Top 20 Apps Similar to 勵志小故事大道理

勵志故事大全 1.0
Robert K Redd
收集了一系列關於勵志的故事及感悟、勵志小故事但蘊含大道理的文章。如果你正在沮喪或缺乏動力,希望這個APP可以幫你勵志、找到方向!本應用為陽光勵志網勵志故事頻道的APP版,WEB版為 。2014-10-22日起,恢復每日更新勵志故事。Collected a seriesofinspirational stories and insights, inspirational story, butthearticle contains truths. If you are depressed or lackofmotivation, I hope this can help you APP inspirational,finddirection!This application for APP version sunshine inspirationalstoryinspirational network channels, WEB version of 2014-10-22 date resume updated dailyinspirationalstory.
小故事.大道理 1.2
一本故事集合,由许多小故事组成,每一个故事后面,都反应出做人做事的大智慧,大道理,同时有清晰的目录结构,让你对各个故事章节一目了然,还有电子书的设计完全仿照书本设计模式让你用起来更加舒适。A storycollection,consisting of many small stories behind every story, allreflectthe wisdom of doing things big, big deal, but there is acleardirectory structure, so you glance the various sections ofthestory, as well as e-book designed to be fully modeled on thedesignpattern books make you more comfortable to use.
Buddhist Fables 3.8.32
Mark App Design
Collect Buddhist fables,contain a lot ofinteresting,meaningfultale.
Google Player
全部都是經典之作,書目列表如下:世界名著-誰動了我的奶酪《人人都能成功》作者拿破崙.希爾思考致富經典全本積極思考的力量高效能人士的七個習慣巴比倫富翁的秘密致加西亞的信攻心為上(全文閱讀)《郵差弗雷德-從平凡到傑出》依靠自我喚起心中的巨人世界上最偉大的推銷員最偉大的勵志書一生的理財計劃富蘭克林自己拯救自己All areclassic,bibliography list is as follows:World famous - Who Moved My Cheese"Everyone can be successful," author Napoleon HillThe whole classic Think and Grow RichPower of Positive ThinkingSeven Habits of Highly Effective PeopleBabylon secret millionaireLetter to GarciaHearts and minds (Read More)"Postman Fred - from the mundane to the outstanding"Rely on self-Arouse the hearts of GiantsThe world's greatest salesmanThe greatest inspirational bookLifetime financial planFranklinHimself to save himself
勵志人物故事大全 1.0
Robert K Redd
馬雲,俞敏洪,李嘉誠……成功人物的勵志故事大全。Ma, Mr Yu, LiKa-shing...... successful figures inspirational storyGuinness.
勵志名言大全 1.0
Robert K Redd
收集了大量勵志的名言,內容雋永,值得品味。A large collectionofinspirational sayings, meaningful content, worthy of taste.
励志短文 1.0
Zhipeng JIANG
精选八千多篇简短精炼的励志短文,主要有励志散文,生活感悟,人生哲理,小说故事等几个模块。所有文章简短精悍,耐人寻味,或抒发心中万千情愫,或讲述生活曲折坎坷,寓理于情,融情于理,娓娓道来。在一天繁忙之余品一口好茶,听一首好曲,读一篇佳作。感受内心深处的宁静与安详。这样的生活,岂不快哉!---云烟过眼一个女人雪舞天涯落花清梦春天的鸟巢放弃不是坏事荡涤心境,行走人生......---本应用采用采用了Apache License Version 2.0开源协议,所有文章列表摘自,文章所有权归网站及文章作者所有。Selection of morethaneight thousand articles short inspirational essay refined,mainlyinspirational prose, understanding of life, philosophy oflife,fiction stories, and several other modules. All articles shortandlean, interesting, or to express the hearts of thousandsoffeelings, or about life twists and turns, apartment manager inthesituation, the financial situation in science, explain.In a busy day, apart from goods tea, listening to a goodsong,read a masterpiece. Feelings of inner serenity andtranquility.Such a life, not Yoshiya!---Clouds over the eyeA womanXue Wu horizonPetals clear dreamSpring NestNot a bad thing to give upCleaned up the mood, walking life......---This application uses the Apache License Version 2.0 uses theopensource agreement, all list of articles taken from, websitesandarticles are owned by all authors.
菩薩羅漢故事集 1.3.9
雖然我們認識很多菩薩, 但我們對他們的故事所知甚少特搜集菩薩羅漢的故事, 讓我們多多認識他們我們將一再蒐集, 不斷更新, 希望大家會喜歡PolosoftAlthough we know alotofBuddha, but we know very little about their storiesSpecial collecting the story of the Buddha Lohan, let us knowthemalotWe will repeatedly collect, constantly updated, and hopeyouwilllikePolosoft
Inspirational quotes:Love Life 2.1.1
Miniloft Games
**** Best Quotes & Sayings Book******Inspiration is the core of all action. Whether a personsucceeds,fails or leads depends upon this variable.7500+ FREE Loveable inspirational Quotes and TotallyOfflineapplication with most recent accumulation of best selectivequotesfor sharing and can also be set as your status. reading themeachday changes how you think; it changes your life.These quotes & sayings is a collection from more than 200ofthe greatest people ever lived. On the off chance that youaresearching for love, inspirational, friendship, funny,famous,success, leadership, pleasant, insane, cool, amusing, fear,death,humour, happy, hate. attitude, music, dance or stunningquotes yourinquiry closes in this application.✔ Over 15 categories and 200 authors.✔ Easy to explore categories/authors/quotes.✔ Sharing with friends is just a click away.✔ Mark quotes as favorites, and view by selecting theFavoriteoption from the menu.✔ Share on SNS like Facebook, Twitter, Flicker, and alsosharetrough email, MMS, SMS..✔ Ultimate sleek and beautiful user interface.So, what are you waiting for. Download the brilliant quotesapp,Inspire and be inspired in life.
儿童圣经故事 1.2
这是一个很好的应用程序为您的孩子读经。该应用程序已超过50漫画圣经的书。它可以帮助您的孩子阅读,学习和记忆圣经速度快而有效。使用方法:+从列表中选择的故事+向左或向右轻触阅读上一页/下一页This is a verygoodapplication for your child reading.The application has more than 50 comic books of the Bible.It can help your child to read, learn and remember the Biblefastand efficient.Usage:+ Choose from the list story+ Flick left or right to read Previous / Next
宝宝故事书(童话寓言)格林童话、安徒生童话、有声故事精选集 1.0
【应用介绍】童话故事是开发儿童想象和幻想能力的的最佳方法。童话富于幻想,听童话故事,孩子会不由自主地随着情节的发展想象故事中的人物、场面和情景,这对右脑的图形思维能力有很好的促进。睡前给孩子讲讲故事,这时右脑呈现最佳状态,开发孩子想象力的效果比白天紧张时要好得多。《宝宝故事书-童话寓言》精选了中外最富童趣和寓意的经典童话故事,通过精美的原创动画配合生动的多角色配音,制作成优质的儿童交互应用,为儿童提供了高质量的阅读享受。【功能特点】•收录中外著名童话寓言,每个故事都配上精美的原创绘本动画;•中文字幕配合分角色配音,有效地提高儿童阅读兴趣;•简易的操作界面, 支持手动和自动播放模式,宝宝不用教也能自己边学边玩;•支持离线播放,没有网络也可轻松阅读。[IntroductionofApplication]Fairy tale is the best way to develop children's imaginationandfantasy ability. Fairy tale full of fantasy, listen to fairytales,the child will not help with the development of the plotofimaginary characters in the story, scenes and situations, whichisthe right brain thinking ability has good graphicspromotion.Bedtime stories for children to talk about, then rightbrainshowing the best condition, the development of achild'simagination is much better than during the dayintenseeffect."The baby story books - fairy tales Fables," a selection of themostplayful and allegorical and foreign classic fairy tales,vividdubbing through multi-role beautifully with originalanimation,produced a high-quality children's interactiveapplications, toprovide children with high quality readingenjoyment.【Features】• Indexed and foreign famous fairy tale fable, each storyareaccompanied by exquisite original picture book animation;• Chinese subtitles with the role of voice minutes,effectivelyimprove children's interest in reading;• Simple user interface, support for manual and automaticplaybackmode, the baby can not teach yourself to learn whileplaying;• Support for offline play, no network can also be easily read.
简书 - 创作你的创作 2.5.2
公民小故事 0.2.2
由澳門街坊會聯合總會出版的《每日一分鐘公民教育好輕鬆》系列,為了提高小朋友對閱讀的興趣和培養他們的品德操行編輯而成。APP提供7個故事分類和超過30個單元。分類包括:- 推廣禮讓文化- 關懷 ● 愛護- 愛回家- 尊重生命- 盡公德- 守規盡責- 認識感恩,學會珍惜每一個故事都可以在大約一分鐘內閱讀完畢,適合不同年齡層的小朋友。介面設計精簡,小朋友可以輕鬆選擇喜歡的圖書。閱讀後也有評分功能讓小朋友再次思考內容,表達閱後感想。每次連續使用15分鐘會出現溫馨提示,提醒小朋友和家長是時候需要休息一下。
法句经故事集,全面细致的故事,小故事大道理。打开此应用,即可欣赏丰富多彩的法句经小故事了。还等什么,赶紧来下载安装吧Dhammapadastories,comprehensive and detailed stories, short storiestruths.Open this application, you can enjoy a variety of Dhammapadastory.So what, hurry to download and install.
Tiger Qiao stories 1.5
Tiger ‘s stories, its beautifulscenery,typical characters, vivid story, let children attracted tothem,the growth of knowledge development of intelligence, andinfectionand the education, understand what beauty, what thefalseness, thuscultivating emotion and love and hate.
故事新编 1.0
Ming Shen
〖本书收鲁迅一九二二年至一九三五年所作小说八篇。一九三六年一月由上海文化生活出版社初版,列为巴金所编的《文学丛刊》之一。〗-------《故事新编》是建立在九步應用平台上的實例應用。九步是上海名申科技創建並維護的內容應用平台,目標是發布各種圖書內容,不限於已經出版的讀物或者未出版的圖書內容,最大的受益者是所有希望發布圖書內容並擁有自己的Andr​​oid的圖書應用程序的作者,內容收集者和編輯者。人們不需要通過出版機構即可在九步快速發布一款應用,向手機內容讀者呈現自己的作品,發布者直接通過應用內插入的廣告點擊盈利。九步是一個發布內容讀物的Andr​​oid的應用模板,可以發布電子書籍,擁有諸多強大功能,包括,標準的佈局,靈活的個性化設置,快捷的創建過程和直接的盈利模式,令Android的內容應用的創建和發布成為人人可以完成的簡單工作。簡單的九個步驟,完整的Andr​​oid的應用,無需編程能力,有東西就可以發布!內容作者或發布者是通過簡單易操作的步驟自行發布電子書。作者不必是Android的技術開發者,不需要掌握任何開發技術。發布的電子書應用程序預先植入了作者指定的廣告橫幅(AdMob的),在讀者閱讀電子書並點擊廣告橫幅時,便為作者或發布者帶來現金收入。發布者可以是圖書的原作者,也可以是發布免費圖書的內容蒐集者。九步還在開發過程中,目前已經進入初級版本的測試階段,僅限於內部使用,本應用便是本階段的測試產品,希望廣大讀者提出寶貴意見和建議。一旦九步進入公測階段,我們會公佈九步實例應用的發布網站,到時歡迎大家踴躍發布自己的作品,實現擁有自己的手機應用產品和通過應用產品直接獲取經濟收益。九步的最終版本確定之後,屆時會告知廣大作者和內容發布者.請訪問 http://aoandroid.com查看九步的發布狀態。© 2010-2011上海名申科技有限公司版權所有 http://www.mingsh.com意見反饋:anadroid@mingsh.comThe book received〖Lu1922-1935 made eight novels. January 1936 by publishing thefirstedition of Shanghai cultural life, as compiled by one of BaJin"Literature Series." 〗-------"Stories" is based on a nine-step example applicationapplicationplatform. Nine Steps is the name Shanghai ShanghaiScience andTechnology to create and maintain content applicationplatform, thegoal is to publish a variety of book content, is notlimited tobooks already published or unpublished book content, thebiggestbeneficiaries of all the content you want to publish booksand havetheir own Andr Author of books oid applications, contentcollectorsand editors. People do not need to be an application bypublishinginstitutions in nine steps quickly publish to mobilecontent readersto present their own work, the publisher inserteddirectly throughthe in-app ad click profit.Nine Steps is a publication of the contents of books Androidapplication templates, you can publish e-books, has manypowerfulfeatures, including standard layout, flexible andpersonalizedsettings, fast and direct the process of creatingprofit model, soAndroid content creation and publishingapplications, everyone canbecome a simple job done. Nine simplesteps to complete Andr oidapplications without programming skills,there are things you canpublish!Content the author or publisher is publishing e-books ontheirown through a simple and easy to operate steps. On thetechnologydoes not have to be Android developers do not need tomaster anydevelopment technology. EBook publishing applicationspecified bythe author previously implanted banner (AdMob), and inthe e-bookreader and click on ad banners when they bring cashincome for theauthor or publisher. The publisher can be theoriginal author ofthe book, it can be released for free contentcollector ofbooks.Nine-step process is still in development, has now enteredthejunior version of the test phase, limited to internal use,thisapplication is the product of this phase of testing, I hopethereaders for their valuable comments and suggestions. Once theninesteps to enter the beta stage, we will announce thenine-stepexamples of application publishing site, when weenthusiasticallywelcome to publish their own works, to achieve itsown mobileapplications and get direct economic benefits throughtheapplication of the product. After nine steps to determine thefinalversion, will then inform the majority of authors andcontentpublishers.Visit view nine-stepreleasestates.© 2010-2011 Shanghai name Shanghai Science and Technology Co.,Ltdhttp://www.mingsh.comFeedback:
Nighty Night - Bedtime Story 1.5.17
Fox & Sheep
Lovely bedtime story for a daily go-to-bed ritual
Tales audiobooks with pictures 2.4.0
Whisper Arts
Favorite fairy tales and storybooks for children
书香云集内置云端书库,畅销、情感、经管、历史、名著、励志、经典、等网络超级火爆的小说。游离20万本小说之间,和懂书的人一起阅读!Android版书香云集是一款时下最流行,深受广大书友好评的免费阅读软件。提供给用户最佳的阅读体验,支持txt,epub,pdf等多种主流格式,软件集成云端书库,海量图书,跨平台分享尽享阅读乐趣。我们致力打造移动互联网“最易用的掌上阅读工具,及最给力的云端书库”。软件特色:1、集成云端书库平台。云端书库:集下载,搜索,阅读,管理,共享等多种功能为一体的服务平台。2、自带进度显示,每章节读了多少一目了然(也可一键清除)。并带有强大的书签管理功能,保存多个书签。记录更多精彩。3、多个主题样式,阅读更多好心情,并分别设置了白天和夜晚主题,一按就切换。也可以设置晃动切换主题,阅读也要酷到底。4、媲美ibook 的翻页效果。并带有4种翻页方式,总有一种适合您。5、pdf书籍带两种翻页方式,独有的3D翻页方式让您赏心悦目读图书,并带有切边功能。6、热门排行、最新书籍、评分排行、分类书籍、我的书库,强大的云端书库功能,随心所欲、免费下载。7、独有的目录功能,帮您分门别类管理您的书籍,并以书架、列表两种呈现方式来展示您的书籍,并带有拼音搜索功能。8、阅读过程中,有什么心得体会,可以马上通过微博、邮件、短信的方式与好友分享。9、集成简转繁功能,方便繁体用户。有任何疑问,问题,建议,请email致support@ireadercity.com或加入QQ群:174806216