K-M-T-B.Lab Apps

Periodic Table of the Elements 4.0
Rote learning app 118 kinds of chemicalelement symbol.And the periodic table of the elements common, I can memorize studythe basic information of the elements from the two modes of thelist.Web link to Wikipedia so we are from each element basic informationpage, please refer to handy.From the Periodic Table of the Elements mode, see possible thebasic information of each element for each When you select achemical symbol of the periodic table.From the element list mode, you can see the basic information ofthe elements If you select the elements arranged in order of atomicnumber.Published data *** *** elementalClassificationAtomic weightElectron configurationPhaseDensityMelting pointBoiling pointSo you can feel free to learn and confirm the basic data of rotelearning of chemistry at the time, spare time, such as when goingout,Periodic Table of the Elements colorful, Please utilize allmeans.
World Time Map 5.1
Display 225 of the local time in the world map. supports daylightsaving time
Text Checker 1.0
It is an application that can be used to countthe number of characters of text , the word search .The count of the number of characters will be displayed and youseparately by counting both the space and character , the exactnumber of characters you can count .Search text characters or words can search does not differentiatebetween alphabetic case .◆ modification of the character , you can be calibrated quicklyand easily copy button , the Paste button , clear button .( Number of characters calculation)If you enter one of these buttons type or paste the text you wantto calculate the number in the text entry fieldNumber of spaces and the number of characters will be displayedautomatically .※ also half- em and I will count to one character all .※ new line does not count to one character .( Letter search )After entering the text , press the search button to enter thecharacter in the search field , where appropriate will be displayedin red .If you have more than one search relevant location , where only thefirst one is displayed in red , but you can press the " searchbutton under "You can be displayed in red in order .※ If you have changed the character and text search , update theinformation by pressing the search button again .( Operation )The text you corrected by the search and count the number ofcharacters , you can have a copy of the full text at once with acopy button .Text that you copied from other applications such as the Internetand email , can be pasted in the Paste button .Text input field , you can erase all clear button .※ I use to display advertising in-app permissions of theInternet .
Pointing at Alphabet 1.1
It is the English alphabet practice app toremember while touching .Small children can learn the alphabet in a game sense .It will complete the word by touching the alphabet characters movearound , the name of the illustrations may be displayed .The correct answer is because it is displayed , touch looking forthe same alphabet in the exact order as the correct answer .Alphabet is available on the same problem both lower case mode ,uppercase mode .( Simple rules )I see an illustrationI see the name of the alphabet at the bottom of the screenI press them in order of the alphabet word floating in thescreenThe time limit is 90 seconds per question .(Genre of word )And animalFruitAnd vegetables· Vehicles / colorThis is the number of words in the alphabet 15-16 degreerespectively .※ If there are two or more same alphabet in a word , I'm getting tothe character when I can press one either .4 genre , alphabetical word recorded 62 children alphabetlearning and educational app (Pointing at Alphabet).I can be selected upper and lower case alphabet in the top screen.
"Sending location" GPS Mail 1.3
It is an application that can be sent bye-mail the map with their opponents, your location .You can create an e-mail the URL to get the location information oflongitude and latitude by GPS, displayed in Google Map thatinformation have been described .Please use it if you need to inform the other party the location oftheir home and at work .The position information acquired by GPS, there is a change inthe error and accuracy depending on the setting and performance ofsmart phones , such as your phone .If the application does not work properly , please check thesettings, etc. of your phone .◆ OperationDestination setting (1 ) E-mailRecording and reading and input of the destination e-mail addressis available from the app .It is also possible without entering your email address here , youwill be able to enter your e-mail software from the mail sendingscreen .It's helpful to have input from the app if you want to send to thesame partner all the time.(2) Setting the mail titleSubject line of the email is available is fixed phrase that isprepared three .E-mail address as well , you can also input and editing from thee-mail software at the end .We'll send you updates with the browser (3 ) positionYou can browse in the Google Map by invoking the browser , on thecurrent location of the smartphone of the errand has acquired.How map to be sent by e-mail is displayed or you can check inadvance how much the error between the actual .( 4 ) E-mail screenEven without all settings are , your phone if you get the locationinformation in the GPS, you can start the e-mail software .You can send the e-mail software of your choice to confirm ormodify the destination address , e-mail title and message body.Or android phone of your Yes No application of use , accuracy ofthe GPS information depends on the setting .From the configuration of the terminal , on the check , please usethe settings you about or GPS location information .If the accuracy of the GPS information is low, it is necessary toset the example, "to turn on the Wi-Fi" in the terminal.
THE character type conversion 1.4
Tool application of character type conversion,THE character conversionIt can be converted in a row with a single touch of charactertypes below.◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆Single-byteUpper case, lower caseHiragana, katakana, romaji◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆The bulk copy text copy button after conversion!Can paste it into a mail etc. as it is!(Instructions for use)Enter the text you want to (1) conversion.Convert any hiragana, katakana, Roman, sentences and (2)input.(3) Furthermore, convert single-byte, upper case, lower case.Text (4) After conversion, will be copied to the clipboard with asingle touch in the "copy" button.(Note)(1)You can enter only once sentence of the source.Please re-enter from the beginning back to the title screen once ifyou want to modify or change the original text.(2)Conversion between hiragana, katakana, Roman is available only infull-width text.If the single-byte characters in the text, should be done afterpressing the "em" convert button.(3)The characters that you change the Roman alphabet, there is no wayto return hiragana, the katakana.In addition, those that do not correspond to the conversion, thereis the symbol.
World Flag Globe LiveWallpaper 1.2
This is the globe live wallpaper that has beenexpressed in the Flags of the world.Earth Flags of the world's countries are in the form of terrainwill continue to rotate.Globe of color, alignment, rotation speed, (etc..) can becustomized.: Globe setting:Globe themeColor of seawaterGlobe of locationThe rotational speed of the EarthThe direction of rotation of the EarthBackground of the universe: Set of Live Wallpaper procedure:- Press the World Flag Globe Live Wallpaper icon.- Select the "wallpaper settings".- Please select as your favorite display from "Settings".The configuration screen has been installed ads. (Bar advertising,full-page ad)
Memory Game Memory Flash 4.0
It is a game that cultivate endurance andmemory and concentration.******* Rule is simple! *******(1) in three seconds, where to remember what color.I press the location of the color that is (2) specified.******* ******* Flow of the game(1) color, with pink and blue, so light eight at a time each, andstore the position. (3 seconds)(2) color of the target to be male is presented.Press the point that shined on the color of the target.And added to the score if you answer all eight locations.If you answer all (3) eight locations, new Themed begins.When you make a mistake in one place, it is GAME OVER.The number of correct answers is compatible with net rankings,TOP30 will be posted in the ranking.16 simple place in that to the memory of the color of eight,because it is a simple memory game,This is a playable game from a child, but the game is over as soonas exhausted is any memory, concentration and endurance.Please use in training mental exercise, memory, concentration,sustained.
Confetti Live Wallpaper 1.1
It is a live wallpaper that has a lot ofcolorful confetti dancing.Night sky, blue sky, gold in the background, You can dissipate thevivid colors of confetti during the screen.Confetti of color, shape, movement speed, direction of movement,etc., it is possible a variety of customization.: Confetti setting :Confetti (color, amount, speed, direction of movement) eachthreeBackground (night sky, blue sky, golden): Setting of Live Wallpaper :- You press of confetti live wallpaper icon.- You choose "wallpaper settings".- From "Settings" you can choose your favorite confetti ofmovement.The setting screen has been placed ads.
Neon Cherry Blossoms LiveWall 1.0
夜の桜が輝くライブ壁紙です。ネオン色に輝く桜の木と、空から舞い落ちる花びらで画面を明るく飾ります。画面タッチ、左右フリックにより風を発生させ、桜を揺らせて下さい。桜の木の色、桜の花びらの量、桜の花びらの落下速度が設定可能です。: 桜の設定 :Cherry blossoms のテーマ色桜の花びらの量さくらの落下速度: 桜 ライブ壁紙 設定手順 :- Cherry Blossomsライブ壁紙のアイコンを押します。- "壁紙の設定"を選択します。- "設定"からあなたの好きな桜の色等を選択します。- 花見が開始されます。設定画面には広告が設置されています。(バー広告、全面広告)It is a live wallpaperthat night cherry shine.And cherry tree shining in neon colors, I decorate bright thescreen with petals fall from the sky dance.Screen touch, caused the wind by the left and right flick, pleaseYurase cherry.Color of cherry wood, the amount of cherry petals, can be set tofall speed of cherry petals.: Set of cherry:Cherry blossoms of theme colorAmount of cherry petalsFall velocity of Sakura: Sakura live wallpaper setting procedure:- I press the Cherry Blossoms Live Wallpaper icon.- I choose "wallpaper settings".- "Settings" I choose the color, etc. of your favorite cherry treefrom.- Hanami is started.The configuration screen has been installed ads. (Bar advertising,full-page ad)
3D Face Wallpaper 1.0
By three-dimensional the face portion ofthephoto, it is a live wallpaper that can be moved.You can customize the photos taken on your own, you can make a3Dwallpaper face moves.By the setting of color, lighting and the size of the face andthebackground, it can further three-dimensional image.Photos to the movement of the face, such as the bobbleheaddoll,I am on your terminal can be set to live wallpaper.After setting the wallpaper, you can further move in the leftandright flick of the screen.(1) Select a photo from your gallery(2) Select the range of parts of the face (recommended a90%position of the face)(3) Select the color of the background(4) Lighting of ON / OFF setting (if the background isblackonly)(5) size selection of face(6) storage of data, set to wallpaper
Flowing Memo Live Wallpaper 1.2
It is a live wallpaper and notes thecharacters you registered continues to move.Characters will continue to run in the color and size that youspecify to the left from the right of the screen.Art, such as using plans that should not be forgotten, like words,characters and symbols, you can customize freely.Is possible to register a sentence memo of up to five, size andcolor of a character can be customized.To take advantage of this live wallpaper, and (specify this livewallpaper) terminal settings, two settings (the contents of thememo) set of text memo is required.(How to use)(1)   Setting of the contents of the memoSetting the contents of the text memo to move. (Up to 30characters, and up to five notes)Setting the text color, size.(2)   Screen terminal settingsHome >> Settings >> Display Settings >> Wallpaper>> Live Wallpaper >> Specify this appIt will only specify the live wallpaper setting from the screenof the terminal.Please to the setting of the contents of the memo from the appicon.Size of the characters to move by the terminal is different, thesize of the three types can be selected with the character setin-app.Speed ​​of a moving character will change randomly every time.
Photo Retoucher 1.0
Multi-functional photo editing app, and isalsoeasy to operate.◆ Cutting a photo ◆It is possible to freely set the cut-out range in the curve, youcanquickly and smoothly set the boundary line to pull off.Cut-out of a square and a circle is easy.Off unplug photos is also possible to save atransparentbackground.◆ Paste on the other photo ◆when pasting into other photo, you can change the size or angleofphoto.◆ copy stamp ◆Copy the part of the photo, you can fill in theotherlocation.If you want to delete unwanted material, such as a stone onthelawn...If you want to arrange a photo, such as increasing the onlyonefruit in two...◆ blur, mosaic, color painting ◆it is possible to blur effect, mosaic effect, thecolorpainting.You can set the Pen of size, shape, fineness of the mosaic,color,color density.  ◆ change of reduction and orientation ◆You can change the reduction and change the angle ofthephotograph.Such as viewing angle when placing the photo to SNS and the net,youcan easily edit the photos.◆ Other ◆Edited photo in Photo Retoucher is stored in the"PhotoRetoucher"folder of the SD card.Original photos will not be overwritten.Photos to be loaded at the time of editing the start, takingintoaccount the memory of the terminal, it will read in thefollowingsize screen size of your smartphone.When you are finished editing and saving photos, the adisdisplayed on the screen.
Manneken Pis LiveWallpaper 2.0
This is the live wallpaper of "MannekenPis"that exist around the world.Water level will change depending on the usage of the battery.When the consumption of the battery increases it alsoincreasesthe water level.The amount of water discharge from the consumption of thebatteryterminal "Manneken Pis" is proportional.In addition, the display of the temperature of the batteryisalso available.: Set of color, etc.:Manneken Pis (color and presence ON / OFF)Water (color)Snow (color as the presence ON / OFF)Battery level ruler (presence ON / OFF)Battery temperature (presence ON / OFF): Set of Live Wallpaper procedure:- press the Manneken Pis live wallpaper icon.- choose "wallpaper settings".- "Settings" you choose such as your favorite displaycolorfrom.The configuration screen has been installed ads.(Baradvertising, full-page advertising)
It is an application that can createananimated Gif from the video.In three easy steps, Gif can be created, set the speed and sizeand,it is also possible to put the mosaic.◆ Menu (1) Gif create (2) Gif Play◆ Flow of animation Gif create(1) determine the extent to which the Gif from video (start andendposition)(2) Basic size setting of Gif(3) Gif of playback speed setting ------ ※ until therequiredhere(4) freedom to set the size in the cut-out(5) put the mosaic mask// Gif destination /////////////////////////◇ your SD card / gifworks folder//////////////////////////////////////////////////◆ Precautions of use(1) The capacity of GifDepending on your Android terminal, but will vary the capacityofthe Gif that can be createdWe recommend the following range.◇ Time: 5 seconds or less (start-end time of the videotoGif)◇ size: 400px or less (we are limited in application to amaximum500px)Please be properly adjusted by reference, such as apublicdestination of the Terms of the capacitance of Gif whilecreating(MB) will be displayed.         Twitter :3MBor less, FaceBook: less than 8MB, etc..(2) For animation Gif create◇ size cut-outSize cut-out can not be set only once. If you want to cancel,pleasestart the re-created from the reading of the video.◇ mosaic maskSelect a photo of the scene you want to put the mosaic, itportraysthe mosaic by tracing with a finger.When the depiction is enlarged display, but the range of100pxalways 1 touch will be mosaic.Please create while checking the actual display in the preview.◇ original videoOriginal video to Gif, please select the ones of the data formatofmp4,3gp.◇ playback of animation gifPlay is is also possible from the image display application, suchasyour Android terminal of the album,Image display application that does not correspond to the GifThereare also many.Please check with actual on the Web or "Playback of Gif" menuinthis app.
Side by side 3D Recorder 1.0
"side by side"方式の3D動画を撮影するアプリです。撮影対象物を角度と位置をずらした左右の2画面で撮影して立体感を出します。作成した動画を視聴するには "Google cardboard" 等の3D・VRメガネが必要です。◆ 撮影方法設定①左右画面の視角度を調節撮影対象物が近いほど、左右の眼の視角度が大きくなります。設定②両目視差による位置の調節位置のずれが大きいほど、立体感が大きくなります。3Dメガネで表示を確認しながら設定を行い、録画を開始してください。2重に見える場合は、視角度や位置の調節が正しくない可能性があります。撮影対象物との距離は、0.8m~2.0mが適切です。立体的な動画にするためには角度と位置の設定が必須です。◆ 注意事項・長時間3D映像を見続けると、目に負担をかける可能性がありますのでご注意ください。・位置・角度・部屋の明るさ・背景色、撮影対象物の種類によっては立体的に見えない場合があります。・撮影した立体動画の視聴には"Google cardboard" 等の3D・VRメガネが必要です。・動画の撮影後に大きな広告が出る場合があります。・撮影した3D動画ファイルはSDカード内の(Side By Side3DRecorder)というフォルダに保存されます。Android6.0以上の端末をお使いの場合、ご利用になる為には端末の設定でこのアプリの権限を許可する必要があります。設定 >> アプリ >> SideBySide 3D Recorder >>パーミッションIs a "side by side" apptoshoot 3D videos of the system.The object to be photographed shooting at the two screens oftheleft and right shifted the angle and position issuesathree-dimensional feeling.To view a video that was created is required 3D · VR glasses suchas"Google cardboard".◆ imaging methodSetting ①Adjust the viewing angle of the left and right screenAbout shooting the object is close, you viewing angle of theleftand right of the eye increases.Setting ②Adjustment of the position by both eyes parallaxIncreases as the deviation of the position islarge,three-dimensional effect will increase.Settings while checking the display in 3D glasses, pleasestartrecording.If you look in the double, it is possible adjustment ofviewingangles and the position is not correct.The distance between the object to be photographed is, 0.8m ~2.0mis appropriate.Setting the angle and position is essential in order tomakethree-dimensional video.◆ notesAnd for a long time continue to see a 3D image, please notethatthere is a possibility that put a strain on the eyes., Position, angle, brightness and background color of theroom,depending on the type of the object to be photographed maynotappear in three dimensions.• The viewing of the captured three-dimensional video requiresa3D · VR glasses such as "Google cardboard".After recording motion pictures in there is a case where alargead comes out.- Captured 3D video files are saved in a folder named in theSDcard (Side By Side 3D Recorder).If you are using a Android6.0 or more terminals, in ordertobecome available you must allow the authority of this app inthesetting of the terminal.Settings >> Apps >> SideBySide 3D Recorder>>permission
Silent alarm 4.0
Can be used in the train, silent vibration alarm
Typing Support for PC /QWERTY 6.0
(For PC beginners) Display the PC keyboard position at the touch ofa button.
3D Video Camera 6.0
All you need is a pair of red and blue glasses and this app toenjoy 3D video.
Effect Video Camera 2.0
撮影時に動画や写真に加工を施すアプリです。 撮影後には何も編集は行いません。アニメ、漫画、手書き、古い映画、自由な色調整の効果のある動画と写真が撮影できます。それぞれのフィルタに、白黒、反転、色調整などの詳細な調整が可能で、あなたの自由な動画撮影をしてください。 例えば、 アニメ加工 +白黒 = 水彩画 手書き加工 + 反転 = 版画 色調整 + 反転 = ネオン等の様々な動画加工、写真加工が撮影時にリアルタイムで編集されます。古い映画加工では色などの見た目の他に、古いフィルム特有の上下の揺れも再現可能です。動画、写真が撮影時に加工できる、簡単操作のカメラアプリです。 ◆ ご利用の際にAndroid6.0以上の端末をお使いの場合、ご利用になる為には端末の設定でこのアプリのカメラ権限を許可する必要があります。 設定>> アプリ >> Effect Video Camera >> パーミッション
Box Tag 2.0
Check the stored items without opening the box. What is .....contents of this box? ..... That luggage is in what box? ?
Cursive Converter 13.0
Convert to cursive alphabet! For learning how to write cursive.
(3D) Development of Cube
For kids. Training of brain development view of a cube.