Top 20 Apps Similar to 天天特价

淘寶Lite – 官方專為國際及港澳台用戶打造 4.32.2
Taobao Lite is a lightweight shopping APP specially createdbyAlibaba for Chinese users around the world. It can alsorunsmoothly on low-performance mobile phones. We will provide youwitha reliable secured transaction mechanism and cross-borderlogisticsservices to help you easily purchase the goods you need.
手機天貓-官方正品在天貓 10.6.1
Tmall 618, top-of-the-line goods are in the wild!
淘宝百货街 1.1.0
淘宝百货,提供商品搜索、浏览、购买、收藏等功能,为手机用户打造更加方便快捷的移动生活。打开淘宝百货,就能第一时间看到最热门的商品,最火爆的促销信息,用手机抢购,让您更快一步!Taobao Storesprovidesearch, browse, purchase, collection and other functions,formobile phone users to create a more convenient and efficientmobilelife. Open Taobao department store, you can see the firsttime themost popular commodity, the most popular promotionalinformation,phone snapped step faster!
一淘—淘宝、天猫比价返利客户端,海淘优惠精选 3.6.2
淘伴-淘寶官方店鋪上新促銷 3.0.2
(首次下載登錄就送80淘金幣)淘伴是淘寶網官方推出的用戶端。用戶可以隨時隨地查看喜歡店鋪的促銷、上新,第一時間搶購物車、我的最愛降價寶貝,還可以每天領淘金幣。1. 促銷上新:關注你喜歡的店鋪,第一時間搶折扣,逛新品(支持收藏店鋪和已購店鋪的關注);2.物流:隨時查看已買到寶貝的物流狀態;3.發現好店:按照用戶的喜好,推薦好店;4.我的淘寶:用戶可以通過淘伴管理已買到寶貝、購物車、我的最愛等;5.領金幣和搖(抽)金幣:除了每天領取金幣外,還可以通過抽獎的方式,得到額外的金幣;6.寶貝動態:用戶我的最愛購物車寶貝的促銷,隨時看。(Login first downloadsend80 Amoy gold)Taobao Amoy with the official launch of the client. Users canviewanywhere like shop promotion, a new, first time to grabtheshopping cart, favorites price baby, you can also Amoy goldcollarevery day.1 New Promotions on: Follow your favorite shop, the first timetograb discounts, visiting new (to support collection of shopsandstores have been purchased concern);(2) Logistics: always check the baby has to buy alogisticsstate;3 found a good shop: In accordance with the user'spreferences,recommend a good shop;4 My Taobao: Users can manage to buy Amoy with baby, shoppingcart,favorites, etc.;5 gold collar and shake (pumping) Gold: In addition to dailycollectgold coins, you can also draw the way through, getextracoins;6 Baby Dynamic: User Favorites Cart Baby promotion, readytosee.
九块九包邮精选 1.0.2
★淘客帝国官方出品、淘宝控装机必备App,拥有百万用户好评!风靡全球的九块九,让你花最少的钱,买最NB的货!不仅仅有九块九,更有超乎你想象的超高性价比商品推荐。还等什么,马上尝鲜吧!★2012年1月正式登陆appstore中国区和GooglePlay等各大安卓平台。每两小时更新一次,折扣优惠潮品新品随时上架。一盒烟或一道菜的价格,总能找到热卖精品。地铁上或是临睡前的时间,不怕没有心仪宝贝。★包括女生喜爱的各种话题和文章:美妆,美甲,美体,瘦身,纤体,瑜伽,舞蹈,美发,化妆品,个性写真,整形,美容,SPA,服饰,彩妆,护肤品,整容,情感,娱乐,活动,美食,购物,健康,养生,保健,星座,美图,搞笑,运动,健身,亲子,宠物,手机,数码,旅行;应用内含5大精品特点:【专业】中国最大优惠平台。全力打造全球首款最全面九块九特价商品的APP。【价格】全网最低,每天职业买手帮你砍价,给美菇凉们带来一次快乐的变美旅程!【质量】MM们大力推荐,精选优店。不用担心遇到假货或者高仿,只推荐优质的商品。【魅力】分类齐全,简单上手,天生实力派,每天更新,精彩乐享不停。【喜讯】九块九包邮商品覆盖90%,强大的功能满足了各种用户的需求。★超值理由:1、商品精(专业小编帮你千挑万选,商品不能更精)2、价格低(职业买手帮你砍价打折,价格不能低)3、点评妙(小仙辛辣,小贱鸡贼,看完再买实在妙)如果有建议或问题,请联系我们:九块九官方微信号:jkjappQQ交流群:317964797意见和反馈是我们成长最大的动力,期待您的参与.记得好评哦!亲!★ AmoyEmpireofficialproduced, installed the necessary control Taobao App,withmillionsof users! Rage nine nine, so you spend the least moneytobuy thegoods NB! Not only has nine nine, more than you canimaginethehigh cost of goods recommended. So what, once earlyadopters it!★ 2012 appstore formally in January landed in Chinaandothermajor Google Play Android platform. Updated once everytwohours,discounts at any new influx of goods shelves. The price ofacartonof cigarettes or a dish, can always find hot products.Timeon thesubway or before going to sleep, afraid of nofavoritebaby.★ variety of topics, including the girls lovedandarticles:Beauty, nail, body, slimming, slimming, yoga,dance,hairdressing,cosmetics, personalized photo, plastic,cosmetic, SPA,costumes,makeup, skin care, cosmetic, emotion,entertainment,activities,food, shopping, health, health, healthcare,constellations, Mito,comedy, sports, fitness, parenting,pets,mobile phones, digital,travel;Applications containing five boutique features:[Professional] China's largest deals platform. To buildtheworld'sfirst most comprehensive nine nine specials of APP.[Price] of the whole network lowest daily professional handtohelpyou buy the bargain, the United States and mushrooms cooltobringa happy change America journey![Quality] MM are strongly recommended, excellent selectionofshops.Do not worry encounter fake or imitation, onlyrecommendqualityproducts.[Charm] classification is complete, simple to use,naturalStrength,updated daily, non-stop to enjoy thewonderfulmusic.[News] nine nine shipping goods covered 90% of powerfulfeaturestomeet the various needs of users.★ Value reasons:1, product finishing (professional small series to helpyoupickedand chose, goods can not be more refined)2, low price (professional buyers to help you haggleadiscount,prices are not low)3 Comments wonderful (sprites spicy chicken thiefXiaojian,buyreally wonderful reading)If you have suggestions or questions, please contact us:Nine nine official Micro Signal: jkjappQQ group: 317 964 797Comments and feedback are our greatest motivation to growandlookforward to your participation. Remember to praise Oh!Pro!
Idle trading platform, interesting life community
彩虹购物-最好的全网购物,含淘宝、京东、当当等所有主流网店 2.6
Tao Zhen
这是最好的全网购物app,囊括了淘宝、天猫、京东、亚马逊、当当、一号店等所有主流的购物网站。本应用有以下特点:1、操作很便捷(1)通过单指滑屏可以在6个功能页面之间快速切换。(2)“看过”功能页面能帮助您在数十种看过的商品中进行快速筛选,确保买到最满意的商品。(3)紧凑的页面,节省了网购的流量和时间。(4)搜索热门关键词和以往搜索关键词能够使您轻松输入商品关键词。2、购物很安全针对各个网商域名的智能识别和提醒机制,避免了网络欺诈的风险。3、商品图片很精美提供全屏模式和自动播放模式展示看过的商品图片,使您在小小的手机屏幕上也能体会到大屏幕上的商品细节图。This is the bestofthewhole network shopping app, encompasses Taobao,Lynx,Jingdong,Amazon, Dangdang, One stores all major shoppingsites.Thisapplication has the following characteristics:1, the operation is very convenient(1) via a single finger sliding screen in sixfunctionalquicklyswitch between pages.(2) "seen" feature page to help you read in dozens ofcommoditiesforrapid screening to ensure that buy the mostsatisfied withthegoods.(3) Compact page, saving online shopping traffic and time.(4) search for popular keywords and previous searchkeywordsenablesyou to easily enter the article keywords.2, shopping is safeDomain name for each network operators intelligentidentificationandreminders mechanisms to avoid the risk of onlinefraud.3, the picture is very beautiful commodityFull-screen mode and playback mode automaticallyreadproductpictures show so little that you can understand on thephonescreento the big screen Product Details figure.
Werun密運 - 淘寶代收 1.0
淘宝有爱 2.0
淘我要-阿里旗下新一代海外购物神器! 1.3.4
阿里巴巴重磅推出全新海外购物APP-淘我要。淘到你想要的全球好货!厌倦了国内的大路货和海外爆品,还有哪些你不知道的海外好货可以买?是时候买一款日本当地女生都在用的美妆和一款不贵又有逼格的包包了。还在用韩束,欧莱雅? 试试ALBION,黛珂和POLA吧。忘掉Coach,买一只meli melo吧。【全民帮找】说出你的购物需求,达人、朋友全世界范围内帮找最适合你的海外好货。【走心推荐】分享你超棒的海外商品购物经验,和全球的资深海淘党们互动,只和挑剔有品位的人做朋友。【海外大牌超值折扣】每日精选海外大牌美妆,零食,配饰等,CPB肌底液,ALBION健康水,Hera 气垫bb霜五折疯抢。【潮流专题】从淘我要海量用户优质推荐中,为你精选全民都说好的逼格好货。【全球帮买】遍布全球的买手帮买最前沿的时尚单品,海外当地直邮国内,足不出户,也能与世界同步。【个性化推荐】依靠淘宝大数据的优势,实时个性化推荐你正在找的商品,分分钟刷出更多你不知道的海外好货。联系我们微信公众号:淘我要Alibaba launched anewheavy overseas shopping APP- Amoy me.Amoy to global good goods you want!Tired of domestic and overseas burst of staple goods, what youdonot know can buy good goods overseas?It is time to buy a local Japanese girls with beauty andaninexpensive and have forced the lattice bag.Still use Han beam, L'Oreal? Try ALBION, Decorte and POLA it.Forget Coach, a meli melo buy it.[Say] all the people to help you find the shopping needsofpeople, in the friends worldwide to help you find the mostsuitablegood goods overseas.[Recommended] take heart to share your fabulous shoppingexperienceof overseas trade and global sea Amoy senior party whointeractonly with discerning taste for yourself.[Overseas] big discount for all daily selection of overseasbigbeauty, snacks, and other accessories, CPB muscle basesolution,ALBION healthy water, Hera cushion bb cream% offberserk.[Trend] from Amoy topic I want to mass usershigh-qualityrecommendation for the selection of all the people yousay goodgood stuff to force the grid.[Buy] around the world to help global buyers to help buytheforefront of fashion items, local overseas direct mail home,stayat home, but also with the world.[Recommended] rely on the advantages of personalized Taobaobigdata, real-time personalized recommendations that you arelookingfor merchandise, brush out more every minute you do not knowthegood stuff usMicro-channel public number: I want to Amoy
潮流女装-美丽说蘑菇街淘宝天猫京东美团精选 2.0.3
潮流女装,国内【品牌女装杂志认证】潮流前线,时尚前沿,美女必备装机助手,一起体验指尖购物的畅快吧!选择我们的理由:★【实力】正品有保证信誉没问题,高清大图节省流量有绝技。潮流女装为你各种风格选择,省时省力更省钱,想看看我们美丽的淘女郎都在怎么穿,赶紧进入潮流频道★【技术】潮流女装专业开发团队,独家赞助,正品全网最低。成功交易量最大,职业买手帮你砍价,天生实力派。全力打造出全球首款拥有最全面商品的搭配应用,高端大气国际化,清新小女生,高端大气女神首选,引导你成为时尚达人。★【专业】为什么专业,搭配、逛街、九块九我们一款APP上全都有,无论你是搭配潮人,还是想超值购物,选择潮流女装,百万MM陪你一起high爆全场★【产品】你还在淘单品吗?Out了!快来潮流女装吧!明星、T台、时尚达人、欧美、日韩代购、本土原创设计师、时尚博主、淘宝时尚店主各类搭配街拍应有尽有。如果有建议或问题,请联系我们:邮箱:h.ji@repai.com官方粉丝群:116303354官方微博: of women,women'smagazine brand domestic [certification] trend line,cutting-edgefashion, beauty must-installed helper, experience thefun ofshopping right fingertips!    Choose our reasons:★ 【】 genuine strength there is no problem to ensurecredibility,high-definition big picture savings flow has stunt.Trend of womenin various styles for you to choose, saving time andmore money,want to see our beautiful Amoy girl in how to wear thetrendchannel and quickly enter★ [technical] trend women's professional development team,exclusivesponsorship, genuine lowest whole network. Successfullargesttrading volume, professional buyers to help you haggle,bornStrength. To build the world's first with the mostcomprehensiveproduct mix of applications, an internationalhigh-end atmosphere,fresh little girl, goddess of choice forhigh-end atmosphere, andguide you to become fashionistas.★ [professional] Why are professional, collocation, shopping,nineblocks on a nine APP we all have, whether you are with theinfluxof people, still want great value shopping, select the trendofwomen, and millions MM accompany you high explosiveaudience★ [product] you still scouring single product it? Out of! Cometrendof women now! Star, T station, fashionistas, Europe, Japanand SouthKorea purchasing, local original designers, fashionbloggers,fashion Taobao shopkeeper with all kinds of streetshootingeverything.If you have suggestions or questions, please contact us:Mail: h.ji @ repai.comThe official fan group: 116 303 354Official microblogging:
淘宝头条 1.4.0
淘宝头条,能逛的头条看头条,要淘的。马云家的头条产品淘宝头条(Android版)正式上线。这是一个面向年轻人的app。有死宅最爱的女仆装完全使用手册,有关于守望先锋的新姿势。也少不了有铲屎官的喜怒,花样养死多肉后的淡淡忧伤。时尚搭配、美妆美容;明星八卦、星座休闲;运动减肥、健康美食,都是应有之义。在这里,你将收获到“不一样的资讯”,涨知识,追潮流,懂情趣,有格调。作为一个平台,淘宝头条不仅传播资讯和知识。消费是一种审美,趣味成就生活品质,在买买买中进化一个更好的自己。看头条,用淘的。【大V都入驻】淘宝头条已聚合数千机构媒体和自媒体人,为你提供优质生活消费资讯内容,24小时刷不停。传说中的大V都在,黎贝卡的异想世界、罗辑思维、毒舌电影、一条、跑步指南、陈晓东朵朵天地、崔玉涛育学园等都已进驻淘宝头条;机构媒体都在,瑞丽、昕薇、悦己、成都商报、都市快报、新闻晨报、华西都市报;生命时报、保健时报、妈咪宝贝传媒集团。还有什么值得买、虎扑识货、太平洋电脑网、数字尾巴、IT之家、奇葩说、汽车之家。【个性化推荐】借助阿里巴巴海量大数据,用淘宝账号登录淘宝头条,即刻算出你的兴趣,定制你的专属资讯。你的淘宝头条首页更个性,更精准,确保内容都是为你订制!【小编多卖力】各个频道各种精彩,最in的专题解析,直男的私家门诊,美搭1001课。还有“五分钟”每日推送最精彩的五篇内容,迅速补充姿势。小编每天够卖力,连闪屏都那么美!【聚焦最热门】世界那么大,热词那么多,一个不留神,完全对不上话。聚焦帮你追踪热门话题,梳理来龙去脉,把握最新进展,你永远是人群中的KOL。【轻松看视频】网罗更多视频资源,高素质全屏播放——新品首发、颁奖直播、明星代言,用淘宝头条就够了!@联系头条淘宝头条pc官网:官方合作邮箱:阿里旺旺用户交流群:1528798683Taobaoheadlines,headlines can visitSee headlines, to Amoy.Ma Taobao home headlines Product Bulletin (AndroidVersion)formally launched.This app is a youth-oriented. There are death house favoritemaidoutfit complete instruction manual about Rye pioneer newposition.Ultimately, shovel feces officer joy, anger, sadnesstricks raisedead faint meaty post.With fashion, beauty beauty; celebrity gossipconstellationleisure; exercise to lose weight, healthy food, is thepropermeaning. Here, you will reap the "different information",upknowledge, chasing trends, understand the taste, thereisstyle.As a platform, Taobao headlines not only disseminateinformationand knowledge.Consumption is an aesthetic, interesting achievements inqualityof life, a better evolution in the buy buy buy yourselfin.See headlines with Amoy.[Big V] are settledTaobao headlines aggregated from thousands of the media andmediapeople, to provide consumer information content quality oflife foryou, 24 hours non-stop brush. Legendary big V in, LiBeika's world,Luo Ji thinking, sharp-tongued movie, one, runningguide, Danielblossoming world, Cuiyu Tao education academy, etc.have beenstationed Taobao headlines; media agency in Ruili , XinWei,herself, the Chengdu Commercial Daily, city Express, MorningNews,WCC; life Times, health Times, Mommy baby media Group. Whatisworth buying, know what Tiger bashing, Pacific Internet,digitaltail, IT House, wonderful to say, the car home.[Personalized recommendations]With Alibaba massive big data, with Taobao Taobao accountloginheadlines instantly calculate your interest to customizeyourproprietary information. Your headline Taobao homemorepersonalized, more accurate, to ensure that the contentiscustomized for you!Xiao Bian hard [more]Each channel a variety of exciting, most in the thematicanalysis,straight male private clinic, the United States take the1001class. There are "five minutes" the most exciting five dailypushcontent quickly add posture. Xiao Bian daily hard enough,chainlightning screen are so beautiful![Focus] Most PopularWorld is so big, so many hot words, a moment'sinattention,completely not on words. Focus help you track hottopics, combingthe whole story, to grasp the latest developments,you are alwayscrowd KOL.[Video] easy to seeRecruit more video resources, high-quality full-screen playback-new starter, awards broadcast, celebrity endorsements, withTaobaoheadlines is enough!@ Contact headlinesTaobao headlines pc's official website: cooperation mail: Want users exchange group: 1528798683
时尚女人街-主题购物淘宝天猫正品精选,优惠折扣一网打尽 1.0.4
Zhilehuo Inc.
性感美女编辑精选网络最流行,最时尚的商品,让您随时随地了解当下最时尚流行商品,带给您最完美的移动购物体验。每天更新上百种商品,衣服服饰、箱包鞋帽、美妆护肤、电子数码、家电家居,品牌特惠一网打尽!国内外5000余品牌授权特卖,确保正品!1.掌握时尚:时尚随身携带,做时尚达人,你值得拥有!2.安全保障:支付宝、银联等多种在线支付方式,让您购物更安心!3.品质保证:100%正品承诺,10天退换货!4.物流查询:随时随地跟踪已购商品的运输状况,看着物品送到家!要安装淘宝、天猫、亚马逊、当当、拉手、话费、彩票……时尚美女编辑在女人街中为您解决一切烦恼。掌上女人街,一切尽在掌握。1、每天更新上百种时尚流行商品;2、精品特价优惠一目了然,天天活动做不完;3、商品详情真实可靠,店家为您提供最优质的服务;3、看网友评价,综合比对;4、发表自己的观点态度。FlirtyEditor'sChoicenetwork's most popular, the most fashionablemerchandise, soyouunderstand the most current anytime fashionmerchandise, tobringyou the best mobile shopping experience.Daily updates on hundreds of products, clothes,shoes,hats,Beauty Care, electronic digital, home appliances,brandSpecialclean sweep! Sale of more than 5,000 domesticandinternationalbrand licensing to ensure genuine!1 master Fashion: Fashion portable, do fashion,youdeserve!2 security: Paypal, Union, and other online payment methodstomakeyour shopping more at ease!(3) Quality Assurance: 100% genuine commitment, 10daysreturnpolicy!4 Logistics inquiries: anytime track purchasedgoodstransportsituation, looking at goods sent home!To install Taobao, Lynx, Amazon, Dangdang, handle,bill,lottery...... fashion beauty editor at Ladies in to solveallyourtroubles. Pocket Ladies, everything under control.1, updated every day hundreds of fashion goods;2, special offers boutique glance, every dayactivitiesareendless;3 Product Details true and reliable stores to provide youwiththebest quality service;3, see User evaluation, comprehensive comparison;4, to express their views attitude.
蝦皮購物 | 花得更少買得更好 3.11.07
Free shipping from $299 on the whole site|100% off on thewholesite|Drawing $300,000 in Japan
VeryBuy Fashion | 多風格時尚購物
VeryBuy is a shopping platform focusing on women'smulti-stylefashion. You can find various styles of clothing such assportsstyle, royal sister, ethnic style, college, Europe andAmerica,forest department, court, daily miscellaneous...etc.
Yahoo奇摩拍賣 9.3.1
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