing access to: - Backup and sync -Continuouslylearning AIlocation - Cloud performance tuning -Support - Appupdates -Security monitoring Our subscription FAQ
RESTask for Tasker
Opt in for betatesting: is a Tasker plugin providing alternative interface toaccessRESTful APIs (targeting GET, POST, PUT, DELETE).This app is intended to work as a plugin to Tasker and doesnotprovide a launcher icon so one must have Tasker installed inorderto utilize this application.*README*Variables can be set synchronously or asynchronously.With the default sync setting, the task will wait until therequestis finished or is timed-out before executing the next taskand youwill be able to set the return code/response to localvariables.Note that in synced mode you can only set localvariables, i.e.,variables with all lower-cased letters, this is alimitation oftasker API.However, in async mode, the task will finish immediately and workinthe background so you will not be able to set local variables init(you can still use local variables for the parameters andstuff).With this mode, you can only set global variables as localvariableswill not be accessible to other tasks. Following is howto enablesetting global variables in async mode:1. To enable global variable set, you have to enable 'AllowExternalAccess' in Tasker ( menu -> preference -> misc ->AllowExternal Access')2. Return variables name should be global (with at least onecapitalletter) because it is set asynchronously in a differenttask andwill not be accessible if it is set as a localvariable.3. Since the request is performed asynchronously,returnedcode/response might not be available immediately. If youwant tocapture the returned code/response, you can set an action to'WaitUntil' the variable 'is set'. But remember to clear thevariablebeforehand because these variables are global and willremain aftertasks finished..---CookiesThe cookies will be found in the %hdr_set_cookie variable ifyourresponse header variable prefix is set to %hdr. If therearemultiple Set-Cookie headers they will stored in the samevariableseparated by newlines.---Feel free to leave comments or send email to me if you haveanysuggestions to improve this application.Special thanks to Arno Puder for helping me test the app.
Truece - The app for today's c 1.0.3
A co-parenting tool to help communicate, collaborate, andstayorganized
Reveal Manager
Access all the great functionality of your VerizonConnect,formerlyFleetmatics, Reveal fleet tracking account wheneveryouneed it,wherever you need it. Because the pressure to keep upwithyourbusiness doesn’t stop when you are away from yourofficecomputer,the Reveal Manager mobile app allows you to accesskeyinformationabout your fleet. This anytime access to real-timedatagives youfull functionality and allows you to stay in touchwitheachvehicle’s performance, compare it with yourbenchmarks,receivealerts, investigate incidents in the field, and,ifnecessary, sendthe nearest technician to an urgent job. Nowyoucan run your teamas smoothly from your smartphone as you dofromthe office, whetheryou’re in the field, in meetings, or attheairport. • Androidnative app gives you full functionality,notjust mobile webbrowsing. • Quickly locate any driver inyourmobile workforce orfind the nearest technician to an urgent job•Stay in touch withperformance against your benchmarkswithDashboard metrics andScorecards • Receive real-timeactivityalerts and notifications onyour phone • Drill down intoRouteReplay to investigate incidentsin the field • Create anewGeofence from anywhere Please Note: Youmust be a VerizonConnect,formerly Fleetmatics, REVEAL customer touse this app. NotaVerizon Connect customer yet? Contact us to findout more.US:866-844-2235, England: 0800-975-4566,Scotland:0141-354-1770,Ireland: 01-499-6200
A simple, secure cybersecurity solution in the palm of your hand.
SwiftFinder 3.9.48
SnappWish LLC
Find My Keys, Phone, Cars, and Virtually Anything
Smart Locator
Smart Locator lets you manage all your Smart Locator devices
Enablon Inspection 3.10.1
The Enablon Inspection solution is designed to securelyanswerchecklists generated by the Enablon Sustainability Suite. Theapp,which guides users through a series of questions,automaticallyswitches from on-line to off-line mode and is fullyconnected toyour Enablon solution. This also enables you to accessdataanywhere, anytime and on any mobile device. EnablonInspectiongives users the ability to: • Easily perform and browseinspectionthanks to its intuitive workflow and responsiveinterface. • Createobservation and upload photo or video evidence.• Accessobservations and key inspection information includingscope, duedate, and progress. • Use the App’s off-line mode tosynchronizeand access data on-the-go. Enablon is the world’sleading providerof Sustainability, EH&S and Operational RiskManagementSoftware. More than 1,000 global companies and 1 millionusers relyon Enablon solutions to manage their environmental andsocialperformance, minimize risks and improve profitability.Enablonoffers the most comprehensive platform in the industry, andisconsistently recognized as a global leader and visionary.
Kukini - Family Organizer 1.3.1
Steven Pal
For families to communicate, stay organized, and get morethingsdone, together.
DialMyCalls Voice Broadcasting 3.3.0
The DialMyCalls Android app allows anyonetosend voice broadcasts or text message (SMS) broadcasts rightfromtheir mobile device. Using your phone, you can quickly andeasilyrecord a message, select the group of numbers to send it to,thenpick a time and date for the call to go out. DialMyCallstheninstantly calls everyone and plays your message for them. Ifthecall ends up going to a voicemail our system will leave themessageon their answering machine so they will hear it later.It's completely free to use to send one broadcast out to25numbers per week, which is perfect for small organizationsorgroups. For those of you who need to call larger groups ormakecalls/texts more often, you can simply purchase credits foronly afew cents per call. The DialMyCalls Android app also ties inwithour website so your account can be accessed inbothplaces. Using the website you can easily import &organizethousands of phone numbers in minutes. Then whenever you'reon theroad and need to place a call you can do so right throughyourphone.DialMyCalls is used by thousands of organizations around theUSA,from youth sports teams to Fortune 500 companies. Ourcustomersprivacy is of our utmost importance. We will neverrelease, sell ordistribute any of the phone numbers or informationin your account-your information is strictly yours.The DialMyCalls app requires a account whichyoucan set up for free either through the app or our website. Thereisno credit card or payment info needed for free accounts. Ifyouneed help getting set up please feel free to call ourcustomersupport team at 1-800-928-2086. Thanks and we look fowardto havingyou as a user!
OwnTracks 2.4.10
Your location companion
Family Tracker 5.4.5
Parental monitoring app - Keep your children safe
AT-ZONE. Geofence sharing 6.5
Geofence entry and exit notifications, history of visits,statisticsand graphs
Cloze Relationship Management 2023.4.672
Cloze, Inc.
Smart CRM, Inbox and Contacts in One App
PhoneLynk 1.1.0
Upgrade your smartphone to Business Class! Your businessdeservesasmart dedicated phone number. With PhoneLynk you cancreateaprofessional business identity on your smartphone. - Createamoreprofessional image for your small business. -Dramaticallyreducethe cost of traditional phone systems. -Dedicatedbusinessnumbers, or port your existing number. - Callrecording -CallMemos for Contact Management - Automated VirtualReceptionist-Transfer calls between employees - Ringmultiplephonessimultaneously - Create professional voice greetings-Assignemployees numbers you control PhoneLynk grew out of ourneedfor aphone and texting solution to grow our business. Thefeaturesweadd are those we need along with features our customersrequest.Weneeded a way to take control of our phones byseparatingourpersonal and professional phone numbers, so that’sexactly whatwedid. AUTOMATED ATTENDANT! Our Automated VirtualReceptionistgreetsyour customers and transfers them to theappropriate employeeordepartment. For example, press 1 for Sales,press 2 for JohnDoe,etc. You can record your own professionalgreeting to showcaseyourcompany! EXTENSION NUMBERS FOR EVERYEMPLOYEE! Now you can haveonecompany phone number and assign anextension to eachemployee.Callers will hear your AutomatedAttendant recording, butif theyknow an employee’s extension theycan enter it directly,nowaiting! RING MULTIPLE EMPLOYEES AT ONCE Asa businessit’scritical to respond to customers quickly. PhoneLynkallows youtoring multiple phones at once and allow the firstavailableemployeeto answer. Employees can set themselves to onlineoroffline toindicate when they’re available. Available statuscanalso bescheduled to go into effect automatically!DISTINGUISHBUSINESS ANDPERSONAL CALLS It’s easy to differentiatebetween yourpersonal andbusiness calls on your cellphone! No mixups orconfusion regardingwhen and how to answer. RECORD PHONE CALLSNowyou can record anyincoming or outgoing call with the click ofabutton. No confusingconferencing in a second line or usingthespeaker phone and asecond recorder. Just click the recordbuttonand you’re done!AUTOMATIC SPAM CALL BLOCKER Everybody hatesgettingspam calls fromtelemarketers and scammers, so PhoneLynk.iorefersto a databasewith thousands of phone numbers reported as spamcallsto helpprevent you from being bothered by them! UNLIMITEDNUMBERSStopsharing numbers! With you can create asmanybusinessphone numbers as needed for about the cost of a latte!
Pawfit GPS Pet Tracker
The smart pet location and activity tracking system.
FamilyWall for Sprint 7.0
family & Co
FamilyWall for Sprint is a private space where youcanorganize,locate, share and communicate with those that mattermost.Webelieve in simplicity, and we think that your privatelifemuststay private. We also realized that sometimes it’sessentialforyou to know where your loved ones are and just besimplyreassured.* REAL-TIME LOCATION: you can now see in real timewhereyourfamily and friends are on a private map, in one tap.*PLACESALERTS: set up automatic alerts when your loved ones reachorleavefavorite safe spots. * SOS BUTTON: (just in case) tap ontheSOSAlert button and send an alert with your location toyourCirclemembers. FEATURES Calendar & Lists Organize yourfamilylifewith a shared calendar, lists, contacts…with an easydailyandweekly planning tracker. Add an appointment to thecalendar,andevery member of your Wall will be able to see it andkeep upwiththe schedule. You can also share lists and tasks so thatthoseonyour Wall can coordinate and work togetherefficiently.FamilyLocator Members can look at the location thedifferentmembersbased on the last location information sent byeachmember.Real-Time Conversation Send messages, pictures, video&audio,privately to one or several members of your Wall. Photo&VideoAlbums Keep your best memories in an album that youcaneasilyshare with relatives and friends. Browse photos inyourGallery orsee new photos posted by other members of yourWall.Activity WallWith FamilyWall for Sprint, you can browsetheactivity of those onyour Wall. Members can post, comment, andlikephotos, videos,events, notes, tasks, and lists. NOTE: Ifyouexperience anyproblems with your Familywall for Sprint app,pleasedon't hesitateto contact us at
OurFamilyWizard Co-Parent App 6.5.0
Join over 1MM parents & professionals who've used OFWtonavigate co-parenting
Tracki GPS – Track Cars, Kids, 1.0.332-PROD
A real-time GPS tracker app to get the location ofanythingimportant to you.
Traccar Client
Software GPS tracker
Nold Open - Your Virtual Keych 2.3.1
Replace your keys, remotes and keypads with your phone.