Top 13 Games Similar to Entrenamientos running

FITAPP Track My Run & Running 7.0.0
Start today, not tomorrow! YOUR personal fitness and health diary💪FITAPP FEATURES YOU'LL LOVE ✅ Easy weight loss (tracks weightandcounts calories) ✅ Records duration, distance and pace viaGPSTracker ✅ Voice feedback (total duration, calories,distance,current speed, average pace) ✅ FITAPP Feed (take snaps ofyoursporting prowess and share it with your friends) ✅ Weeklyandmonthly statistics give you a perfect overview ✅ HIITWorkoutsTrack your distance, time, speed and calories burned withFITAPP.The running app uses GPS tracking to support you during allyoursporting activities, be it running, jogging, cycling,inlineskating, mountain biking, nordic walking, cross-countryskiing,hiking, golfing, riding, walking the dog, long boarding,orwhichever winter sport takes your fancy. FITAPP will also helpyouto lose weight, count your calories, maintain your target weightorsimply to stay fit. Take a SNAP of your favorite route,yourpersonal best or your favorite hike in the great outdoors. Youcanthen post your sporting prowess on social media networks andembarkon a journey with your friends into your fit futurestogether! AIMHIGH ⭐️ Do you want to use GPS to track and registeryour sportingactivities? ⭐️ Do you want to compare a wide varietyof sports? ⭐️Do you want support while you run, cycle, mountainbike or carryout your favorite activity? ⭐️ Do you want to loseweight fast anddo you need to know how many calories you haveburnt? ⭐️ Do youwant to improve your health or maintain your targetweight? ⭐️ Doyou want to combine sport with fun and share youractivities withyour friends? Yes to any of these? Then FITAPP isthe right app foryou! Via GPS you can easily track what you haveachieved, calculatecalories burnt and save everything to yourhealth diary. FITAPPprovides you with your exact location via GPS.Unlike other apps,it requires only minimal battery and nominalstorage space. 🔋 Withthis fitness app you can also track andcompare different types ofactivities using GPS. All entries aresaved to your health diary,giving you an overview of all yourachievements. You can instantlysee how many calories you couldstill burn and how much you need tolose to reach your targetweight. FITAPP is your personal fitnesstrainer, whether you want torun a marathon, or simply improve yourhealth and fitness. FITAPPcan help you to increase your stamina,lose weight, or maintain yourweight. FITAPP also has a built-inBMI (body mass index) calculatorto help you keep your targetweight in your sights. Just type inyour height and weight to seeif you are under or overweight. FITAPPhelps you to reach yourideal body shape and to stay healthy and fitwithout you needing toworry – you will achieve your goals! GET FITAND TAKE A SNAP! 📸
Running tracker -
Personal runners trainer for you - verysimpleand lightweight application. Official mobile website.- Track your activities on all Android Smartphones and AndroidWearsmatwatches (Sony Smartwatch 3, LG G Watch R, ASUSZenWatchetc.)- Send your workouts to and watch (Workouts offriends,maps, stats, events, Forums)- Integration with Bluetooth Smart heart rate monitors
Race Running 1.05
With the app Race Running Training,youcanenjoy a healthy lifestyle and prevent health problemsthroughtheworkouts we have selected for you. These runningroutinescontainspecific workouts for men and women that will helpyoudevelop yourstrength and resistance, improve your fitness,loseweight, toneyour muscles and reduce stress of everydaylife.Here you will find the best exercise routines to practice athomeorin the gym.This application includes videos with simpleinstructionsforrunning routines, adapted to your physicalcondition, withthefollowing sections:- Training exercises for 5k race.- Training exercises for 10k race.- Training exercises for Half Marathon race.- Training exercises for Marathon race.- Running tips about healthy behaviour, diet,hydration.Alsoincludes advices about how to accomplish your fitnessgoals asathe professional athletes.This application is part of a group of sports trainingappssuchas football, tennis, paddle tennis,basketball,paddleboarding,martial arts, kung fu, judo, home gym,cricket,cycling,golf... Download now this Race Running Trainingfree app onyourmobile or tablet device to accomplish all yourgoals.
Running Training 1.00
Are you a running lover? Would youliketobecome a race winner? If you want to feel the experienceofrunninga race, this Running Training app is for you! Theprimaryobjectiveof this app is to introduce you in the race world,withmethods,training plan, workouts and tips.With this application, you will learn all informationrequiredforrunning success. Running a 5K, 10k or even a marathonraceiseasier if you are tenacious and follow the running programandtheexercises and advices we have selected for you, tobeaprofessional runner.This application contains:Running workouts with drills speed and strength exercises.Running training programs for beginners and advanced runners.Running tips such as detailed nutrition andhydrationadvices,running drills...Download now this running training free app on yourmobileortablet device and start practicing this amazingandhealthysport.
Running for Beginners Program 1.04
Welcome to Running for Beginners, the App that will help youfollowa full fledged marathon training program plan through thefollowingweeks. If you have just started getting close to the worldoffitness and running, please use our training course asmotivation!Our running planner has been studied by experts to adaptto thelargest percentage of the population possible. We divided itacrossfour levels of difficulty to keep track of your trainingstatus:Easy – Beginner program, further divided into 4 otherlevels.Intermediate – Half way level, further divided into 5 otherlevelsAdvanced – Further divided into 6 other levels. Runner – Thefinallevel you can follow after you have completed all of thepreviousrunning programs. The schedule is divided across 16 weeks,for 46total days of training; 15 days of the plans are completelyfree,while the remaining can be unlocked through the “Premium”in-apppurchase. The training programme includes an alternatedseries ofwalking and running regimens. As the weeks pass, therequiredamount of time you will spend running will rise, andyourresistance will improve. Running for Beginners will tell youwhenit is time to start running, walking, or stop. The app willalsotake track or the total walking/running time, of the km youhavetraveled and of the breaks you have taken. It will gather allthedata and give it back in statistics that will help you analyzetheeffectiveness of your training program. If you are looking fora10k running plan, or a simple 8 or 16 week half marathontrainingprogram, this is the app for you! Through the power of willandwith a little bit of help you will be able to complete a 5km ora10km run without stopping. We hope you enjoy this fitness app,andthat it may help you keep tack of your overall level of fitnessortrain for an event. For any suggestions, problems orrequests,please contact us at MEDICALDISCLAIMER
Be sure to behealthy enough to afford physical training andsport activities.The training programs contained in this app areintended to be usedby adults only. Consult a doctor beforebeginning any exercise orweight loss efforts. No part of this appor of its contents shouldbe considered as a medical advice ordiagnosis. No contents of thisapp should be interpreted as asubstitute for medical consultationsor treatments. Use this app andthe training programs contained atyour own risk and under your ownresponsibility.
running.COACH - training plan 6.7.3
Quevita AG
Training system developed by marathon record holder Paula Radcliffe
Running News Running 1.7
Escify Apps
The world's best source of news and commentary about running
Running distance-speed-reports 1.1.0
RDSR calculates distance, instant speed and average speed,excelreport
Running Calculator 2.5
Anartz Muxika
Simple application for conversion related to the running
Running Starter 1.0
Start running board running jogging cardio coach vma gps Running
Correr 10k Entrenamientos 1.0
ATENCIÓN!!!Esta no es la típica app chorra para ver los recorridos que hacesenun mapita y en un tiempo determinado, ni para oir vocecitas delobién que lo estás haciendo, ni para tener botones que sereflejen entu retina, por favor, sino no vas a leer lasinstrucciones de uso novale la pena ni que la descargues, porqueno te vas a aclarar.Muchos de los usuarios entran en el macrociclo 0, que esdeadaptación y pasan de utilizarla, porque no tienen ni idea deloque les espera en los siguientes macrociclos, solo unos pocosLEENEL FUNCIONAMIENTO y hacen un buen uso de la misma, si eres delosque saben leer, enhorabuena, porque vas a progresar seguro.¿Te gusta entrenar a tu ritmo?Te proponemos planes de entrenamiento de carrera ynataciónajustados a tu estado físico en cada momento, de modo quepodrásentrenar asimilando la carga de trabajo de manera progresivayconstatar tu evolución aproximádamente cada dos meses oinclusoantes, eso ya dependerá de tu disponibilidad y motivación.Pensamosque George Sheehan no estaba equivocado al comentar lafrase:"Todos somos deportistas, la única diferencia es queunosentrenamos y otros no"¿Qué nos diferencia de otros planes de entrenamiento?Nuestros planes de entrenamiento para correr y nadar hansidodiseñados específicamente para ti, que no deseas renunciar aunentrenamiento de calidad adaptado en cada momento atusposibilidades físicas.Eligiendo un plan de entrenamiento, podrás llevar uncontrolpersonal de tu mejora progresiva.Hoy en día existe múltiple información en la web dondeconsultarvideos de técnica de carrera a pie y natación, deestiramientos, desi estos se deben realizar antes o después delentreno...Por este motivo, pensamos innecesario tener apartadosespecíficossobre estos temas. Nuestros planes se centran en queentrenes de lamejor manera posible, consiguiendo una adaptación detiempospersonalizados según tus posibilidades físicas.El objetivo de esta aplicación es que seas tú mismo quientevayas marcando los objetivos en función de... como ya tehemoscomentado arriba, disponibilidad y motivación.¿Quien está detrás de Peminatres?Peminatres está compuesto por un equipo multidisciplinardeprofesionales muy relacionados con el deporte, si deseas sabermásentra en el apartado "SOBRE NOSOTROS" en nuestra web !!!This is not the typical jam app to view the routes that you do inalittle map and in a certain time, or to hear little voices onhowwell you're doing, not to have buttons that are reflected inyourretina, please, but not you will read the instructions notevenworth to download it, because you do not go to clear.Many users enter the macrocycle 0, which is to adapt and go touseit, because they have no idea what awaits them in thefollowingmacrocycles, only a few READING THE OPERATION and makegood use ofit, if you are someone who can read, congratulations,becauseyou'll make progress for sure.Like train your rhythm?We offer career training plans and swimming adjusted toyourphysical condition at all times, so you can train absorbingtheworkload gradually and observe your progress every two monthsoreven earlier, and that depends on your availability andmotivation.We think George Sheehan was not wrong to comment on thestatement:"We are all athletes, the only difference is that a trainand notothers"What sets us apart from other training plans?Our training plans for running and swimming havebeenspecifically designed for you, do not want to give upqualitytraining adapted at all times to your physicalpossibilities.By choosing a training program, you will take personal controlofyour progressive improvement.Today there multiple information on the web where consulttechniquevideos running and swimming, stretching, whether these beperformedbefore or after training ...For this reason, we think it unnecessary to have specificsectionson these issues. Our plans focus on you to train in thebest waypossible, getting a customized adaptation time according toyourphysical possibilities.The purpose of this application is to be yourself who yougomarking the objectives in terms of ... as you alreadymentionedabove, availability and motivation.Who you are behind Peminatres?Peminatres is composed of a multidisciplinary teamofprofessionals closely related to sports, if you want to knowmoregoes into the "ABOUT US" on our website
Interval Timer 4 HIIT Workout 3.3.27
Interval Timer 4 HIIT Training isaninvaluable countdown timer for all people interested in workoutandtraining. Just set up any number of workout andrestintervals and you're ready to maximize your trainingresults.It doesn't matter what kind of workout you do-whether you run, use it for cycling, sprint, tabata,weightlifting, HIIT training, some cardio, boxing or martial arts.It issuitable also for lots of "home workout / training" like theonesyou can find all over the Internet! It can also fullysubstituteyour physical HIIT interval timer you'd otherwise need tocarry inthe gym. It can even be used during study or cooking! Thebestthing is that this app is always with you, because it's onyourphone.Just set your own training schedule the with the number ofrounds,workout time and the rest time. Before the actual exerciseyou canalso set up the preparation time and after you finish yourworkoutuse the relax time for the cool-down period. Import,Export,Download and Upload your training plans! - This site is a great addition to Androidappitself. You can find here all the information about theIntervalTimer, some tips & tricks, all the user uploadedtraining plansand many more. Check it out after you're done withyourworkout.Interval Training Timer 4 HIIT will:- Logs each of your training- Gives you awards as you workout- Allows you to set own workout sounds, vibrations and colors- Is ready for import and export of your exercises, stats andawardsto SD card or internal storage- Allows you to download and upload the training totheInternet- And share them with the world!- Combine various training into one long session inExtendedTrainingYou don't know what HIIT is?High-intensity interval training describes an exercise composedofHIIT techniques. HIIT workout sessions generally consist of awarmup period, then several repetitions of high intensityexerciseseparated by a medium intensity exercise for recovery, thena cooldown period. The number of repetitions and length of eachdependson the exercise, but may be as little as three repetitionswithjust 20 seconds of intense exercise. [wikipedia]Tip: If you hear the counter through the external speakers evenwhenthe headphones are plugged in - you can always go to thepreferencesand un-check the "Use alarm volume".Tip: If your background music is disrupted with every soundtimermakes, you just have to disable "use alarm volume"inoptions.Free AD supported version!Interval Timer 4 HIIT Workout has free Caller ID. Caller IDwillshow call information during/after calls - even for contactsthatare not in your phone book. Enable, disable or configure CallerIDat any time in the settings menu.Facebook:
Running Voice Trainer
Running Voice TrainerThis is not another application to take while you aretrainingfora race, this app will really improve your times!Before your training you set the workout distance, yourgoaltimeor the average speed, select your favorite music andstarttraining.As you progress, receive alerts of distance and timetoknow how yougo and if your average speed is below theaveragespeed required toperform the target distance in the goaltime, youwill receive analert for you to accelerate the pace.This way you will always improve your times!It really works!Features:* Sets target distance and time. If your average speedislessthan that required for the target, can be configured toalertyouas you perform the exercise.* Allows configured to warn you each 1km distance traveled,soyoualways know how much longer the goal or when turning.* If you want to know the total time since you startedtheexercise,you can configure it to alert you as you performtheexercise.* Notice of better times when you end the exercise. If forthegoaldistance you marked a new record at the end of theexerciseyouwill be alerted so you know, adjust the goals andkeepinprogress.* Save your exercises on the device and watch your progress.* You can listen to your favorite music while you exercise.* No need to create users, or register with any website.* No need to download extra data packages.* Not connected with facebook or tweeter.* Installs and is ready to use!.* Available in Spanish, English and Portuguese.