App Information OKTimer
- App NameOKTimer
- 包名net.okadaken.android.oktimer
- 发布日期October 30, 2013
- 文件大小412k
- 系统要求Android 2.2 and up
- 版本1.02a
- 开发者NihonHoneycomb
- 安装10,000 - 50,000
- 价钱免费
- 分类Health & Fitness
- 开发者
- Google Play Link
NihonHoneycomb 更多...
OKTimer 1.02a APK
いわゆる「オナ禁タイマー」です。ですが既にあるソフトと異なり、以下の特徴があります。・一見してオナ禁タイマーと分からない 同じコンセプトのアプリを私も使っていたのですが、アプリ名及びアイコンが露骨すぎて悪目立ちしているのが厭でした。知人が私のスマホを覗き見て「そのアプリは何?」と言われたら恥ずかしいですよね。なのでアプリ名は没個性な「OKTimer」に、アイコンも地味にしてあります。「オナ禁」という言葉が出るのはこの説明文だけで、アプリ内には(一部の階級表の名前以外では)一切出ません。 ・データ編集機能 同じコンセプトのアプリはandroid向けやPC向けがありますが、どれもデータ編集機能が無いのが不満でした。オナ禁をやってて、リセット状態に移行してから数時間後に「あ! オナ禁タイマーを止めるのを忘れてた!」となることって結構多いのです。 なのでこのアプリは、過去のデータも現在進行形のデータも編集できます。 ・その他 その他、色んなほんのちょい機能も付けてあります。androidで公開されている他のアプリのコメント欄を見て参考にさせてもらった機能(次のランクまで残り何時間、ランク一覧表示)などもあります。もしも他に欲しい機能をコメント欄に書いて頂ければ、生活とモチベーションが許す範囲で検討いたします。 ・階級表の更新機能(2013/8/4 に機能追加) 皆さんの意見を伺うと、階級表は色んな種類があるようです。ざっと調べた限りでも「オナ禁タイマーver」「オナ禁.comver」「ニュー速VIPver」「持てたい板ver」などなど。他にも各個人で「こんな階級表が欲しい」「既存の階級表のこういう所が厭だ」など、色んな考えがあるようです。 そこで http://okadaken.cswiki.jpに階級表wikiを作り、OKTimerはこのwikiの情報を読み込んで階級表を更新出来るようにしました。皆さんが階級表に不満がある時は、wikiの既存の階級表を編集したり(ただし他の方も使うので注意)、自分専用の階級表を追加したり出来ます。 私もこのように一般の方がデータを編集できるような仕組みを実装するのは初めてなので、どのような不具合やトラブルが発生するか分かりません。どうかお手柔らかにお願い致します。 皆さんの健康のお供になれば幸いです。 <検索用キーワード>オナ禁 おな禁 オナニー おなにー 禁止"It is prohibited Onatimer" so-called. But unlike the software you already have, has thefollowing characteristics:.· I do not know and Ona prohibited timer at a glanceI also had with the app of the same concept, but it was I do notwant to have to stand out evil icon and application name is tooexplicit. Is not it embarrassing, "the app What?" If I had a friendcan sniff the smartphone of me. So a lack of individuality in"OKTimer", app name have been in plain also icon. The term "Onaprohibited" is coming out it just this description, (in other thanthe name of the class some tables) does not appear at all withinthe app.Data editing functionThere is for PC and android apps for the same concept, but nonewas also dissatisfied that there is no data editing function. It isoften quite it possible to catch it is! "Had forgot to stop thetimer prohibited! Ona A" a few hours after doing Ona prohibition,and then a reset state.So this app, data of past data of the ongoing You can also editthe.And otherOther features also gives put a little of various book. There is(what time remaining, rank lists up to the next rank) as well asfeatures that were asked to be helpful to look at the commentssection of the other apps that are published in android. If it ispossible to write a comment with the features wanted in other, thenthe study will be to the extent that motivation and lifepermits.- (Function added to 2013/8/4) update feature class tableWhen you hear the opinions of everyone, there seems to be manytypes of class table. "Ona prohibited timer ver", "Ona prohibited.Com ver", "New speed VIP ver" for example, such as the "plate veryou want Mote" is also as far as was examined briefly. "I want thisclass table", "where such class of the existing table hate" and, itseems there is a lot of thought in each individual elsewhere.So to create a class wiki to table http://okadaken.cswiki.jp, OKTimer was to beable to update the class table by reading the information in thiswiki. If you are unhappy with class table everyone, you can (notethe direction of others as well because it uses but) you can editthe class table of existing wiki, you can add the class table ofyour own.I also to implement the mechanism the general public such data canbe edited in this way because it is the first time, I do not knowwhat trouble or failure occurs or. I ask if your hands soft.I hope it becomes the attendant of the health of everyone.Masturbation Masturbation prohibition prohibition Ona prohibitedContact
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TrackMyFast 5:2 Diet 2.2.1 APK
Whether your following the 5:2, Johnson Up DayDown Day (JUDDD) or an alternate day fasting diet TrackMyFast willhelp you stay on track and keep you motivated during your fastingdiet, increasing your chances of success.It includes some great features to keep you on top of your diet,including:* Food Diary *Scan the barcode or search the food database to record the food youeat. TrackMyFast will calculate the total calories eaten on eachday and advise you of how many calories you have remaining for eachfast day.* Recipe sharing *Create and share recipes with other users. Select recipes and addthem to your Food Diary. Comment on other people's recipes.* 5:2 Diet Widget *Includes a Widget that you can place on your home screen. Thewidget tells you if you're on a fast day, how many calories youhave remaining and a count down timer to the end of the fastday.* Flexible Fasting Patterns *Define fasting patterns that repeat every week, two weeks oralternate fast/non fast days. You can create new patterns at anytime as your diet progresses.* Diet Status *Instantly view the status of your diet, including the day type(fast/non fast day) and the amount of weight lost/to lose.* Measurements *Record key measurements including weight, waist, neck, body fat,well being, hunger and cholesterol (HDL, LDL &Triglyceride).* Calendar *Provides you with a monthly calendar view showing you your fastdays and your weight on those days, enabling you to plan ahead. Ifyour actual fast days are different from your plan then you cansimply click on a calendar day to change it. Change it to a fast,non fast or intermediate day at the click of a button!* Chart *Plot any of your measurements to give you a clear graphical view ofyour progress towards your target weight.* Daily Status Reminders *A daily status reminder tells you if you're on a fast day, how muchweight you have to lose and how many days into your diet youare.* Help *An on-line help guide for the application is included.Download TrackMyFast now and keep your fasting diet ontrack!Keywords: diet, fast, fasting, 5:2, JUDDD, johnson, alternate,ADF, 5-2, adf, intermittent
ACUVUE® タイマー アプリ 1.3.1 APK
「ACUVUE® タイマーアプリ」は、ご使用中のコンタクトレンズ製品の装用開始日や購入枚数などをご登録いただくと、レンズの交換、購入タイミングをお知らせします。また、コンタクトレンズユーザーに嬉しい&便利な機能も充実。カレンダー形式になっており、1日1回カレンダーをめくることで、「アキュビュー」オリジナルのあみぐるみキャラクター「オアシス」くんがコメントをくれたり、交換日や購入タイミングが近づくとホーム画面にプッシュ通知で教えてくれるので、レンズの交換日を忘れたり、買い置きのレンズが切れるのを防いでくれます。2週間使い捨てタイプのコンタクトレンズ交換日(14日目)や1日使い捨てタイプなら15日目と30日目には、「オアシス」くんが登場するボーナス画像が取得でき、一期間中に1日だけ隠されている“アイテム”を手に入れると、オリジナル画像がアップグレードします。画像は季節ごとに違うバージョンが用意されており、保存して“コレクション”もできるので、待ち受け画面にしたり、友達へ送ったりして楽しめます。■「コレクション」獲得したオリジナル画像を保存でき、友達へのメールに添付できます。■「レンズメモ」ご使用のコンタクトレンズ、処方された眼科、購入した販売店の情報をメモしておけます。■「タイマーログ」過去10回分のタイマーの設定履歴が記録されます。■「アキュビュー」製品情報装用期間や製品特長、“スポーツ/旅行の時にも使いたい”乾燥しがちなところでも快適に過ごしたい!”などライフスタイルから簡単に「アキュビュー」製品を探す事ができます。■「知ってほしいコンタクトレンズのこと」コンタクトレンズを正しく、快適に使ううえで知っておきたい「レンズのつけ方」などを、動画や写真・イラスト入りで分かりやすく紹介しています。■「My ACUVUE」目の健康をサポートするサービスやコンタクトレンズを正しくお使いいただくためのサービスやポイントサービスなど、健やかなコンタクトレンズ生活をサポートするさまざまなメニューをお届けする会員プログラムです。【ご利用にあたって】本アプリケーションのご利用は無料です本アプリケーションは、お客様が登録したコンタクトレンズのデータに基づいて、情報を管理・通知するものであり、コンタクトレンズ使用の安全性を保証するものではありません本アプリケーションによるレンズ交換日の通知は、通信回線の状況によっては正しく動作しない場合があります。装用スケジュールの管理はお客様が責任を持って行ってくださいコンタクトレンズは、高度管理医療機器です。必ず事前に眼科医にご相談のうえ、検査・処方を受けてお求めくださいご使用の前に必ず添付文書をよく読み、取扱い方法を守り、正しく使用してください
健康与健身 热门 更多...
adidas train & run APK
Get fitter, leaner and stronger withadidasTrain & Run – our free fitness and running app withexpertreal-time voice coaching. This free training app turns your smart phone into yourpersonaltrainer, providing real-time coaching, voice feedback andfreecardio and strength training plans. adidas Train & Runlet’syou track your heart rate, pace, speed, routes, calories andyouractivity when paired with a FitSmart. View your workouthistory,heart rate curves and route maps with your training heartrate zonedisplay. Whatever your goal, be it to get off the couch, lose weight,shapeand tone, build strength, get faster, improve endurance,complete a5k or run a marathon, this fitness app will help youachieve yourgoals faster. Train & Run keeps you inspired and inthe know,helping you work out more efficiently and to stay activeeventhrough the rough times. The App allows you to construct a routine made just for you.Weeklygoals let you track your progress and set new goals eachweek.Longer-term training plans provide a complete coached work outsoyou can reach your best. Share your progress and achievementswithyour friends and inspire others to get active too. Download the Train & Run App today to get moving andstarttracking your workouts. Key app features and benefits: - Track every element of your life with daily activitytrackingcapabilities tracking steps taken, calories burned anddistancecovered when paired with your Fit Smart.- Get training tips, motivation and inspiration from weeklyblogupdates.- Keep your routine fresh and new with access to 100s offreecardio, strength and flexibility training plans.- Let your friends know how your training is going bysharingworkouts and photos to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, otherfitnessplatforms and more.- Keep track of all your workouts and training schedules to seeallthe hard work you’re putting in!- Listen to your favorite music during runs or strengthandconditioning workouts.- Set personalized weekly goals to help you stay motivated andontrack.- Let your routine work around your schedule, by adjusting goalsandplans.- Tap and go for a fresh new run by mapping workout routesinreal-time with GPS tracking.- Improve faster with the help of real-time voice coaching.- Check just how much effort you put in by analyzing yourzonetraining post-run through colored route tracking.- Have your own personal trainer with coached workouts givingyoumore insights on your activity.- Try sample workouts or create your own favoritecoachedworkouts.- Explore the app while setting weekly goals or addingtrainingplans.- Integrate with other fitness platforms including MyfitnesspalandStrava.- Sync up with your Fit Smart via Wireless Bluetooth™syncing. Want more? Log in to adidas.com/micoach to dive deeper intoyourworkout stats and engage with like-minded people in thecommunityfor training tips and fitness inspiration.
Hamal Guide (Pregnancy Book) 2.0 APK
Hamal Guide (Pregnancy Guide)isanapplicationbased on a book written in Urdu Language.Topics Covered in this books:> Kya App Umeed se hain...> Hamal Ki Alaamten> Hamal ka Thehrao> Hamal Ki ehtyati tadabeer> Khoraak aur Libaas> Ayyam-e-Hamal ki warzishen> Hamila Ki Shikayaten> Hamal ke 9 Maheeneyand many more topics.You can navigate through this book.This app is for Adults and Married People only.
Mardana Kamzori Ka Ilaj/Wazifa 1.2 APK
Mardana Kamzori Ki Alamat1. Aesa mareez jab mubashrat ka irada karta hai to azu meinsakhtikaamal waqti tor par ubharta to hai magar kuch hi dairmeinsakhtikhatam ho jati hai.2. dakhol se pehle ya foran baad inzal ho jata hai. Suratinzalkayeh amal mareez ki had se ziyada barhi hui jinsi hassasiyatkisababse hota hai.3. Aghlam bazi ya musht zani ke sabab azu ka terha hona.4. Jaryan ya kasrat e ehtelam se mani (Sperm) mein kamiyamani(Sperm) ka patla hona.5. Azu khaas ke patho ka kamzor hona, jild par siyahi yaragokaubhra hona ya chota pan.Mardana Kamzori Ka Rohani IlajMardana kamzori k ilaj k liye ta husool e maqsad awal o aakhir1111martaba Durood Sharif k sath rozana 2100 martaba Al Qawiparheinorpani par dam kar k piyen.For more informationfaizanqureshiatk@gmail.comThanks
Calorie Counter -FDDB Ext. Pro 1.6 APK
Caution:You must installboth,Freeand Pro Version, to use full functionality!FDDB Extender Pro offers you theseadditionalpowerfulfeatures:• No Ads!• Widgets• Detailed Weekly Report of Calories, Micro-andMacronutritionconsumption• Calorie Planner (Set calorie goals for each dayoftheweek)• Nutrition Planner (Set nutrition goals for each dayoftheweek)• Unlimited amount of Quickys (Free Version only offersyoutocreate 3 Quickys!)• Add custom nutrition meals (dummy amountsofCarbohydrates,Fat and Protein)Features:Giant product database• Search food/products by text or barcode• Integrated Barcode-Scanner - find productsfastandeasy• Add products to your favorites• Detailed nutrition information (macro- and micronutritionandmuchmore)Free Food Diary• Grouping by meals (6 separators) or time ofday(3separators)• Quickys (Shortcuts) - Save time while addingproductstoyour diary• Add custom nutrition meals (Pro-Version only!)- Add dummy amounts of Carbohydrates, Fat and Proteintoyourdiary• Create your own lists/recipes• Detailed day summary for calories, activities,macro-andmicronutritionPlan your week!• Calorie Planner - Set calorie goals for each day oftheweek(Pro-Version only!)• Nutrition Planner - Set nutrition goals for each dayoftheweek (Pro-Version only!)• Weekly Report - Detailed analysis andevaluationofGoal-Consumption-Performance (Pro-Version only!)Diet Report• Shown as diagram or as tabular view• Trend of your weight loss/gain on the DashboardGoogle Fit Integration• Calories Expended (from Third-Party-Apps like Nike Running)• Weight entries (from Third-Party-Apps like FatSecret)Notice: You need a freeFDDB-Accounttosynchronize/store your data online. If youtrouble with yourlogininformation please contact the FDDB-Teamviawww.fddb.info.
Change4Life Sugar Smart 2.1.0 APK
Download the Sugar Smart app now to seehowmuchtotal sugar is in your everyday food and drink.TheChange4Life SugarSmart app is designed to show quickly andeasilyhow much total sugaris in the things you’re buying, eatinganddrinking, to help you spotit more easily so you can makehealthierchoices and cut your sugarintake.The app includes over 87,000 popular food and drinkproductsandis based on the most extensive data available tous.We’recontinuously working to improve it and we’re adding moreandmoreproducts all the time.Without us realising it, we’re all eating and drinkingtoomuchsugar:• Children aged 4-6 years shouldn’t have more than 19gramsofadded sugar per day – that’s 5 cubes* • Children aged 7-10 years shouldn’t have more than 24 gramsofaddedsugar per day – that’s 6 cubes* • From 11 years and up, we shouldn’t have more than 30 gramsofaddedsugar per day – that’s 7 cubes*Let’s start scanning! Just scan the barcode and see howmuchtotalsugar it contains**For hints and tips to cut down on sugar, search Sugar Smart.*Based on 4 gram sugar cubes**The number of sugar cubes shown is based on total sugaringramsper pack/100g or ml/portion divided by 4 grams (the weightofone 4gram sugar cube). Images are a representation only.