Austin Eaton 应用

Polynomial Solver 2.0
Austin Eaton
Polynomial Solver is an all in onePolynomialapp, it can add, subtract, divide or multiply any twopolynomials.This app can solve any two polynomials (even complexpolynomials tothe power of a variable). Some features of thisinclude a built inkeyboard to help with entering polynomial'squickly andefficiently, one touch solving of polynomials.Instructions on use: To use Polynomial Solver use the keyboardtoenter the first and second polynomial then click one of theactionbuttons (Addition, Subtract, Division, Multiplication). Toswitchbetween the first and second polynomials click the radiobuttonslocated to the side of the polynomial or double click on thetextbox that says poly one or poly two (this will also bring upkeyboard to enter numbers press back button to exit out ofkeyboard).