1.02 / April 7, 2015
(3.7/5) (6)


Chinese wisdom resonantvoice simple qigong exercise our members, teaching voice, listen.Other message boards and articles feature is not yetcomplete.
Part of speech and the original sites, first purchase (click thefirst item, change from gray orange), and then checkout (then clickon the selected one), and then point to listen to the program,listening to the project is red, the same time you can only listento the same, but you can first click, the program will play insequence.

App Information 中國智慧共振氣功


中國智慧共振氣功 1.02 APK
中國智慧共振氣功會員簡易語音發功、語音教學、試聽。其他留言版和文章功能尚未完成。語音的部分和原網站一樣,要先購買(點選項目第一次,由灰色變橘色),再結帳(再點選所選的其中一個),再點要聽的項目,聽完的項目為紅色,同一時間只可以聽一樣,但可以先點選,程式會依序播放。Chinese wisdom resonantvoice simple qigong exercise our members, teaching voice, listen.Other message boards and articles feature is not yetcomplete.Part of speech and the original sites, first purchase (click thefirst item, change from gray orange), and then checkout (then clickon the selected one), and then point to listen to the program,listening to the project is red, the same time you can only listento the same, but you can first click, the program will play insequence.