Top 13 Games Similar to The Shade Store V2

FOX13 Weather 5.10.600
The KSTU Weather App gives you the latest weather for ourviewingregion.
TasmotaRemota 4.9.13
Remote Control all your Tasmota devices on LAN without MQTT.
Lutron RadioRA 2 + HWQS App
Control your Lutron RadioRA 2 or HomeWorks QS lightingcontrolsystem
Bosch MeasureOn 1.7.4
Document floor plans, photos and notes and save everything inoneplace.
SightCall 4.5.2
Designed with field technicians and mobile experts inmind,theSightCall App enables the deskless workforce toengageininteractive, mobile-to-mobile visual support sessions.Withtheclick of a button, technicians in the field cansharetheirenvironment through a live video stream andreceiveimmediateAR-powered assistance from a remote expert. Theexpert cansee andguide the technician with local and remotecontrolsincluding: -Pause Video and Draw on Screen - Capture andSave HDPhotos -Document Share and Co-Browse - Remote FlashlightActivationforBetter Visibility - Remote Zoom for Clarity andUnderstanding-Collect Product Numbers and Codes withOpticalCharacterRecognition and More The SightCall App iscompatiblewithSalesforce, ServiceNow, ZenDesk and other leadingworkflowsandCRMs. Users can automatically save images, videosandassociateddata back to their case files for continuityandtraining. Deployedglobally, the SightCall App is used byfieldservice organizationsto: - request visual assistance from thehomeoffice or expert ofyour choosing - provide visual assistancetoother colleagues inthe field - improve service performanceandimprove customerexperience
Heart for Bluetooth 4.6
Turn your watch into a Bluetooth Smart device providing yourcurrentheart rate.
Copeland™ Mobile 5.0.9
Copeland's online product information for Copeland™ compressors
The BITZER REFRIGERANT RULER enables easy and fastdeterminationofrefrigerant data. The app contains allcommonrefrigerants,including key fluid properties, safetygroupinformation, globalwarming potential (GWP), ozonedepletionpotential (ODP), andinformation on choice of oil type forthecompressor. Furthermore,additional information onrefrigerants,links to relevant onlinedocuments and otherinformation aredisplayed (under "More..." inthe menu bar). The toolprovides anintuitive user interface foreasy andaccuratetemperature-to-pressure conversion, whileallowing easy useandswitching between different metric (SI) andimperial (IP)units(under "Settings"). // CURRENTLY AVAILABLEREFRIGERANTS // ▸The appcontains data and information on morethan 100 natural andsyntheticrefrigerants, which can also bepreselected by filterfunctions(under "Search"). ▸ For comparisonpurposes and also forpracticaluse in service and operation ofolder existing systems,informationon previously usedrefrigerants, which may have beenaffected byusage restrictions,are also provided. // MAIN FUNCTIONS// ▸ Searchfilters andfavourites: Under the navigation item"Search" or viapredetermined"Search filters" or manual entry in thetext field theappropriaterefrigerant can be found and, ifnecessary, added to thefavouritesby tapping the "star symbol". Witha simple touch on theselectedrefrigerant, the slider for thepressure-temperatureconversion isdisplayed. ▸ Ruler: By means of aslider, the valuesof pressure,dew and boiling (bubble) temperatures(temperatureglide resultingfrom the difference) for the selectedrefrigerantcan bedetermined. Pressure and temperature values canalso beenteredmanually - either by tapping on the respective fieldor viathesymbol "123". When installing the app overpressurevaluesarepreset. With this setting, the atmospheric pressure canbeenteredeither manually on the upper ruler or via the"barometersymbol" tocorrect the pressure values. A change toabsolutepressure valuesis possible under "Settings", theatmosphericpressure correctionis then inactive. Further function:By tappingon the refrigerantname, direct access to "Search"(refrigerant listand searchfilters) is also possible. ▸ Settings:Under this menuallimportant parameters for the determination oftheatmosphericpressure as well as for temperature and pressurevaluescan beadjusted. Other functions allow for a change todefaultsettingsand a repeated display of the “Tutorials” in therulerview. ▸Automatic Barometer: The app offers the possibilitytodeterminethe current altitude above sea level and/or theactualatmosphericpressure to correct the corresponding dew andbubbletemperaturesin case of overpressure settings. Depending ontheconfiguration,the analysis for the location in questionisoptionally carried outautomatically via GPS or barometer ifthecorresponding terminalhas the aforementioned sensors.Manuallyentering the atmosphericpressure or correction is possibleasdescribed under “Slidercontrol”. ▸ Temperature /pressure:Temperature and pressure unitscan be freely selected andcombined,if necessary, a mix of SI andIP units is possible as well.Foroverpressure (or negativepressure) bar (g) or psig / inHg canbeselected. In the Settingpsig / inHg displays theoverpressurevalues in "psig" and thenegative pressure values in"negative inHg"(e.g., -7.5 inHg). ▸Further information onrefrigerants: Generaland additionalinformation can be found underthe information symbol"i" in theheader next to the refrigerantname. These include, forexample,GWP and ODP values for therefrigerants, safety group,chemicalcomposition or components inmixtures, CAS number,molecularweight, triple and boiling (bubble)points, criticaltemperature,critical pressure and information onthe type of oilfor thecompressor.
NVH For Android 3.4.0
Diagnose truck and car vibrations with the NVH for Android app
Thunderstorm for Hue 6.0.0
Scott Dodson
Rain and lightning effects for your Philips Hue lights
Healthy Home Coach
You need a Netatmo Healthy Home Coach device to use the App.