1.0 / January 1, 2015
(5.0/5) (1)


Try one of our house specialties orcustomerfavorites. There are many to choose from! Our entrees areserved ina relaxed and welcoming setting that you and your friendsandfamily are sure to enjoy. Whether you are in the mood to indulgeinsomething new or just want to enjoy some old favorites, wepromisethat our inventive menu and attentive service will leave youtrulysatisfied. No matter what your occasion calls for or yourappetitedemands, the friendly staff at The Noodle Bowl promise tomake yournext dining experience a pleasant one.

The Noodle Bowl
1501 Jackson Ave West
Oxford, MS 38655

Call us at: 662-234-4974

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Hynotherapy 1.0 APK
***48 hour sale - 50% Off*** BUY SOON!HypnotherapyThe advantages of hypnosis therapy are widespread. A lot ofindividuals report positive changes with hypnosis and it'srecognized as a valid type of holistic alternative medicine.Hypnosis is a popular technique utilized for weight loss, smokingcessation, healing, relaxation and stress relief. It's utilized toget rid of undesired behaviors and beliefs and to manifest newdesires.If you wish to influence your subconscious mind to accept newprogramming for positive alterations hypnosis is an effectivetechnique for doing that.A few experienced hypnotherapists regress patients into childhoodand past lives in order to find the cause of present day problems.A few individuals regress just to learn about forgotten pastexperiences. Please, if you had a traumatic early life or havemental health concerns, don't regress except under the counsel of amedical hypnotherapist.Among the chief advantages of hypnosis is that when you in ahypnotic state brain wave frequencies decelerate. You center orfocus your awareness and you're actually much more aware thanusual.A state of centered awareness almost feels as though you're more ofan observer of thought and images rather than a part of them. Thisallows you to bypass the "gatekeepers" at the entrance to thesubconscious and superconscious so you are able to access theselevels of consciousness directly, and the brain is much morereceptive to suggestion.The unconscious, or subconscious may then be reprogrammed so itlets go of old patterns, beliefs and feelings that no longer serveyou. They may be replaced with suggestions that are favorable andaffirming. The superconscious mind may open you fresh insights andoriginative ideas.A common misperception is that you only have to be hypnotized onceto make lasting changes. Occasionally this is the case, but forlasting positive changes, hypnosis suggestions need to be repeatedseveral times till your mind accepts the fresh programming.Audio resources included in the app:1. Abolish Alcohol - hypnotherapy for breaking bad habits withalcohol2. Authentic You - hypnotherapy for discovering your trueself3. The Bondage Breaker - hypnotherapy for creating joy, euphoria,and happiness in life.4. Creativity Unleashed - hypnotherapy for building your life asthough you are the master life carpenter5. Diamond's Destiny - hypnotherapy for attaining any goal you wantin networking marketing6. Happiness Unlimited - hypnotherapy for creating joy, euphoriaand happiness in life7. Harmonic Prosperity - hypnotherapy for a financially freemindset8. Health Harmony - hypnotherapy for developing the zen of beingthin and healthy9. Internet Idol - hypnotherapy for programming internet marketer'smind for success10. The Last Day - hypnotherapy for living your life as though itis your last day on earth11. Life Control - hypnotherapy for forging the path towardsmastery12. Multiple Passive Income Streams - hypnotherapy for creatingjoy, euphoria, and happiness in life13. Perfect Positivity - hypnotherapy for developing a mindset thatwill never be shaken by negativity14. Get Rid of Procrastination - hypnotherapy for breaking badhabits with procrastination15. Right Relationships - hypnotherapy for developing positive,meaningful relationships with others16. Dealing with Sorrow - hypnotherapy for overcoming grief,failure, and sadness quickly17. Squash Smoking - hypnotherapy for breaking bad habits withsmoking18. Strong and Confident You - hypnotherapy to release innerstrength and confidence19. Superb Spirituality - hypnotherapy for strength and inner peacewith God20. Universe Unity - hypnotherapy for developing harmony andoneness with the universe
Edgar Allan Poe Sessions 1.0 APK
Edgar Allan Poe; born Edgar Poe; January19,1809 – October 7, 1849) was an American author, poet, editor,andliterary critic, considered part of the American RomanticMovement.Best known for his tales of mystery and the macabre, Poewas one ofthe earliest American practitioners of the short story,and isgenerally considered the inventor of the detective fictiongenre.He is further credited with contributing to the emerginggenre ofscience fiction. He was the first well-known Americanwriter to tryto earn a living through writing alone, resulting in afinanciallydifficult life and career. Born in Boston, Poe was thesecond childof two actors. His father abandoned the family in 1810,and hismother died the following year. Thus orphaned, the child wastakenin by John and Frances Allan, of Richmond, Virginia. Althoughtheynever formally adopted him, Poe was with them well intoyoungadulthood. Tension developed later as John Allan andEdgarrepeatedly clashed over debts, including those incurredbygambling, and the cost of secondary education for the youngman.Poe attended the University of Virginia for one semester butleftdue to lack of money. Poe quarreled with Allan over the fundsforhis education and enlisted in the Army in 1827 under anassumedname. It was at this time his publishing career began,albeithumbly, with an anonymous collection of poems, Tamerlane andOtherPoems (1827), credited only to "a Bostonian". With the deathofFrances Allan in 1829, Poe and Allan reached atemporaryrapprochement. Later failing as an officer's cadet at WestPointand declaring a firm wish to be a poet and writer, Poe partedwayswith John Allan.Poe switched his focus to prose and spent the next severalyearsworking for literary journals and periodicals, becoming knownforhis own style of literary criticism. His work forced him tomoveamong several cities, including Baltimore, Philadelphia, andNewYork City. In Baltimore in 1835, he married Virginia Clemm,his13-year-old cousin. In January 1845 Poe published his poem,"TheRaven", to instant success. His wife died of tuberculosis twoyearsafter its publication. For years, he had been planning toproducehis own journal, The Penn (later renamed The Stylus), thoughhedied before it could be produced. On October 7, 1849, at age40,Poe died in Baltimore; the cause of his death is unknown andhasbeen variously attributed to alcohol, brain congestion,cholera,drugs, heart disease, rabies, suicide, tuberculosis, andotheragents.In this collection are included the following:Audio:The Cask of AmontilladoThe Masque of the Red DeathThe RavenThe Tell-Tale HeartBereniceBooks:The Fall of the House of UsherThe Cask of AmontilladoThe Masque of the Red DeathThe RavenThe Works of Poe Volume 1The Works of Poe Volume 2The Works of Poe Volume 3Please enjoy the books and audio selections included inthiscollection. And Please remember to support our sponsors so thatwemay continue to all classic collections like this!Thank you for your support!
365 Days of Motivation 1.0 APK
ATTENTION: Stop Wasting Time And Learn HowToStay Motivated!"Finally! Discover How To Stop Your Mind From Wandering,AndUpgrade Your Motivation!"You Can Hack Your Motivation Levels, Allowing You To TakeYourLife To The Next Level!If you find it hard to stay motivated and often findyourconcentration levels wavering, you need to listen up!Everybody has what it takes to self motivate, but actuallydoingit is another story.I could just tell you to get off your butt and get it done,butunfortunately it's not as easy as that.Do you really know what you need to do to push yourself?Have you failed to stay motivated before?Do you give up on tasks that you really want to complete?If you answered YES to any of those questions then you need tolearnhow to hack your motivation levels.Staying motivated isn't easy and it's a skill which few of usareborn with.I too suffered with this for many years, until I learnted howtopush myself and stay on track at all times.The methods I've used have helped in all areas such as:-Business-Career-Relationships-Educationand more.Let me present to you...365 Days Of Motivation: 365 Daily Motivational Tips To GetYouFired UpThis book contains 365 days of motivation, do you even knowwhatyou could do in a whole year if you were COMPLETELYmotivated?You don’t need to have any special powers to staymotivatedEveryone can learn to do this, it's a matter of formingnewroutinesRead a point a day and take your motivation to the next levelA few topics explored in this book are:--Why you need to stay motivated. Why is it important toyoursuccess?--Motivational tips about listening and absorbinginformation--How you can take your life to the next level--How to work within groups and cooperate--How to stop yourself from losing motivation. We all gothroughslumps, but here's what you can do.--How to open your mind to new possibilities--Finding your passion and keeping the motivation topursueit--How to maximize your time alive so you can accomplish andtickoff your dream list.Living a life of simplicity. Living a simple life canbepowerful. These tips will help you get started.Often a little push is all you need for you to spiralintosuccess, which is why I've compiled this book to help youreachyour goals.Read a tip a day so that you can stay on top of things!Are you ready to open your mind and upgrade your motivation?
1st Year Marriage Survival 1.0 APK
---------------------------------------------------------------1st Year Marriage Survival---------------------------------------------------------------“Do You Wish You Were Not Married At The First Place?”This Book Is One Of The Most Valuable Resources In The WorldsShowing Criteria to Survive Your New Marriage!Keep reading to get the help you need…Is the fact that you would like to learn to maintain yourmarriage life but just don't know how, making your lifedifficult... maybe even miserable?Does it seem like you’ve tried everything in your power tofigure it out, and yet, despite your best intentions, you’re stillplagued with:• Not knowing how to maintain strong relationship• Pondering about ways to keep your love alive in marriage• Not understanding even how to secure your marriage.If this describes you, then you are in luck today...First, you are NOT alone! It may seem like it sometimes, but notknowing how to get better your skills is far more common than you’dthink.I ought to know, because I’ve been in the same spotbefore...“Learn How You Can Make Your First Year Of Marriage Works AndFeel The Intense Intimate Connection With Your SpouseEveryday!”This is one area you must pay attention to…When it comes to maintaining a successful marriage, thetechniques are a little unique and very much focused on restoringand keeping your marriage healthy and happy within a stipulatedperiod of time.Let me explain...The idea behind a successful marriage is to keep the love alivewithin marriage with the help and guidance of the marriage survivaltips.You need to understand the real problem of your marriage andthen create an outline of skills that you need to follow toeffectively keeping your marriage healthy and loving.And the worst part? The more you don't have the right skills theless you will succeed!Make no mistake about it..."The Costs of NOT Getting All The Info You Need Are Just TooHigh!"Your lack of knowledge in this area may not be your fault, butthat doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t -- or can’t -- do anything tofind out everything you need to know to finally be a success!The costs of losing a marriage are just too steep...I mean, think about all of the effort you’re wasting because ofhow continuing to try things that don't work costs you... the timeyou’re losing due to going around in circles is alsotime-consuming...... and that’s not to mention the toll it’s taking on your life,like the way the failed attempts over and over can impact you andyour bottom line.So today -- in the next FEW MINUTES, in fact -- we’re going tohelp you GET ON TRACK, and learn how you can quickly and easily getmarriage under control... for GOOD!That is why I've written this book..."This Book Below Will Show You Exactly What You Need To Do ToFinally Have A Loving And Healthy Marriage!"As a person just like you who has struggled with bettering mymarriage, I have searched high and low to find the best ways to fixthis problem and I am fully qualified and equipped to help you putan end to your frustration with trying to wade through all the infoyou need to know to keep your marriage!There is also the active participation of the professionalrelationship consultant in helping you to maintain a healthymarriage.Apart from how to maintain a healthy marriage, the book alsoguides you through on how to nurture your marital relationship inorder to lead a happy and blissful marriage.And all of this up till now is just the beginning!Are you ready?
Jane Austen Sessions 1.0 APK
*** FREE TODAY ****** 8 Books - all in eBook and Audio format ***Jane Austen (16 December 1775 – 18 July 1817) was anEnglishnovelist whose works of romantic fiction, set among thelandedgentry, earned her a place as one of the most widely readwritersin English literature. Her realism, biting irony andsocialcommentary as well as her acclaimed plots have gainedherhistorical importance among scholars and critics.Austen lived her entire life as part of a close-knitfamilylocated on the lower fringes of the English landed gentry.She waseducated primarily by her father and older brothers as wellasthrough her own reading. The steadfast support of her familywascritical to her development as a professional writer. Fromherteenage years into her thirties she experimented withvariousliterary forms, including an epistolary novel which shethenabandoned, wrote and extensively revised three major novelsandbegan a fourth. From 1811 until 1816, with the release of SenseandSensibility (1811), Pride and Prejudice (1813), MansfieldPark(1814) and Emma (1815), she achieved success as a publishedwriter.She wrote two additional novels, Northanger Abbey andPersuasion,both published posthumously in 1818, and began a third,which waseventually titled Sanditon, but died before completing it.Austenhad many admiring readers in the 19th century whoconsideredthemselves part of a literary elite: they viewed theirappreciationof Austen's works as a mark of their cultural taste.Philosopherand literary critic George Henry Lewes expressed thisviewpoint ina series of enthusiastic articles published in the1840s and 1850s.This theme continued later in the century withnovelist HenryJames, who referred to Austen several times withapproval and onone occasion ranked her with Shakespeare, Cervantes,and HenryFielding as among "the fine painters of life".Several important works paved the way for Austen's novelstobecome a focus of academic study. The first important milestonewasa 1911 essay by Oxford Shakespearean scholar A. C. Bradley,whichis "generally regarded as the starting-point for theseriousacademic approach to Jane Austen". In it, he establishedthegroupings of Austen's "early" and "late" novels, which arestillused by scholars today. The second was R. W. Chapman's 1923editionof Austen's collected works. Not only was it the firstscholarlyedition of Austen's works, it was also the first scholarlyeditionof any English novelist. The Chapman text has remained thebasisfor all subsequent published editions of Austen's works. Withthepublication in 1939 of Mary Lascelles's Jane Austen and HerArt,the academic study of Austen took hold. Lascelles's innovativeworkincluded an analysis of the books Jane Austen read and theeffectof her reading on her work, an extended analysis of Austen'sstyle,and her "narrative art". At the time, concern arose over thefactthat academics were taking over Austen criticism and itwasbecoming increasingly esoteric — a debate that has continued tothebeginning of the 21st century.
Mid South Renaisance Faire 1.0 APK
The Inaugural Mid-South Renaissance Faireiscoming to Memphis, TN!It is the summer of 1576 and the hot crowded city of Londonhasprompted the nobles to visit the wide open spaces ofEngland’shills and fields. Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth I, is onprogressthrough the countryside. The Queen’s entourage has stoppedin thequaint little Shire of Shelby for some much neededrelaxation. Thelocal villagers, wanting to welcome their belovedQueen, havechosen to hold a festival in her honor. They havepersuaded onlythe finest in local and foreign merchants to makecamp and selltheir wares. Join us in the Queen’s entertainment andrevelry as wecelebrate Her Majesty’s visit. Shout Huzzah as thejousters enterinto combat, join musicians in a merry song, testyourself withgames of skill and chance, find familiar and exoticfoods, join thenobles in courtly dance, pillage with the pirates,laugh at ourfools, be amazed by our magicians and, mostimportantly, let funabound in The Shire of Shelby!WHAT IS A RENAISSANCE FAIRE!?: A renaissance faire is apublicfamily-friendly outdoor gathering that emulates theRenaissancehistorical period for the amusement of its guests. Ourfaire’stheme will be the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. Come to thefaire andtravel back in time to the Elizabeth era. LearnElizabethan dances,be knighted by the Queen herself, eat a giantturkey leg, browsethe merchant rows, enjoy the performers, sail theseas with theMid-South Buccaneers, and of course, cheer on yourfavorite jousteron horseback. Hip Hip! Huzzah! Hip Hip! Huzzah!WHEN: August 22, 23, 29 & 30, 2015 (the last 2Sat/Sunweekends of August)HOURS: 9am – 6pm.PRICES:Adults- $13Kids age 6 to 12- $8Kids age 5 and under- FREE!PARKING: FREE!WHERE: Shelby Farms Park Conservancy in Memphis, TN ontheMullins Station Rd. side of the park. Below is the exactlocationof the entrance/parking.
The Noodle Bowl 1.0 APK
Try one of our house specialties orcustomerfavorites. There are many to choose from! Our entrees areserved ina relaxed and welcoming setting that you and your friendsandfamily are sure to enjoy. Whether you are in the mood to indulgeinsomething new or just want to enjoy some old favorites, wepromisethat our inventive menu and attentive service will leave youtrulysatisfied. No matter what your occasion calls for or yourappetitedemands, the friendly staff at The Noodle Bowl promise tomake yournext dining experience a pleasant one.The Noodle Bowl1501 Jackson Ave WestOxford, MS 38655Call us at: 662-234-4974
1K Subscribers in 30 Days 1.0 APK
---------------------------------------------------------------Proven List Building Methods---------------------------------------------------------------How would you like 1000 new blog subscribers in the next 30days?Who wouldn’t want to know how to get more blog subscribers,right?That is 1000 people who are eager to read each and every newblogpost you publish!What is so great about blog subscribers, you may ask? Let measkyou this: have you ever been excited to publish an AMAZINGnewpost, and then no one responds? No shares, no likes andnocomments? Building a solid base of blog subscribers is thesolutionto this problem.