1.1 / October 25, 2016
(4.9/5) (9)


Dahlia FM Plupuh - Radio seni danbudayasragen
Dahlia Plupuh FM -Radioarts and culture sragen

App Information Dahlia FM Plupuh

  • App Name
    Dahlia FM Plupuh
  • Paketname
  • Updated
    October 25, 2016
  • Datei
  • Erforderliche Android-Version
    Android 2.3 and up
  • Version
  • Hersteller
  • Installationen
    100 - 500
  • Price
  • Kategorie
    Music & Audio
  • Hersteller
  • Google Play Link

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Nurul Fajri BroadCast 1.0 APK
Majelis Ta’lim & Dzikir Nurul FajriMajelis ini mulanya diadakan setiap hari Jum’at pagi, setelahsholat subuh di kediaman Al-Habib Muhammad Syahab CondetJakarta-Timur. Pada tahun 2004 hingga 2006 M dengan membacaKhulasah dari Kitab At-Tarhib wat Targhib karya Imam Mundziri.Setelah sekian lama berjalan, kami memutuskan untuk menamakanMajelis ini “Nurul Fajri” yang artinya “Cahaya Fajar”, sesuaidengan waktu pengadaannya yaitu setiap usai mendirikan sholat Fajarserta berharap ilmu yang berada di dalamnya masih murni dan bersihberasal dari Rasul Saw dan tidak dikotori oleh kepentingan duniawi,sebagaimana murni dan bersihnya cahaya di waktu fajar dari berbagaimacam polusi.Selain mempelajari ilmu, kebiasan kami di Majelis Nurul Fajrimembaca Al-Qur’an, Dzikir dan bersholawat kepada Rasul Saw. Olehkarena itu, Majelis ini kami lengkapi namanya menjadi “MajelisTa’lim & Dzikir’, demi mengabung dua Majelis yang disukai olehRasul Saw yaitu “Majelis Dzikir & Ilmu”. Seiring berjalannyawaktu, Majelis Ta’lim & Dzikir Nurul Fajri menambah wakturutinitas Majelis’ yaitu pada hari Rabu malam Kamis, Kamis malamJum’at, Jumat Pagi, Jum’at malam Sabtu, Majelis Banat serta MajelisAkhir Bulan.Majelis Ta’lim dan Dzikir Nurul Fajri berpegang kepada AqidahAhlussunnah Wal Jama’ah yang mencintai Keluarga Rasul Saw &para Sahabat’ sebagaimana yang telah dijelaskan & dipahami olehImam Abu Hasan Al-As’ari Rhm. Selalu konsisten dengan Syariah Islamyaitu Al-Qur’an & As-Sunnah, mengacu kepada pemahaman Al-ImamMuhammad bin Idris As-Syafi’i Rhm. Berusaha untuk menjalin Ukhuwahislamiyah sesuai dengan yang telah diajarkan oleh Rasul Saw :Mencintai, menghormati dan saling menasehati serta Amal Ma’ruf NahiMunkar dengan cara yang penuh hikmah.Majelis Ta’lim & Dzikir Nurul Fajri adalah Murni MajelisTa’lim & Dzikir yang tidak memiliki kepentingan politik sertatidak memihak kepada partai atau politikus tertentu. Tetapi MajelisTa’lim & Dzikir Nurul Fajri akan selalu mendukung siapa sajadan partai apa saja yang berusaha untuk menegakkan dan mengamalkanSyariat Islam dengan cara yang penuh hikmah serta meningkatkankesejahteraan seluruh Bangsa Indonesia terutama Kaum Muslimin.AssemblyTa'lim & Dhikr Nurul FajriThe Assembly initially held every Friday morning, after morningprayers at the residence of Al-Habib Muhammad Syahab Condet-EastJakarta. In 2004 and 2006 AD by reading from the Book KhulasahAt-Tarheeb wat Targheeb of Imam Mundziri. After a long walk, wedecided to call this Assembly "Nurul Fajri" which means "Light ofDawn", in accordance with the procurement time after establishingthat every dawn prayer and hope the science that is in it is stillpure and clean derived from the Holy Apostles and not littered byworldly interests, as pure and net light at dawn from various kindsof pollution.Besides studying, our habits in the Assembly Nurul Fajri readingthe Qur'an, dhikr and bersholawat to the Prophet PBUH. Therefore,we proceed with this Assembly renamed "Assembly Ta'lim & Dhikr', for mengabung two Assembly favored by the Prophet PBUH ie" Dhikr& Science Council ". Over time, the Assembly Ta'lim & DhikrNurul Fajri add time routines Assembly 'is on Wednesday nightThursday Thursday Thursday night, Friday morning, Friday nightSaturday, Banat Assembly and Assembly End of Month.Dhikr Ta'lim Assembly and held to the creed Nurul Fajri WalJama'ah love Ahl Family Prophet PBUH and the Companions' as definedand understood by Imam Abu Hasan al-As'ari RHM. Always consistentwith Islamic Sharia ie the Qur'an and Sunnah, refers to theunderstanding of Al-Imam Muhammad ibn Idris al-Shafi'i RHM. Seeksto establish in accordance with the Muslim brotherhood has beentaught by the Prophet PBUH: Love, respect and mutual counsel andAmal Ma'ruf Nahi Munkar in a way that is full of wisdom.Assembly Ta'lim & Dhikr Nurul Fajri is Pure Ta'lim Assembly& Dhikr which has no political interests and not partial to aparticular party or politician. But Assembly Ta'lim & DhikrNurul Fajri will always support anyone and any party that seeks touphold and practice the Islamic Shariah in a way that is full ofwisdom and to improve the welfare of all Indonesian people,especially Muslims.
Tahsin Tilawah 1.0 APK
Aplikasi Tahsin Tilawah ini merupakan suatuaplikasi yang dibuat untuk membantu pengguna smartphone androiddalam belajar membaca huruf hijaiyah. Di dalamnya terdapat 9pelajaran, info kajian. Yang isinya dikutip dari buku metodeAsy-Syafi`i cara praktis membaca al-Qur`an 16 langkah, penulis Ust.Abu Ya`la. Agar tidak salah dalam pembelajarannya tetap harusdidampingi guru yang sudah memahami makhraj huruf, demi terhindardari kekeliruan penerapannya. Aplikasi ini dibuat dalam rangkattugas penelitian di kampus Institut Sains dan Teknologi Al-KamalJakarta.This recitation Tahsinapplication is an application created to help users androidsmartphone in learning to read letters hijaiyah. In it there are 9lessons, information studies. Which it is quoted from the bookAsh-Syafi`i method practical way to read the Koran 16 steps, authorUst. Abu Ya`la. So that no one in the learning remains to beaccompanied by a teacher who already understand makhraj letter, inorder to avoid application errors. This application is made in theresearch tasks set out in the campus of the Institute of Scienceand Technology Al-Kamal Jakarta.
Radio Pesona Minang 1.4.5 APK
RPM@streaming Radio Pesona Minang, Elokalamnyo Mempesona MusiknyoRPM @ streaming radioMinang Charm, Elegance Enchant alamnyo Musiknyo
Elja Radio 3.0 APK
Elja Radio - Feel The Atmosphere
Radio Rodja 756 AM Low Version 2.0 APK
" Radio Rodja Low version "adalah aplikasi unofficial pemutar radio rodja online secarastreaming untuk itu aplikasi ini membutuhkan koneksi internetberkecepatan rendah 32kbps sehingga lebih ringan diputar di androidsmartphone tanpa kendala macet-macet dan hemat paket kuotainternet.Semoga bermanfaat."Radio Rodja Lowversion"is the unofficial application rodja radio player online streamingfor this application requires a low speed internet connection sothe lighter 32kbps played on android smartphone without constraintjammed-jammed and internet quota-saving package.Hope it is useful.
RADIO EKSPRESI MAHASISWA or as known as REMFMis a students community specialize on broadcasting sectorinSemarang State University. REM FM was established on May 21st1993.REM FM trying to bring out the latest information aboutmusic,movies, tips, daily news etc that have educational value andalwaysgive the best to entertain the akademia (the listeners). Andalsodon’t forget to listening us on www.radioremfm.com
RCBFM Malang 1.1 APK
RCB FM found in 1971 and it’s located at Jl.Simpang Alumunium No. 12 Malang. Found with the spirit of becoming“ The Leader of Family and Culture Radio in Malang”, RCB FM holdthe spirit for almost 44 years now. Those consistency and spiritthat RCB FM hold, make the management gain special place among thelistener. Now stated at FM 89,5 MHz, RCB FM now become the leadingfamily radio in Malang.Family behaviour that keep relationship close and warm, takecare each other and love each other makes radio target for RCB FMis clearly accepted by our listener.Now with our NEW tagline “RCB FM Radio Musik dan Informasi,Wenak Poll”, RCB FM ready to bring the most fresh new look andcontent to the listener.Visit our website at www.rcbfm.net
MNC Radio 1.4.5 APK
MNC Radio - Dengerin Musik AsikMNC Radio - Listen toMusic Asik