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Creative Clay Pot Project 1.0
Lucent Beam
A fun clay pottery art project formiddleschool students is the building of rooms, houses, or castlesbyslab construction. First have the students make drawings oftheirhouse or castle designs. Then, they should make templatesforcutting out the walls, floor, and ceiling or roof. Showthestudents how to roll out a slab and then have them cut outthefloor, walls, and ceiling. The edges of the pieces are scoredandslipped, and then joined together firmly but gently. It isalsonecessary to press a thin coil of clay to the inside of eachjoint.This part of the process can be quite difficult for studentstoget the walls to stay attached, and to stand up straight.Somestudents may need to start over, but eventually theyaresuccessful. They are motivated to succeed in this initial partofthe process since then the fun part begins creatively ofdesigningand furnishing the room or house. Towers can be made bywrappingthe clay around cardboard cylinders and pinch pots andcoils madeby hand or with an electric clay extruder can be used forfancytouches such as furniture, appliances, or domed roofsandspires.Another great classroom ceramics idea is making pinchpotanimals. This process is very simple, and all of the creaturescomeout very differently. First have the students form smallpinchpots. The students curve their hands into a letter "C" aroundtheirclay and shape it into a ball. Then they stick their thumbsdowninto the ball more than halfway, but not so deep that itbreaksthrough the bottom. Keeping their fingers together and theirthumbsinside, they should pinch and turn the pot in order toenlarge thehole. When it is shaped they tap the clay down onto theworksurface so that the bottom flattens out. Dipping a fingerintowater, they then polish away any elephant wrinkles untilthesurface is smooth.Then the pot can be gently squeezed into an oval shape. Thetopsides of the pot can be squeezed into the center, to form afigureeight. The top of the eight will become the two front legsand thebottom of the eight will become the two hind legs. Now, turnthepot over. The pot's bottom will become the animal's back.Bypinching and pulling the clay, the students can form the headandtail of the animal. Suggest that the students let the clayitselftell them what kind of animal to form it into - ratherthanstarting out with a preconceived idea. Perhaps the finalanimalwill be a dog, cat, horse, dinosaur, or dragon. The studentsgetideas from one another, and they put lots of effort intothedetails. Make sure to caution them about making details whicharetoo small and fragile, which might dry and fall off. Afterbisquefiring, the animals can be painted with Acmi glazes anddecoratedby hand, and then re-fired.PaintingAfter purchasing a flower pot, sand the pot down beforepainting.You should also seal the inside of the flower pot with anoil-basedpolyurethane to protect your painted design from waterpenetration.If you are painting pots for outdoor placement, use apaintspecifically designed for outdoor use. DecoArt Patio Paint iswaterand weather-resistant and adapts well to changingtemperatures.Outdoor paints also mean your pot will be easy toclean.DecoupageCut out words and images from scrapbook papers, magazinesandeven junk mail to decoupage your pot. Create a theme byselectingsimilar words or images, for example Spring. Tissue paperis agreat material to decoupage pots. You can use one color oravariety of coordinating colors for a fun,semi-transparentlook.EmbellishmentYarn - Wrap yarn or twine tightly around the lip of yourpot,gluing as you go. Yarn-wrapping creates an interestingtexturedlook.Buttons - Flat buttons are a fun way to decorate pots.Paintflowers on your pot and glue buttons as the centers theflowers.Add a line of buttons around the top of the pot. Randomlygluebuttons all over the pot.
Рукодельница 1
Student Street
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