Top 50 Apps Similar to Puzzle English

Англійська мова в ED Words 3.4.2
Learn English words for free at ED Words. Just download the app!
English words with RocketEng 1.5.10
Learn English vocabulary quickly and effectively
English with Wordwide: words 5.0.116
Appvise LLC
Learning English is easy! You just need to learn English words.
English Galaxy Английский язык 1.6.8
Learning English: words, grammar. We learn English from scratch.
Learn English with English Clu 2.0.51
Watch interesting English lessons right on your phone or tablet!
Learn English with Elixir 3.7.2
Learn English words and improve pronunciation with Elixir
Учить Английские Слова 1.8
Umma Apps
English words. 15,000 most popular. + Audio, translations,examples.Is free!
Xeropan: Learn languages 4.0.101
It's time to learn a new language on a time-travel adventurewithXeropan!
English idioms and words 1.4.5
The meaning and application of English words, idioms,catchphrasesand slang
ReWord: Learn English Language 3.22.1
The English flash card app you needed. Build your vocab! EnglishforBeginners
3000 palabras: aprende inglés 7.2.20
Appvise LLC
Aprende ingles solo por 10 minutos al dia.
WordBit Английский язык
Learn words without noticing! Words learn on their own! On thelockscreen! (wordbeat)
Обучение английскому языку-аудирование-English TDF 1.0.11
Description of functions: You can add your video, movie orseriesandwatch with subtitles (subtitles). The word opens inoneclick.Several offline dictionaries and abbyylingvoDictionariesdictionaries, Google translate (translate) andGoogleoffline. Easyrewind subtitles and video Dictionary to addwords toit and teachSpecial audio player for listening. You caneasilylisten toconversations, videos, movies or TV shows. TounderstandEnglish byear is a skill that is useful for traveling,workingandcommunicating. You can not just learn the words orconstantlylearngrammar. It is necessary to learn how to listenandunderstandEnglish when communicating, talking, watching movies,TVshows, orwhen you listen to songs. Therefore, let us first learntospeak,listen and understand a foreign language — English, andonlythenwe will learn English Grammar, spelling, irregular verbs,andsoon. After all, a child who is 7 years old is alreadytalkingquitewell, and he did not even go to school. Learning aforeignlanguage(English) is very easy with our application. It issuitableforthose who know English well (we have khan academy,films,series,dialogues), and for children, beginners or those whoteachwith 0.We have made an application in which you can easilyandquicklylearn English offline, and added the best TV seriesextraenglishfor free. This is your tutor - tutorial, which willhelpremove thelanguage barrier, increase vocabulary andunderstandthecommunication and songs in English. You can takecourses toyourtutor and use our application as a guide to learnEnglish forworkor travel for beginners from 0 faster. The tutor andhiscourseswill help you learn English Grammar, irregularverbs,correctpronunciation, but few will deal with him daily, it'snotfree. Trylearning in our application to learn spoken English-foreign,increase vocabulary, remove the languagebarrier,improvelistening. And you can learn english language daily.Inshort, theapplication helps to increase vocabulary, removethelanguagebarrier, it teaches you to understand communicationbyear.Suitable for everyone, for beginners from 0, for children,andforthose who know English well. If you have a tutor orcourses,theapplication will be a good tool that will facilitatelearning.Alsofree (free) is available the best series forbeginnersextraenglish. It has clear dialogs that are pleasant tolisten to.Soyou quickly learn the basic words, increasingvocabulary andbeable to remove the language barrier. Attached areseveralsections.1) My dictionary. This is a free section (Free)where youcanincrease vocabulary. Learning is easy. Knowing thewords youcanlisten to and understand the interlocutor, it turnsoutthedialogue. Training is needed daily to quickly learnEnglish.2)Free Section - Free Section. There is a series ofextraenglish,khan academy video, songs, dialogues. You canstartlearning here.Listen to audio, songs and learn tounderstandEnglish bylistening. Khan academy is suitable for thosewho knowEnglishwell. Khan academy is a short tutorial video. Wearejustinterested in audio - special words. As a result ofthislistening(audio training), the training will go even faster.3)Cinema. Addyour videos, movies, songs or TV shows forlistening(audiotraining) or watch and listen to ours. Add subtitlesto thevideoand learn English. 4) Special manuals, collectionsofdialogues forbeginners from 0. Easy videos, where simplesubtitles(subtitles).And other manuals and materials that makelearning easyhelp thetutor and you on courses. Be sure to try thefree (Free) TVseriesextra english with subtitles (subtitles). Learnwordsonlineoffline every day and soon you will learn a newforeignlanguage -English.
SmartCat: English Grammar Exercises and Practice 5.1
Are you studying English, preparing for an exam, or just wanttorefresh your grammar skills? Look no further! This fantasticappwith simple design gives you an opportunity to improve yourEnglishgrammar. Practice English grammar as much as you want, anytime youwant. Main features: - 3 different levels:Elementary,Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate. - 180 practice tests. -More than2000 unique questions. - Absolutely free. - Clearexplanations andexamples. - Can work offline - no Internetconnection required. -The total score and the award at the end ofeach lesson. - Thelessons can be done in any order. Just pick agrammar topic youwant to practice. - Two types of questions: selectthe correctanswer or type in the answer yourself. - Feel free torepeat thelessons. The lesson's content slightly changes each timeyou repeatit. Grammar topics: - Present tenses - Past tenses -Future tenses- Active and passive voices - Definite and indefinitearticles -Pronouns - Adverbs - Infinitives and gerunds -Comparative andsuperlative adjectives - Modal verbs - Phrasal verbs
English Vocabulary Builder 1.5.2
Learn English words and improve your vocabulary to speakEnglishfluently
Слова, фразы: школа полиглотов 2.33
Приложение содержит несколько тысячнаиболееиспользуемых английских слов с примерами употребления,разбитых нагруппы по 500 по принципу частотного словаря. Перваягруппасодержит самые часто используемые слова, вторая - менее частоит.д. Также в приложение входит около восьмисот типовыхфраз,помогающих запоминать слова в контексте предложений иосваиватьанглийские грамматические конструкции.Оно может быть полезно как для школьников любого возраста, так идлявзрослых, изучающих английский язык самостоятельно; какдляначинающих, так и для продвинутого уровня."Учим слова. Школа полиглотов" помогает в запоминании словбезутомительной зубрёжки, даёт возможность отрабатыватьанглийскоепроизношение.Урок (в разделе "Слова") можно проходить в режиме изучениядлязапоминания новых слов, или в режиме тестирования для оценкизнанийи закрепления изученного. Можно воспользоватьсявозможностьюсформировать свой список для изучения - "Отобранное".После урокаприложение предлагает выполнить работу над ошибками, илиповторитьурок целиком в режиме изучения или тестирования. Такжевсепоследние ошибки фиксируются в разделе "Последние ошибки",чтопозволяет отрабатывать слова, вызвавшие затруднения.Хорошознакомые слова можно пометить как "Изученные".Алгоритм подстраивается под уровень знания английскихсловобучающимся, чаще предлагая более проблемные для негослова.Внимание на них также акцентируется с помощью возможностиповторавыполненного с ошибкой упражнения и работы над ошибкамипослезавершения урока.Также доступен режим фонового изучения, позволяющийизучатьанглийский язык за рулём или во время рутинныхзанятий.В разделе "Фразы" содержатся сгруппированные по сложноститиповыефразы и выражения, позволяющие изучать слова вконтекстепредложений, закреплять грамматические конструкции ианглийские"языковые штампы", полезные для повседневногообщения.The applicationcontainsseveral thousand most commonly used English words with theuse ofexamples, divided into groups of 500 on the basis of thefrequencydictionary. The first group contains the most commonlyused words,the second - less frequently, etc. Also included in theapp abouteight standard phrases to help you remember words in thecontext ofthe proposals and to learn English grammar.It may be useful for students of any age and for adults whoarelearning English on their own; both for beginners and foradvancedlevel."Learn the words. School polyglots" helps in learning thewordswithout the tedious cramming, it makes it possible topracticeEnglish pronunciation.Lesson (in "Word") can take place in the mode of study tomemorizenew words, or in test mode for evaluating knowledge andconsolidatelearned. You can take the opportunity to create your ownlist tostudy - "Search". After the lesson, the application offerstoperform work on our mistakes, or repeat the lesson entirely inthemode of examination or testing. Also all the latest bugs arefixedin the "last error" that allows you to fulfill the wordsthatcaused the trouble. Familiar words can be markedas"Learned".The algorithm adapts to the level of knowledge of studentsofEnglish words, often offering more problematic word forit.Attention also focuses on them by using the Replay abilitytoperform error exercises and work on the bugs after the lessoniscompleted.Also available is the study of the background mode, which allowstolearn English while driving or during routine activities.Under "phrases" contains grouped by complexity of typicalphrasesand expressions that allow to study the word in the contextofproposals to consolidate grammar and English "languagedies",useful for everyday communication.
Parla: Learn Spanish Free 2.0.24
Learn words & grammar free
Английский разговорник 7.0.0
Phrasebook with pronunciation, word learning, spelling and tests
Flashcard maker for your words 6.1.0
Vocabulary notebook & word-coach app. Store words and learniton flash cards !
Learn most used English words 3.8
Learn most used English words in a week!
Курсы английского. Учить с ED 2.2.9
Learn English for free. English courses. Learning English.
Listening от Skyeng 1.2
The simulator for the English listening from Skyeng school
IELTS Vocabulary Prep App 2.0.2
Learn English words and improve vocabulary quickly usingthisvocabulary builder
Smart Dictionary 5.6
Application to the study of English words. You add wordstothedictionary, and the application asks you to translatethem.Themore you give the correct translation of the word -thelessapplication ask him, and if you answer wrong - you canbesure,very soon the application will ask the translation ofthewordagain. Dictionary can be downloaded from the device as wellasatext file by typed on a computer dictionary. Also,anapplicationhas built-in database of English words.Englishdictionary withclever - it's easy.
Lexican: Читай на английском! 3.0.0
Lexican Team
Read interesting texts and simple books in English. Learn English!
Skidi - learn languages with s 1.0.10
Skidi — short-video social network for language learners
Listen English Daily Practice 3.4.7
AMA English
Listen English and test daily help you improve your English skill
Elllo English Learning
Unique English learning app providing listening andreadinginterviews.
Novakid 2.33.0
NovaKid Inc.
Application for Novakid parents to control schedule and balance
English Vocabulary 4.1.6
Learn English with Visual Vocabulary quickly and effectively!
Я ГОВОРЮ Учить Английский Язык 108.0
Учить английский на базе техник ведущих полиглотов мира.Быстронаучим говорить!
English Irregular Verbs 1.2.0
Learn English words and improve vocabulary quickly usingthisvocabulary builder
Книги на английском и перевод 4.5.12
Bilingual books in English with parallel translation - IlyaFrank'smethod.
Multilang cards: Learn Words 0.2.3_release
Patrycja Apon
Learn Spanish, French and German words on cards and becomeapolyglot
Английские слова. Выучи 90% базовых слов с ReWord 2.0
Начинаете учить английский язык? Наше приложение поможетвамсделатьхороший старт! Всего за несколько дней высможетезапомнитьанглийские слова, составляющие 90% речи. Как этоработает?Выпросто смахиваете влево слова, которые знаете илизапомнили,авправо - которые не знаете или пока что незапомнили.Словачередуются с помощью умного алгоритма, и за одну-двенеделизанятийони прочно закрепятся у вас в голове. В приложенииприведеныпервые300 слов из авторитетного списка "New GeneralService List"-самого важного списка слов для людей, изучающиханглийскийязык.Для каждого слова вы увидите примеры предложенийнаанглийскомязыке с переводом. Рекомендуется использоватьприложениедва-трираза в день с интервалом в несколько часов. Длякомфортныхзанятийперед сном в приложении имеется ночная тема.Начнитеучитьанглийский сегодня!
AnyLang: Parallel Translation
Videos and books in English, German, French. Spanish and 11morelanguages
English Grammar: Learn & Test 3.5
Practice & learn English Grammar with lessons, tests,mistakes& confused words
English Reader 1.4
ETR - reading graded books, up-to-date news in levels usingbuilt-intranslators
TOEFL English Vocabulary Cards 3.6.1
Learn English vocabulary words for the TOEFL with freeflashcardsfrom Magoosh.
Learn and play English words 6.5
Educational games for learning words with pronunciation andpractice
Flashcards: learn languages 4.8.5
Memorize words efficiently and improve your vocabulary withLexilizeFlashcards
IELTS Exam Preparation 4.1
IELTS Exam Preparation- Reach Your Dream Target in IELTS Test
Learn English Vocabulary 5.1.2
Visual App
Learn English words! Practice, improve and expand yourvocabularyeffectively!
TOEFL Vocabulary Prep App 1.8.3
Learn English words and improve vocabulary quickly usingthisvocabulary builder
ED Class 1.1.0
An app for Englishdom students learning English on the EDClassplatform.