greatplayer 应用

House Cleaning Games 1.2
It comes the time to sort rooms and clean homes! They have beenfriends for dinner and your home is a real mess, so you'll have tothrow the trash, place all the objects into place, remove dirtusing the mop and sweep to get an excellent cleaning job!You have several screens to overcome and every time your jobwill be more complicated! Will you be able to achieve the goal ofclean rooms against time? A royal mansions cleaning simulator whereyou will live an amazing experience as a housewife. Get down towork because you have many work to do in your home! Your guestshave left much clutter and garbage.You will enjoy high quality graphics that will give realism tothis fun experience! An intuitive and easy to use application whereyou only have to slide your finger across the screen to completethe mission successfully. Here are some tips to ensure that yourhome is completely neat, if you get stuck and don't know the placeof the objects you'll have five opportunities to display itcorrectly. Remember that the clock is ticking and you'll have to bevery fast!
Game Girls Hairstyles 3.2
⚛ Hairstyles Girls Game is a puzzle gamededicated to all snooty!. The best application of beauty that canfind is here. This game is based hair salon in a series ofbeautiful puzzle ideal for playing with your friends.⚛ Turn on your wits and imagination, put your brain to work tocomplete this series for a puzzle in record time! It's simple, likethe classic board game you just have to correctly place thedisordered tiles.⚛ You can play alone or with your friends, sure they havealready downloaded the game Girls Hairstyles! Practice as often asyou want because this girls game is free and you can play as oftenas you want!. Undoubtedly one of the best applications of freegames.⚛ Hairstyles With Girls Game you will discover the besthairstyles of the moment and you can get ideas to make newhairstyles. Best hairdressers will surprise you with orginal andbeautiful hairstyles, select the image that you like and start tocomplete the puzzle.⚛ Games for girls very educational, full of surprises. The logicis very important in this type of game to style, plus you will besurprised with the images from our collection of trendy hairstyles:loose hair, her hair, bows, turbans, forks, best accessories andhair!.
Solitario de Futbol 1.0
Tienes ganas de vivir una experienciaexclusiva y sentir la adrenalina circulando dentro de tu cuerpo? Sieres un apasionado de los juegos de mesa y a la vez te encanta eldeporte, no te puedes perder esta fantástica oportunidad en la quelo unimos todo para que goces de una versión única y incomparable.Una aplicación hecha para las personas más atrevidas y valientes,aquellas que no tienen miedo a los retos y dispuestas a pasarlo engrande, te atreves?Ha llegado el momento de mostrar tu destreza y habilidad en eltablero, resolviendo el difícil crucigrama y enfrentándote a losrivales más competentes. Entrena muy duro tu modo de pensar,ejercita tu capacidad mental y ensaya repetidamente las jugadaspara no caer en los mismos errores. Demuestra tu don solucionandolos crucigramas y llega al final sin ningún naipe a tu favor,porque sino perderás la partida y tendrás que volver a empezar.Para iniciar una jugada debes saber que siempre necesitarás un as yconseguirlo de cualquier manera si no es el caso. Utiliza todas lascartas del tablón para edificar las cuatro pilas de fichasclasificadas por pintas en orden ascendente. Pero mucho cuidado,para mayor complicación del juego deberás alternar cada naipe conlos dos colores existentes, por ejemplo: 9 rojo, 8 negro...y asísucesivamente con toda la baraja. Disfruta de los nuevos diseños detu deporte favorito y roba carta cuando quedes estancado sin podermover, jugarás sin límite de tiempo así que podrás meditardetenidamente tus desplazamientos.Apuesta dinero en los partidos de fútbol y inserta monedas en lamáquina tragaperras, solo de esta forma llegarás a triunfar y aganar fortuna en este mundo. Deja al público de las gradas y delcasino boquiabierto con tu don y ponte manos a la obra. Muchasuerte campeón!You want to live a uniqueexperience and feel the adrenaline flowing in your body? If you arepassionate about games and yet you love sports, you can not missthis fantastic opportunity in which it all together for you toenjoy a unique and unparalleled version. An application made forthe most daring and courageous people, those who are not afraid ofchallenges and willing to spend big, dare you?It's time to show your skill and ability on the board, resolvingthe difficult crossword and facing the most competent rival. Trainhard your mindset, exercise your mental capacity and repeatedlytested the plays to avoid falling into the same mistakes. Show yourgift solving crossword puzzles and reach the end without card inyour favor, because otherwise lose the game and have to start over.To start a play you should know that always need an ace and get itanyway if not the case. Uses every letter of the board to build thefour stacks ordered by pints in ascending order. But verycarefully, to further complication of the game you must toggle eachcard with the two existing colors, eg red 9, black 8 ... and so onwith all the deck. Enjoy the new designs of your favorite sport andsteals letter when stay stuck unable to move, you will play no timelimit so you can carefully ponder the go.Bet money on football games and insert coins in the slotmachine, only in this way come to succeed and win fortune in thisworld. Leaves audiences stunned the stands and casino with yourgift and get to work. Good luck champ!
Nail Design 1.2
Nail design manicure sets are created for themost conceited girls! You will have the opportunity to completepuzzles in this game of beauty. You like to look good all the timedo not miss these games for girls where you will find pictures ofmost original manicures and pedicures.How to Play Design A: It's simple, the objective of this game issort polish all the pieces of this puzzle to discover the bigpicture! We recommend you start with the easy level and then goingincreasingly difficult. These puzzle games you will know the latesttrends in manicure and pedicure! If you want to be fashionable,this is the best free app!.Nail Design are games fun girls with which you can demonstrateyour intelligence and skill in solving problems. You only need amobile device and a lot of concentration to play these games oflogic! You can also save your favorite picture as wallpaper.Dress Up Games nail very practical so you can paint your ownwith fun designs. Start playing now and see you play!.
Hacer Helados 1.0
Eres un aficionado de todo lo azucarado y tegustaría trabajar con tu propia furgoneta ambulante repartiendodeliciosos postres caseros y ganar fortuna con ello? Si es así note puedes perder esta alucinante aplicación de dulces helados, enel que te convertirás en un repostero famoso con tu propio vehículomóvil sin necesidad de poseer licencia para conducir y sin costealguno, a qué esperas?Si estás listo para comenzar esta aventura llena de saboresentra ya y prepárate para ser un chef querido por los niños delbarrio, los cuales te esperarán a salida del colegio para comprarun exquisito granizado. Para empezar con tu tarea deberás ponertemanos a la obra y elaborar la masa con la que hacer estos polos,para ello tienes los ingredientes necesarios a tu disposición,desde azúcar, miel, leche en polvo y agua a las diferentesvariedades de gustos que quieras proponer: fresa, pistacho,chocolate, vainilla, coco...y muchos otros más. Tu misión másimportante es servir todos los conos congelados en un tiempolímite, pues los muchachos serán impacientes y no querrán esperarlo más mínimo porque sino se marcharán decepcionados a otraheladería de la competencia y perderás dinero. Una vez hayandecidido que aroma quieren déjalos escoger entre una taza deplástico o un cucurucho de deliciosa galleta.Sé respetuoso y cuidadoso con tus clientes, trata de formagenerosa a los consumidores habituales y no te olvides de ofrecerservilletas con los sorbetes que sirvas porque se deshacen muyrápidamente. Muestra tu don como pastelero, enseña tu habilidadpara cocinar los mejores postres del mundo y gana la medalla de oroal mejor heladero. Suerte!You're a fan ofeverything sweet and I like to work with your own street vanhanding out homemade desserts and win fortune with it? If so youcan not miss this amazing application of frozen confections, inwhich you will become a famous pastry with your own mobile vehiclewithout the need for driver's license and at no cost, you waitingfor?If you are ready to start this adventure filled with flavors andenters and prepare to be loved by the neighborhood kids chef, whowill wait for after school to buy a granita exquisite. To startyour homework you should get down to work and prepare the doughwith which to these poles, for this you have the necessaryresources to offer ingredients from sugar, honey, milk powder andwater to the different varieties of taste you want propose:strawberry, pistachio, chocolate, vanilla, coconut ... and manyothers. Your most important mission is to serve all frozen in atime limit cones, because the boys are impatient and do not want towait the least because otherwise they will leave disappointed toanother ice cream shop competition and lose money. Once you havedecided which flavor they want let them choose from a plastic cupor cone delicious cookie.Be respectful and careful with your customers, is generously toordinary consumers and do not forget to provide sherbets napkinsbecause you serve fall apart very quickly. Displays your gift as apastry, teaches your ability to cook the best desserts in the worldand win the gold medal at the best ice cream. Luck!
Jump Obstacles with Horse 1.0
Ready to experience the most fun experience ofyour life? If so get ready, because with our amazing game you'lllive a unique and unusual adventure. Here you will become a greatrider without even leaving home, you'll learn to ride without anydifficulty and you will have great time doing bush walks with yourfriends and family, what are you waiting for?Don't hesitate and come in in this unreal world where you willfind various chapters and you'll become the hero of your own story.With high quality graphics, a really simple interface to use andthe most innovative designs of the screens you'll have the feelingof playing in reality itself. In this application your single mostimportant goal is to be first to the finish line with your steed,for it you must exercise at length with him, run every day to gainup more speed and mobility on the track, gallop to win cardiacendurance and jump poles to prepare the jumping competitions. Youcan choose which type of court involved, either on the track ofsand, lawn or field.You must be careful because you will encounter differentobstacles such as stones, rocks, trees and many more that will makethings difficult for you to reach your destination, but don't haveany fear, show your skills and be the first. If you collide you'lllose the game and you'll have to start over again, Luck!
Subway Coins Surfers 1.0
✰ Subway Coins Surfers is a puzzle gamedesigned for all ages that brings fun, excitement and logic! A gametable ideal for family play! The excellent 3D graphics willtransport you to an amazing virtual world! If you're addicted togames together do not miss this free app!.✰ You will have the mission to solve all the puzzles SubwayCoins Surfers to be the best! Install it on your mobile device andyou can play this game with metro anywhere! Find the best app amongall free games! A puzzle game that combines concentration andeducation.✰ Subway Coins Surfers is an addictive adventure that you cannot stop playing. It's definitely the best alternative to have afun time. You get to solve puzzles using logic and deduction! Aneducational game designed to encourage children to solve theessential problems alone, developing their independence skills. Thebest game to learn playing is here!.✰ You will have to complete all the puzzles Subway CoinsSurfers, will you be able? A fairly simple logic game in which youhave to try to solve all the puzzles in as few moves as possibleand in record time. The objective is to put into place all themessy parts shown on the screen of your mobile device and discoverthe hidden picture.✰ Download Subway Coins Surfers free and you can play with yourfriends and family, they probably already playing with Subway CoinsSurfers!. You can challenge trying to solve puzzles faster thanthem and prove you are the best in this educational game. Luck.
Restaurant Burger 1.2
Ready to work as a waiter and be the best chefin town? If your thing was always the cuisine and the art ofcooking, here you have the opportunity to open your own homemadelocal food and satisfy the crowd that will come hungry all thetime: for breakfast, to lunch at noon, for dinner after a hard dayof work ... If you want to impress the crowd you must only striveand start to taste the best recipes.Your special dish is meat cooked on the grill with variousspecies such as rosemary, tarragon and oregano, but people canchoose burgers cooked on the grill, baked or pressure cooker withthe desired components, so do not hesitate, get to work and makeyour restaurant the most demanded in the city. Your task in thisfun mission will be request the commands to the consumers, prepareall the food to be ready in due time, organize the wishingrefreshments with ice and serve the entire order in a limited time,have patience because the customers are very impatient and want toswallow as soon as possible. Are you able to successfully meet thechallenge without them go mad? To complete the sandwiches offerrich sauces like ketchup and spicy mustard. Constantly accompaniesthe order with delicious french fry and and serves a sandwich madein the toaster for the younger children.Do not hesitate, this is the perfect pastime to make money andbecome famous in the capital. Every time you go beating the scorethat we ask you in each panel, new boxes will be releasing and youwill add extra points. Surprise your friends and family with adelicious burger and leave them speechless! Luck!
Princess Make up 1.2
Makeover Princess is a game for girls, it'sfun and your goal is to help these fairies find a suitable makeup,you have everything you need to complete this beauty game.Combine the eye shadow, the lipstick, rouge, etc. have the bestmakeup for you to combine and embellish these princesses. They arevery snooty and only you can complete this game for girls.If you want to have fun you have the chance to play with thenicest princesses network, you can download this game through yourmobile phone or tablet, give the button and start playing.These kids games for girls are free and you can play as manytimes as you want, do not hesitate and play with these divineprincesses!
Dress Up Nurses Games 1.0
You have always liked to fix others, dressthem according to their personal professional and occupationalphysical appearance? If you would like to work in a hospital,advise the practitioners on their own appearance and create anideal nursing staff uniform, you can't miss this amazing gamecreated for those entrepreneurs people willing to learn new facetsin the world of styling and make money doing their passion, dare!In this application you will become the principal adviser anddesigner of the health center of the city and your goal is to get aperfect look for the role of each doctor. Your task will be tolead, protect and take care of the different sets of the clinical,but don't panic, cause you'll have all the necessary clothes andaccessories available to satisfy your job satisfactorily, fromgowns, blouses, jackets and health footwear to hats, headdress,aprons, blouses... and many others that will make things a littleeasier. First of all take the measures of the workers andmanufacture the clothes with fabrics and colors you prefer, whethersurgical green, white, electric blue, gray... etc. Once you finishthe process don't neglect to provide certain accessories such astweezers, thermometer, scissors holder chains and protectionglasses.With high quality graphics that will give you the feeling ofplaying in the very fact, a really easy interface to use and themost innovative medicinal designs of the screens you'll live anadventure out of the ordinary, Luck!
House Decorating Games Dreams 1.2
Do you like puzzles? Well look no further, youjust found the best online decorating game dedicated to girls withmore glamor and style!. With games home decorating dreams canarrange a perfect puzzle to play with your friends.First, put up your wits and imagination, put your brain to work andget complete this puzzle in record time! Dare this challenge? It'ssimple, with patience and calm as can be done without anyproblem.Sure you've played many times with a puzzle, and always findsomething that hooks you to keep playing it? Complete thechallenges this game offers you free decorating.With a mobile device most important thing you have to play, thentest your mental and intellectual skills and go. Place the piecesinto place and you will find a lot of pictures of beautifulhouses.Also you can play alone or with your friends. Games for girls,girls, girls, etc.. Practice as often as you want because theserooms decorating games are free, so do not worry because you haveeverything under control!.They are very educational and full of surprises. The logic is veryimportant in this type of game.Move the tiles with great skill, look good on the picture and getto discover the hidden scene of this game to decorate dream homes.Be patient and get your target without difficulty.Also the best part is that once you've got you can save the imageof the house of your dreams as wallpaper on your mobile phone ortablet. Do you like the idea.Do not hesitate anymore and get the goal, but do not give up andyou see each time looking more complicated puzzle, with more chipsand more difficult! Lucky friend!.
Kung Fu Games 1.0
⇝ Games Kung Fu for all fans of this martialart! These puzzle games you can show everyone your mental tosolving riddles capabilities and you will discover this ancientsport game!.⇝ These Games Kung Fu'll increase your intellectual skills, youare free games suitable for all ages and best of all, you can playevery day! You will discover through high quality images this sportoriented health, improved fitness and gymnastic show, more colorfuland often acrobatic moves.⇝ Educational games to test your brain and achieve the goal inthe shortest time possible. In the screen of your mobile device anumber of scattered pieces, place them in the correct place to findthe hidden image will appear. Also at the end of this logic gameyou can put your favorite picture as wallpaper!.⇝ Games Kung Fu is created for all ages. One of the basicconditions for solving puzzles is patience, do not give up,practice every time you see necessary and increasing the level ofdifficulty!. You dare to challenge this funny? Playground ideal forfun.
Animals puzzles for kids 1.0
Puzzle game for kids animal games are morefunand exciting! Puzzle games thanks to these wild animals canspendtime full of fun, and best of all, you'll also learn a littlemoreabout animals the jungle.Discover the environment where the most dangerous andpowerfulanimals move, you can find foxes, lions, tigers, bears,venomoussnakes, rhino, buffalo and more harmless as deer, birds,raccoons,etc..With these games you have to get animals complete this puzzleandyou will discover the hidden image, for this you have to moveallthe pieces off the board to discover the scene of thisexcitinganimal world so wild and dangerous!.But do not be afraid, you can learn more to these animalswithoutleaving your chair, complete the puzzle as quickly aspossible, getthis game for boys and girls online.At the end of the puzzle have the opportunity to save yourfavoritepicture as wallpaper on your mobile device. Try to completethepuzzle in the fewest possible moves, playing again and againtoexercise your mental skills and improve your concentration.Playand learn at the same time, this is the goal of theseplaygroundsso thrilling!.Games very educational and very entertaining kids, move the tabstoachieve the objective of this perfect game to play online,withouta doubt the best way to learn playing.Playground to discover the animal world of the jungle, you donotlose or the regret! Luck.
Wax Game 1.2
With this wax game you going to have a greattime! You'll have to imagine that you work in a salon waxing forgirls and you have to remove hairs from your clients. Luckily, youhave all the material necessary to cosmetic make your jobsuccessfully!To make an excellent hair removal, you must follow the steps inthis fun wax game! First you have to start with your arms, then youshould remove hair from legs, then back and finally the face. Whenyou have finished plucking your client you will take a relaxingbath to be perfect! For this you must use the shampoo hair, bodywash and dry all ok! So the girl will feel very pretty andrelaxed!Depilatory correctly will have to pass first electrical machineafter the wax spatula and remove remaining debris. For face have touse tweezers and cold wax, sure you will do fine. You have all thetime to get depilar to perfection. Luck!
Make Up and Waxing Game 1.0
You've wanted all your life to own your beautysalon, work with all types of cosmetics and arrange the morescruffy girls? Then don't miss this amazing application created forthose snooty girls eager to make new treatments! Without leavinghome and without any charge you'll have fun guaranteed, dare!To begin your mission your challenge will be to leave yourclients with a flawless and glowing appearance at every moment, ifyou're ready enter now and show your talent. Makeup is an art to belearned and, little by little, make it a real weapon of seduction,but you must do it properly, otherwise you'll mask the beauty andturn it into something artificial. First you should practice afacial care so the skin is perfectly clean and this way you avoidimperfections. Then apply touches of concealer in the areas thatare required, put base to put color on the skin, bronzer on thecheeks, eyes outlines and use shades of colors for the eyelids.Once this process is finished end up by waxing all the that mayhave hair and for it get wax, tweezers, laser machines ... andothers that will put things easy.End up by dressing properly the girl with the outfits of yourchoice and your task will be successfully completed. With excellentquality graphics, the most innovative designs and an easy interfaceto use you will live an unusual experience, Luck!
Princesses Candy Game 1.0
Do you want to face a new challenge related totale characters, live a magical experience and have a great timeresolving one of the most complex puzzles of history? Then don'tmiss out on our amazing candy game created for those entrepreneursgirls wanting to take on new personal challenges and train theirmental intelligence, dare!A pastime full of adventure, fantasy and colors that willtransport you to an extraordinary world without even leaving homeand without any cost, don't miss it and enter now! To start withyour mission the primary objective will be to bring together ahigher number of two adjacent identical pieces to remove the mainobject that will require each level: different colors, shapesvarious sweets... etc. Careful because it is not as easy as itseems, you must move different boxes while you add points to yourpanel to achieve together the same format, but attention becauseyou will have a limited number of moves and if you exceed themyou'll lose the game and you'll have to start from the beginning.We assure you endless fun, because there will be more than fortylevels available to enjoy and you can play without end, show yourtalent and get down to work.You will enjoy the most innovative and real designs of thescreens with which you'll believe that you are playing in the veryfact, excellent quality graphics and a really easy interface touse, Luck!
Games Clothing Store 1.0
The girls come to your store to buy niceclothes for a super special party! With games clothing store you'llhave fun because your customers can buy anything they want. Imagineyou work at a luxury store in town and girls come into your shoplooking for a dress or ideal set!This clothing store game is perfect to improve your memory, youhave to complete this game in the best way, we explain how you canplay. Have a calendar and every day have to exceed sales targetsindicated clothes, if you succeed you will unlock new boxes, butlose and have to start over.Your clients will come and you have to give the clothes theyask, hurry before time runs out, you will also have to overcome thescore. Remember where they are placed in the shop dresses, shirts,pants, skirts ... In order to unlock more boxes on each occasion.Luck!
Shop Fashion Game 1.0
Are you a fashion addict? If you love to goshopping all day, go pretty at every moment and you would like toadvise your best friends on the ways to wear, don't hesitate, thisis the ideal game for you and for those presumed girls wanting tolearn new methods to wear clothing, dare!Here you will spend moments of authentic joy dressing andundressing the girls in town, your job is to sell the entireproduct from the store and you'll have to recommend the costumesthat will be in the store, but don't panic because there will becountless of accessories to successfully meet the challenge: skinnyjeans, cardigans, different types of blouses and shirts, widebelts, long and short dresses, leather skirts ... and many otherswith which you will achieve to create real wonders! Do not forgetto be polite and respectful, it is a highly valued occupation andyou'll have to show your talent and style to not being fired andkeep the job. Once selected the costume you can also comb and makeup the client as you like to leave them speechless and thus becomevery famous and rich.You will have the most innovative and realistic graphics of thescreens, superb quality designs and a really easy interface to use,just swipe your finger across the screen and lead your interpreterin the decisions that you think appropriate, Luck!
Dentist Family 1.0
Ready to be the best dentist in town andbecome the most famous and beloved by the entire capital? If so,with this game you have guaranteed fun, do not hesitate, thousandsof families need your help to alleviate the pain they have on theirmouths and to eat properly. An application with high qualitygraphics and without any cost, just give click to the screen andhave moments of joy with your friends and family.Start caring now the mouth of these poor people, offers the bestremedies to let them a nice smile. Your main task in this challengeis to inspect the entire mouth and figure what to do to give anarray. The first thing will be start with a comprehensive cleaningand analyze very carefully the whole area. If you find that thereare deep cavities you must fix the holes with toothpaste, dry itwith ultraviolet light, file out the remaining debris and end upextracting molars with no solution that only make headache. Put themost advanced dental equipment to children with crooked teeth, thisway they come to have a straight teeth. There will be people withmissing teeth, teaches the bridges and covers appropriate for them,if they want to replace one piece the most appropriate will be animplant, the latest innovative result. You will have all thenecessary tools to get to work: tweezers, mirrors, sucking saliva,screws, syringes, anesthesia, X-ray machine ... and much more.You must be very meticulous and be very careful, because thecrowd will come with much fear and will be frightened by any damagethat may come to feel. The entire population trust your gift formedicine, will you be able to please your mission successfullywithout leaving any patient in the operations chair? Step into theworld of dentists and find out! Good luck!
Nail Painting Games 1.4
Nail Painting Games is a puzzle gamedesignedfor girls of all presumed more! A beauty game that bringsfun andexcitement, her daughters will not stop playing withthiseducational game!.They can play Nail Painting Games with her friends, who willbeable to solve the puzzles faster? The goal is simple: Sort allthepieces of the puzzle for girls, at first the pieces aremisplacedand mission is to discover order and get the big pictureof thisgame Paint Nails!.Games manicure and pedicure fun, you just have to startplayingfast and solve puzzles. You can install your favorite imageas ascreen. They are the most fun games girls find among allfreeapps.In Painting Games Nail just need a bit ofconcentration,imagination and talent to achieve the goal! Gamesbeauty withbeautiful nail designs and latest fashion trends! GoodLuck!.
Makeup Dress Up Descendants 1.0
Do you consider yourself a madly person inlove with fashion and you would like to dress the most famouspeople on the planet? If you've always wanted to become an imageconsultant and you would like to invent new styles don't miss ouramazing clothing application, created specifically for that smugpeople wanting to teach new forms of grooming, what are you waitingfor?Without leaving home and without any cost you will play foreveruntil you reach your ultimate goal, cause you will work in thelocker rooms of the next concert of the descendants and you mustget the perfect set for each. Do not panic cause you will have amyriad of clothing and accessories to complete the challenge: fromleather jackets, different colors shirts, faded jeans, skincardigans, colored socks, crowns, headbands, bags ... and manyothers that will make things a little easier. Once you havecompleted the process do not forget to make up the face of Mal andEvie extravagantly and paint the hair of the four boys, so you willleave all the viewers speechless.With totally real graphics and designs and the most fun music ofthe screens you will live unusual sensations, do not miss thisopportunity and enter in a magical adventure, Luck!
Makeup Dress Up Game 1.0
Do you want to have some fun and you don'tknow what to do to achieve it? Then don't miss out this wonderfulfashion application created specifically for those entrepreneursgirls wanting to face personal challenges and learn new processesin the world of aesthetics, don't think twice and enter now!If you've always considered yourself a flirtatious and vain girlwith this game there will be no time for boredom, cause at no costand without leaving home you can play again and again until youreach your purpose. But don't panic because you will have a myriadof treatments to offer and clothes to dress up your clients: fromstone massages, facial and body cleansing, oxygenating for skin andslimming seaweed to sewing suits, long dresses, short skirts, silkpants, jeans, transparent blouses ... and many others that willmake things a little easier. Once you finish the procedure don'tneglect to make up the face with the necessary cosmetics and make anice hairstyle to finish with a flawless look.You will have superb quality graphics, the most innovativevirtual sketches of the screens and an easy interface to use, justmake click and lead your character in the decisions that you thinkappropriate, Luck!
Waxing Girls Games 1.0
Looking forward to become a professionalbeautician, satisfy your friends and make them radiant in just 4steps? Then don't miss out this amazing depilatory applicationcreated for those entrepreneurs women eager to learn new treatmentsand hair removal methods that will make you succeed in the world ofbeauty, don't miss it!Here you will have to get all the ladies who will come to yourliving room look nice and end up with no trace of hair on the body,because all they want is to be pretty for the big night party. Youwill own your own business and you'll have to interact with amultitude of girls who want to remove completely the hair, so getdown to work and show your talent as a beautician. To meet thechallenge you will have a myriad of tools: from exfoliating,moisturizing creams, aloe vera, hot and cold wax to shaving razors,tweezers, ultraviolet light and laser machine. First exfoliate thearea to be treated so that the hairs are not festering, apply theproduct and let it dry so it engage well to the skin and then pullfirmly but gently to remove all the hairs.Once you finish the process don't neglect to apply some alcoholto prevent future pimples and make a relaxing massage to calm downthe girls. With excellent quality graphics, the most innovativedesigns of the screens and a very easy interface to use that willmake you live experiences outside of the ordinary, Luck!
Dress and Make Up Games 1.3
Dress and make up game so you can changeimageof girls and be her fashion consultant, you have to changethehairstyle, hair color, change clothes and find the bestsupplementsand accessories.If you like beauty and glamor you can not miss this game ofdressand makeup. Imagine you work in a salon girls and have manyclientswishing that put very pretty, have much work to do, chooseadifferent shift for each image, looking dresses, skirts,shirts,nice makeup and accessories not you forget the shoes, bagsandjewelry! The best tool to dress and make you find!They can also go through the SPA salon where you have tocleanyour face with soap and water, plucking eyebrows, removingpimples,apply a mask vapor, makeup ... When you're done you canstartdressing up girls! Looking for the best costumes, sets,costumes...If you would want to have fun, do not hesitate and startplayingwith these girls so snooty, get a change of style and yourfriendswill be very happy, good luck!Now you can have fun and enjoy a great time with yourfriends,discover the world of beauty and fashion. Imagine that yourbestfriend is getting married, that nerves truth! For yourobjectivehere is to get that is perfect on this special day.Find a wedding dress is not an easy task, you have to findandmake many combinations until you find the perfect dress forthisone day. First, we must find a hairstyle and makeupawesome!Do everything you need for your best friend is happy inthisgreat day and she can surprise your beloved and your entirefamilywith a wedding dress with glamor, choose the prettiestflowers andaccessories and more divine wedding accessoriesluxury.But first, they remember you have to go through arelaxingsession of SPA, for perfect, clean and grains skin mustmake afacial to eliminate impurities and blackheads, with face masksteamwill open the facilitate cleaning pores and skin, then applyasoothing mask can we leave for a few minutes, then remove andcanbegin to remove pimples and plucking eyebrows.In your salon you have everything you need to achieve yourgoal,when finished will be the turn to makeup. On this day,bridesprefer to wear a very natural look, better not make up veryboldcolors, use pastel, pink, etc. that will be ideal to beautifythebride.Then comes the turn of the hair, in this case you can chooseyourhair down or make a bun or collected, you who you like best?You cando several tests to see which hairstyle you moreconvincing.And finally we will choose the dress, I'm sure your friendisdivine on her wedding day, all friends and family are eager toseewhat boyfriends !. The bridesmaids are ready to accompany thebrideto the altar and we can only say ... why live boyfriends!!
Manicure for Girls 1.0
Do you consider yourself very good paintingnails and you always get that they look perfect? If since a kid youliked everything about the beauty and you want to learn innovativetechniques to achieve the best manicures in the world, this is theideal application for you and for those snooty girls, come on!Here you'll learn to take your own salon, take care correctly ofthe limbs and declare to make everything perfectly. You must gowith care, cause many girls will come with fragile hands and theytrust in your skills to make the arrangements, do you think you canmeet the challenge? If so select all the tools that you are goingto need and start your work: first wash the area carefully and fora long time to soften the skin and then remove the cuticles. Thencut and file the nail until you reach the desired shape and finallydon't neglect to leave it bright polishing it. Choose the colorsthat you like according to the personality of each girl: black,red, maroon, coral, beige, nude tones ... and end up applyingmoisturizer.You can also create simple details like hearts, flowers, starsand hook them wherever you feel like it. You will enjoy thefunniest designs of the screens, superb quality graphics and aneasy interface to use with which you will live moments of purepleasure, Luck!
Makeup Models and Dress Up 1.0
Are you a fan of the beauty of women? If fromvery small you liked to makeup your dolls, fix them and make themlook pretty, do not hesitate any longer, this is the perfect gamefor you! Here you will spend incredible moments with your friendsand family, cause without leaving home and without spending anycost we give you the opportunity to play forever, go ahead!Once you start you can own your own aesthetics establishment andtake care of your customers as you like, but for this you will haveto get down to work and show your talent, are you ready for it? Ifso you should enter into the office and get the tools that you aregoing to specify: tweezers, scissors, cotton, moisturizers, hairremoval wax, disinfectants, lotions, masks and makeup such asblush, mascara, lipstick, makeup base, nail polish ... and manyothers that will make the circumstances simplest. Once you're donewith the body scrubs and waxing make a facial cleansing and thenmake up the face of your patient to come out of your tent dazzlingin such way you will triumph and all the city will want to come toyour beautician.You will enjoy the most innovative graphics of the screens,totally real sketches and a really simple interface to use: justswipe your finger across the screen and guide your character in thedecisions that you think appropriate, Luck!
Artificial Nails Game 1.0
Ready to work in the most original manicuresalon in the capital? Here you will learn to care, nurture andprotect the hands and feet properly and achieve to leave them witha shiny appearance. The most elegant and refined girls of the citywill come to your aesthetic so you take care of them likeprincesses and to get a perfect pedicure, do you dare?A game with the most innovative and real designs of the screens,a really simple interface to use and excellent quality graphicsthat will make the experience even more entertaining, what are youwaiting for? To start and successfully fulfill your objectiveyou'll have all the necessary instruments: from tweezers, scissors,nail clippers and files to nail polish, nail polish remover, cotton... and many more that will make things a little easier. Start yourtask cutting the nails the way they want, either straight,triangle-shaped or round, depends on the girl they'll want one wayor another, lime until you polish the whole area, remove thecuticles and prepare the false basis for hook them after thetreatment is finish. Depending on the length they want it may beacrylic, gel or porcelain, remember to dock and adjust them wellfor they not to fall.Once the process is completed ask what kind of color and tone topaint, either passionate red, electric blue, black, pink ... etc.Eventually apply moisturizer and make a relaxing massage, thismethod the clients will be satisfied and looking forward to returnagain, Luck!
Models Game 1.0
You have always wanted to design your ownstyle of clothing, advise in the modeling world, either runway oradvertising models and make your designs succeed in the world offashion? Then don't miss out our amazing girls game, loaded withhigh quality graphics and excellent sketches that will make youfeel like you're playing in the very reality, what are you waitingfor?With this application you'll live an unusual experience doingwhat you like most and at no cost, if you are ready to show to thewhole world your talent to let the people glittering and get themost unique looks of the parade, enter now and get down to work! Inthe pastime you will work in the dressing salon for the mostprestigious photography magazines and your main task is to createthe most coveted styles that will lead the women. To meet your goalyou will have a myriad of items: from couture clothes, gowns, longskirts that will imitate the ancient Egyptians, silk blouses ...and many more that will make things a little easier. Start bymeasuring the carvings of every girl, manages to decipher the bodytype and the skin tone and hit with the outfit for each ofthem.Once you're done with the procedure eventually make up theladies in line with the selected outfit, as if one is wearing ablue clothing apply shades of the same color on the eyelids, thisway you will succeed and you'll leave the audience speechless,Luck!
Zombie Invasion 1.0
You're a very brave boy who is not afraid ofanything and you are ready to fight with all your strength anddefeat evil? If you've always wanted to bring peace to the universeand you are willing to fight you can't miss this fantastic game ofzombies, where you will become a superman and you'll restore calm.An application with the most real monsters of the planet and withinnovative graphics that will blow you away, try it!Here you'll find terrifying episodes and countless of paniclevels in which you can prove you're a bold man confronting theevil beings that are invading the world and causing them to putoff. You should be very careful all the time and have the reflexesalert, because these monsters are bodies that one way or anothercan resurrect life and you'll have to kill them completely to makeit through the game. If you're ready for it don't forget to takethe necessary weapons: pistols, machine guns, bombs, grenades,toxic gases ... and others that will make things a little easier tobe victorious in the war. Remember that the deformed heartless willattack mercilessly and without guilt, so look very carefully and beprepared to assault skillfully, train your skills of martial artsand exercise your agility to move more easily and thus end with theevil that is stalking the city.Your main objective is to defend the people of this attack sothat humanity doesn't become extinct, once you have them closeremember to definitely behead them so they don't revive, be carefulto not be reached, because you could become one of them, win thebattle putting eager and don't fear the traces of blood, Luck!
Mahjong Games 1.0
Ready to face the most popular andentertaininggame ever? If you consider yourself a good player inthe pastimes ofintelligence, do not hesitate any longer: this isthe ideal pastimefor you! Here you will live very fun moments withyour friends andfamily without having to leave home and no furtheramount, cheer up!Young children from home also will have the option to playasthey will learn to add items and meet new objects. To startthemission you must select which type of panel you want to discuss,aseveryone has a different difficulty depending on the numberofblocked pieces at the beginning of the play. To release therecordsyou should do it in pairs, that is choose two identical thatarenot blocked and remove them. Remember that are immobilizedthosewith some on the left, on the right or above it, but do notgiveimportance whether above or below are some other. If you getstuckat some point you can ask for help, but be very carefulbecause ifyou exceed the aid you'll immediately lose the game andyou'll haveto start again.Remember to clear the board by removing all pairs until youemptyit and the victory will be yours. You will enjoy veryinnovativevirtual designs, excellent quality graphics and a reallyeasyinterface to use with which you will spend moments of purepleasure,Luck!
Burgers Cooking and Serving 1.0
Do you want to become a chef, supervisethepreparation and the cooking of the foods and meals forcompanies,such as hotels, restaurants and canteens? Then don't missouramazing burger game, an application with which you willliveepisodes full of surprises and adrenaline! Don' hesitate anddare!You must organize your own menu depending on your culinarytasteto surprise the crowd, for that you will have a myriad offoods andinstrumental at your disposal: from garden vegetables,chicken,vegetables and bread to pots, mixers, pans. ..and many morethatwill make things a little easier. Customers will come toyourbuffet eager to try one of your dishes, so get down to workandcook your best dish. Your single and most important goal inthispastime is to distribute the entire order in a record time sothecrowd doesn't have to wait, because otherwise you will befiredimmediately and you'll have to start over again. Enter now inthekitchen and put the meat on the grill, barbecue or in the oventomake it tastier and serve the drinks with ice and lemon.You must show that you are an expert and that you knowtheproperty of the product, the management, nutrition and the coststoachieve success in the world of gastronomy and to be the masterofyour business, just swipe your finger across the screen andguideyour character in the decisions that you think timely,Luck!
Princess Burger Game 1.0
Are you passionate about the homemade food,youlike to prepare recipes and you would like to work for theroyalpalace preparing different foods? Then don't miss out thisamazingkitchen application, a game created specifically forthoseentrepreneurs people eager to learn new ways to preparetastydishes, don't miss it!Here you will become the master chef of the people's strengthandyour primary task will be to make different dishes for thepeoplewho reside in it: the princes, princesses, kings, knights,guards... etc. For this you must strive and get down to work tosurprisethem because they are very finicky and you'll have to cookdeliciousfoods. Do not panic, because there will be plenty offoods andmaterials to meet the challenge: from pots, pans, ladles,furnaces,ovens, mixers, barbecues and cutlery to vegetables,bread, cereals,chicken, veal, various sauces, wine, soft drinks... and many othersthat will make things easier. Do not forget tomaintain good mannersall the time and serve the commands veryquickly, but you'lldisappoint the guests and you will be firedimmediately.You will have superb quality graphics, the mostinnovativevirtual designs of history and a really simple interfaceto manage,just swipe your finger across the screen and guide yourcharacterin the decisions that you think convenient, Luck!
Dressing and Shopping Girls 1.0
If you are passionate about fashion, youareaddicted to shopping malls and you love to suggest other womenwhatremains them well, this is the ideal application for you! Agamewith fantastic quality graphics, the most realistic models andasimple gameplay, just swipe your finger across the screen andclickon everything you want to do and undo, a world full ofmagicaladventures awaits for you.In this hobby you will become responsible for directing,leadingand approve all the walkway that it's about to start in thecenterof the city. You have been chosen because of your reputationas astylist in your previous work, where your good presencewaswonderful. If you're ready to face the next challenge, donothesitate, this is the best of all, here you can take care ofthemost famous and beautiful girls of the moment, with themostprestigious brands and make money. For that put to work, theladieswill come at all hours and you'll have to start with thedifferenttasks: start by taking the size of each, from the waistand hips tothe legs, pay attention on their skin tone, because itdepends onthe favors them a color of clothing or another. Seeks tocomplementall garments in the best way possible, with a uniqueelegance andmanages to leave the public of the conference gaping.Invent newways to bring the suits to be the most innovativecounselor and getthe gold medal.The girls will be left in your hands so that you wear, combandmakeup them, so don't disappoint them and make them achieveddawnto the top, thanks to you they will become copies of beauty.Youhave all the tools to achieve the goal: skirts, dresses,pants,blouses, high heels, necklaces, accessories and many more! Donotgive up and go to work, luck advisor!