1.0 / June 3, 2013
(4.9/5) (24)


* 选课网
* 外事办
* 软件学院
* 土木学院
* 建筑与城市规划学院
* 中德工程学院教务
As Tongji Universitystudents often miss elective network notification?
Now use the "notice had known," so you are no longer out!
Unique push notifications and offline reading capabilities,allowing you to access information anytime, anywhere.
Currently has about colleges and organizations notifications:
* Elective Network
* Foreign Affairs Office
* Software Engineering
* Civil Engineering
* College of Architecture and Urban Planning
* German Engineering Dean

App Information 同济通知早知道

Zongjian He Show More...

备忘录 1.0 APK
Zongjian He
这是一个简单的备忘录,我们可以对备忘的事情进行铃声提醒,并用耀眼的红色字体向用户说明事情的紧急性。另外我们对以前的备忘事件都有记录,可以让用户看到自己有哪些没做到。而且应用简朴,一目了然,不花里胡哨。This is a simple memo,wecan note things were ringing reminder, with bright redfontprovides the user the urgency of the matter. In addition, wenoteevent has on previous records, allowing users to see what theyhavenot done. And the application of simple, clear, no bellsandwhistles.
LinkGame 1.1 APK
Zongjian He
This is a classical link game that allow youtocustomize the photo used in the game.You can select photos from the following sources:-- Your contact photo.-- Your installed application icons.-- Google image search with keywords (Coming soon).-- Friends photo from Facebook / Twitter / Weibo (Coming soon).In addition, if you feel helpless while playing, you canSHAKEyour device to shuffle the image.
WeTongji 3.0.0--α APK
Zongjian He
微同济是一款由同济大学官方支持,同济大学苹果俱乐部责成研发的校园资讯整合客户端。*****************************************************3.0版本目前仅为预览使用,数据与真实情况有差距请谅解!*******************************************************功能简介:***推荐活动:获取第一手的校园活动信息。微同济为您整合学术讲座,赛事信息,文娱活动,企业招聘四大板块的活动信息,并支持分类查看和按受欢迎程度排序等贴心功能。如果喜欢或者对某个活动感兴趣,更可以将它加入收藏或日程表,点个“赞”鼓励一下也不错哦!*校园资讯:了解校园内外发生的大事小事。微同济为您收罗了校务信息,社团通告,同济动态和周边推荐,每天你只需要打开微同济,就可以将所有的校园信息一网打尽。同样,您也可以收藏任何一个校园资讯,在任何需要的时候查看。*每周人物:厚德载物,浓情济人,带你品读同济“名人”的故事。挖掘同济校园上所有有特色的在校学生、校友,甚至是老师,让同济学子更多的了解同济校园里动人的故事。*日程:云端存储,自动同步。日程功能是微同济引以为傲的功能之一,它简洁,实用,并且界面优雅。只需注册并登录微同济,您便可以自动导入本学期的课表,考试安排等信息。此外,微同济内提供的所有活动信息都支持添加到日程表中。可以直接在个人中查看自己的下一个安排,再也不会忘记下节课在哪个教室~*微同济的日程和收藏功能目前支持在校本科生和在校部分硕士生使用。*Kiwanis is a microofficially supported by the Tongji University, Tongji UniversityClub obliges developed by Apple campus information integrationclient.************************************************** *** Version 3.0 currently only preview of use, data with the realsituation there are gaps please forgive! **************************************************** ** Features: *** Recommended activities: get first-hand information on theactivities of the campus. Micro Tongji you integrate academiclectures, event information, recreational activities, theactivities of enterprises to recruit four plates, and supportsclassification view and sorted by popularity and other intimatefunctions. If you like an active interest in or right, but you canadd it to the collection or schedule, the point of a "Like"encouragement is also pretty good!* Campus Information: Understanding the big and small campusoccurred. Micro Tongji information you collect a school, communitynotices, Tongji dynamic and surrounding recommended daily you onlyneed to open micro Tongji, you can catch all of the campusinformation. Similarly, you can collect information about anycampus, at any desired time viewing.* Weekly People: social commitment, passion Franciscans werewith you and read of Tongji "celebrity" story. Mining Tongji campusfeatured on all students in the school, alumni, and even a teacher,let students know more about Tongji Tongji campus moving story.* Schedule: cloud storage, automatic synchronization.Micro-scheduling function is the function of Tongji proud one thatis simple, practical and elegant interface. Simply register and login micro Tongji, you can automatically import the semestercurriculum, examination arrangements and other information. Inaddition, micro Tongji provide information to support all theactivities added to the schedule. Can be viewed directly in theindividual under an arrangement own, never forget what the nextlesson in classroom -* Micro Tongji schedule and collectibles feature is currentlysupporting undergraduates and graduate students to use at schoolpart. *
听闻 1.21.24 APK
Zongjian He
一个通过语音搜索,以及自动播报的新闻应用软件。用户可以通过语音或关键字搜索相关的新闻,接着可以通过播报的方式听新闻。同时提供多种语音接收和播报方言,在使用过程可以根据自身需求改变语速、语调等选项。软件旨在帮助特殊群体例如老年人等方便进行新闻信息获取,采用语音输入,解决了部分人群打字用不习惯的问题。同时应用简便,易操作,即时在拥挤等场所也可以进行新闻畅听。能够朗读新闻,由于部分人群视力问题,不宜长时间盯着手机屏幕看,所以能够朗读新闻能让用户更方便,更轻松。A voice search,andautomatic broadcast of the news application software. Userscansearch for relevant information by voice or keywords, then youcanlisten to the news broadcast by the way. While providing avarietyof voice broadcast reception and dialects in use can changespeed,tone and other options according to their needs.Software designed to help the elderly and other special groups,suchas news and information to facilitate the acquisition, usevoiceinput to solve part of the population not used to typingproblems.At the same time the application is simple, easy tooperate, incrowded places such as real-time can also be hearingthe news. Canread the news, as some people with vision problems,too long staringat the phone screen to see, it is possible to readthe news allowsusers more convenient and easier.
转转贪吃蛇 1.2 APK
Zongjian He
贪吃蛇作为一款经典的休闲小游戏,曾经被无数人所狂热追捧,只求能够傲视群雄,独孤不败。不过你是否因为原作只有上下左右四种操作方式感到无聊,无法充分发挥自己的才能?现在,下载全新版全角度贪吃蛇,马上就能轻松畅玩不一样贪吃蛇!这款游戏在基于原始游戏的基础上,打破上下左右四个方位的限制,做到真正的三百六十度全方位移动。通过摇杆控制蛇身移动方向,让游戏方式更简单!你所需要做的就是控制你的贪吃蛇,让它尽可能多的吃到道具,并且不要撞到自己的身体或者四周的墙壁。界面简约卡通,适合各阶段人群。玩法:点击并移动摇杆,可以控制蛇的移动方向,尽可能多的吃到屏幕上的道具,来获取更多的分数。当然,分数越多,蛇身也就越长,也就越考验你的游戏天赋了。最高分的玩家将会登顶榜首,接受更多人的挑战。友情提示:千万不要小看全方位移动奥,它既可以让你一不小心就gameover,也可以让你充分发挥才能,越战越勇。成功或者失败,全在你一指之间。现在,拿起你的手机,控制移动你的贪吃蛇,向着最高分冲锋吧!Snake as a classiccasualgames, has been fanatical pursuit of countless people, justtowarlords, Solitude undefeated. But you as the original modeofoperation is only down about four kinds of bored, you can notgivefull play to their talents? Now, download the new version ofthewhole point of the Snake,'ll be able to easily play alldifferentSnake!In the game based on the original game, based on the orientationofbreaking down about four restrictions to be truly threehundredsixty-degree movement. Snake through the joystick controlthedirection of movement, the game way easier! All you need to doiscontrol your snake, eat as much as it props, and do not hityourbody or the walls. Simple interface cartoon, suitable forallstages of the crowd.How to play: Click and move the joystick to control thedirectionof movement of the snake, eat as many props on the screento getmore points. Of course, the score, the more the longer thesnake,the more games test your talent. Top players will climb thelist,more people accepted the challenge.Tips: Do not underestimate the full range of mobile Austrian, Itcanmake you believe it is game over, but also allows you to givefullplay to, Yuezhanyueyong. Success or failure, all in onefingerbetween you.Now, pick up your phone to control your snake moving towardthehighest point assault it!
ProfileExpert 1.0 APK
Zongjian He
ProfileExpert是一款可自动切换手机情景模式的应用,以便消除给用户带来不必要的干扰。ProfileExpert可以非常自由方便地根据设定切换至用户需要的情境模式,从而避免用户往往忘记切换,导致不必要的麻烦和尴尬,或者干脆长时间保持静音,而导致漏接重要电话或漏看重要短信的发生。本软件有五大功能点:1.本地日历读写;2.事项添加;3.自动模式切换;4.人性化切换提醒;5.快捷回复。本地日历读写:软件可读取手机本地的日历,也可将在软件中新增的事项保存至本地。事项添加:可自由添加自定义个人日常事项,如上下班时间、每周例会时间、午休晚休时间、每周课表及上下课时间等。也可非常方便地随时随地地添加临时事务,如紧急会议、小憩、进入图书馆、法定节假日、加班、自定义事项等。自动模式切换:根据用户的日程和事务,准时地自动地切换至用户预定的模式,在相应的日程或事项结束后,自动地切换回原模式。人性化切换提醒:在切换模式前一段时间(由用户设定),会以通知的形式提示用户即将切换模式,用户可在模式切换前提前结束该事项,或自定义地选择延长时间或选择暂不结束。快捷回复:用户可以给自己的预设模式添加快捷回复内容,在相应模式下拒接电话后,可选择快捷回复,方便地告诉来电方拒接电话的原因。完全免费!无广告!赶快下载使用吧!ProfileExpert is a scenemode automatically switches mobile applications, in order toeliminate unnecessary interference to the user.ProfileExpert can be very freely and easily switch according to theuser needs to set the scene mode, thus avoiding users often forgetto switch, resulting in unnecessary trouble and embarrassment, orsimply remain silent for a long time, which led to miss animportant call or text message from missing important place.The software has five functions: 1. Local calendar literacy; 2.Matters added; 3 automatic mode switching; 4. Humanized switch toremind; 5 quick reply.Local Calendar literacy: the software can read the local phone'scalendar, the software can also be added to the local preservationissues.When adding: Freely add custom personal everyday matters as workinghours, weekly meeting time, late lunch breaks, weekly classschedule and class on time. Can also be added easily anywheretemporary services, such as emergency meeting, rest, into thelibrary, statutory holidays, overtime, custom matters.Automatic Mode Switching: the user's schedule and transaction, timeto automatically switch to the user a predetermined pattern, thecorresponding schedule or events automatically after switching backto the original mode.Switch to remind humanity: a period of time before changing modes(set by the user), will be notified in the form of prompting theuser to switch modes, the user can switch the mode before the endof the matter in advance, or custom to select the option to extendthe time or temporary does not end.Quick Reply: The user can add to their default mode fast reply inthe corresponding mode reject a call, you can choose quick replyand easily tell the caller to reject the call.Absolutely free!No ads!Usenet!
Icehockey 1.0 APK
Zongjian He
Icehockey! is a game named after thefamoussport icehockey. You can play the single game with you phone,usingthe bat you can hit the ball towards the wall. Once the wallhit bythe ball, you get one point and the ball will get a randomspeed.You can also play the online game. Make sure you areconnected tothe same LAN with your friend. If this game breakdown,please dropout and open up it again.Icehockey! Is a gamenamedafter the famous sport icehockey. You can play the singlegame withyou phone, using the bat you can hit the ball towards thewall. Oncethe wall hit by the ball, you get one point and the ballwill get arandom speed. You can also play the online game. Makesure you areconnected to the same LAN with your friend. If thisgame breakdown,please drop out and open up it again.
同济通知早知道 1.0 APK
Zongjian He
作为同济大学的学生经常错过选课网的通知?现在使用《通知早知道》,让你不再out!独有通知推送和离线阅读功能,让你随时随地获取信息。目前拥有一下学院和组织的通知:* 选课网* 外事办* 软件学院* 土木学院* 建筑与城市规划学院* 中德工程学院教务As Tongji Universitystudents often miss elective network notification?Now use the "notice had known," so you are no longer out!Unique push notifications and offline reading capabilities,allowing you to access information anytime, anywhere.Currently has about colleges and organizations notifications:* Elective Network* Foreign Affairs Office* Software Engineering* Civil Engineering* College of Architecture and Urban Planning* German Engineering Dean