1.0 / October 24, 2015
(2.0/5) ()


*** The 3-Day Detox is created to cleanse thebody of harmful substances. First of all it helps to get rid oftoxins! Moreover, it makes one get rid of 3 lbs overweight! ***

*** "Detox" - a breakthrough in the field of health and beauty.This is the most popular course of the year! Colourful jars ofcleansing juice everywhere in instagram, on billboards in the dietof celebrities and the trendsetters! ***

What is - DETOX? A deep but gentle cleansing of the body withthe help of a certain system of nutrition and self-care. Detox willgive your body unprecedented ease, elasticity to the skin, shiningto the eyes and lose of extra lbs safely, but in record time.

Our app 3-Day Detox will be indispensable assistant and willmotivate you to not only get in shape and achieve a state ofpurity, a little-known today. There you will find everything youneed for an easy and pleasant detox of the body.


* A detailed description of DETOX nutrition.

* Detox calendar. Calendar helps you keep track of yourprogress, records, take into account days of detoxification, aswell as compose menu for the entire period of improvement!

* More than 200 original recipes for all phases Detox. You willbe able to cook healthy meals for both the detox, and for thestages of preparation of the body and out of the diet.

* Ability to add a recipe! You can add a recipe to yourcalendar, as well as to send us an e-mail and we will add it to thedatabase of recipes.

* Opportunity most to add the recipe! You can add the recipe tothe calendar of food, and also send us to mail and we will add itto a database of recipes.

* Schedule of weight loss. Schedule will monitor your progressand weight loss, based on the data you entered in the DetoxCalendar!

* Convenient and easy shopping list from your menu!Automatically add ingredients from the recipes you have chosen, andyou can use it as a shopping list, add the name and quantity offoods yourself.

* Sync all your data with Google Drive! Now when changing yourgadget or using different devices all your data will be stored inGoogle Drive and sync with new devices!

* A huge number of tips and motivators!

Cleans and lose weight naturally!

Best Regards,
BestApp Studio Ltd.

App Information 3-Day Detox - 3lbs weight loss

  • App Name
    3-Day Detox - 3lbs weight loss
  • 包名
  • 发布日期
    October 24, 2015
  • 文件大小
  • 系统要求
    Android 3.1 and up
  • 版本
  • 开发者
    BestApp Studio Ltd.
  • 安装
    10 - 50
  • 价钱
  • 分类
    Health & Fitness
  • 开发者
    Visit website Email info@bestapp-studio.com
    313 Brightwater ct, apt. 3g BROOKLYN NY 11235
  • Google Play Link

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Диета Дюкана + Дневник Питания 1.5 APK
Хотите похудеть быстро и вкусно?*** Диета Дюкана от BestApp Studio является приложением №1 дляпоклонников этой диеты в AppStore! ****** Более года мы улучшаем, обновляем, дорабатываем и делаемлучше наше приложение для Вас! ****** Диета Дюкана + Дневник Питания не имеет аналогов в AppStore! ***Диета Дюкана является одной из наиболее популярных в наши днисистем похудения. Для достижения идеальной фигуры к этой белковойдиете прибегали знаменитые актеры, звезды шоу-бизнеса и простыедомохозяйки.Наше приложение поможет Вам легко и быстро похудеть!В Нашем приложении Вы найдете все что надо, для того чтобыкомфортно и легко придерживаться всех правил диеты Доктора Дюкана!А именно:* Подробное описание диеты Дюкана и ее этапов.* Калькулятор веса по Дюкану. Калькулятор подскажет Вашидеальный вес и ИМТ, в зависимости от роста, возраста, пола иширины запястья. Так же подсчитает точно все этапы диеты и для тогочтобы удобно было следить отметит их в календаре диеты.* Список допустимых продуктов и добавок. В нем вы найдете любыепродукты и легко поймете какие из них можно использовать в своихблюдах на данном этапе диеты.* Более 600 авторских рецептов в постоянно пополняемой базе! Ихможно добавлять в список избранных рецептов, так же можно добавлятьпонравившиеся рецепты в Дневник Диеты хоть на пол года вперед! Излюбого рецепта наше приложение добавит все ингредиенты в СписокПокупок, чтобы Вам было легко ходить по магазинам.* Возможность самому добавлять рецепт! Вы можете добавлятьрецепт в свой календарь питания сами, а так же отправить нам напочту и мы добавим его в базу данных рецептов.* Удобный и простой список покупок из Вашего меню! Автоматическидобавляет ингредиенты из выбранных Вами рецептов, а так же вы егоможете использовать просто как список покупок, внося названия иколичество продуктов сами.* Календарь диеты, с возможностью отмечать чередование белковыхи белково-овощных дней и фиксировать свой текущий вес, объемгруди,талии, бедер! Теперь Вам не надо думать какой день белковый акакой белково-овощной! Вы сможете в каледнаре отмечать нужные дни иизбежать путаницы ( и выкинуть бумажки на которых Вы это раньшезаписывали), либо же доверить это приложению и оно само расставитчередование для Вас! Так же в календаре Вы можете вносить свойтекущий вес, для того чтобы видеть Ваши успехи в Графике контролявеса.* График снижения веса для наглядного результата. Исходя извнесенных Вами данных в Календаре питания наш График покажет вашиуспехи!* ДНЕВНИК ДИЕТЫ поможет Вам правильно спланировать своерасписание хоть на всю диету вперед! Вы отметите все ваши пожеланияи планы, начиная от ежедневного приема отрубей и ходьбы, заканчиваяпосещением бассейна или фитнес центра. Так же распишете свой рациониз наших рецептов, либо добавив свой собственный! Теперь вы несможете пропустить запланированное мероприятие, так как приложениеДиета Дюкана напомнит Вам о нем!* ВОДНЫЙ БАЛАНС подсчитает количество жидкости, которое Вамнеобходимо выпивать ежедневно исходя из Ваших данных и образажизни! А так же напомнит Вам не забыть выпивать нужную норму всутки! Потребление нужного организму количества воды оченьплодотворно влияет на снижение веса!* КАЛЬКУЛЯТОР БЕЛКА подсчитает необходимое Вам ежедневноепотребление белка в зависимости от вашего возраста, веса и образажизни! Белок это основа Диеты Дюкана, но злоупотреблять им нестоит!* ПОЛНАЯ КОНФИДЕНЦИАЛЬНОСТЬ! Пароль на приложение скроет отненужных глаз вашу информацию!* Синхронизация всех Ваших данных с iCloud! Теперь при заменегаджета или использовании нескольких девайсов (например iPhone иiPad) все Ваши данные будут храниться в iCloud и синхронизироватьсяс новыми устройствами!* Много полезных советов, которые помогут Вам преодолеть всетрудности и пройти до конца! В данном разделе Вы найдете полезныесоветы и подсказки от Доктора Дюкана на любые случаи!Худейте Вкусно!С уважением и любовью, BestApp Studio Ltd.Want to lose weight fastand tasty?*** Dukan Diet from BestApp Studio is an application №1 for fansof this diet in the AppStore! ****** More than a year we improve, update, modify and do our bestapp for you! ****** + Dukan Diet food diary is unique in the App Store! *** Dukan Diet is one of the most popular these days slimmingsystems. To achieve the ideal figure for this protein diet resortedfamous actors, showbiz stars and ordinary housewives.Our application will help you lose weight quickly and easily!In our application you will find all that is necessary in orderto comfortably and easily adhere to all the rules of diet Dr Duke!Namely * Detailed description of the Dukan Diet and itsstages. * Weight Calculator for Dyukanu. The calculator will tellyour ideal weight and BMI, depending on height, age, sex, and thewidth of the wrist. Just calculate exactly all phases of diet andto it was convenient to watch them on the calendar diet. * The list of acceptable foods and supplements. In it youwill find all the products and easy to understand which of them canbe used in their dishes at this stage of the diet. * More than 600 original recipes in constantly updatedbase! They can be added to the list of favorite recipes, so you canadd your favorite recipes in the diet diary at least for half ayear ahead! From any recipe our application adds all theingredients to a shopping list, so that you could easily goshopping. * Ability to add a recipe! You can add a recipe to yourcalendar food themselves, as well as to send us a mail and we willadd it to the database of recipes. * Convenient and easy shopping list from your menu!Automatically adds the ingredients of the chosen recipes, as wellas you can use it just as a shopping list, introducing the name andnumber of the products themselves. * Calendar of diet, with the possibility of an alternationof protein and protein-vegetable days and record your currentweight, bust, waist, hips! Now you do not have to think what dayand what a protein and vegetable protein! You will be able tocelebrate kalednare desired days and avoid confusion (and throwpieces of paper on which you recorded it earlier), or to entrust toit, and it itself will put striping for you! Just the calendar, youcan make your current weight, in order to see your progress in theSchedule of weight control. * Schedule of weight loss for visual effect. Based on thedata you entered in the Calendar Schedule power our show yourprogress! * Diet diary will help you to plan your schedule even fora whole diet ahead! You will notice all your wishes and plans,ranging from daily intake of bran and walk, ending with a visit tothe pool or fitness center. Just write out your diet of ourrecipes, or add your own! Now you can not miss a scheduled event,because the application Dukan Diet remind you about it! * WATER BALANCE calculates the amount of liquid that youneed to drink each day based on your data and lifestyle! And justto remind you not to forget to drink the desired rate per night!Consumption of water needed by the body very fruitful effect onweight loss! * Protein Calculator will calculate how your daily intakeof protein, depending on your age, weight and lifestyle! Protein isthe foundation of Dukan Diet, but they should not be abused!* Complete confidentiality! Password Application hideunnecessary eye for your information! * Sync all your data with iCloud! Now when replacing thegadget or use multiple devices (such as iPhone and iPad) all yourdata will be stored in iCloud and synchronized with the newdevices! * A lot of useful tips to help you overcome alldifficulties and go to the end! In this section you will findhelpful hints and tips from Dr Ducane for any occasions!Lose weight Delicious!With love and respect, BestApp Studio Ltd.
Detox Pro-Healthy weight loss! 1.1 APK
*** Do you want to cleanse the body from slagsand toxins, to feel a real ease, to lose weight quickly and makeskin radiant? Detox Pro will do it easy and simple at home. ****** "Detox" - a breakthrough in the field of health and beauty.This is the most popular course of the year! Colourful jars ofcleansing juice everywhere in instagram, on billboards in the dietof celebrities and the trendsetters! ***What is - DETOX? A deep but gentle cleansing of the body withthe help of a certain system of nutrition and self-care. Detox willgive your body unprecedented ease, elasticity to the skin, shiningto the eyes and lose of extra lbs safely, but in record time.Our application Detox Pro will be indispensable assistant andwill motivate you to not only get in shape and achieve a state ofpurity, a little-known today. There you will find everything youneed for an easy and pleasant detox of the body. Namely:* A detailed description of DETOX nutrition.* The list of acceptable, permitted and forbidden foodstuff. Youwill find all the foodstuff and with ease you will understand whichof them can be used in meals at this stage of detox.* Detox calculator. To calculate the exact number of days neededfor the restoration of your body based on your lifestyle.* Detox calendar. Calendar helps you keep track of yourprogress, records, take into account days of detoxification, aswell as compose menu for the entire period of improvement!* More than 200 original recipes for all phases Detox. You willbe able to cook healthy meals for both the detox, and for thestages of preparation of the body and out of the diet.* Ability to add a recipe! You can add a recipe to yourcalendar, as well as to send us an e-mail and we will add it to thedatabase of recipes.* Schedule of weight loss. Schedule will monitor your progressand weight loss, based on the data you entered in the DetoxCalendar!* Convenient and easy shopping list from your menu!Automatically add ingredients from the recipes you have chosen, andyou can use it as a shopping list, add the name and quantity offoods yourself.* Sync all your data with Google Drive! Now when changing yourgadget or using different devices all your data will be stored inGoogle Drive and sync with new devices!* A huge number of tips and motivators!Cleans and lose weight naturally!Best Regards,BestApp Studio Ltd.
3-Day Detox - 3lbs weight loss 1.0 APK
*** The 3-Day Detox is created to cleanse thebody of harmful substances. First of all it helps to get rid oftoxins! Moreover, it makes one get rid of 3 lbs overweight! ****** "Detox" - a breakthrough in the field of health and beauty.This is the most popular course of the year! Colourful jars ofcleansing juice everywhere in instagram, on billboards in the dietof celebrities and the trendsetters! ***What is - DETOX? A deep but gentle cleansing of the body withthe help of a certain system of nutrition and self-care. Detox willgive your body unprecedented ease, elasticity to the skin, shiningto the eyes and lose of extra lbs safely, but in record time.Our app 3-Day Detox will be indispensable assistant and willmotivate you to not only get in shape and achieve a state ofpurity, a little-known today. There you will find everything youneed for an easy and pleasant detox of the body.Namely:* A detailed description of DETOX nutrition.* Detox calendar. Calendar helps you keep track of yourprogress, records, take into account days of detoxification, aswell as compose menu for the entire period of improvement!* More than 200 original recipes for all phases Detox. You willbe able to cook healthy meals for both the detox, and for thestages of preparation of the body and out of the diet.* Ability to add a recipe! You can add a recipe to yourcalendar, as well as to send us an e-mail and we will add it to thedatabase of recipes.* Opportunity most to add the recipe! You can add the recipe tothe calendar of food, and also send us to mail and we will add itto a database of recipes.* Schedule of weight loss. Schedule will monitor your progressand weight loss, based on the data you entered in the DetoxCalendar!* Convenient and easy shopping list from your menu!Automatically add ingredients from the recipes you have chosen, andyou can use it as a shopping list, add the name and quantity offoods yourself.* Sync all your data with Google Drive! Now when changing yourgadget or using different devices all your data will be stored inGoogle Drive and sync with new devices!* A huge number of tips and motivators!Cleans and lose weight naturally!Best Regards,BestApp Studio Ltd.
AquaLife - Water Tracker! 1.0 APK
*** AquaLife - App #1 to control the necessaryliquid intake! ***Aqualife will pleasantly surprise you with its simplicity andconvenience to use, and undoubtedly will become a daily companionfor a wide range of users!AquaLife is an essential tool not only for those who want tolose weight and normalize healthy metabolism, but also for thosewho already keep a healthy diet and wish to maintain a healthylifestyLe.Our app is designed to help you stay in shape and feel greatdespite of the everyday stress and different weatherconditions!Aqualife includes:* The tool to calculate how much water you need during the daybased on your activities and the weather conditions. It will tellyou how much water you need to drink everyday in order to keep yourbody strong and healthy!* This application adapts automatically depending on the genderof the user. For males and females the daily norm of water intakeis different.* Precise customization of daily water intake. You can set uphow much water you drink more often and check it in yourapplication in ONE CLICK!* Conveniently setup the reminder for your next water intake.You can setup the plan of your water intake for the whole monthahead and the application will never let you miss your next glassof water. You can also setup the reminder for the day or forspecific days of the week and we will never let you stay dehydratedagain!* Setup your current weight and you will be able to watch yourprogress on a graph!* Save the results of your water intake and you can see whenyour water intake was not enough!* Synchronize your data through iCloud! Your data will becarefully saved in iCloud and you will be able to retrieve it atany time, or use several devices simultaneously!* Share your achievements with your friends on Facebook!
7-Day Detox -7lbs weight loss! 1.0 APK
7-Day Detox - Healthy 7lbs weight loss in 7 days!
I Don't Smoke! 1.1 APK
I Don't Smoke - Easy Way To Quit Smoking!
10-Day Detox-10lbs weight loss 1.0 APK
10-Day Detox - Healthy 10lbs weight loss in 10 days!