2.5 / March 23, 2014
(5.0/5) ()


No business wants to be audited by the IRS.

Small business owners lose sleep over it. CFO’s, controllersandtax manager’s get gray hair during it. Shareholders canlosesignificant capital because of it. Bankers, suppliers andcustomerssometimes walk away from long term business relationshipsas aresult of it. Individuals and families unfortunatelysometimessuffer as a consequence of it.

CPA’s and attorneys advise clients they must assume thateveryreturn, deduction and accounting practice will bequestioned.Though that is not the case, when an audit does occurthere is a50/50 chance that a tax deduction will be disallowed.

The 2010 IRS Data Book reports that over 100,000 AdditionalTaxrecommendations were sent to corporations after return andfieldaudit examinations. Audit tax risk is a significant challengeforall sized businesses.

IARP: (IRS Audit Risk Program)

IARP is an audit risk management road map targeting IRSIndustryFocus Issues (IFI). Industry Focus Issues are guidelinesIRSexaminers use to enforce oversight of tax laws. IFI outlinesastatute specific risk based approach to examination oversightandaudit engagement rules. IFI outlines focus areas ofheightenedagency scrutiny targeting specific issues that arereported on taxfilings.

IARP assists small and mid-size businesses (SME) to determinetaxaudit exposures to Tier I, II and III risk factors.

The IARP is a threat management and scoring tool thatuncovers,ascertains, manages and mitigates tax audit risk for eachIFI riskfactor.

The IARP ranks, aggregates and groups all tax riskexposures.Managers and tax advisers can then take considered actiontomitigate exposure, prepare for tax audits and organizedefensiveresponses for potential mediation, arbitration orlitigation of taxaudit disputes.

The IARP is a necessity for SME’s, private equityfirms,financial services firms, companies conducting business inforeigncountries, corporations utilizing offshore structures,companiesengaged in innovative transactions, R&D programs,carry trade,recognize and book revenue from diverse sources oremploysophisticated tax strategies.

The IARP is a resource for CFOs, compliance officers,riskofficers and corporate counsel. CPA’s, attorneys with a focusoncorporate tax, compliance and risk consultants and otherindustryservice providers will find the IARP an indispensableclientengagement tool.

The IARP scoring methodology is designed to determine auditriskexposure and level of preparedness to meet audit risk factorsas itguides users through a thorough risk assessment. The IARPhelpsmanagers formulate and initiate actions required to mitigatethethreat of audit risk exposures.

IARP identifies and calculates expenses associatedwithmitigation initiatives while assisting managers to tracktheprogress of mitigation responsibilities assigned to staffmembersand outside service providers.

IARP links to issue specific IRS resources and documentationthatexplains tax issues, documentation requirements andagencyengagement guidance pertaining to the specific IFI riskfactor.These critical tax compliance resources helps to quicklydeterminethe severity of risk factors and aligns corporateresources neededto address aggregated corporate exposures.

Product features:
Audit Risk Scoring Methodology
Identify Audit Risk Exposures
Identify Mitigation Initiatives
Manage Mitigation Initiatives
Prioritize Aggregated Risk
Assign Tasks and Track Open Issues
Calculate Mitigation Expenses
Align Staff and Service Providers
Links to Issue Specific IRS Guidance
IRS Form Library and Search Engine
FASB and AICPA Guidance

The IARP is an Mobile Office MS Excel© App. IARP MobileOfficeApp requires a Mobile Office App a PDF reader and a Zipfilemanager for Android users. All available for no charge onGooglePlay. The app directs users to a Drop Box to pick up zipfile.

App Information IARP Tax Audit Risk

  • App Name
    IARP Tax Audit Risk
  • Paketname
  • Updated
    March 23, 2014
  • Datei
  • Erforderliche Android-Version
    Android 2.1 and up
  • Version
  • Hersteller
    James Bradley McCallum
  • Installationen
    1 - 5
  • Price
  • Kategorie
  • Hersteller
  • Google Play Link

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SME 360: Risk Assessment 0.1 APK
Finally, a risk management and opportunitydiscovery workbook for Small and Mid-Size Enterprises (SME) thatoffers self assessment tools that are highly effective and easy touse.The SME|360 helps managers assess and score opportunity riskfactors to mitigate risk, determine capital allocation requirementsand prepare for raising finance from banks and other lendinginstitutions.The SME|360 helps managers understand and prepare for thestringent credit scoring and decision metrics used by lendinginstitutions.The SME|360 is modeled after recommendations developed by bankworking groups formed to address best lending practices followingthe introduction of Basel II Capital Accord and the proposedCapital Requirement Directive (Basel II / CRD).Objectives of the SME|360To detail the main business and risk management practices thatlenders generally look for when assessing and rating an SMETo provide SME with awareness of what is regarded by lenders asgood corporate governanceTo assist SMEs to meet the likely business informationrequirements of banks, private equity and investment bankinginstitutionsOverlying AssumptionsStringent credit analysis should not be considered as acompliance or regulatory imposition but as a catalyst for improvingand embedding good risk management practices and businessgovernanceFinancial intermediaries and suppliers of funding can foster SMEbest practices GRC principlesApplication of sound risk management practices enables SMEs toenhance sustainability, performance and shareholder valueThough there are no universally agreed and applied standards orsimilar benchmarks for SME risk management, the SME|360 provides arobust framework of GRC best practices that are industryagnostic.The assessment framework is based primarily on materialsobtained as a result of a general survey provided on a confidentialand non-attributable basis by specific banks, consultants and SMErepresentative organizations.Design and Contents of ModulesThe modules are designed as a self-reference guide. The modulesare compiled around the typical information that SMEs use to managean effective business. In turn, it should assist you to capture therequired information about the rationale, capability, prospects andrisks of your business, and to communicate this to banks and otherproviders of finance.This information should help them to understand, assess andrisk-rate your business for credit purposes in line with their owninternal guidelines.SME|360 is divided into five main sections:1. Business Strategy & Targets2. Business Market & Competition3. Business Capability4. Business & Financial Planning5. Business Risk ManagementProduct FeaturesSelf Assessment Scoring Methodology, Calculation of Risk Budget andEnterprise View of Aggregated RiskThe modules contain descriptions of self-assessment techniquesusing the templates included in this document.Assessment Templates:Product and Market Dynamics Assessment:Product Risk / Customer Risk / Supply Chain / Competition / MarketDynamicsBusiness Function Assessment:Operations / IT / HR / Facilities / Sales & Marketing /Management / Accounting,Macro-risk Assessments:Critical Success Factors / Risk Factor Assessment / Business Ratio/ Business Plan Checklist / CFI/ (Macroeconomic Risk only indigital product)This assessment exercise will provide you with easy andconsistent reference data for completing and updating business andrisk management plans. This information will aid transparency andfacilitate communications with your bank and other fundingproviders.Document is in PDF format. A complete set of fully digitizedassessment templates can be ordered from Sum2.
Credit|Redi Mobile Office 1.3 APK
Credit|Redi is a tool that demonstratesanSME's creditworthiness to lenders and capitalproviders.Credit|Redi generates a Z Score credit rating andin-depthfinancial analysis reports to spot strengths and weaknessesin thecompany's financial health. Credit|Redi also provides aseries ofenterprise assessment applications to review problem areasanddetermine opportunities for business growth to build a bulletproofbusiness plan that wins the confidence of lenders.Credit|Redi combines the qualitative assessment analytics oftheProfit|Optimizer with the quantitative measurement precisionofCreditAides Z Score report services.Need a loan?Trying to raise capital?Need an accepted industry standard credit rating todemonstratecreditworthiness?Need to develop a compelling business plan for investorsandbankers?Credit|Redi is a credit decision and financial healthanalysistool. It generates a Z Score credit rating for SmallMid-SizedBusiness Enterprises (SME). It demonstratescreditworthiness tolenders and capital providers. It offersassessment tools toaddress risk factors present in the company'sbusiness anddetermines optimized capital allocation strategies tofundexpansion.Credit|Redi creates an in depth financial healthassessmentranging from two to five periods. Users define datapoints ofmonthly, quarterly or annual periods for to determinefinancialhealth trend analysis.Credit|Redi offers users a complete series of businessassessmentapps to spot risks, opportunities for improvement andthe capitalneeded to improve profitability and growth. Credit|Redifacilitateswinning business plan to win the confidencelenders.Credit|Redi supports all global accounting conventionsandcurrencies.Credit|Redi App Features:Z Score Credit Rating and Financial Health Assessment Report,ThreeSets of Performance Dashboards, Self AssessmentScoringMethodology, Calculation of Capital Requirements BudgetandEnterprise View of Aggregated RiskCredit Rating and Financial Health Assessment Report:Credit Score Calculation and full set of financialassessmentreports to determine credit rating, balance sheet andincomestatement stress factors.Report Package Includes:Z Score Credit AssessmentsIncome StatementsBalance SheetsEquity ReconciliationCash (Funds) FlowSource and Application of FundsKey Metrics / KPI'sAssessment Applications:Product and Market DynamicsBusiness Function & OperationsCritical Success FactorsRisk Assessment MatrixMacroeconomic EventsProduct and Market Dynamics Assessment:Product Risk / Customer Risk / Supply Chain / Competition /MarketDynamicsBusiness Function Assessment:Operations / IT / HR / Facilities / Sales & Marketing/Management / Accounting,Critical Success Factors:Risk Assessment Matrix / Business Ratio / Business Plan Checklist/Macroeconomic RiskROI calculator, 40 Page workbook.Applications:Loan ApplicationsWorkout Planning ProgramInitial Survey for New CEOPreparation for Capital RaiseCredit Extension / Default MitigationBoard of Directors PresentationShareholder CommunicationsManagement Team BuildingRisk Management ProgramStrategic Alliance / Merger ReviewCapital Allocation / ROI AssessmentUsers Include: Small midsize business owners, CFOs,controllers,C Level managers, commercial loan specialists, bankers,creditunions, workout specialists, alternative finance providers,ITmanagers, HR consultants, sales managers, facilitiesmanagers,CPA’s, private equity firms, business coaches, duediligenceprofessionalsSum2 partners with Credit|Aides to generate financialhealthassessment reports.System Requirements: App directs users to Dropbox sitetodownload zip file. Zip file contains MS Excel Assessment AppsandPDF input form for Z Score Financial Health AssessmentReportServer. Android users require Mobile Office, PDF Reader andZipFile Manager.
Tahrir Square Voices 0.2 APK
Dear Reader:Tahrir Square Voices were written as the events of theArabSpring unfolded in Egypt during the winter of 2011. Theyarecurious historical artifacts that are fun to read;offeringenlightened insights into the dynamics of theEgyptianRevolution.The 18 pieces were created to capture the fluidity of eventsandthe contradictory impulses of the revolution as they playedoutover the course of 33 days culminating in the ouster ofEgyptianPresident Hosni Mubarak. This allowed Egypt to hold anopendemocratic election that brought Mohamed Morsi and theMuslimBrotherhood's agenda into office. The events in Tahrir Squarealsosparked the flames that led to the expansion of the ArabSpringmovement throughout the region. Inspiring the overthrow ofMuammarQaddafi in Libya, the Shia uprisings in Bahrain and theSyrianCivil War. All of these events as well as the continuedunrest inEgypt are yet to be fully played out.The pieces in Tahrir Square Voices are raw structurednarrativesthat seeks to capture the chaos and uncertainty of theebbs andflows of the political situation as it unfolded on thestreets ofCairo. It is tempting to go back and edit the pieces buttheexigencies of the moment produced the response recorded inthepieces. A prolog and an epilog were also added. The prolog isonepiece entitled Call Me Ishmael. The epilog is three pieces,thefirst Morsi’s Feet written on the day he was ousted in acoupd'etat.The author intended to publish these pieces as alargercollection entitled Call Me Ishmael with an expandedepilogentitled Homage to Homs. The Homage to Homs section comprisesabody of work at least as large as the 120 plus pages comprisingtheTahrir Square Voices. The key piece missing from the epilog isadialog concerning the incompatibilities and contradictionsofSharia Law and secular democracy. I hope to complete theentiresection soon.The decision to publish the Tahrir Square Voices wasinstigatedby Morsi’s ouster from office. This event has returnedEgypt backto the rule of the military oligarchs and the policeapparatus thatenforced Mubarak’s decades long reign. In a senseEgypt is back tosquare one if in fact any real fundamental changeever occurred asa result of Tahrir Square demonstrations. Theauthor’s sympathiesclearly lie with the secular democratic impulsesof the revolution.As a westerner, my perceptions are colored withan allegiance todemocratic republicanism. That said I tried toincorporate andarticulate some of the historical and culturalimpulses thatpropelled the events in Tahrir Square.The pieces include:PrologCall Me IshmaelTahrir SquarePolice Day 1/25/11The Dancing Jinn of Cairo (1/31/11)Revolution and Repression in Cairo (2/2/11)Blow Back (2/3/11)Overheard in Tahrir Square (2/4/11)Day of Departure (2/4/11)On This Day of Allegiance (2/4/11)Tahrir Square (2/4/11)Revolution Slumbers in Liberation Square (2/6/11)The Colossus Awakens (2/10/11)The Tents of Tahrir Square (2/11/11)Day of Expectation (2/12/11)Mubarak Speaks (2/14/11)Mubarak's Dream (2/15/11)The Fifth Fleet (2/17/11)Abdication DayCleaning Up The Square (2/23/11)At The Tip Of A Bayonet (2/28/11)EpilogMorsi's FeetGazaThe Birds of the NileTahrir Square Voices includes links to Youtube Music Videosthatthe author selected as appropriate for the subject ofeachpoem.The poems are all original pieces written and copyrighted bytheauthor. Images and music used in this collection are nottheproperty of the author whose use in this publication isinconformance with generally accepted fair use practices.I hope you enjoy reading Tahrir Square Voices.Risk Rapper7/7/13
IARP Tax Audit Risk 2.5 APK
No business wants to be audited by the IRS.Small business owners lose sleep over it. CFO’s, controllersandtax manager’s get gray hair during it. Shareholders canlosesignificant capital because of it. Bankers, suppliers andcustomerssometimes walk away from long term business relationshipsas aresult of it. Individuals and families unfortunatelysometimessuffer as a consequence of it.CPA’s and attorneys advise clients they must assume thateveryreturn, deduction and accounting practice will bequestioned.Though that is not the case, when an audit does occurthere is a50/50 chance that a tax deduction will be disallowed.The 2010 IRS Data Book reports that over 100,000 AdditionalTaxrecommendations were sent to corporations after return andfieldaudit examinations. Audit tax risk is a significant challengeforall sized businesses.IARP: (IRS Audit Risk Program)IARP is an audit risk management road map targeting IRSIndustryFocus Issues (IFI). Industry Focus Issues are guidelinesIRSexaminers use to enforce oversight of tax laws. IFI outlinesastatute specific risk based approach to examination oversightandaudit engagement rules. IFI outlines focus areas ofheightenedagency scrutiny targeting specific issues that arereported on taxfilings.IARP assists small and mid-size businesses (SME) to determinetaxaudit exposures to Tier I, II and III risk factors.The IARP is a threat management and scoring tool thatuncovers,ascertains, manages and mitigates tax audit risk for eachIFI riskfactor.The IARP ranks, aggregates and groups all tax riskexposures.Managers and tax advisers can then take considered actiontomitigate exposure, prepare for tax audits and organizedefensiveresponses for potential mediation, arbitration orlitigation of taxaudit disputes.The IARP is a necessity for SME’s, private equityfirms,financial services firms, companies conducting business inforeigncountries, corporations utilizing offshore structures,companiesengaged in innovative transactions, R&D programs,carry trade,recognize and book revenue from diverse sources oremploysophisticated tax strategies.The IARP is a resource for CFOs, compliance officers,riskofficers and corporate counsel. CPA’s, attorneys with a focusoncorporate tax, compliance and risk consultants and otherindustryservice providers will find the IARP an indispensableclientengagement tool.The IARP scoring methodology is designed to determine auditriskexposure and level of preparedness to meet audit risk factorsas itguides users through a thorough risk assessment. The IARPhelpsmanagers formulate and initiate actions required to mitigatethethreat of audit risk exposures.IARP identifies and calculates expenses associatedwithmitigation initiatives while assisting managers to tracktheprogress of mitigation responsibilities assigned to staffmembersand outside service providers.IARP links to issue specific IRS resources and documentationthatexplains tax issues, documentation requirements andagencyengagement guidance pertaining to the specific IFI riskfactor.These critical tax compliance resources helps to quicklydeterminethe severity of risk factors and aligns corporateresources neededto address aggregated corporate exposures.Product features:Audit Risk Scoring MethodologyIdentify Audit Risk ExposuresIdentify Mitigation InitiativesManage Mitigation InitiativesPrioritize Aggregated RiskAssign Tasks and Track Open IssuesCalculate Mitigation ExpensesAlign Staff and Service ProvidersLinks to Issue Specific IRS GuidanceIRS Form Library and Search EngineFASB and AICPA GuidanceThe IARP is an Mobile Office MS Excel© App. IARP MobileOfficeApp requires a Mobile Office App a PDF reader and a Zipfilemanager for Android users. All available for no charge onGooglePlay. The app directs users to a Drop Box to pick up zipfile.
SME Risk: S3 Seismograph 2.0 APK
Wouldn't it be great if small businesses hadan early warning machine like a seismograph that could detect therisks and spot emerging business opportunities well in advance? Amachine that gives small businesses the lead time to adjust thecourse of the business to avoid a costly risk event or seize anopportunity shifting market conditions present?Introducing S3:SME Seismograph (S3) was developed to provide SME (SmallMid-Sized Enterprises) with tools to rapidly detect, adapt andovercome risks and to seize upon the opportunities surrounding youbusiness.S3 is an Excel based Office 365 / Mobile Office app providingSME managers world class enterprise risk management and opportunitydiscovery tools for growth and success.S3 FeaturesRisk Factor ScoringOpportunity Prioritization RankingCalculation of Capital RequirementsEnterprise View of Aggregated RiskAssessment Applications:Market AssessmentProduct RiskCustomer RiskSupply ChainCompetitionMarket DynamicsBusiness AssessmentOperationsSales & MarketingManagementAccountingFacilitiesHuman ResourcesInformation TechnologyMacro Risk AssessmentCritical Success FactorsBusiness RatioBusiness PlanMacroeconomic RiskSTEEPLEROI Calculator40 Page User ManualApplicationsWorkout Planning ProgramInitial Survey for New CEOPreparation for Capital RaiseCredit Extension / Default MitigationBoard of Directors PresentationShareholder CommunicationsManagement Team BuildingRisk Management ProgramStrategic Alliance / Merger ReviewCapital Allocation / ROI AssessmentUsers Include: Small midsize business owners, C Level SMEmanagers, account executive sales professionals, commercial loanspecialists, bankers, credit unions, workout specialists,alternative finance providers, IT managers, HR consultants, salesmanagers, facilities managers, CPA’s, private equity firms,business coaches, due diligence professionalsAndroid users require the use of Mobile Office. Mobile Officeapps are available for download on Google Play. A PDF reader and aZip File Manager are also required all widely available for nocharge on Google Play. The S3 directs users to a Drop Box to pickup a zip file.Sum2 does not collect or store any data entered into our MobileBusiness apps. All data entry is done off line.
Admin Assessment App (AAA) 1.1 APK
Assessing personnel in an objective manner isacritical skill that effective managers must exercise.The Administrator Assessment App (AAA) helps managers tomeasurethe contributions and skills of support personnel.Effective management of the Human Resource function is acriticalarea often under resourced by SMEs. Assessing functionalHR riskfactors is an assessment template in Sum2's ProfitOptimizer.Wholesome management worker relationships, regulatorycompliance,competitive wage and benefit offerings are but a few HRrisk factorsSMEs must consider.The AAA offers objective guidelines to properlyevaluatestrengths and weaknesses of employees, suggested areasofimprovement and framework to determine promotions and raises.AAA integrates an employee evaluation survey with links toSMERisk Management blog and Sum2,llc twitter feed. SME RiskManagementsite provides insights, tools and news on risk factorlandscapesconfronting SMEs and suggested mitigation strategies tomitigaterisk and seize opportunities. SME Risk Management coversthe broadrisk landscape of SME's. Areas covered include creditrisk, oprisk, macroeconomic risk, compliance and market risk amongnumerousothers. The Sum2,llc Twitter feed covers product bulletinsandannouncements, breaking news and supporting resources neededforeffective SME Risk Management.
SME Macroeconomic Risk 2.3 APK
"...small-medium sized businesses (SME),publicsector entities, the communities in which they operate, andsocietyat large are exposed to many factors that are outside thecontrol ofexecutives and policy makers. These exposures span avariety ofinfluences ranging from commodity and financial marketprices,macroeconomic conditions, operational disruptions, humanmisconduct,technological shifts, competitor moves, socio-politicalevents,natural hazards, man-made disasters, etc.Each of these risk areas are addressed through ratherdisparatepractices of financial risk analysis, exposure limits,actuarialmodeling, insurance contracting, alternativerisk-transfer,contingency planning, risk mitigation, preparedness,etc. Businessenterprise and society are also faced with potentialsystemic risksembedded in interacting global markets, worldwideclimatic changes,and threats of international terrorism. All ofthis accentuates aneed for effective strategic risk managementpractices to deal withthese phenomena both at corporate managementand public policylevels."* Strategic Risk Management (SRM) - Outlining the Contours oftheNew Risk Management Paradigm by Torben Andersen,AssociateProfessor, Copenhagen Business SchoolThe objective of MERA is to provide SME's a self assessmenttoolto score and manage macroeconomic and event risks that impactstheprofitability and growth of SMEs. These risk factorsposechallenges and offer opportunities presented by rapidlychangingbusiness conditions and market dislocations. MERAsizesmacroeconomic and event risks; allowing users to initiateactionsto mitigate threats and initiate actions to capitalize ontheopportunities volatile business cycles present.This app offers a self assessment framework for users to scoreriskclusters that are often overlooked by SME businessmanagers.The National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB)detailsover 75 macro risk factors confronting SMEs. MERA includesthesefactors as well as others for assessment consideration. Usersmayalso enter user defined factors. Risk factors are color codedandgrouped in 10 Problem Clusters. That include:costscompetitionemployeesfinanceinformationmanagementpublic service/ responsibilitiesregulationtaxestechnologyMERA 2.3 includes a series of 70 Key Performance Indicators(KPI)for SMEs.The KPIs are grouped into 5 areas.Best Practice IndicatorsEmployee IndicatorsProduct IndicatorsFinancial IndicatorsCorporate MattersMERA's rating scheme allows users to score risk factors anditsimpact on business. Users define actions that will mitigateriskfactors, estimate capital investments required to address riskandcalculate a ROI to determine project priorities,fundingrequirements and expected returns.MERA aggregates and scores macro enterprise risk , alignsactionsand capital investments required to mitigateaggregatedmacroeconomic and event risk factors confrontingtheenterprise.Android users require the use of Mobile Office. ManyMobileOffice conversion apps are available for download on GooglePlay. APDF reader and a Zip File Manager are also required to usethisapp; also widely available for no charge on Google Play. Theappdirects users to a Drop Box to pick up a zip file.Sum2 does not collect or store any data entered into ourMobileBusiness apps. All data entry is done off line.