ИПБ 应用

Turkmen Mukaddes Kitap 1.4-tk
Mukaddes kitap (Töwrat, Pygamberler, Zebur and Injil) in theTurkmen language.
Töwrat kitaplary (Tk) 2.0
Türkmen dilinde Töwrat
The Bible in Uzbek (Cyrillic) 3.0.3
A translation into modern Uzbek, with footnotes and other studyresources
Рут йгьи Эстер ргIвыраква 1.0.1
The books of Ruth and Esther in the Abaza language
Инжил (Holy Scriptures in Lak) 1.0.11
An App in Lak for studying the Scriptures.
The Bible in Nenets 2.1
Bible translation into Nenets containing audio and the Russian text
Muqaddas Kitob 3.0.3
Zamonaviy o‘zbek tilidagi tarjima, qo‘shimcha ma’lumot va izohlarilova qilingan
Bashkir New Testament 1.0.9
New Testament in the Bashkir language
Библиядан Чуруктарлыг Чугаалар (Tuvan kids Bible) 1.0.3
An app of Illustrated stories from the Bible in the Tuvanlanguagefor children and adults. Includes audio that has beensynchronizedwith the text (an Internet connection is needed for thefirstdownload of each audio file to the smartphone's internalmemory,with subsequent offline listening). In vertical position,each lineof text is highlighted when the corresponding audiofragment isplayed. The text switches to scrolling in horizontalposition ifthis option is not turned off in the app's settings.
Мухаддес Китап (Karakalpak) 1.1.3
Holy scriptures in Karakalpak (Cyrillic script)
Һөвки Дукундукун укчэнэкэл 1.1
25 stories from the scriptures in Even with Russian translation.
КъэбарышIур 2.0.1
Holy Scriptures in the Adyghe language with audio
Ыдыктыг Библия тыва дылда 2.6.1
Translation of the Holy Bible into contemporary Tuvan.
Eni Baalantı 1.1
Gagauz New Testament
Mukaddes kitap (Tk) 2.5.2
Türkmen dilinde Mukaddes kitap
Nеw Testament books in RSL 2.2.1
For deaf and hearing impaired people who know the Russian SignLanguage
Children's Bible in Russian 1.2.1
Illustrated Scripture Stories app
IBT projects 1.3.7
current IBT translation projects
O'zbekcha Muqaddas Kitob (IBT) 1.4-uz
Institute for Bible Translation: The Bible in the Uzbek language.
The Bible in Chechen 1.0.12
The Bible in Chechen
The Bible in Tatar 1.0.8
Translation of the Bible (66 canonical books) into modern Tatar.
The Bible in Crimean Tatar 1.0.10
The Bible in Crimean Tatar
Injil (Tk) 2.0.1
Türkmen dilinde Injil
Proverbs in Adyghe 1.3
Ушъый гъэсэпэтхыдэхэр - Text and audio of Proverbs in Adyghe
Пегъымбарэу Даниел 1.1
The story of the Prophet Daniel in Adyghe and Russian
Ньвисаред Пироз - Kurdish-Kurm 1.0.9
App (Bîblîya) in the Kurmanji dialect of the Kurds of the Caucasuscountries.
Сахалыы Биибилийэ/ Yakut Bible 1.0.28
An App in Yakut for studying the Scriptures
Ыйык Китеп - Kyrgyz Bible 1.0.11
The Bible in Kyrgyz (Cyrillic)
Nivîsarêd Pîroz - Kurdish-Kurmanji Bible (Latin) 1.0.12
Dear Readers! For the first time we are making available to youinthis form books of the Holy Scriptures (also known as the Bible)inthe Kurmanji dialect of the Kurds of Caucasus countries. TheBibleis an extremely important book and read by a countless numberofpeople, which is why it is also known as the «Book of books».TheBible consists of 66 books, written by many different writersasdetermined by God and over a long period of time. These bookstellstories beginning at the creation of the world and going up tothefirst generation after Jesus the Christ, or Messiah. TheBibleconsists of two parts originally written in the ancientlanguagesof Hebrew and Greek: The Old Testament contains the 5books ofMoses, which are accepted by Jews, Muslims and Christians,and alsohistorical books, books of the Prophets, Psalms andProverbs. Someof them date to more than 3000 years ago. We read inthe OldTestament that God made a covenant with his people, Israel,andgave them his commandments through Moses. The New Testamenttellsabout the birth of Jesus Christ, about his life and teaching,andalso relates the development of the first church. We also readinit how God made a New Covenant with his people, who arethecommunity of all believers of Jesus Christ from all nations.Thetexts made available in this App are those which have beenprintedto date. We continue to work towards the completion oftheremaining books of the Bible. Institute for BibleTranslation,Moscow
Muxaddes Kitap (Karakalpak) 1.1.2
Holy scriptures in Karakalpak (Latin script)
Chechen stories from the Bible 1.0.2
An illustrated app in Chechen for acquaintance with the Bible.
Изге Язмадан хикәяләр (Tatar) 1.0.6
An app in Tatar for the first acquaintance with the Bible.
Иона' падвы падар'' 1.0.1
An App in Nenets for studying the Scriptures. The illustratedJonahapp in Nenets for children and adults. This Scriptureappfacilitates Bible study in the Nenets language. Includes audiothathas been synchronized with the Nenets text (an Internetconnectionis needed for streaming audio or for the first downloadof eachaudio file to the smartphone's internal memory, withsubsequentoffline listening). Each line of text is highlighted whenthecorresponding audio fragment is played, if this option isnotturned off in the app's settings. The Russian translationcanoptionally be added in parallel to the Nenets text, or it canbeviewed in verse by verse mode. Users can highlight versesindifferent colors, make bookmarks, write notes and viewtheirreading history.
Забур къумукъ тилде 1.0.1
Къумукъ тилге гёчюрюлген Забурну таржумасы. Аудиофайллар.Псалтирьна кумыкском языке. Аудиофайли. Psalms in the Kumyklanguage. Withaudio files. Kumyk Scriptures. Kumyk Bible.
Ногайша Таурат, Забур, Инжил 1.4
A translation into modern Nogai, with footnotes and other studyresources.
Zebur (Tk) 1.0.1
Türkmen dilinde Zebur
Пак Калам Аялриз (Lezgi) 1.0.4
Illustrated Scripture Stories app in the Lezgi language (LezgiChildren's Bible)
Lak Gospel Parables 1.0.1
An App in Lak for studying the Scriptures.
Наа Молҷағ 1.3
Nеw Testament in Khakas
Bibliyadan kiyatlar 1.0
This Scripture app facilitates Bible study in the Gagauzlanguage.Two Gagauz scripts are used in this app, Roman andCyrillic. TheRussian Synodal translation can optionally be added inparallel toone of the Gagauz texts, or all three texts can beviewed in verseby verse mode. Users can highlight verses indifferent colors, makebookmarks, write notes and view their readinghistory. The appincludes a concise dictionary of key terms, placenames and propernames, photos and maps of biblical places. Alsoincludes audio thathas been synchronized with the text (an Internetconnection isneeded for streaming audio or for the first downloadof each audiofile to the smartphone's internal memory, withsubsequent offlinelistening). Each line of text is highlighted whenthe correspondingaudio fragment is played, if this option is notturned off in theapp's settings. Verse of the day option isincluded into this app.The time of verse of the day can be changedin Settings, or theoption can be switched off. Verse on imageeditor is included intothis app. Users can create postcards withBible verses and sendthem via email or social nets.
Bіblіya uşaklara deynі- Gagauz 1.0.4
An illustrated app in Gagauz for the first acquaintance with theBible.
ФIыцIагъэ ЛъапIэ 1.3
An App in Kabardian-Cherkess for studying the Scriptures.
Ҫӗнӗ Халал 2.0
The Nеw Testament in the Chuvash language. An App for studying theScriptures.
Digor Gospel of John 1.1.2
An App in Digor for studying the Scriptures.
Кэӆикэӆ Ионан 1.1
The Book of Jonah in the Chukchi language.
Рохеллис Хабар 1.6.1
Proverbs and the Gospel of Luke in Bezhta
Јаҥы Кереес 1.0.3
The New Testament in the Altai language
იესო ქრისტე 1.0.1
Stories of Jesus Christ in Georgian