Kidsopia Apps

Catalog 1.3
Nu descarcati decat daca aveti un contCatalog.Este o aplicatie speciala pentru prezenta copiilor la gradinita.Pentru mai multe informatii contact@kidsopia.roDo not download unlessyou have a catalog account.It is a special application for the presence of children inkindergarten.For more information
Numbers For Ducklings 3.3.1
A fun way to teach children how to count up to 10. Suitable forkids aged 3 to 5
Monkey King's Guises
Teaching children the link between shapes and images. For kids aged2 to 3.
SpotOn - AZT 1.1.3
SpotOn - AZT este locul unde îţi poţi testacunoştinţele despre produsele Allianz Ţiriac în cel mai haios modcu putinţă. Pentru a câştiga puncte, teritorii şi respectulcolegilor, trebuie doar să răspunzi corect la întrebările primite.Iar dacă te afli printre cei mai buni (sau echipa ta se aflăprintre cele mai bune) poţi câştiga premii interesante.SpotOn - AZT is where youcan test your knowledge on Allianz Tiriac products in the funniestway possible. To earn points, territories and the respect of peers,just correctly answer the questions received. And if you are amongthe best (or your team is among the best) you can win coolprizes.
Vocea Animalelor Onomatopoeia 4.3.8
Cum fac animalele de la ţară? Dar cele din pădure?
The Royal Colors
A coloring game with different sketches. Suitable for all children.
Colors with Splash 2.3.17
The children learn colors together with Splash and Boing.
Cantece pentru copii 1.0.86
O aplicație pentru cei care vor săoferecopiilor lor o experiență specială în lumea muzicii pentrucopii.Oaplicație extrem de ușor de utilizat chiar si pentru ceicare încănu sunt la grdiniță.Am cautat pentru voi cele mai draguțe cantecele în limba românăpecare le-am grupat pentru bucuria celor mici astfel:• Primavara - cântecele vesele, pline de gândăceișifloricele!• Mama - de dragul ei cei mici ar cânta și în somn!• Colinde - în așteptarea Moșului, lângă brad sau afarăprinzăpadă• Gradinița - locul unde toți am aflat cât de mare e lumea șiceînseamnă să ai prieteniVă place jocul nostru? Dacă da, daţi-ne un rating!Comentarii? Sugestii? Vă ascultăm!Kidsopia oferă o gamă largă de jocuri distractive şimodalităţicreative de a învăţa copilul lucruri noi.Platforma Kidsopia este perfectă pentru micuţii de 2 şi 3ani,pentru copii de grădiniţă (de la 4 la 5 ani) şi pentru ceicareabia acum încep şcoala (6 şi 7 ani), prezentându-le multedinideile de bază şi noţiunile pe care un copil trebuie săleînţeleagă şi să le stăpânească corect.Kidsopia este o platformă educaţională bazată pe studiulUNICEF:“Repere Fundamentale pentru Învăţarea Timpurie a Copiluluide laNaştere până la 7 ani” (RFIDT).Dorim să oferim o cale amuzantă şi intuitivă de a învăţacifrele,număratul şi literele, desenatul şi coloratul, mărimi,forme şiimagini, diferenţe şi asemănări, animale şi multe altele,toateprezentate prin intermediul jocurilor şi poveştilornoastre.Înglobând cele cinci arii de dezvoltare: intelectuală,creativă,emoţională, dezvoltare fizică şi dezvoltarea socialăplatformaKidsopia oferă un element ajutător pentru părinţi înprocesul deeducare al copiilor prin joacă.Ne-am bazat pe exerciţiu şi practică ca fundament în procesuldeînvăţare al domeniilor precum ştiinţă (matematică,geometrie,fizică, chimie), biologie (corpul uman, animale, plante),artă(colorat, desenat, pictat), logică (puzzle-uri de imaginişicuvinte), dezvoltarea emoţională (conştiinţa de sine, încredereaînsine, moduri de a face faţă şi a înţelege sentimentele).Cu ajutorul platformei Kidsopia copilul va trece printr-unprocesconstând în 3 etape:1. Acumularea şi înţelegerea noilor concepte.2. Fundamentarea acestor noţiuni prin procesul de exersare.3. Dezvoltarea capacităţii de a recunoaşte, asocia şi aplicaacestenoi informaţii.Scopul aplicaţiilor din Kidsopia este ca cei mici săînveţeîntr-o manieră relaxată, jucăuşă şi inteligentă concepteleexpusemai sus.Mai multe detalii pe: www.kidsopia.roLimba: Româna (România, Moldova)An application forthosewho want to give their children a special experience in themusicworld for copii.O application extremely easy to use even forthosenot yet in kindergarten.I searched for you the prettiest songs in Romanian that aregroupedfor the joy of the little ones as follows:• Spring - songs cheerful, full of bugs and popcorn!• Mother - for the sake of her children would sing inmysleep!• Carols - Santa pending, near the tree or out in the snow• Kindergarten - where we all learned how big the world is andwhatit means to have friendsYou like our game? If yes, give us a rating!Comments? Suggestions? We're listening!Kidsopia offers a range of fun games and creative ways toteachyour child new things.Platform Kidsopia is perfect for little ones 2 and 3 yearstokindergarten children (from 4-5 years) and those who arejuststarting school (6 and 7 years), presenting them many of thebasicideas and notions a child must understand and masterthemproperly.Kidsopia is an educational platform based on UNICEFstudy:"Fundamental Highlights for Early Childhood Learning frombirth to7 years" (ELDS).We want to provide a fun and intuitive way to learnnumbers,counting and letters, drawing and coloring, sizes, shapesandimages, differences and similarities, animals and more,allpresented through games and our stories.Encompassing five areas of development: intellectual,creative,emotional, physical development and social developmentplatformprovides a helpful element Kidsopia for parents in theeducation ofchildren through play.We relied on exercise and practice as a foundation forlearningof areas such as science (mathematics, geometry,physics,chemistry), biology (human body, animals, plants), art(coloring,drawing, painting), logic (puzzle CEs images and words),emotionaldevelopment (self-awareness, self-confidence, ways to copeandunderstand feelings).With the kit Kidsopia child will go through a process consistingofthree stages:1. Collection and understanding new concepts.2. substantiation of these concepts through the practice.3. Developing the ability to recognize, associate and apply thisnewinformation.The purpose of Kidsopia applications is that children learn inarelaxed manner, playful and intelligent concepts above.More details on: www.kidsopia.roLanguage: Romanian (Romania, Moldova)
Povestea Cu Capul în Nori 3.3.2
A wonderful original story interactive.
Generals Matched 3.3.1
Teach kids three concepts: different, the same, and alike. For kidsaged 3 to 5.
Stories for kids 2.2.17
A collection of 25 stories with morale, adapted to childrenandavailable in 5 different collections. In the firstcollection"Animal Stories" we got inspired by the beautifulAesopian fablesand those from Jean de La Fontaine, as well as froma marvellouschinese folklore story. The second collection containsfivewonderful tales from the Brothers Grimm, rewritten especiallyforthe children today. The third collection offers fiveadventuresfreighted with mystery, emotions and intriguingdiscoveries of thefamous sailor Sinbad. Afterwards we invite you toPacala andTandala. Stories full of tricks and jokes with a lot ofhumor andwitty anecdotes that are perfect for children to listenbeforesleeping. Since we know that children like pranks a lot,weconclude the entire collection with the best adventures:Mowgli,the child from the jungle will capture the small one'simagination.Beside the stories we prepared some puzzles andcolouring pagesthat provide children an extra experience. Howchildren will learnand play at the same time: - 17 differentcolours in a colouringgame - drawing interesting extracts from thestories - the littleones will exercise the ability to solve puzzleswith diverse levelsof difficulty - the stories can be listened orread by the parents- they will understand the connection betweenwords and theirsound, because the text will be highlighted whilenarrating thetales At this moment we have the following stories:Animal Stories• The Fox and the Crow • The Ant and the Grasshopper• The Tortoiseand the Hare • The Town Musicians of Bremen • TheMonkey King Talesof the Brothers Grimm • Hansel and Gretel • TheValiant LittleTailor • Sleeping Beauty • Cinderella • Hans and theDragon TheAdventures of Sinbad the Sailor • Sinbad the Sailor andtheGigantic Whale • Sinbad the Sailor and the Great Roc Bird •Sinbadthe Sailor and the Island of Monkeys • Sinbad the Sailor andtheOld Man of the Sea • Sinbad the Sailor and the One-EyedGiantPacala and Tandala • The story of Tandala and his two brothers•The Trickster Pacala, the Priest's Servant. • Pacala and Tandala•The Bet with the Nobleman • The Cemetery Thieves The Jungle Book•Entering the Wolf Pack • The Thieves in the Tree Tops •TheTreasure at the Cold Lairs • The Hunter with a Thousand Thorns•TheRed Flower We hope that you like our stories and have fun withyourlittle ones! "Kidsopia brings you a wide range of fun gamesandcreative ways to teach your child new things. The Kidsopiaplatformis for toddlers (two to three), pre-school kids (four tofive) andalso for those who are just entering primary school(six-seven).The games offer many of the basic ideas and notionsthat a childwould need to grasp. Kidsopia is an educationalplatform based onresearch undertaken by the UNICEF: ""Earlylearning and developmentstandards for children from birth to sevenyears"". The main goalis to offer an amusing and intuitive way tolearn about numbers,counting and letters, drawing and colouring,sizes, shapes andimages, differences and similarities, animals, andmany more, allpresented within different adventures and stories.Encompassingdifferent developmental areas such as: intellectual,creative andemotional, the Kidsopia platform offers to the parent ahandy anduseful tool for children to learn through play. In areassuch as:science (mathematics, geometry, physics, chemistry),biology (humanbody, animals, plants), art (painting, drawing,colouring), puzzles(images, words or any other logical problems),emotionaldevelopment (self-awareness, self-confidence, roleplaying,copingand understanding feelings) we focus on practice as thestepstoneof learning. We believe that by using our applications,kids willbe able to learn these concepts in a relaxed, playful andcleverway. More details here: Languages availablefordownload: English, Romanian, German.
ABC The Alphabet Train
The best interactive alphabet game for the english language.
Animal Farm Fun 3.2.8
Children will learn the concepts of large and small. For kids aged2 to 4.
Deseneaza cu Mowgli 2.1.13
Adventures of Mowgli in the Jungle People
Duckling's Puzzles 3.3.2
Puzzles with different difficulty levels. Suitable for kids aged 3to 5.
Bobble Words 2.3.7
Make up new words with Bobble! Recommended for all savvy HomoSapiens!
Gobble: Fruits and Vegetables 2.3.17
Fruits and Vegetables for children. Learning easy together withGobble!
Circle Triangle Square! 3.3.1
Teach children three shapes: circle, square and triangle. For kidsaged 3 to 5.
Ucenicul Bucatar 2.3.2
A kitchen for lovers of sand cakes will become Master Chef!
123 Numbers and Sheep 2.3.17
Math for children. Fun with numbers from 1 to 99.